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Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience. contact me with discord: carlostina34_3

Baxter Spring ,KS


UESTC Chendu,Sichuan

Raydonal Ospina Raydonal

Federal University of Bahia - Mathematics and Statistics Institute R. Barão de Jeremoabo, s/n - Ondina, Salvador - BA, 40170-115, Brazil

Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Drew Wilimitis drewwilimitis
PhD Student, Vanderbilt University Biomedical Informatics

Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN

Cancheng Li jasoncc2020

Beihang University Beijing

Sruthi Kuriakose Sruthi-sk
Research Interests: Neuro-AI, Computational Neuroscience, Deep Learning, Neurotechnology

London, UK

Sebastiano_Vacca_98 Sebarz98
MD | PhD Student

Feinstein Institute for Medical Research New York

Marloes Bet marloesbet
PhD in the @KNW-ANW team at Amsterdam UMC, analyzing longitudinal changes in the functional network in MS and associated cognitive impairment

@knw-anw Amsterdam

Vegard Fjellbo Fencekeeper
Mathematician (topologist) working as a Senior Consultant at the Insight & Analytics Dept of Webstep. Based in Oslo.

Webstep Norway

Nitesh Kumar NKM NKM-ML
ChemTopology, ChemNetworks, Data, Computation, Physics, ML.