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423 lines (284 loc) · 7.88 KB

File metadata and controls

423 lines (284 loc) · 7.88 KB

The MZBench CLI lets you control the server and benchmarks from the command line. It utilizes the MZBench API, but goes beyond it: it can do things even without a running MZBench server.

The commands are invoked by the mzbench script in the bin directory:

# Inside the MZBench directory:
$ ./bin/mzbench start --env foo=bar --nodes=5
# or:
$ cd bin
$ ./mzbench start --env foo=bar --nodes=5


Server Control


$ ./bin/mzbench start_server
Executing make -C /path/to/mzbench/bin/../server generate

Start the MZBench server.

Optional params:

--config <config_file> : Path to the server config file.


$ ./bin/mzbench stop_server
Executing make -C /path/to/mzbench/bin/../server generate

Stop the MZBench server.


$ ./bin/mzbench restart_server
Executing make -C /path/to/mzbench/bin/../server generate

Restart the MZBench server, i.e. stop + start.

Optional params:

--config <config_file> : Path to the server config file.

Benchmark Control


$ mzbench start --env foo=bar --nodes=5 foo.bdl
    "status": "pending",
    "id": 86

Start the benchmark from the given scenario file.

Positional param:

<scenario_file> : The path to the scenario file for the benchmark.

Optional params:

--name <benchmark_name> : Benchmark name.

--nodes <nodes> : Number of nodes or a comma-separated list of node hostnames to run the benchmark on.

--nodes_file <filename> : Path to a file with node hostnames separated by newlines.

--env <name=value> ... : Environment variable definitions.

--cloud <cloud_provider_name> : Name of the cloud provider from the server config. If not specified, the first one on the list is used.

--email <email> ... : Emails for notifications. When the benchmark finishes, the results will be sent to these emails.

--deallocate_after_bench false : Skip node deallocation after the benchmark.

--provision_nodes false : Skip MZBench installation on the nodes.

--node_commit=<commit> : Commit hash or branch name in the MZBench repository pointing to the MZBench version to install on the nodes.

--exclusive=<label> : Benchmarks with the same label couldn't be executed simultaneously, any further benches with this label will be blocked until its execution finishes.


$ mzbench run --env foo=bar --nodes=5 foo.bdl
    "status": "pending",
    "id": 86

Same as start, but blocks until the benchmark is complete.

Positional param:

<scenario_file> : The path to the scenario file for the benchmark.


$ mzbench run_local --env foo=bar foo.bdl
Executing make -C /path/to/mzbench/bin/../node compile

Run the benchmark without a server. The logs are printed to stdout.

Positional param:

<scenario_file> : The path to the scenario file for the benchmark.

Optional param:

--env <name=value> ... : Environment variable definitions.


$ mzbench validate foo.bdl

Validate the scenario file without executing it.

Positional param:

<scenario_file> : The path to the scenario file for the benchmark.


$ mzbench status 86
    "status": "provisioning",
    "start_time": "2015-11-18T13:52:04Z"

Get the status, start time, and, when completed, finish time of the benchmark.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.


$ ./bin/mzbench stop 89
    "status": "stopped"

Stop the benchmark.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.


$ ./bin/mzbench log 89
Start of log for bench 89
13:52:05.001 [info] [ API ] Node repo: {git_install_spec,

View the benchmark system logs.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.


$ ./bin/mzbench userlog 89
Start of userlog for bench 89
14:02:47.080 [info] <0.237.0> Dummy print: "FOO"

View the benchmark worker logs.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.


$ ./bin/mzbench data 89
        "target": "",
        "datapoints": [

View the metrics data collected during the benchmark.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.


$ mzbench change_env 86 --env foo=baz
    "status": "set"

Redefine an environment variable without interrupting the benchmark:

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run.

Optional param:

--env <name=value> ... : Environment variable definitions.


$ mzbench clusters_info
        "timestamp": 1479140779,
        "bench_id": 29,
        "n": 2,
        "state": "allocated",
        "hosts": [
        "provider": "mzb_dummycloud_plugin",
        "id": 5

Check for currently allocated clusters.


$ mzbench remove_cluster_info 5

Remove cluster from a list of allocated clusters.

Positional param:

<cluster_id> : The ID of the cluster as returned by clusters_info.


$ mzbench deallocate_cluster 5

Deallocate cluster and remove it from a list of allocated clusters.

Positional param:

<cluster_id> : The ID of the cluster as returned by clusters_info.


$ mzbench add_tags 50 a,b

Add tags to a specified benchmark.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run. <tags> : Comma-separated tag list.


$ mzbench remove_tags 50 a,b

Remove tags from a specified benchmark.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run. <tags> : Comma-separated tag list.


$ mzbench run_command 86 --percent 5 --pool 1 print(\"123\")
    "status": "ok"

Run BDL statement on a given percent of workers without interrupting the benchmark, please note that the code is executed inside current loop and if there is no loop -- it wont be executed at all.

Positional param:

<benchmark_id> : The ID of the benchmark as returned by start or run. <command> : BDL statement to be executed.

Optional param:

--percent <value> : Percent of workers to execute a command, default value is 100. --pool <number> : Pool number from the top of a script, default value is 1.



$ mzbench selfcheck
Executing /path/to/mzbench/bin/ /path/to/mzbench/bin/../

Run the tests on MZBench.


$ mzbench list_templates

List the available worker templates to base new workers on.


$ mzbench new_worker --template python_empty bar
new worker bar has been created

Create a new worker directory for development purposes.

Positional param:

<worker_name> : The name of the new worker.

Optional params:

--template <template_name> : The template for the new worker. See the full list of available templates with list_templates.