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Nottingham, UK

Stephen Scott sassquad
I specialise in front end web development, and have worked across the UK and Malaysia. I have also created various games for the BBC Micro and RISC OS platform.

Berkeley Group Godalming, Surrey, UK

Sandy smiffer67
30+ years in IT. Currently a system admin with the SNHS looking after the LIMS system running on IBMs AIX 7.2. Huge Acorn fan as well as DIY computer building.

SNHS Scotland

Stefan polluks
Rust-less programming


Chris Mountford christo
Follows you

fp, ai, ml, creative code, modular synthesis, retrocoding, blockchain Sydney, Australia

LoveBug LoveBug2084
Interests: programming, designing electronics and printed circuit boards, art, music, retro. Job: corroded macbook motherboard repairs, data recovery.


StingRay/Scarab^Scoopex MK1Roxxor
Coding Amiga stuff (mainly demos) for more than 25 years.
David Thomas dpt
Half man, half pixel

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, Earth

Laurence Mercer input
Python and Django dev. Founder of Ludoly (

London, UK

Software engineer, maker, geek of all trades.
Steven Robertson stever
Software Developer. 25 years+ industry experience. Collaborative inventor. JavaScript, Python, C#, C, Java & more.

Wolf Logic Ltd. (@wolf-logic) The Mearns, Scotland, Great Britain

Paolo Fabio Zaino pzaino
Senior Principal Software Engineer, focused on R&D. I mostly enjoy Open Source Software and Linux/BSD OS as well as old things like RISC OS, Amiga OS and TOS

Software Engineer Planet Earth

Steve Howes stevenhowes

@Poundbury-Systems Dorset, United Kingdom

Ian Jeffray IJeffray

Livingston, Scotland

Graham Toal gtoal

Retired. South Texas, USA

Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
S Mestre sanmes
Programming games specially for retro machines(but also for fantasy consoles Pico-8/Tic-80 and Desktop PC). I also like pixelart.
