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Joel P Diaz-Fong JOEwithanL
Ph.D. Student at UofT


Kenneth Strickland kenstrickland
I've been working as a Software Architect for over two decades specializing in Objective C, C/C++, and Java development.

Georgia State University United States

Alejandra López Castro Alejandra-LozC
Physician interested in cognitive neuroscience, imagenology and neuroethics. Music and physics enthusiast. MD, MS, PhD student at INB-UNAM



UESTC Chendu,Sichuan

Kyle Jensen kylemarkjensen

Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) Atlanta, GA

Brad bbradt
Postdoc working on Machine Learning and Software Development for Neuroimaging at TReNDS center for NeuroImaging and Data Science.

Tri-Institutional Research Center for Neuroimaging and Data Science Atlanta, GA

Daniela JanevaD
Neuroscience PhD Student

INS UMR1106 Marseille

Yang Hu younghoo
I am working as a neuroimaging data analyst in China. In my part time, I do some simple research problems out of curiosity.


Juan Johnson juangina
I am a retired Electrical Engineering Educator who has transitioned into a Full Stack Web Developer. I currently build professional Shopify eCommerce sites

Johnson-Thomas Estate Stone Mountain, GA USA

Sujas Bhardwaj, PhD SUJ4S
Data Science in Neuroimaging, Machine Learning, Functional Neuroimaging

Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Sience (IISc), Bengaluru Bengaluru, India

Kiran Dhakal kneurophy
Neuroimaging Consciousness Creativity
Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Yiheng Liu WhatAboutMyStar
Student. I am interested in MachineLearning and DeepLearning.

NWPU Xi'an, China

SumanthMeenan SumanthMeenan
Having a sound knowledge in mathematics, decided to bring out the best insights from the data around us.

Georgia State University Atlanta

Amritha Harikumar amrithah93
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience PhD Student at Georgia State + TReNDS Center.

Georgia State University Atlanta, GA

CS PhD Candidate
Hui Zheng Ernest861
I am interested in the mechanisms and treatment of addiction through MRI, EEG, TMS, TES, and model-based and model-free paradigms.

Shanghai Mental Health Center Shanghai

H. Jeremy Bockholt hjbockholt

@trendscenter Atlanta, GA, USA