Yann Trividic
French artist, editor and developer. I'm mostly interested in web-to-print those days. (And you can find my most recent projects on my GitLab!)
Montreuil, France
John Dziurlaj
Election technology modernization, security and interoperability
@HiltonRoscoe Akron, Ohio
Martin Kraetke
Lead Content Engineer @le-tex and @transpect
le-tex publishing services GmbH Leipzig
Conal Tuohy
I am a freelance software developer specialising in text and metadata processing, including various XML technologies, RDF, Linked Data, and SPARQL.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Martin Sievers
I studied Applied Mathematics and have been working in the "Digital Humanities" since 2010.
For more than twenty years I have been using TeX.
Einfach schöner publizieren Trier, Germany
Gendon Tang
A college student. Studying zig, graphics, and interested in AIML.
Guilin University of Electronic Technology Guangxi