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Godoy herniqeu


Rychillie Rychillie
Software Engineer and Content Creator based in Brazil, just a dreamer.

@construtores Brazil

Pedro Renan pedrorenan

PRTE Covilhã - Castelo Branco - Portugal

Guilherme Oliveira Guiqft
TypeScript developer. Curiosity brought me here. A young talent who left home at 17 in pursuit of the big dream :) The rest, I'll tell over a beer 🍻

Luizalabs São Carlos, SP

Ursula Junque (Ursinha) ursinha
Seeking amazement, one day at a time

Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

Chittlu Venkata Satya Murali Krishna vsatyamuralikrishna
Data Scientist | Abzooba Infotech Pvt. Ltd. | CSE IIT Bhubaneswar

Abzooba Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Devarapalli, India

William Oliveira williamso
Digital Products at Genial Investimentos

Genial Investimentos São Paulo - Brasil

Leonardo Sales LeonardoSabar
👋 Leonardo from Brazil 🌎 | Software Engineering student at 42 SP 🚀 | Passionate about coding and continuous learning

Sao Paulo - Brazil

Alonso Astroza Tagle aastroza
Data Scientist (15+ yrs exp) & AI enthusiast🌱. Prof at Universidad del Desarrollo, teaching Data Product Dev🎓. Building data products w/ LLMs like ChatGPT🤖.

IDS UDD, GeoVictoria Santiago, Chile

Matthew MatthewHash

Hash Metric Reston Virginia

Yigit Konur yigitkonur

@wopehq Lisbon / New Jersey / Istanbul

Raphael Costa raphaelcosta
product engineer at @anti-work, building

@anti-work Curitiba, Brazil

Doug Hudgeon hudgeon

Managed Functions

Cyrus CyrusNuevoDia

Zenbase AI Planet Earth

Dan vonkohorn
Lifelong programmer. AI/ML focus since 1997. Now a VC.

Broom Ventures

Travis Fischer transitive-bullshit
My heart is open source 💕 Formerly @amzn, @microsoft

Brooklyn, NY

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing