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Mark van der Broek mvdb-enspi
Data Science Expert

@enspiredGmbH Paris, FR

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ashwin V. Mohanan ashwinvis
HPC specialist and research software engineer. Ph.D, KTH alumnus.

@ENCCS Stockholm

K. Hintz khintz
PhD in Meteorology

Danish Meteorological Institute

Leif Denby leifdenby
Senior Scientist, Danish Meteorological Institute, DK & Visiting Scientist, University of Leeds, UK

Copenhagen, DK

Oliver Fuhrer ofuhrer

MeteoSwiss Zurich, Switzerland

Jinghao Hu hujinghaoabcd
PhD student (GIS), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences beijing

Alan Hally alan-hally

Met Éireann Dublin

Michiel Van Ginderachter mpvginde

Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

Hauke Schulz observingClouds
Climate scientist


Gibies George Gibies
Scientist E, NCMRWF, MoES, India Domain expertise includes Data Assimilation, Seasonal Prediction and Monsoon Dynamics


Daniele Nerini dnerini

@MeteoSwiss Switzerland

Zeynep Feriha Ünal Dinç zfunaldinc
NWP Meteorologist / Meteorological Engineer at TSMS - NWP Division

Turkish State Meteorological Service Ankara / Turkiye

Patrick A. Bonnaud pbonnaud

Nagakute, Aichi, Japan

Aakash Patil aakash30jan
Turbulence and Deep Learning

Stanfod | MINES ParisTech Palo Alto, CA

Capucine Lechartre clechartre
PhD student in Dynamic Macroecology at WSL. Weather, Climate, Ecological change, and all things fish

MeteoSwiss Zürich, Switzerland

Md Nahin Alam nahin29

University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh

Francesco Zanetta frazane
Machine learning scientist at MeteoSwiss 🌦

@MeteoSwiss Switzerland

Ayoub Mehbali mhbayoub
Meteorological Engineer at the NWP departement of the national office of meteorology,Algeria

ONM,Algeria Algeria

Walid CHIKHI walidchikhi
Meteorological Engineer with strong background in NWP models developing. Good Mastery of : Shell - Fortran - Python - R - Qgis - CMake

Météo-Algérie Algeria