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Jeamin Choi jeamxn
It's fun when you try something that no one can do.

Jeamin Dev (@Jeamxn) Seoul, ROK

Sangyoun Kim sangyounkim

Waterloo, ON, Canada

YoungHoi Koo YHKOO95
Junior Android Developer In Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷💻📱

@peoplefund-tech Seoul, South Korea

SeomGi, Han iandmyhand
Engineering at UNO Trading Corp.

UNO Trading Corp. Seoul, Republic of Korea.

권순관 SoonGwan

@peoplefund-tech Earth

Ray Jang ajou4095
2년차 Android 개발자 장성혁 입니다.

@peoplefund-tech Korea, Republic of

최근휘 KueNiYam
졸업작품으로 만들었던 게임

@peoplefund-dev 서울특별시