Ukrainian Cyrillic transliteration to Latin script.
Supported transliteration schemes:
import UkrainianLatin
encode("Доброго вечора!")
Set the transliteration scheme:
encode("Борщ", table: .DSTU_9112_B)
encode("Шевченко", table: .KMU_55)
Input is assumed to be in Ukrainian (Cyrillic or Latin script), and will be processed in full. If your data has mixed languages, do preprocessing to extract Ukrainian chunks.
uklatn 'моє щастя'
Running executable from a package:
swift run uklatn 'моє щастя'
usage: uklatn [-h] [-t TABLE] [-c] [-l] [-f FILE] [text ...]
text text to transliterate
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --table {DSTU_9112_A,DSTU_9112_B,KMU_55}
transliteration system (default: DSTU_9112_A)
-l, --lat, --latin convert to Latin script (default)
-c, --cyr, --cyrillic convert to Cyrillic script
-f, --file FILE read text from file