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Prince Charles prince-hope1975
Senior Blockchain Engineer and fullstack Engineer. Reach out to me if you want to chat!!!


Nicholas Shellabarger temptemp3
Building decentralized apps for everyone
Nawodya Ishan nawodyaishan
Unity | Full Stack | Web3

@metaroonlabs Balangoda, Sri Lanka

LyghtCode LyghtCode
We are Infinite Creation

Earth Atitlan

Daniel Njoku njokdan
God First | Technology | Innovation | Health | A.I. | Security - (Programmer & Technical Support Engineer)

Tek Experts Lagos, Nigeria

Marijana Despotović-Zrakić majaELAB

Faculty of Organizational science Belgrade

Xxiled xxiled-plastic-cat
Technology leader and blockchain enthusiast.

Plastic Cat / Algogator Finance / Aurora Digital Scotland

Ashish Pradhan ashish-ad
Software Engineer as a FullStack Developer at @shyftlabs, An open-source geek.

Effibuild India

Reeka Maharaj reekamaharaj
Technical Writer


Ojo Timilehin Joseph Timex19
Software Developer & Business Administrator.


JessDataDev jdsjdk
I have been a Systems Engineer for the past 8 years, and now I am a Data and AI Engineer.

Penguin Technologies Washington DC

Z.R.Soh niczrsoh
Malaysian Mobile/Web App Developer


Joy Ayitey CharaD7
Making things beautiful, bringing tech to life.

NoFunLabs Ghana, Accra

Okponobi Eagles Emmanauel eaglesdgreat
Full-Stack Engineer

Lagos, Nigeria

Bonnie Cooper SmilodonCub
Data Scientist with Neuroscience Perspectives

New York, New York

Peter Abolude CFCIfe
I am a Software engineer, looking to help you build web applications. 👍 🚢

@ezegenesis Lagos, Nigeria

paul vidal vidalpaul
Blockchain Developer @ Celfocus

Celfocus Lisbon, Portugal

Nick Oliveira noliveira95
"The past can only be remembered. The present can only be experienced. The future has to be crafted." - Sadhguru

Las Vegas, NV

Priest Sabo Ombugadu wisdomspine
Angular Developer | Frontend Engineer | Backend Developer (NestJS) | Flutter Developer | WordPress Designer


Daniel Chuks danielChuks
Software Developer, Typescript, Blockchain Enthusiast

Africa Blockchain Alliance Lagos Nigeria

Wisdom Nwakaku nwakaku
#Human # Developer # Crypto Enthusiast

@creativecorner Umuahia Nigeria

Jay McCarthy jeapostrophe

@reach-sh @racket Provo, UT

David Cooley cooleydw494
Wanted to learn Python so I accidentally started building a framework 🫨

Fivable, LLC Rock Hill, SC