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elamir elamirch
🧠 Logician (INTP) ❤️ A good friend 💻 Software developer 💊 Medical science student 🌐 A global citizen from Iran #Debian #Ethereum #Laravel #Wordpress

Rasht, Iran

[ Taha. Dostifam‍ ] tahadostifam
👾 Software Engineer | 🦀 Rustacean | ☕️ Compiler Design Enthusiast

@cyrus-lang Iran/Bonab

Amirreza Rafati AssassinRobot
Golang backend developer


Artin karimi Thecode764
Front end developer. @vercel fan, I love @nextjs , linux fan, i use @pnpm , i use @tailwindlabs, i use @primer

Thecode764 /Home/Earth/Iran/Gilan/Rasht

Moein Mirsaeedi Moein0Mirsaeedi
Web developer

Iran , Mashhad , Golbahar

Nima NimaCodez
A 17 y,o Backend Developer (Express & Nest)! Sleeping in Tables and rows 🐢

NimaCodez Iran, Gilan, Rasht

Ali Almasi AliAlmasi
Computer networking student @ STVC & Junior web developer

@parchlinux Tehran, Iran

DX DanielcoderX
Open Source Software Developer

Not exist on the earth