online Multiplayer tic tac toe game ReactJs and
To understand the most important aspects behind which allow you to quickly develop Socket servers and build client-side applications using Javascript and React to connect to the server and communicate and exchange data through an event driven mechanism , create a complete Tic-Tac-Toe multiplayer online game using, Node.js, Express.js and React and make it work perfectly so that you can use it between your friends and have a good time together playing at XO.
- Configuring Express Server Project and Installing Dependencies
- Creating server with Express
- Setting up the React client application
- Connecting the Socket client to the server
- Custom Events (Send and Listen)
- Rooms and join custom rooms for our game
- Allow user to tap and join custom game room
- Creation of our Tic Tac Toe game board
- Update game board via sockets between multiplayer
- Manage player turns during a game
- Send game start event when players are ready
- Check if a player has won the game
- Send Win status to another player