Lucas Catto
👾 Hacking the world with lines of code and a cup of coffee. ☕️ Building bits and dreams in partnership with my keyboard.
Barra Bonita (SP)
Joel Varghese Oommen
AI/ML developer and Chess engine Developer. Passionate about all things AI/ML—constantly reading, experimenting, and coding
Jonas Joy Mercado
This might not be the first time i added myself to this group, but as allways i am ready to start learning (to program my own uci capable chess engine)
My own place Århus N
Krzysztof Dobrzyński
Senior Software Engineer | Investor on Warsaw Stock Exchange | ChromeOS / BSD / Linux | C# / C / Python | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods
Warsaw, Poland
Deepanjhan Das
Currently I'm an undergrad student of IIT Madras. It's great to invest time in this hub.
IIT Madras Chennai, India
Mengdi Wang
A Student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Hubei Wuhan, China
Clifford Thompson
Software Engineering Archæologist
OSI Maritime Systems Vancouver, British Columbia