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1011 lines (673 loc) · 29 KB

File metadata and controls

1011 lines (673 loc) · 29 KB



The mixitup.Mixer class is used to hold discreet, user-configured instances of MixItUp on a provided container element.

Mixer instances are returned whenever the mixitup() factory function is called, which expose a range of methods enabling API-based filtering, sorting, insertion, removal and more.



Version added: 3.0.0


A shorthand method for .filter('all'). Shows all targets in the container.

Type Name Description
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State>
Example: Showing all targets
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === state.totalTargets); // true


Version added: 3.0.0


A shorthand method for .filter('none'). Hides all targets in the container.

Type Name Description
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State>
Example: Hiding all targets
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 0); // true
        console.log(state.totalHide === state.totalTargets); // true


Version added: 2.0.0


Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a MixItUp operation is currently in progress.

Type Name Description
Returns boolean
Example: Checking the status of a mixer
mixer.sort('random', function() {
    console.log(mixer.isMixing()) // false

console.log(mixer.isMixing()) // true


Version added: 2.0.0

.filter(selector [, animate] [, callback])

Filters all targets in the container by a provided selector string, or the values 'all' or 'none'. Only targets matching the selector will be shown.

Type Name Description
Param string, HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement> selector Any valid CSS selector (i.e. '.category-a'), or the values 'all' or 'none'. The filter method also accepts a reference to single target element or a collection of target elements to show.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Filtering targets by a class selector
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === containerEl.querySelectorAll('.category-a').length); // true
Example 2: Filtering targets by an attribute selector
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === containerEl.querySelectorAll('[data-category~="a"]').length); // true
Example 3: Filtering targets by a compound selector
// Show only those targets with the classes 'category-a' AND 'category-b'

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === containerEl.querySelectorAll('.category-a.category-c').length); // true
Example 4: Filtering via an element collection
var collection = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll('.mix'));

console.log(collection.length); // 34

// Filter the collection manually using Array.prototype.filter

var filtered = collection.filter(function(target) {
   return parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-price')) > 10;

console.log(filtered.length); // 22

// Pass the filtered collection to MixItUp

   .then(function(state) {
       console.log(state.activeFilter.collection.length === 22); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.toggleOn(selector [, animate] [, callback])

Adds an additional selector to the currently active filter selector, concatenating as per the logic defined in controls.toggleLogic.

Type Name Description
Param string selector Any valid CSS selector (i.e. '.category-a')
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Toggling on a filter selector
console.log(mixer.getState().activeFilter.selector); // '.category-a'

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeFilter.selector); // '.category-a, .category-b'


Version added: 3.0.0

.toggleOff(selector [, animate] [, callback])

Removes a selector from the active filter selector.

Type Name Description
Param string selector Any valid CSS selector (i.e. '.category-a')
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Toggling off a filter selector
console.log(mixer.getState().activeFilter.selector); // '.category-a, .category-b'

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeFilter.selector); // '.category-a'


Version added: 2.0.0

.sort(sortString [, animate] [, callback])

Sorts all targets in the container according to a provided sort string.

Type Name Description
Param string, Array.<HTMLElement> sortString A valid sort string (e.g. 'default', 'published-date:asc', or 'random'). The sort method also accepts an array of all target elements in a user-defined order.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Sorting by the default DOM order
// Reverse the default order of the targets

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeSort.attribute === 'default'); // true
        console.log(state.activeSort.order === 'desc'); // true
Example 2: Sorting by a custom data-attribute
// Sort the targets by the value of a `data-published-date` attribute

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeSort.attribute === 'published-date'); // true
        console.log(state.activeSort.order === 'asc'); // true
Example 3: Sorting by multiple attributes
// Sort the targets by the value of a `data-published-date` attribute, then by `data-title`

mixer.sort('published-date:desc data-title:asc')
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeSort.attribute === 'published-date'); // true
        console.log(state.activeSort.order === 'desc'); // true

        console.log( === 'title'); // true
        console.log( === 'asc'); // true
Example 4: Sorting by random
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeSort.order === 'random') // true
Example 5: Sorting via an element collection
var collection = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll('.mix'));

// Swap the position of two elements in the collection:

var temp = collection[1];

collection[1] = collection[0];
collection[0] = temp;

// Pass the sorted collection to MixItUp

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.targets[0] === collection[0]); // true


Version added: 2.0.0

.changeLayout(containerClassName [, animate] [, callback])

Changes the layout of the container by adding, removing or updating a layout-specific class name. If animation.animateResizetargets is enabled, MixItUp will attempt to gracefully animate the width, height, and position of targets between layout states.

Type Name Description
Param string containerClassName A layout-specific class name to add to the container.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Adding a new class name to the container
     .then(function(state) {
         console.log(state.activeContainerClass === 'container-list'); // true
Example 2: Removing a previously added class name from the container
     .then(function(state) {
         console.log(state.activeContainerClass === ''); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.dataset(dataset [, animate] [, callback])

Updates the contents and order of the container to reflect the provided dataset, if the dataset API is in use.

The dataset API is designed for use in API-driven JavaScript applications, and can be used instead of DOM-based methods such as .filter(), .sort(), .insert(), etc. When used, insertion, removal, sorting and pagination can be achieved purely via changes to your data model, without the uglyness of having to interact with or query the DOM directly.

Type Name Description
Param Array.<object> dataset An array of objects, each one representing the underlying data model of a target to be rendered.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Rendering a dataset
var myDataset = [
    {id: 1, ...},
    {id: 2, ...},
    {id: 3, ...}

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 3); // true
Example 2: Sorting a dataset
// Create a new dataset in reverse order

var newDataset = myDataset.slice().reverse();

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeDataset[0] === myDataset[2]); // true
Example 3: Removing an item from the dataset
console.log(myDataset.length); // 3

// Create a new dataset with the last item removed.

var newDataset = myDataset.slice().pop();

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 2); // true


Version added: 2.0.0

.multimix(multimixCommand [, animate] [, callback])

Performs simultaneous filter, sort, insert, remove and changeLayout operations as requested.

Type Name Description
Param object multimixCommand An object containing one or more things to do
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Performing simultaneous filtering and sorting
    filter: '.category-b',
    sort: 'published-date:desc'
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeFilter.selector === '.category-b'); // true
        console.log(state.activeSort.attribute === 'published-date'); // true
Example 2: Performing simultaneous sorting, insertion, and removal
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 6

// NB: When inserting via `multimix()`, an object should be provided as the value
// for the `insert` portion of the command, allowing for a collection of elements
// and an insertion index to be specified.

    sort: 'published-date:desc', // Sort the container, including any new elements
    insert: {
        collection: [newElementReferenceA, newElementReferenceB], // Add 2 new elements at index 5
        index: 5
    remove: existingElementReference // Remove 1 existing element
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.activeSort.attribute === 'published-date'); // true
        console.log(state.totalShow === 7); // true


Version added: 2.0.0

.insert(newElements [, index] [, animate], [, callback])

Inserts one or more new target elements into the container at a specified index.

To be indexed as targets, new elements must match the selector ('.mix' by default).

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string newElements A reference to a single element to insert, an array-like collection of elements, or an HTML string representing a single element.
Param number index The index at which to insert the new element(s). 0 by default.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Inserting a single element via reference
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 0

// Create a new element

var newElement = document.createElement('div');

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 1); // true
Example 2: Inserting a single element via HTML string
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 1

// Create a new element via reference

var newElementHtml = '<div class="mix"></div>';

// Create and insert the new element at index 1

mixer.insert(newElementHtml, 1)
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 2); // true
        console.log([1].outerHTML === newElementHtml); // true
Example 3: Inserting multiple elements via reference
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 2

// Create an array of new elements to insert.

var newElement1 = document.createElement('div');
var newElement2 = document.createElement('div');


var newElementsCollection = [newElement1, newElement2];

// Insert the new elements starting at index 1

mixer.insert(newElementsCollection, 1)
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 4); // true
        console.log([1] === newElement1); // true
        console.log([2] === newElement2); // true
Example 4: Inserting a jQuery collection object containing one or more elements
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 4

var $newElement = $('<div class="mix"></div>');

// Insert the new elements starting at index 3

mixer.insert($newElement, 3)
    .then(function(state) {
        console.log(state.totalShow === 5); // true
        console.log([3] === $newElement[0]); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.insertBefore(newElements, referenceElement [, animate] [, callback])

Inserts one or more new elements before a provided reference element.

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string newElements A reference to a single element to insert, an array-like collection of elements, or an HTML string representing a single element.
Param HTMLElement referenceElement A reference to an existing element in the container to insert new elements before.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Inserting a new element before a reference element
// An existing reference element is chosen at index 2

var referenceElement = mixer.getState().show[2];

// Create a new element

var newElement = document.createElement('div');

mixer.insertBefore(newElement, referenceElement)
    .then(function(state) {
        // The new element is inserted into the container at index 2, before the reference element

        console.log([2] === newElement); // true

        // The reference element is now at index 3

        console.log([3] === referenceElement); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.insertAfter(newElements, referenceElement [, animate] [, callback])

Inserts one or more new elements after a provided reference element.

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string newElements A reference to a single element to insert, an array-like collection of elements, or an HTML string representing a single element.
Param HTMLElement referenceElement A reference to an existing element in the container to insert new elements after.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Inserting a new element after a reference element
// An existing reference element is chosen at index 2

var referenceElement = mixer.getState().show[2];

// Create a new element

var newElement = document.createElement('div');

mixer.insertAfter(newElement, referenceElement)
    .then(function(state) {
        // The new element is inserted into the container at index 3, after the reference element

        console.log([3] === newElement); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.prepend(newElements [,animate] [,callback])

Inserts one or more new elements into the container before all existing targets.

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string newElements A reference to a single element to insert, an array-like collection of elements, or an HTML string representing a single element.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Prepending a new element
// Create a new element

var newElement = document.createElement('div');

// Insert the element into the container

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log([0] === newElement); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.append(newElements [,animate] [,callback])

Inserts one or more new elements into the container after all existing targets.

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string newElements A reference to a single element to insert, an array-like collection of elements, or an HTML string representing a single element.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example: Appending a new element
// Create a new element

var newElement = document.createElement('div');

// Insert the element into the container

    .then(function(state) {
        console.log([ - 1] === newElement); // true


Version added: 3.0.0

.remove(elements [, animate] [, callback])

Removes one or more existing target elements from the container.

Type Name Description
Param HTMLElement, Array.<HTMLElement>, string, number elements A reference to a single element to remove, an array-like collection of elements, a selector string, or the index of an element to remove.
Param boolean [animate] An optional boolean dictating whether the operation should animate, or occur syncronously with no animation. true by default.
Param function [callback] An optional callback function to be invoked after the operation has completed.
Returns Promise.<mixitup.State> A promise resolving with the current state object.
Example 1: Removing an element by reference
var elementToRemove = containerEl.firstElementChild;

     .then(function(state) {
         console.log(state.targets.indexOf(elementToRemove) === -1); // true
Example 2: Removing a collection of elements by reference
var elementsToRemove = containerEl.querySelectorAll('.category-a');

console.log(elementsToRemove.length) // 3

     .then(function() {
         console.log(containerEl.querySelectorAll('.category-a').length); // 0
Example 3: Removing one or more elements by selector
     .then(function() {
         console.log(containerEl.querySelectorAll('.category-a').length); // 0
Example 4: Removing an element by index
console.log(mixer.getState.totalShow); // 4

// Remove the element at index 3

     .then(function(state) {
         console.log(state.totalShow); // 3
         console.log([3]); // undefined


Version added: 2.0.0


Retrieves the the value of any property or sub-object within the current mixitup configuration, or the whole configuration object.

Type Name Description
Param string [stringKey] A "dot-notation" string key
Returns *
Example 1: retrieve the entire configuration object
var config = mixer.getConfig(); // Config { ... }
Example 2: retrieve a named sub-object of configuration object
var animation = mixer.getConfig('animation'); // ConfigAnimation { ... }
Example 3: retrieve a value of configuration object via a dot-notation string key
var effects = mixer.getConfig('animation.effects'); // 'fade scale'


Version added: 3.0.0


Updates the configuration of the mixer, after it has been instantiated.

See the Configuration Object documentation for a full list of avilable configuration options.

Type Name Description
Param object config An object containing one of more configuration options.
Returns void
Example 1: Updating animation options
    animation: {
        effects: 'fade translateX(-100%)',
        duration: 300
Example 2: Removing a callback after it has been set
var mixer;

function handleMixEndOnce() {
    // Do something ..

    // Then nullify the callback

        callbacks: {
            onMixEnd: null

// Instantiate a mixer with a callback defined

mixer = mixitup(containerEl, {
    callbacks: {
        onMixEnd: handleMixEndOnce


Version added: 2.0.0


Returns an object containing information about the current state of the mixer. See the State Object documentation for more information.

NB: State objects are immutable and should therefore be regenerated after any operation.

Type Name Description
Returns mixitup.State An object reflecting the current state of the mixer.
Example: Retrieving a state object
var state = mixer.getState();

console.log(state.totalShow + 'targets are currently shown');


Version added: 2.1.2


Forces the re-indexing all targets within the container.

This should only be used if some other piece of code in your application has manipulated the contents of your container, which should be avoided.

If you need to add or remove target elements from the container, use the built-in .insert() or .remove() methods, and MixItUp will keep itself up to date.

Type Name Description
Returns void
Example: Force refreshing the mixer after external DOM manipulation
console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 3

// An element is removed from the container via some external DOM manipulation code:


// The mixer does not know that the number of targets has changed:

console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 3


// After forceRefresh, the mixer is in sync again:

console.log(mixer.getState().totalShow); // 2


Version added: 3.2.1


Forces the re-rendering of all targets when using the Dataset API.

By default, targets are only re-rendered when data.dirtyCheck is enabled, and an item's data has changed when dataset() is called.

The forceRender() method allows for the re-rendering of all targets in response to some arbitrary event, such as the changing of the target render function.

Targets are rendered against their existing data.

Type Name Description
Returns void
Example: Force render targets after changing the target render function
console.log(container.innerHTML); // ... <span class="mix">Foo</span> ...

    render: {
        target: (item) => `<a href="/${item.slug}/" class="mix">${item.title}</a>`


console.log(container.innerHTML); // ... <a href="/foo/" class="mix">Foo</a> ...


Version added: 2.0.0


Removes mixitup functionality from the container, unbinds all control event handlers, and deletes the mixer instance from MixItUp's internal cache.

This should be performed whenever a mixer's container is removed from the DOM, such as during a page change in a single page application, or React's componentWillUnmount().

Type Name Description
Param boolean [cleanUp] An optional boolean dictating whether or not to clean up any inline display: none; styling applied to hidden targets.
Returns void
Example: Destroying the mixer before removing its container element
