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Abhishek Soni abhisheksoni27
Lead Engineer @ambitionboxofficial

AmbitionBox localhost

HanDongWook HanDongWook
Software Engineer : Android • iOS • Windows

Seoul, South Korea

Eden Zimbelman zimeg
i like code, coffee, math, and music. open source engineer @slackapi

@slackapi San Francisco, CA

VGISC Labs vgisc-labs
Information Security and Cryptography Vietnam Government Infomation Security Commission

VGISC Labs Ha Noi

白白的群子 furinafirefly
Even if you are pricked by life today, wish for a beautiful tomorrow.
Vivek Kothari vivekkothari

@ModernLoop @slackhq Pune

Steven Koposov Steven-koposov
iOS/Mac Software Engineer
Sonu Saha ahasunos
Software Engineer at @inspec @chef! Previously at @Infosys Archives at @thevirtualbuddy

@chef India

yoichi-ikegawa tanakaryo
IT Specialist in Deloitte.
Arunkumar M arunm1407
Android Developer

Zoho Corporation Chennai

ZZZZ - DZJSAMA - KJV abanadz
Imperfection is my oath while trying to maintain balance between symbols of all things here and there.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aman Umrao amanraox
simple guy who codes for fun. Here to learn and contribute.

MathematicsLife bhilai

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards


Huzaifa Khilawala RedHeadphone
Just a guy who codes for fun
henni henni99
Resilience & Android Developer & OSS Developer
Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Henrique Carvalho codigocarvalho
Engenheiro da Computação com conhecimentos em Java, Javascript, Typescript, React.JS, React Native, Node.JS

@moblabdigital Brazil

Gajendra Singh Rathore gsrathoreniks
Android Engineer | Open Source Contributor | Kotlin | React Native

@PratilipiComics @Pratilipi Bengaluru

Ryo Hanafusa R-HNF

ZOZO, inc. (joined in 2023) Chiba (near Tokyo), Japan

Hau NGUYEN (Leo N) nphausg
Engineer @ GXS Bank | MSc 🎓 | Technical Writer 🇻🇳 🇸🇬 🇲🇾 🇦🇺 🇹🇭

@vatoio @KL-Innovation-Design Singapore

Mahdi Talebi MahdiGraph
Hey 👋 my name is metti and i'm trying to be a fullstack developer :) 🥇

Home Isfahan

sandergol sandergol
I am an Elixir Backend Developer with over 7 years of experience. I have strong expertise in working with 5 different programming languages.
Maniram Yadav maniram-yadav
Computer Science and Engineering. [2014-2018]

Uttar Pradesh , India

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

codeMonkeyCybersecurity CodeMonkeyCybersecurity
Cybersecurity with humans

Code Monkey Cybersecurity fremantle, wa

Ahmed A. Ibrahim AhmedAliIbrahim
A Software Engineer

1Trolley Cairo , Egypt

Juliana Dias juuh42dias
#Ruby Software Craftswoman | Admin at | Impulso Expert | She/Ela | Made in Goiás


Hacker by day, Hacker by night!!!


Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Hrudu Shibu hrudu-dev
System Administrator at @axcess-tech | Innovating with AWS, Office 365, Salesforce, Atlassian & CrowdStrike Falcon Administration & Development

@axcess-tech Bengaluru, India