Renders scattered or non-linear data.
Unlike Grid
, which renders checkerboard data, Collection
can render arbitrarily positioned- even overlapping- data.
Note that this component's measuring and layout phase is more expensive than Grid
since it can not assume a correlation between a cell's index and position. For this reason it will take signifnicantly longer to initialize than the more linear/checkerboard components.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
className | String | Optional custom CSS class name to attach to root Collection element. | |
cellCount | Number | ✓ | Number of cells in collection. |
cellGroupRenderer | Function | ✓ | Responsible for rendering a group of cells given their indices.: ({ cellSizeAndPositionGetter:Function, indices: Array<number>, cellRenderer: Function }): Array<PropTypes.node> |
cellRenderer | Function | ✓ | Responsible for rendering a cell given an row and column index: ({ index: number, isScrolling: boolean }): PropTypes.element |
cellSizeAndPositionGetter | Function | ✓ | Callback responsible for returning size and offset/position information for a given cell (index): ({ index: number }): { height: number, width: number, x: number, y: number } |
height | Number | ✓ | Height of Collection; this property determines the number of visible (vs virtualized) rows. |
noContentRenderer | Function | Optional renderer to be rendered inside the grid when cellCount is 0: (): PropTypes.node |
onSectionRendered | Function | Callback invoked with information about the section of the Collection that was just rendered: ({ indices: Array<number> }): void |
onScroll | Function | Callback invoked whenever the scroll offset changes within the inner scrollable region: ({ clientHeight: number, clientWidth: number, scrollHeight: number, scrollLeft: number, scrollTop: number, scrollWidth: number }): void |
scrollLeft | Number | Horizontal offset | |
scrollToAlignment | String | Controls the alignment of scrolled-to-cells. The default ("auto") scrolls the least amount possible to ensure that the specified cell is fully visible. Use "start" to always align cells to the top/left of the Collection and "end" to align them bottom/right. Use "center" to align specified cell in the middle of container. |
scrollToCell | Number | Cell index to ensure visible (by scrolling if necessary) | |
scrollTop | Number | Vertical offset | |
sectionSize | Number | Optionally override the size of the sections a Collection's cells are split into. This is an advanced option and should only be used for performance tuning purposes. | |
style | Object | Optional custom inline style to attach to root Collection element. | |
width | Number | ✓ | Width of Collection; this property determines the number of visible (vs virtualized) columns. |
Recomputes cell sizes and positions.
This function should be called if cell sizes or positions have changed but nothing else has.
Since Collection only receives cellCount
(and not the underlying List or Array) it has no way of detecting when the underlying data changes.
The Collection component supports the following static class names
Property | Description |
Collection | Main (outer) element |
Collection__innerScrollContainer | Inner scrollable area |
Collection__cell | Individual cell |
Below is a very basic Collection
example. It displays an array of objects with fixed row and column sizes.
See here for a more full-featured example.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Collection } from 'react-virtualized';
import 'react-virtualized/styles.css'; // only needs to be imported once
// Collection data as an array of arrays
const list = [
{ name: 'Brian Vaughn', x: 13, y: 34, width: 123, size: 234 }
// And so on...
// Render your grid
cellRenderer={({ index }) => list[index].name}
cellSizeAndPositionGetter={({ index }) => {
const datum = list[index]
return {
height: datum.height,
width: datum.width,
x: datum.x,
y: datum.y