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Edgar Lázaro elazaro

mxRISC Mexico City

mshlomd mshlomd
full-time infosec consultant, hobbyist coder, and amateur linguist on weekends
Dmytro Dzubenko dzubchik
CTO at Corefy


Stoney Kang sikang99
TreamGRIT member, Multimedia & Blockchain System Design & Development, Gopher

TeamGRIT, Inc. 대한민국

Fibnet fibnet
FibNET ng-ZeroTrust PaaS/SaaS - Defensive perimeter Edge Compute Kubernetes network Cluster/Orchestrator. Open PKI mTLS tunnel Derivatives.


Serge Croisé SergeCroise
Railway enthusiast 🚂 Pinchèvre (Normandie)

Meghdad Shamsaei SecurityEnthusiast
Computer Engineer, Security Enthusiast, Math drunk, and Programming lover. I try to code to learn thinking.


Katsuyoshi Ozaki moratori
my interests: Public Key Infrastructure, Self-sovereign identity, Verifiable Credentials, Domain Name System, Symbolic Computation

Tokyo, Japan