Software package providing segmentation nodes based on various techniques. Masked image or mask is provided, and can be tuned via dynamic_reconfigure. More information can be found in http://wiki.ros.org/pal_vision_segmentation.
Hereafter an example based on images recorded in a rosbag is presented.
Play the rosbag provided as example in pal_vision_segmentation:
rosbag play `rospack find pal_vision_segmentation`/etc/pringles.bag --loop
which publishes images of a pringles pot:
In order to segment the pringles pot based on its color an image template like the following one is required:
Launch the 'histogram_segmentation' node as follows so that the appropriate object template is used:
rosrun pal_vision_segmentation histogram_segmentation `rospack find pal_vision_segmentation`/etc/pringles_template.png image:=/stereo/left/image _dilate_iterations:=5 _erode_iterations:=1
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/histogram_segmentation/mask
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/histogram_segmentation/image_masked