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Janer Vega J4nnn
¿Qué te puedo decir? I'm trying

Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga, Colombia

Javier Andrés Quiroga Torres JavQuiroga

Universidad Industrial De Santander (Bucaramanga, Santander) Bucaramanga/Santander

Fabian Perez *-* Factral
Computer Vision reseacher

Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia

Hoover Rueda hfarueda
Hi! I am Hoover, Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, interested in computational imaging, hyperspectral imaging and optimization algorithms.
Miguel Angel Molina Garzon MiguelAngMolina

Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia

Manuel Herrera-Poveda Skarterhg
Systems Engineering Student

Universidad Industrial de Santander

Ramiro Avila ramiro999
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence Researcher

UIS Bucaramanga, Santander

Daniel Sarmiento DanielSarmiento04
Programmer, mechanical engineer and entrepreneur, my goal is to improve the quality of life of people, technology is the tool I use.

Axede S.A Santander, Colombia