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Docker workshop 🦈

Dockerize project:

to dockerize your project you need to create dockerfile that contains instructions for container

  • dockerfile 📃:

    FROM ImageName
    WORKDIR src/app/
    # copy your project to workdir relative path :
    COPY . .
    #command that run when you build your image
    RUN executable parameter
    # change user from root to yourUser
    USER yourUser
    # Define the network ports that this container will listen on at runtime.
    EXPOSE portProject
    # command that running when container started
    CMD ['executable','parameter']

note: Application automatically start in production mode

when you create dockerfile all you need now is building your image

docker build -t Tag-of-image path-of-dockerfile

now start your image 🐲

docker run -p your-network-port:port-of-container image-name-or-container-id

Why we need docker-compose 🎼:

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

Docker Commands Cheat Sheet:

command Description
docker ps List running containers
docker ps -a List all containers
docker exec -it container-name /bin/sh connect to container
docker start container-name start a container
docker stop container-name stop a container
docker kill container-name kill a container
docker restart container-name Restart a container
docker rm container-name remove a container
docker stats Show running container stats
docker system df disk space being used by your containers
docker run -d -p 80:80 image-name disk space being used by your containers

Share your application ☁️:

  • login to your account docker hub docker login
  • create new repo
  • link your image with the repo
  • push your image
  • it's live now !

References 📖: