diff --git a/config/locales/client.af.yml b/config/locales/client.af.yml
index 4804ab40ea..26992b6429 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.af.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.af.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ af:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ af:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ af:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ af:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ af:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ af:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ af:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ af:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ af:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ af:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ af:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ af:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ af:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ af:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ af:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ar.yml b/config/locales/client.ar.yml
index d3697d19b3..b3961d7ba2 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ar.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ar.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ar:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ ar:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -115,8 +118,6 @@ ar:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -129,6 +130,9 @@ ar:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -160,11 +164,30 @@ ar:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -189,11 +212,14 @@ ar:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -203,6 +229,7 @@ ar:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -250,6 +277,10 @@ ar:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -280,17 +311,20 @@ ar:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -303,6 +337,12 @@ ar:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -325,6 +365,8 @@ ar:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -335,6 +377,10 @@ ar:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -423,6 +469,10 @@ ar:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -471,8 +521,14 @@ ar:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -482,6 +538,43 @@ ar:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.az.yml b/config/locales/client.az.yml
index 4d64c55040..0c0918a9d3 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.az.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.az.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ az:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ az:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ az:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ az:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ az:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ az:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ az:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ az:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ az:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ az:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ az:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ az:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ az:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ az:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ az:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.be.yml b/config/locales/client.be.yml
index 56e1bceff0..d18b0e4ed1 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.be.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.be.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ be:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ be:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ be:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ be:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ be:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ be:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ be:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ be:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ be:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ be:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ be:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ be:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ be:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ be:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ be:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.bg.yml b/config/locales/client.bg.yml
index 310f38ad9a..4e05f417d3 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.bg.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.bg.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bg:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ bg:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ bg:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ bg:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ bg:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ bg:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ bg:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ bg:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ bg:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ bg:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ bg:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ bg:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ bg:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ bg:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ bg:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.bn.yml b/config/locales/client.bn.yml
index 0bac0853f8..f2cf857f37 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.bn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.bn.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bn:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ bn:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ bn:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ bn:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ bn:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ bn:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ bn:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ bn:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ bn:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ bn:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ bn:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ bn:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ bn:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ bn:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ bn:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.bo.yml b/config/locales/client.bo.yml
index 46693e3119..b868ff6106 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.bo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.bo.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bo:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ bo:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ bo:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ bo:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ bo:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ bo:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ bo:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ bo:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ bo:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ bo:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ bo:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ bo:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ bo:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ bo:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ bo:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.bs.yml b/config/locales/client.bs.yml
index 383eb399d7..6b3c3b5be2 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.bs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.bs.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bs:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ bs:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ bs:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ bs:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -157,11 +161,30 @@ bs:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -186,11 +209,14 @@ bs:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -200,6 +226,7 @@ bs:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -247,6 +274,10 @@ bs:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -277,17 +308,20 @@ bs:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@ bs:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -322,6 +362,8 @@ bs:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -332,6 +374,10 @@ bs:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -420,6 +466,10 @@ bs:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -468,8 +518,14 @@ bs:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -479,6 +535,43 @@ bs:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ca.yml b/config/locales/client.ca.yml
index 9133e0c5d1..83a34249ca 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ca.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ca:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ca:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ca:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ca:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ca:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ca:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ca:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ca:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ca:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ca:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ca:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ca:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ca:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ca:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ca:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.cs.yml b/config/locales/client.cs.yml
index 4f189a44aa..9bbd79850f 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.cs.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cs:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ cs:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ cs:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ cs:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ cs:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ cs:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ cs:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ cs:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ cs:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ cs:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ cs:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ cs:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ cs:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ cs:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ cs:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.cy.yml b/config/locales/client.cy.yml
index 17b2cbf6c0..8678250228 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.cy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.cy.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cy:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ cy:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -115,8 +118,6 @@ cy:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -129,6 +130,9 @@ cy:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -160,11 +164,30 @@ cy:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -189,11 +212,14 @@ cy:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -203,6 +229,7 @@ cy:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -250,6 +277,10 @@ cy:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -280,17 +311,20 @@ cy:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -303,6 +337,12 @@ cy:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -325,6 +365,8 @@ cy:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -335,6 +377,10 @@ cy:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -423,6 +469,10 @@ cy:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -471,8 +521,14 @@ cy:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -482,6 +538,43 @@ cy:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.da.yml b/config/locales/client.da.yml
index 68bda517f0..ed478c4aed 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.da.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.da.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ da:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ da:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ da:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ da:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ da:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ da:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ da:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ da:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ da:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ da:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ da:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ da:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ da:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ da:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ da:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.de.yml b/config/locales/client.de.yml
index 6fa16a05eb..ee1d3f0899 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.de.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ de:
completed: "Du hast diesen Assistenten abgeschlossen."
not_permitted: "Du bist nicht berechtigt, auf diesen Assistenten zuzugreifen."
none: "Es gibt hier keinen Assistenten."
- return_to_site: "Zurück zu {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "Du musst eingeloggt sein, um auf diesen Assistenten zuzugreifen."
reset: "Diesen Assistenten zurücksetzen."
step_not_permitted: "Du bist nicht berechtigt, diesen Schritt anzusehen."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ de:
time: "Uhrzeit"
done: "Uhrzeit festlegen"
clear: "Leeren"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Erforderlich"
required_label: "Benutzer können den Assistenten nicht überspringen."
prompt_completion: "Aufforderung"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ de:
key: "Schlüssel"
value: "Wert"
profile: "Profil"
- translation: "Übersetzung"
- translation_placeholder: "Schlüssel"
type: "Typ"
none: "Wähle aus"
submission_key: 'Einreichungsschlüssel'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ de:
select_type: "Wähle einen Typ"
condition: "Bedingung"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Benutzerdefinierter Assistent"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ de:
no_file: Bitte wähle eine zu importierende Datei aus
file_size_error: Die Dateigröße muss 512kb oder kleiner sein
file_format_error: Die Datei muss eine .json Datei sein
- server_error: "Fehler: {{message}}"
importing: Assistenten werden importiert...
destroying: Zerstöre Assistenten...
import_complete: Import abgeschlossen
destroy_complete: Zerstörung abgeschlossen
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Zeigen"
hide: "Verstecken"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ de:
user_field_options: "Benutzerfeld-Optionen"
user: "Benutzer"
category: "Kategorie"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "Tag"
group: "Gruppe"
list: "Liste"
custom_field: "benutzerdefiniertes Feld"
value: "Wert"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Text eingeben"
property: "Eigenschaft auswählen"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ de:
user_field_options: "Feld auswählen"
user: "Benutzer auswählen"
category: "Kategorie auswählen"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Tag auswählen"
group: "Gruppe auswählen"
list: "Element eingeben"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ de:
prefill: "Vorausfüllen"
content: "Inhalt"
tag_groups: "Tag-Gruppen"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ de:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Kategorie
+ topic: Topic
group: Gruppe
user_selector: Benutzer-Auswahl
date: Datum
time: Uhrzeit
date_time: Datum & Uhrzeit
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "und"
or: "oder"
then: "dann"
set: "setzen"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ de:
include: "Felder einschließen"
title: "Titel"
post: "Beitrag"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Themen-Attribut"
interpolate_fields: "Füge Assistentenfelder mit der field_id in w{} ein. Füge Benutzerfelder mit dem Feldschlüssel in u{} ein."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ de:
category: "Kategorie"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Sichtbar"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Editor öffnen"
@@ -331,16 +373,20 @@ de:
label: "Kategorien beobachten"
categories: "Kategorien"
mute_remainder: "Verbleibende Stummschalten"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
- label: "Benachrichtigungsebene"
+ label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
- watching: "Beobachten"
- tracking: "Nachverfolgen"
- watching_first_post: "Ersten Beitrag anschauen"
- muted: "Stumm"
- select_a_notification_level: "Ebene auswählen"
- wizard_user: "Assistenten Benutzer"
- usernames: "Benutzer"
+ watching: "Watching"
+ tracking: "Tracking"
+ watching_first_post: "Watching First Post"
+ muted: "Muted"
+ select_a_notification_level: "Select level"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard User"
+ usernames: "Users"
checkbox: "Beitrags-Ersteller"
label: "Ersteller"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ de:
nav_label: "Einreichungen"
title: "{{name}} Einreichungen"
download: "Herunterladen"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ de:
success_codes: "Erfolgscodes auswählen"
label: "Protokolle"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Protokolle"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Assistenten verwalten
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ de:
upload: Wähle wizards.json aus
destroy: Zerstören
destroyed: zerstört
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Wähle eine Gruppe"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.el.yml b/config/locales/client.el.yml
index 8d0be9e5fc..d79dd5d2aa 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.el.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.el.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ el:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ el:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ el:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ el:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ el:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ el:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ el:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ el:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ el:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ el:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ el:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ el:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ el:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ el:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ el:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.eo.yml b/config/locales/client.eo.yml
index 6c2e459528..19b0d27b1f 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.eo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.eo.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ eo:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ eo:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ eo:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ eo:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ eo:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ eo:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ eo:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ eo:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ eo:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ eo:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ eo:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ eo:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ eo:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ eo:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ eo:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.es.yml b/config/locales/client.es.yml
index 8d7afcd7e9..9386b96d03 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.es.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ es:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ es:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ es:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ es:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ es:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ es:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ es:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ es:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ es:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ es:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ es:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ es:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ es:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ es:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ es:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.et.yml b/config/locales/client.et.yml
index b559d77728..666f0fb890 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.et.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.et.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ et:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ et:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ et:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ et:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ et:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ et:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ et:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ et:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ et:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ et:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ et:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ et:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ et:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ et:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ et:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.eu.yml b/config/locales/client.eu.yml
index ac412d49ff..05f70d5b54 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.eu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.eu.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ eu:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ eu:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ eu:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ eu:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ eu:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ eu:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ eu:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ eu:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ eu:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ eu:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ eu:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ eu:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ eu:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ eu:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ eu:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.fa.yml b/config/locales/client.fa.yml
index bace6af8e5..6874e0794b 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.fa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.fa.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ fa:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ fa:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ fa:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ fa:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ fa:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ fa:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ fa:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ fa:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ fa:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ fa:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ fa:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ fa:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ fa:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ fa:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ fa:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.fi.yml b/config/locales/client.fi.yml
index 14a4bc1b40..f2f2906d6c 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.fi.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ fi:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ fi:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ fi:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ fi:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ fi:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ fi:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ fi:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ fi:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ fi:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ fi:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ fi:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ fi:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ fi:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ fi:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ fi:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.fr.yml b/config/locales/client.fr.yml
index 57f8307e8f..87a3d20f0e 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.fr.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ fr:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Retour vers {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ fr:
time: "Heure"
done: "Établir l'heure"
clear: "Effacer"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Requis"
required_label: "Les utilisatrices doivent compléter l'assistant."
prompt_completion: "Invitation"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ fr:
key: "Clé"
value: "Valeur"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Traduction"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Faire une sélection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ fr:
select_type: "Sélectionnez un type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ fr:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Importation terminée
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ fr:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "valeur"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ fr:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ fr:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ fr:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Heure
date_time: Date & Heure
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "et"
or: "ou"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ fr:
include: "Inclure les champs"
title: "Titre"
post: "Message"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Attribut du sujet"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ fr:
category: "Catégorie"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ fr:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ fr:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Télécharger"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ fr:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ fr:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.gl.yml b/config/locales/client.gl.yml
index 5949a55cbb..9e97b1438d 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.gl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.gl.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ gl:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ gl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ gl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ gl:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ gl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ gl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ gl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ gl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ gl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ gl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ gl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ gl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ gl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ gl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ gl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.he.yml b/config/locales/client.he.yml
index a9ac89ade3..c1dbf5902e 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.he.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ he:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ he:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ he:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ he:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ he:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ he:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ he:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ he:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ he:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ he:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ he:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ he:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ he:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ he:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ he:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.hi.yml b/config/locales/client.hi.yml
index e700e820e1..439c1ec177 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.hi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.hi.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hi:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ hi:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ hi:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ hi:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ hi:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ hi:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ hi:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ hi:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ hi:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ hi:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ hi:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ hi:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ hi:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ hi:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ hi:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.hr.yml b/config/locales/client.hr.yml
index 9e8ac7738c..96b665d11d 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.hr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.hr.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hr:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ hr:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ hr:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ hr:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -157,11 +161,30 @@ hr:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -186,11 +209,14 @@ hr:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -200,6 +226,7 @@ hr:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -247,6 +274,10 @@ hr:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -277,17 +308,20 @@ hr:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@ hr:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -322,6 +362,8 @@ hr:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -332,6 +374,10 @@ hr:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -420,6 +466,10 @@ hr:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -468,8 +518,14 @@ hr:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -479,6 +535,43 @@ hr:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.hu.yml b/config/locales/client.hu.yml
index a936e2861b..a6620dd0fd 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.hu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.hu.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hu:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ hu:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ hu:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ hu:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ hu:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ hu:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ hu:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ hu:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ hu:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ hu:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ hu:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ hu:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ hu:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ hu:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ hu:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.hy.yml b/config/locales/client.hy.yml
index af3c23a517..2a0b07555c 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.hy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.hy.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hy:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ hy:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ hy:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ hy:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ hy:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ hy:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ hy:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ hy:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ hy:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ hy:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ hy:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ hy:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ hy:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ hy:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ hy:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.id.yml b/config/locales/client.id.yml
index 9e97a79364..cfedd0884a 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.id.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.id.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ id:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ id:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ id:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ id:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ id:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ id:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ id:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ id:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ id:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ id:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ id:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ id:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ id:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ id:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ id:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.is.yml b/config/locales/client.is.yml
index 7b9f0d66d3..068791fc4e 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.is.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.is.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ is:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ is:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ is:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ is:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ is:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ is:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ is:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ is:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ is:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ is:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ is:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ is:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ is:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ is:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ is:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.it.yml b/config/locales/client.it.yml
index 4c930dc471..4fc65e7c67 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.it.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ it:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ it:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ it:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ it:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ it:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ it:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ it:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ it:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ it:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ it:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ it:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ it:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ it:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ it:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ it:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ja.yml b/config/locales/client.ja.yml
index 43219028db..45a956679c 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ja.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ja.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ja:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ ja:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ ja:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "タイプ"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ ja:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ ja:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ ja:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ ja:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ ja:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ ja:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ ja:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ ja:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ ja:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ ja:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ ja:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ ja:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ka.yml b/config/locales/client.ka.yml
index 0e80d2e73c..1925efc3f0 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ka.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ka.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ka:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ka:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ka:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ka:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ka:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ka:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ka:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ka:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ka:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ka:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ka:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ka:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ka:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ka:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ka:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.kk.yml b/config/locales/client.kk.yml
index a192c292b2..80f59885ef 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.kk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.kk.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ kk:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ kk:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ kk:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ kk:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ kk:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ kk:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ kk:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ kk:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ kk:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ kk:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ kk:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ kk:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ kk:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ kk:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ kk:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.km.yml b/config/locales/client.km.yml
index 2e3eaca0f3..50020487dc 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.km.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.km.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ km:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ km:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ km:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ km:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ km:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ km:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ km:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ km:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ km:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ km:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ km:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ km:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ km:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ km:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ km:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.kn.yml b/config/locales/client.kn.yml
index 9f612195fa..49f9036124 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.kn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.kn.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ kn:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ kn:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ kn:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ kn:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ kn:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ kn:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ kn:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ kn:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ kn:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ kn:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ kn:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ kn:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ kn:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ kn:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ kn:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ko.yml b/config/locales/client.ko.yml
index c494654e6e..df63f1c386 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ko.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ko:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ ko:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ ko:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ ko:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ ko:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ ko:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ ko:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ ko:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ ko:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ ko:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ ko:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ ko:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ ko:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ ko:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ ko:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ku.yml b/config/locales/client.ku.yml
index f9d22d2855..4c5c14c1a5 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ku.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ku.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ku:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ku:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ku:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ku:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ku:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ku:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ku:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ku:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ku:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ku:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ku:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ku:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ku:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ku:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ku:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.lo.yml b/config/locales/client.lo.yml
index d1182f6a83..291a6b1e07 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.lo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.lo.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lo:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ lo:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ lo:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ lo:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ lo:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ lo:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ lo:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ lo:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ lo:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ lo:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ lo:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ lo:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ lo:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ lo:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ lo:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.lt.yml b/config/locales/client.lt.yml
index 9fb6053994..09e3673fc6 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.lt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.lt.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lt:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ lt:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ lt:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ lt:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ lt:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ lt:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ lt:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ lt:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ lt:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ lt:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ lt:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ lt:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ lt:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ lt:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ lt:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.lv.yml b/config/locales/client.lv.yml
index 5312989ff1..b77bd528d2 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.lv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.lv.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lv:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ lv:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ lv:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ lv:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -157,11 +161,30 @@ lv:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -186,11 +209,14 @@ lv:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -200,6 +226,7 @@ lv:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -247,6 +274,10 @@ lv:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -277,17 +308,20 @@ lv:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@ lv:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -322,6 +362,8 @@ lv:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -332,6 +374,10 @@ lv:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -420,6 +466,10 @@ lv:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -468,8 +518,14 @@ lv:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -479,6 +535,43 @@ lv:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.mk.yml b/config/locales/client.mk.yml
index 0d8228f588..ec6e30bb4f 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.mk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.mk.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mk:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ mk:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ mk:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ mk:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ mk:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ mk:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ mk:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ mk:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ mk:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ mk:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ mk:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ mk:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ mk:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ mk:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ mk:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ml.yml b/config/locales/client.ml.yml
index 814487a108..c86d8cdc3e 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ml.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ml.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ml:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ml:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ml:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ml:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ml:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ml:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ml:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ml:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ml:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ml:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ml:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ml:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ml:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ml:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ml:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.mn.yml b/config/locales/client.mn.yml
index d6619f4467..7c7ebfee50 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.mn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.mn.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mn:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ mn:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ mn:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ mn:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ mn:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ mn:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ mn:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ mn:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ mn:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ mn:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ mn:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ mn:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ mn:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ mn:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ mn:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ms.yml b/config/locales/client.ms.yml
index 5890af1c62..ac38af378d 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ms.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ms.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ms:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ ms:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ ms:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ ms:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ ms:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ ms:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ ms:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ ms:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ ms:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ ms:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ ms:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ ms:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ ms:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ ms:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ ms:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ne.yml b/config/locales/client.ne.yml
index 0cd9601a88..4765814dd6 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ne.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ne.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ne:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ne:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ne:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ne:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ne:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ne:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ne:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ne:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ne:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ne:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ne:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ne:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ne:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ne:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ne:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.nl.yml b/config/locales/client.nl.yml
index b10bf4980b..ac2c2e3aed 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.nl.yml
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
- complete_custom: "Complete the {{name}}"
- completed: "You have completed this wizard."
- not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
- none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
- requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
- reset: "Reset this wizard."
- step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
+ complete_custom: "Voltooi de {{name}}"
+ completed: "U heeft deze wizard voltooid."
+ not_permitted: "U heeft geen toegang tot deze wizard."
+ none: "Er is hier geen wizard."
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
+ requires_login: "U moet ingelogd zijn om toegang te krijgen tot deze wizard."
+ reset: "Reset deze wizard."
+ step_not_permitted: "U hebt geen toestemming om deze stap te bekijken."
- title: "Continue editing your draft submission from %{date}?"
- resume: "Continue"
- restart: "Start over"
+ title: "Doorgaan met het bewerken van uw concept-inzending van %{date} ?"
+ resume: "Vervolg"
+ restart: "Opnieuw starten"
one: "%{count} Character"
- other: "%{count} Characters"
+ other: "%{count} tekens"
quit: "Maybe Later"
- done_custom: "Done"
- back: "Back"
- next: "Next"
- step: "%{current} of %{total}"
- upload: "Upload"
- uploading: "Uploading..."
- upload_error: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
+ done_custom: "Voltooien"
+ back: "Terug"
+ next: "Volgende"
+ step: "%{current} van %{total}"
+ upload: "Uploaden"
+ uploading: "Uploaden..."
+ upload_error: "Sorry, er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden van het bestand. Probeer het opnieuw."
- show_preview: "Preview Post"
- hide_preview: "Edit Post"
- quote_post_title: "Quote whole post"
+ show_preview: "Post bekijken"
+ hide_preview: "Post bewerken"
+ quote_post_title: "Gehele post citeren"
bold_label: "B"
- bold_title: "Strong"
- bold_text: "strong text"
+ bold_title: "Vet"
+ bold_text: "vetgedrukte tekst"
italic_label: "I"
- italic_title: "Emphasis"
- italic_text: "emphasized text"
- link_title: "Hyperlink"
- link_description: "enter link description here"
- link_dialog_title: "Insert Hyperlink"
- link_optional_text: "optional title"
- link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
- quote_title: "Blockquote"
- quote_text: "Blockquote"
- blockquote_text: "Blockquote"
- code_title: "Preformatted text"
- code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
- paste_code_text: "type or paste code here"
- upload_title: "Upload"
- upload_description: "enter upload description here"
- olist_title: "Numbered List"
- ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
- list_item: "List item"
- toggle_direction: "Toggle Direction"
- help: "Markdown Editing Help"
- collapse: "minimize the composer panel"
- abandon: "close composer and discard draft"
- modal_ok: "OK"
- modal_cancel: "Cancel"
+ italic_title: "Benadrukt"
+ italic_text: "benadrukte tekst"
+ link_title: "Link"
+ link_description: "geef beschrijving van de link"
+ link_dialog_title: "Link invoegen"
+ link_optional_text: "optionele titel"
+ link_url_placeholder: "https://example.com"
+ quote_title: "Citaat"
+ quote_text: "Citaat"
+ blockquote_text: "Citaat"
+ code_title: "Geformatteerde tekst"
+ code_text: "met vier spaties inspringen"
+ paste_code_text: "type of plak code hier"
+ upload_title: "Uploaden"
+ upload_description: "geef beschrijving van het bestand"
+ olist_title: "Genummerde lijst"
+ ulist_title: "Lijst met opsomming"
+ list_item: "Item van lijst"
+ toggle_direction: "Richting omkeren"
+ help: "Hulp bij Markdown bewerken"
+ collapse: "minimaliseren van composer"
+ abandon: "composer sluiten en voorlopige versie weggooien"
+ modal_ok: "Ok"
+ modal_cancel: "Annuleren"
cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you can't send a message to %{username}."
title: "Did you forget to add recipients?"
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ nl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,34 +114,35 @@ nl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
- submission_key: 'submission key'
+ submission_key: 'sleutel voor inzending'
param_key: 'param'
- group: "Group"
- permitted: "Permitted"
- advanced: "Advanced"
- undo: "Undo"
- clear: "Clear"
- select_type: "Select a type"
- condition: "Condition"
+ group: "Groep"
+ permitted: "Toegestaan"
+ advanced: "Uitgebreid"
+ undo: "Herstellen"
+ clear: "Leegmaken"
+ select_type: "Selecteer een type"
+ condition: "Conditie"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Kolommen bewerken"
+ expand_text: "Meer lezen"
+ collapse_text: "Minder weergeven"
title: "Custom Wizard"
- create_topic_wizard: "Select a wizard to replace the new topic composer in this category."
+ create_topic_wizard: "Selecteer een wizard om het \"nieuwe topic\" venster in deze categorie te vervangen."
- select: "Select a wizard, or create a new one"
- edit: "You're editing a wizard"
- create: "You're creating a new wizard"
- documentation: "Check out the wizard documentation"
- contact: "Contact the developer"
+ select: "Selecteer een wizard of maak een nieuwe aan"
+ edit: "U bewerkt een wizard"
+ create: "U maakt een nieuwe wizard"
+ documentation: "Raadpleeg de documentatie voor de wizard"
+ contact: "Neem contact op met de ontwikkelaars"
- type: "Select a field type"
- edit: "You're editing a field"
+ type: "Selecteer een veldtype"
+ edit: "U bewerkt een veld"
documentation: "Check out the field documentation"
type: "Select an action type"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ nl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ nl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ nl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ nl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ nl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ nl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ nl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ nl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ nl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ nl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ nl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.no.yml b/config/locales/client.no.yml
index 93e37bd932..18fe91862e 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.no.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.no.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.om.yml b/config/locales/client.om.yml
index 855ba06b41..b08e0589a3 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.om.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.om.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ om:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ om:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ om:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ om:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ om:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ om:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ om:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ om:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ om:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ om:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ om:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ om:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ om:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ om:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ om:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.pa.yml b/config/locales/client.pa.yml
index 4880a16335..169540af0b 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.pa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.pa.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ pa:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ pa:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ pa:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ pa:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ pa:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ pa:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ pa:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ pa:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ pa:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ pa:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ pa:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ pa:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ pa:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ pa:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ pa:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.pl.yml b/config/locales/client.pl.yml
index b5f1d5a920..6043a3f0f0 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.pl.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ pl:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ pl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ pl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ pl:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ pl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ pl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ pl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ pl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ pl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ pl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ pl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ pl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ pl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ pl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ pl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.pt.yml b/config/locales/client.pt.yml
index c04217db3c..46cbee0f7a 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.pt.yml
@@ -1,336 +1,382 @@
- complete_custom: "Complete the {{name}}"
- completed: "You have completed this wizard."
- not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
- none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
- requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
- reset: "Reset this wizard."
- step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
+ complete_custom: "Completar o {{name}}"
+ completed: "Você completou esse assistente."
+ not_permitted: "Você não está pode acessar esse assistente."
+ none: "Não existe nehnum assistente aqui."
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
+ requires_login: "Você precisa estar conectado para acessar este assistente."
+ reset: "Reiniciar esse assistente."
+ step_not_permitted: "Você não está autorizado a vizualizar esse passo."
- title: "Continue editing your draft submission from %{date}?"
- resume: "Continue"
- restart: "Start over"
+ title: "Continuar editando o rascunho de envio criado em %{date}?"
+ resume: "Continuar"
+ restart: "Recomeçar"
- one: "%{count} Character"
- other: "%{count} Characters"
+ one: "%{count} Caractere"
+ other: "%{count} Characteres"
quit: "Maybe Later"
- done_custom: "Done"
- back: "Back"
- next: "Next"
- step: "%{current} of %{total}"
- upload: "Upload"
- uploading: "Uploading..."
- upload_error: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
+ done_custom: "Completo"
+ back: "Voltar"
+ next: "Avançar"
+ step: "%{current} de %{total}"
+ upload: "Enviar"
+ uploading: "Enviando..."
+ upload_error: "Desculpe, ocorreu um erro ao enviar seu arquivo. Por favor, tente novamente."
- show_preview: "Preview Post"
- hide_preview: "Edit Post"
- quote_post_title: "Quote whole post"
+ show_preview: "Pré-visualizar Publicação"
+ hide_preview: "Editar Publicação"
+ quote_post_title: "Citar publicação inteira"
bold_label: "B"
- bold_title: "Strong"
- bold_text: "strong text"
+ bold_title: "Negrito"
+ bold_text: "texto em negrito"
italic_label: "I"
- italic_title: "Emphasis"
- italic_text: "emphasized text"
+ italic_title: "Ênfase"
+ italic_text: "texto enfatizado"
link_title: "Hyperlink"
- link_description: "enter link description here"
- link_dialog_title: "Insert Hyperlink"
- link_optional_text: "optional title"
- link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
- quote_title: "Blockquote"
- quote_text: "Blockquote"
- blockquote_text: "Blockquote"
- code_title: "Preformatted text"
- code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
- paste_code_text: "type or paste code here"
- upload_title: "Upload"
- upload_description: "enter upload description here"
- olist_title: "Numbered List"
- ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
- list_item: "List item"
- toggle_direction: "Toggle Direction"
- help: "Markdown Editing Help"
- collapse: "minimize the composer panel"
- abandon: "close composer and discard draft"
+ link_description: "insira a descrição do link aqui"
+ link_dialog_title: "Inserir Hiperlink"
+ link_optional_text: "título opcional"
+ link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com.br"
+ quote_title: "Bloquear citação"
+ quote_text: "Bloquear citação"
+ blockquote_text: "Bloquear citação"
+ code_title: "Texto pré-formatado"
+ code_text: "identar o texto pré-formatado em 4 espaços"
+ paste_code_text: "digite ou cole o código aqui"
+ upload_title: "Enviar"
+ upload_description: "insira a descrição do envio aqui"
+ olist_title: "Lista Numerada"
+ ulist_title: "Lista com Marcadores"
+ list_item: "Item da lista"
+ toggle_direction: "Alternar direção"
+ help: "Ajuda para edição do Markdown"
+ collapse: "minimizar o painel do compositor"
+ abandon: "fechar rascunho do compositor e descartar"
modal_ok: "OK"
- modal_cancel: "Cancel"
- cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you can't send a message to %{username}."
+ modal_cancel: "Cancelar"
+ cant_send_pm: "Desculpe, você não pode enviar uma mensagem para %{username}."
- title: "Did you forget to add recipients?"
- body: "Right now this message is only being sent to yourself!"
+ title: "Será que você esqueceu de adicionar os destinatários?"
+ body: "Agora essa mensagem será enviada apenas para você mesmo!"
- insufficient_characters: "Type a minimum 5 characters to start looking for similar topics"
- insufficient_characters_categories: "Type a minimum 5 characters to start looking for similar topics in %{catLinks}"
- results: "Your topic is similar to..."
- no_results: "No similar topics."
- loading: "Looking for similar topics..."
- show: "show"
+ insufficient_characters: "Digite ao menos 5 caracteres para começar a procurar por tópicos similares"
+ insufficient_characters_categories: "Digite ao menos 5 caracteres para começar a procurar por tópicos similares em %{catLinks}"
+ results: "Seu tópico é similar a..."
+ no_results: "Sem tópicos similares."
+ loading: "Procurando por tópicos similares..."
+ show: "exibir"
- label: "Wizard"
- nav_label: "Wizards"
- select: "Select a wizard"
- create: "Create Wizard"
- name: "Name"
- name_placeholder: "wizard name"
- background: "Background"
+ label: "Assistente"
+ nav_label: "Assistentes"
+ select: "Selecione um assistente"
+ create: "Criar um Assistente"
+ name: "Nome"
+ name_placeholder: "nome do assistente"
+ background: "Fundo"
background_placeholder: "#hex"
- save_submissions: "Save"
- save_submissions_label: "Save wizard submissions."
- multiple_submissions: "Multiple"
- multiple_submissions_label: "Users can submit multiple times."
- after_signup: "Signup"
- after_signup_label: "Users directed to wizard after signup."
- after_time: "Time"
- after_time_label: "Users directed to wizard after start time:"
- after_time_time_label: "Start Time"
+ save_submissions: "Salvar"
+ save_submissions_label: "Salvar submissões do assistente."
+ multiple_submissions: "Múltiplas"
+ multiple_submissions_label: "Usuários podem enviar várias vezes."
+ after_signup: "Registrar-se"
+ after_signup_label: "Os usuários serão encaminhados ao assistente após o cadastro."
+ after_time: "Tempo"
+ after_time_label: "Os usuários serão encaminhados ao assistente após a data de início:"
+ after_time_time_label: "Data de Início"
- title: "Wizard Start Time"
- date: "Date"
- time: "Time"
- done: "Set Time"
- clear: "Clear"
- required: "Required"
- required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
+ title: "Hora de Início do Assistente"
+ date: "Data"
+ time: "Hora"
+ done: "Definir horário"
+ clear: "Limpar"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
+ required: "Obrigatório"
+ required_label: "Usuários não podem pular o assistente."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
- prompt_completion_label: "Prompt user to complete wizard."
- restart_on_revisit: "Restart"
- restart_on_revisit_label: "Clear submissions on each visit."
- resume_on_revisit: "Resume"
- resume_on_revisit_label: "Ask the user if they want to resume on each visit."
- theme_id: "Theme"
- no_theme: "Select a Theme (optional)"
- save: "Save Changes"
- remove: "Delete Wizard"
- add: "Add"
+ prompt_completion_label: "Solicitar ao usuário para completar o assistente."
+ restart_on_revisit: "Recomeçar"
+ restart_on_revisit_label: "Limpar submissões a cada visita."
+ resume_on_revisit: "Retomar"
+ resume_on_revisit_label: "Perguntar se o usuário deseja continuar a cada visita."
+ theme_id: "Tema"
+ no_theme: "Selecione um Tema (opcional)"
+ save: "Salvar Alterações"
+ remove: "Apagar Assistente"
+ add: "Adicionar"
url: "Url"
- key: "Key"
- value: "Value"
- profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
- type: "Type"
- none: "Make a selection"
- submission_key: 'submission key'
+ key: "Chave"
+ value: "Valor"
+ profile: "perfil"
+ type: "Tipo"
+ none: "Fazer uma seleção"
+ submission_key: 'chave de submissão'
param_key: 'param'
- group: "Group"
- permitted: "Permitted"
- advanced: "Advanced"
- undo: "Undo"
- clear: "Clear"
- select_type: "Select a type"
- condition: "Condition"
- index: "Index"
+ group: "Grupo"
+ permitted: "Permitido"
+ advanced: "Avançado"
+ undo: "Desfazer"
+ clear: "Limpar"
+ select_type: "Selecione um tipo"
+ condition: "Condição"
+ index: "Indexação"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
- title: "Custom Wizard"
- create_topic_wizard: "Select a wizard to replace the new topic composer in this category."
+ title: "Assistente Customizado"
+ create_topic_wizard: "Selecione um assistente para substituir o novo compositor de tópicos nesta categoria."
- select: "Select a wizard, or create a new one"
- edit: "You're editing a wizard"
- create: "You're creating a new wizard"
- documentation: "Check out the wizard documentation"
- contact: "Contact the developer"
+ select: "Selecione um assistente, ou crie um novo"
+ edit: "Você está editando um assistente"
+ create: "Você está criando um novo assistente"
+ documentation: "Verifique a documentação do assistente"
+ contact: "Entre em contato com o desenvolvedor"
- type: "Select a field type"
- edit: "You're editing a field"
- documentation: "Check out the field documentation"
+ type: "Selecione um tipo de campo"
+ edit: "Você está editando um campo"
+ documentation: "Verifique a documentação do campo"
- type: "Select an action type"
- edit: "You're editing an action"
- documentation: "Check out the action documentation"
+ type: "Selecione um tipo de ação"
+ edit: "Você está editando uma ação"
+ documentation: "Verifique a documentação das ações"
- create: "View, create, edit and destroy custom fields"
- saved: "Saved custom field"
- error: "Failed to save: {{messages}}"
- documentation: Check out the custom field documentation
+ create: "Visualize, crie, edite e destrua campos customizados"
+ saved: "Campo customizado salvo"
+ error: "Erro ao salvar: {{messages}}"
+ documentation: Verifique a documentação dos campos customizados
- info: "Export, import or destroy wizards"
- documentation: Check out the manager documentation
- none_selected: Please select atleast one wizard
- no_file: Please choose a file to import
- file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
- file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
- importing: Importing wizards...
- destroying: Destroying wizards...
- import_complete: Import complete
- destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ info: "Exportar, importar ou destruir assistentes"
+ documentation: Verifique a documentação do gerenciador
+ none_selected: Por favor, selecione ao menos um assistente
+ no_file: Por favor, escolha um arquivo para importar
+ file_size_error: O arquivo deve ter um tamanho igual ou inferior a 512kb
+ file_format_error: O arquivo deve ser do tipo .json
+ importing: Importando assistentes...
+ destroying: Destruindo assistentes...
+ import_complete: Importação completa
+ destroy_complete: Destruição completa
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
- show: "Show"
- hide: "Hide"
- preview: "{{action}} Preview"
- popover: "{{action}} Fields"
+ show: "Exibir"
+ hide: "Ocultar"
+ preview: "Pré-visualizar {{action}}"
+ popover: "{{action}} Campos"
- name: 'if'
- output: 'then'
+ name: 'se'
+ output: 'então'
- name: 'set'
+ name: 'definir'
- name: 'map'
+ name: 'mapa'
- name: 'ensure'
+ name: 'garantir'
- text: "text"
- wizard_field: "wizard field"
- wizard_action: "wizard action"
- user_field: "user field"
- user_field_options: "user field options"
- user: "user"
- category: "category"
+ text: "texto"
+ wizard_field: "campo do assistente"
+ wizard_action: "ação do assistente"
+ user_field: "campo de usuário"
+ user_field_options: "opções do campo usuário"
+ user: "usuário"
+ category: "categoria"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
- group: "group"
- list: "list"
- custom_field: "custom field"
- value: "value"
+ group: "grupo"
+ list: "lista"
+ custom_field: "campo customizado"
+ value: "valor"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
- text: "Enter text"
- property: "Select property"
- wizard_field: "Select field"
- wizard_action: "Select action"
- user_field: "Select field"
- user_field_options: "Select field"
- user: "Select user"
- category: "Select category"
- tag: "Select tag"
- group: "Select group"
- list: "Enter item"
- custom_field: "Select field"
- value: "Select value"
+ text: "Insira o texto"
+ property: "Selecione a propriedade"
+ wizard_field: "Selecione o campo"
+ wizard_action: "Selecione a ação"
+ user_field: "Selecione o campo"
+ user_field_options: "Selecione o campo"
+ user: "Selecione o usuário"
+ category: "Selecione a categoria"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
+ tag: "Selecione a tag"
+ group: "Selecione o grupo"
+ list: "Inserir item"
+ custom_field: "Selecione o campo"
+ value: "Selecione o valor"
- failed: "failed to save wizard"
- required: "{{type}} requires {{property}}"
- invalid: "{{property}} is invalid"
- dependent: "{{property}} is dependent on {{dependent}}"
- conflict: "{{type}} with {{property}} '{{value}}' already exists"
- after_time: "After time invalid"
+ failed: "falha ao salvar o assistente"
+ required: "{{type}} requer {{property}}"
+ invalid: "{{property}} é inválido"
+ dependent: "{{property}} depende de {{dependent}}"
+ conflict: "{{type}} com {{property}} '{{value}}' já existe"
+ after_time: "Após tempo inválido"
- header: "Steps"
- title: "Title"
- banner: "Banner"
- description: "Description"
+ header: "Passos"
+ title: "Título"
+ banner: "Estandarte"
+ description: "Descrição"
label: "Required"
- not_permitted_message: "Message shown when required data not present"
+ not_permitted_message: "Mensagem exibida quando os dados necessários não estão presentes"
label: "Params"
- label: "Conditional Final Step"
- description: "Display this step as the final step if conditions on later steps have not passed when the user reaches this step."
+ label: "Etapa final condicional"
+ description: "Exibe esta etapa como sendo a final se as condições das etapas anteriores não forem atendidas quando o usuário chegar nesta etapa."
- header: "Fields"
- label: "Label"
- description: "Description"
- image: "Image"
- image_placeholder: "Image url"
- required: "Required"
- required_label: "Field is Required"
- min_length: "Min Length"
- min_length_placeholder: "Minimum length in characters"
- max_length: "Max Length"
- max_length_placeholder: "Maximum length in characters"
+ header: "Campos"
+ label: "Etiqueta"
+ description: "Descrição"
+ image: "Imagem"
+ image_placeholder: "url da imagem"
+ required: "Obrigatório"
+ required_label: "O campo é obrigatório"
+ min_length: "Comprimento Mínimo"
+ min_length_placeholder: "Comprimento mínimo em caracteres"
+ max_length: "Comprimento máximo"
+ max_length_placeholder: "Comprimento máximo em caracteres"
char_counter: "Character Counter"
- char_counter_placeholder: "Display Character Counter"
+ char_counter_placeholder: "Exibir contador de caracteres"
field_placeholder: "Field Placeholder"
- file_types: "File Types"
- preview_template: "Template"
- limit: "Limit"
- property: "Property"
- prefill: "Prefill"
- content: "Content"
- tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ file_types: "Tipos de arquivo"
+ preview_template: "Modelo"
+ limit: "Limite"
+ property: "Propriedade"
+ prefill: "Preencher"
+ content: "Conteúdo"
+ tag_groups: "Grupos de Tags"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
- label: "Format"
+ label: "Formato"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
header: "Realtime Validations"
- enabled: "Enabled"
- similar_topics: "Similar Topics"
- position: "Position"
- above: "Above"
- below: "Below"
- categories: "Categories"
- max_topic_age: "Max Topic Age"
+ enabled: "Ativado"
+ similar_topics: "Tópicos Similares"
+ position: "Posição"
+ above: "Acima"
+ below: "Abaixo"
+ categories: "Categorias"
+ max_topic_age: "Idade Máxima do Tópico"
- days: "Days"
- weeks: "Weeks"
- months: "Months"
- years: "Years"
+ days: "Dias"
+ weeks: "Semanas"
+ months: "Meses"
+ years: "Anos"
- text: "Text"
- textarea: Textarea
- composer: Composer
- composer_preview: Composer Preview
- text_only: Text Only
- number: Number
- checkbox: Checkbox
+ text: "Texto"
+ textarea: Área do texto
+ composer: Compositor
+ composer_preview: Pré-visualização do compositor
+ text_only: Somente Texto
+ number: Número
+ checkbox: Caixa de Seleção
url: Url
- upload: Upload
- dropdown: Dropdown
+ upload: Enviar
+ dropdown: Suspenso
tag: Tag
- category: Category
- group: Group
- user_selector: User Selector
- date: Date
- time: Time
- date_time: Date & Time
+ category: Categoria
+ topic: Topic
+ group: Grupo
+ user_selector: Seletor de Usuário
+ date: Data
+ time: Hora
+ date_time: Data e Hora
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
- and: "and"
- or: "or"
- then: "then"
- set: "set"
+ and: "e"
+ or: "ou"
+ then: "então"
+ set: "definir"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
less_or_equal: '<='
regex: '=~'
association: '→'
- is: 'is'
+ is: 'é'
- header: "Actions"
- include: "Include Fields"
- title: "Title"
- post: "Post"
- topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
- interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
+ header: "Ações"
+ include: "Incluir campos"
+ title: "Título"
+ post: "Publicação"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
+ topic_attr: "Atributo do tópico"
+ interpolate_fields: "Inserir campos de assistente usando o field_id no w{}. Insira campos de usuário usando chave de campo em u{}."
- label: "Run After"
- wizard_completion: "Wizard Completion"
+ label: "Executar Após"
+ wizard_completion: "Conclusão do Assistente"
- label: "Custom"
- key: "field"
+ label: "Customizado"
+ key: "campo"
- label: "Redirect"
- description: "Don't redirect the user to this {{type}} after the wizard completes"
+ label: "Redirecionar"
+ description: "Não redirecionar o usuário para este {{type}} após a conclusão do assistente"
- label: "Suppress Notifications"
- description: "Suppress normal notifications triggered by post creation"
+ label: "Suprimir Notificações"
+ description: "Suprimir notificações normais acionadas pela criação de uma publicação"
- label: "Send Message"
- recipient: "Recipient"
+ label: "Enviar Mensagem"
+ recipient: "Destinatário"
- label: "Create Topic"
- category: "Category"
+ label: "Criar um Tópico"
+ category: "Categoria"
tags: "Tags"
- visible: "Visible"
+ visible: "Visível"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
- label: "Open Composer"
+ label: "Abrir Compositor"
- label: "Update Profile"
- setting: "Fields"
- key: "field"
+ label: "Atualizar Perfil"
+ setting: "Campos"
+ key: "campo"
- label: "Watch Categories"
- categories: "Categories"
- mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ label: "Observar Categorias"
+ categories: "Categorias"
+ mute_remainder: "Silenciar Lembretes"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -342,186 +388,233 @@ pt:
wizard_user: "Wizard User"
usernames: "Users"
- checkbox: "Post Builder"
- label: "Builder"
- user_properties: "User Properties"
- wizard_fields: "Wizard Fields"
- wizard_actions: "Wizard Actions"
- placeholder: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user properties using property in u{}."
+ checkbox: "Construtor de Publicações"
+ label: "Construtor"
+ user_properties: "Propriedades do usuário"
+ wizard_fields: "Campos do Assistente"
+ wizard_actions: "Ações do Assistente"
+ placeholder: "Inserir campos de assistente usando o field_id no w{}. Insira campos de usuário usando chave de campo em u{}."
- label: "Add to Group"
+ label: "Adicionar ao Grupo"
- label: "Route To"
+ label: "Encaminhar para"
url: "Url"
- code: "Code"
+ code: "Código"
- label: "Send to API"
+ label: "Enviar para API"
api: "API"
endpoint: "Endpoint"
- select_an_api: "Select an API"
- select_an_endpoint: "Select an endpoint"
- body: "Body"
+ select_an_api: "Selecionar uma API"
+ select_an_endpoint: "Selecionar um endpoint"
+ body: "Conteúdo"
body_placeholder: "JSON"
- label: "Create Category"
- name: Name
- slug: Slug
- color: Color
- text_color: Text color
- parent_category: Parent Category
- permissions: Permissions
+ label: "Criar Categoria"
+ name: Nome
+ slug: Pedaço de texto
+ color: Cor
+ text_color: Cor do Texto
+ parent_category: Categoria Pai
+ permissions: Permissões
- label: Create Group
- name: Name
- full_name: Full Name
- title: Title
- bio_raw: About
- owner_usernames: Owners
- usernames: Members
- grant_trust_level: Automatic Trust Level
- mentionable_level: Mentionable Level
- messageable_level: Messageable Level
- visibility_level: Visibility Level
- members_visibility_level: Members Visibility Level
+ label: Criar Grupo
+ name: Nome
+ full_name: Nome Completo
+ title: Título
+ bio_raw: Sobre
+ owner_usernames: Proprietários
+ usernames: Membros
+ grant_trust_level: Nível Automático de Confiança
+ mentionable_level: Nível de Menções
+ messageable_level: Nível de Mensagens
+ visibility_level: Nível de Visibilidade
+ members_visibility_level: Nível de Visibilidade dos Membros
- nav_label: "Custom Fields"
- add: "Add"
+ nav_label: "Campos Customizados"
+ add: "Adicionar"
- label: "from another plugin"
- title: "This custom field has been added by another plugin. You can use it in your wizards but you can't edit the field here."
+ label: "de outro plugin"
+ title: "Este campo customizado foi adicionado por outro plugin. Você pode usá-lo em seus assistentes, mas você não pode editá-lo aqui."
- label: "Name"
- select: "underscored_name"
+ label: "Nome"
+ select: "nome_sublinhado"
- label: "Type"
- select: "Select a type"
- string: "String"
- integer: "Integer"
- boolean: "Boolean"
+ label: "Tipo"
+ select: "Selecione o tipo"
+ string: "Texto"
+ integer: "Inteiro"
+ boolean: "Boleano"
json: "JSON"
- label: "Class"
- select: "Select a class"
- post: "Post"
- category: "Category"
- topic: "Topic"
- group: "Group"
- user: "User"
+ label: "Classe"
+ select: "Selecione a classe"
+ post: "Publicação"
+ category: "Categoria"
+ topic: "Tópico"
+ group: "Grupo"
+ user: "Usuário"
- label: "Serializers"
- select: "Select serializers"
- topic_view: "Topic View"
- topic_list_item: "Topic List Item"
- basic_category: "Category"
- basic_group: "Group"
- post: "Post"
+ label: "Serializadores"
+ select: "Selecionar serializadores"
+ topic_view: "Visualização do Tópico"
+ topic_list_item: "Item da Lista de Tópicos"
+ basic_category: "Categoria"
+ basic_group: "Grupo"
+ post: "Publicação"
- nav_label: "Submissions"
- title: "{{name}} Submissions"
- download: "Download"
+ nav_label: "Submissões"
+ title: "{{name}} Submissões"
+ download: "Baixar"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
- select: "Select API"
- create: "Create API"
- new: 'New API'
- name: "Name (can't be changed)"
- name_placeholder: 'Underscored'
- title: 'Title'
- title_placeholder: 'Display name'
- remove: 'Delete'
- save: "Save"
+ select: "Selecionar API"
+ create: "Criar API"
+ new: 'Nova API'
+ name: "Nome (não pode ser alterado)"
+ name_placeholder: 'Sublinhado'
+ title: 'Título'
+ title_placeholder: 'Nome de exibição'
+ remove: 'Excluir'
+ save: "Salvar"
- label: "Authorization"
- btn: 'Authorize'
- settings: "Settings"
- status: "Status"
- redirect_uri: "Redirect url"
- type: 'Type'
- type_none: 'Select a type'
- url: "Authorization url"
- token_url: "Token url"
- client_id: 'Client id'
- client_secret: 'Client secret'
- username: 'username'
- password: 'password'
+ label: "Autorização"
+ btn: 'Autorizar'
+ settings: "Configurações"
+ status: "Estado"
+ redirect_uri: "Url de redirecionamento"
+ type: 'Tipo'
+ type_none: 'Selecione um tipo'
+ url: "Url de Autorização"
+ token_url: "Url do token"
+ client_id: 'Id do Cliente'
+ client_secret: 'Segredo do cliente'
+ username: 'nome de usuário'
+ password: 'senha'
label: 'Params'
- new: 'New param'
+ new: 'Novo param'
- label: "Status"
- authorized: 'Authorized'
- not_authorized: "Not authorized"
- code: "Code"
- access_token: "Access token"
- refresh_token: "Refresh token"
- expires_at: "Expires at"
- refresh_at: "Refresh at"
+ label: "Estado"
+ authorized: 'Autorizado'
+ not_authorized: "Não autorizado"
+ code: "Código"
+ access_token: "Token de acesso"
+ refresh_token: "Atualizar token"
+ expires_at: "Expira em"
+ refresh_at: "Atualizar em"
label: "Endpoints"
- add: "Add endpoint"
- name: "Endpoint name"
- method: "Select a method"
- url: "Enter a url"
- content_type: "Select a content type"
- success_codes: "Select success codes"
+ add: "Adicionar endpoint"
+ name: "Nome do endpoint"
+ method: "Selecione um método"
+ url: "Inserir url"
+ content_type: "Selecione um tipo de conteúdo"
+ success_codes: "Selecionar códigos de sucesso"
- label: "Logs"
+ label: "Registros"
+ clear: clear
- nav_label: "Logs"
+ nav_label: "Registros"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
- nav_label: Manager
- title: Manage Wizards
- export: Export
- import: Import
- imported: imported
- upload: Select wizards.json
- destroy: Destroy
- destroyed: destroyed
+ nav_label: Gerenciador
+ title: Gerenciar Assistentes
+ export: Exportar
+ import: Importar
+ imported: importado
+ upload: Selecione o wizards.json
+ destroy: Destruir
+ destroyed: destruído
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
- select: "Select a group"
+ select: "Selecionar grupo"
- title: "Name (optional)"
- desc: "e.g. P. Sherman Dentist"
+ title: "Nome (opcional)"
+ desc: "ex. P. Sherman Dentist"
- title: "Number and Street"
- desc: "e.g. 42 Wallaby Way"
+ title: "Número e Rua"
+ desc: "ex. 42 Wallaby Way"
- title: "Postal Code (Zip)"
- desc: "e.g. 2090"
+ title: "Código Postal (CEP)"
+ desc: "ex. 01234-000"
- title: "Neighbourhood"
- desc: "e.g. Cremorne Point"
+ title: "Bairro"
+ desc: "ex. Cremorne Point"
- title: "City, Town or Village"
- desc: "e.g. Sydney"
- coordinates: "Coordinates"
+ title: "Cidade ou Vilarejo"
+ desc: "ex. Sydney"
+ coordinates: "Coordenadas"
title: "Latitude"
- desc: "e.g. -31.9456702"
+ desc: "ex. -31.9456702"
title: "Longitude"
- desc: "e.g. 115.8626477"
+ desc: "ex. 115.8626477"
- title: "Country"
- placeholder: "Select a Country"
+ title: "País"
+ placeholder: "Selecione um País"
- title: "Address"
- desc: "e.g. 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney."
+ title: "Endereço"
+ desc: "ex. 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney."
- desc: "Locations provided by {{provider}}"
+ desc: "Localizações oferecidas por {{provider}}"
- label: "Find Location"
- results: "Locations"
- no_results: "No results. Please double check the spelling."
- show_map: "Show Map"
+ label: "Encontrar Localização"
+ results: "Locais"
+ no_results: "Sem resultados. Por favor, verifique a escrita."
+ show_map: "Exibir Mapa"
- neighbourhood: "Please enter a neighbourhood."
- city: "Please enter a city, town or village."
- street: "Please enter a Number and Street."
- postalcode: "Please enter a Postal Code (Zip)."
- countrycode: "Please select a country."
- coordinates: "Please complete the set of coordinates."
- geo_location: "Search and select a result."
+ neighbourhood: "Por favor, insira um bairro."
+ city: "Por favor, insira uma cidade ou vilarejo."
+ street: "Por favor, insira uma Rua e Número."
+ postalcode: "Por favor, insira o Código Postal (CEP)."
+ countrycode: "Por favor, insira um País."
+ coordinates: "Por favor, complete as coordenadas."
+ geo_location: "Procurar e selecionar um resultado."
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ro.yml b/config/locales/client.ro.yml
index ec8d99aedb..3389ae5ddf 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ro.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ro:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ ro:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ ro:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ ro:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -157,11 +161,30 @@ ro:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -186,11 +209,14 @@ ro:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -200,6 +226,7 @@ ro:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -247,6 +274,10 @@ ro:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -277,17 +308,20 @@ ro:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@ ro:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -322,6 +362,8 @@ ro:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -332,6 +374,10 @@ ro:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -420,6 +466,10 @@ ro:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -468,8 +518,14 @@ ro:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -479,6 +535,43 @@ ro:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ru.yml b/config/locales/client.ru.yml
index 938ec061e2..28163cd300 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ru.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ru:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ ru:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ ru:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ ru:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ ru:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ ru:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ ru:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ ru:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ ru:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ ru:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ ru:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ ru:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ ru:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ ru:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ ru:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sd.yml b/config/locales/client.sd.yml
index 6a365f65fe..c2ca70d959 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sd.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sd.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sd:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ sd:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ sd:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ sd:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ sd:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ sd:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ sd:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ sd:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ sd:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ sd:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ sd:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ sd:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ sd:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ sd:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ sd:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sk.yml b/config/locales/client.sk.yml
index 8f427a90f9..177b3775e5 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sk.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sk:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ sk:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ sk:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ sk:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ sk:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ sk:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ sk:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ sk:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ sk:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ sk:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ sk:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ sk:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ sk:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ sk:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ sk:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sl.yml b/config/locales/client.sl.yml
index c6eefdbdda..1075381467 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sl.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sl:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ sl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ sl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ sl:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ sl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ sl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ sl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ sl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ sl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ sl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ sl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ sl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ sl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ sl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ sl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sq.yml b/config/locales/client.sq.yml
index f858bd315f..9b3ac6e9f4 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sq.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sq.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sq:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ sq:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ sq:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ sq:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ sq:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ sq:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ sq:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ sq:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ sq:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ sq:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ sq:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ sq:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ sq:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ sq:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ sq:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sr.yml b/config/locales/client.sr.yml
index fa5b434412..c85a7c9645 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sr.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sr-Cyrl:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ sr-Cyrl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ sr-Cyrl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ sr-Cyrl:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -157,11 +161,30 @@ sr-Cyrl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -186,11 +209,14 @@ sr-Cyrl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -200,6 +226,7 @@ sr-Cyrl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -247,6 +274,10 @@ sr-Cyrl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -277,17 +308,20 @@ sr-Cyrl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@ sr-Cyrl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -322,6 +362,8 @@ sr-Cyrl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -332,6 +374,10 @@ sr-Cyrl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -420,6 +466,10 @@ sr-Cyrl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -468,8 +518,14 @@ sr-Cyrl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -479,6 +535,43 @@ sr-Cyrl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sv.yml b/config/locales/client.sv.yml
index cf00ab9fdf..a7c8c8abbc 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sv.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sv:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ sv:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ sv:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ sv:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ sv:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ sv:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ sv:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ sv:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ sv:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ sv:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ sv:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ sv:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ sv:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ sv:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ sv:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.sw.yml b/config/locales/client.sw.yml
index 5265f9f913..fb26bde1a8 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.sw.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.sw.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sw:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ sw:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ sw:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ sw:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ sw:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ sw:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ sw:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ sw:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ sw:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ sw:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ sw:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ sw:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ sw:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ sw:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ sw:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ta.yml b/config/locales/client.ta.yml
index adb7b2a3a4..d6159074a2 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ta.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ta.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ta:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ta:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ta:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ta:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ta:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ta:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ta:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ta:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ta:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ta:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ta:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ta:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ta:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ta:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ta:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.te.yml b/config/locales/client.te.yml
index 1aa2e4269a..f8ede6555a 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.te.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.te.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ te:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ te:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ te:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ te:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ te:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ te:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ te:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ te:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ te:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ te:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ te:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ te:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ te:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ te:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ te:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.th.yml b/config/locales/client.th.yml
index 420625a5af..e9f71c9a73 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.th.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.th.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ th:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ th:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ th:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ th:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ th:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ th:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ th:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ th:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ th:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ th:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ th:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ th:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ th:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ th:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ th:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.tl.yml b/config/locales/client.tl.yml
index a67d027274..4f2a647b35 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.tl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.tl.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tl:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ tl:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ tl:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ tl:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ tl:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ tl:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ tl:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ tl:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ tl:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ tl:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ tl:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ tl:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ tl:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ tl:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ tl:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.tr.yml b/config/locales/client.tr.yml
index e22f7db13b..09968f7314 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.tr.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tr:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ tr:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ tr:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ tr:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ tr:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ tr:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ tr:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ tr:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ tr:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ tr:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ tr:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ tr:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ tr:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ tr:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ tr:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.tt.yml b/config/locales/client.tt.yml
index d283e6eb9c..b4433dd8f9 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.tt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.tt.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tt:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ tt:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ tt:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ tt:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ tt:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ tt:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ tt:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ tt:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ tt:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ tt:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ tt:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ tt:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ tt:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ tt:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ tt:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.uk.yml b/config/locales/client.uk.yml
index a8b3fcf0d1..cc26af9d72 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.uk.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ uk:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ uk:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -113,8 +116,6 @@ uk:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ uk:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -158,11 +162,30 @@ uk:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -187,11 +210,14 @@ uk:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@ uk:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -248,6 +275,10 @@ uk:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -278,17 +309,20 @@ uk:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -301,6 +335,12 @@ uk:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -323,6 +363,8 @@ uk:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -333,6 +375,10 @@ uk:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -421,6 +467,10 @@ uk:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -469,8 +519,14 @@ uk:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -480,6 +536,43 @@ uk:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.ur.yml b/config/locales/client.ur.yml
index 982d55e0ca..16c7923922 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.ur.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.ur.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ur:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ ur:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ ur:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ ur:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ ur:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ ur:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ ur:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ ur:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ ur:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ ur:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ ur:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ ur:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ ur:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ ur:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ ur:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.vi.yml b/config/locales/client.vi.yml
index b7ac302592..8580699b43 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.vi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.vi.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ vi:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ vi:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ vi:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ vi:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ vi:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ vi:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ vi:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ vi:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ vi:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ vi:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ vi:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ vi:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ vi:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ vi:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ vi:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.yi.yml b/config/locales/client.yi.yml
index dbfcf2203d..5208b02130 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.yi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.yi.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ yi:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ yi:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ yi:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ yi:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ yi:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ yi:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ yi:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ yi:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ yi:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ yi:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ yi:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ yi:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ yi:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ yi:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ yi:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh.yml b/config/locales/client.zh.yml
index d8306b903d..090d74a61a 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.zh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.zh.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ zh-TW:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ zh-TW:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -110,8 +113,6 @@ zh-TW:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ zh-TW:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -155,11 +159,30 @@ zh-TW:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -184,11 +207,14 @@ zh-TW:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -198,6 +224,7 @@ zh-TW:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -245,6 +272,10 @@ zh-TW:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -275,17 +306,20 @@ zh-TW:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -298,6 +332,12 @@ zh-TW:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -320,6 +360,8 @@ zh-TW:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -330,6 +372,10 @@ zh-TW:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -418,6 +464,10 @@ zh-TW:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -466,8 +516,14 @@ zh-TW:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -477,6 +533,43 @@ zh-TW:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/client.zu.yml b/config/locales/client.zu.yml
index f1f5f54b3f..6f8b5094eb 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.zu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.zu.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ zu:
completed: "You have completed this wizard."
not_permitted: "You are not permitted to access this wizard."
none: "There is no wizard here."
- return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}"
+ return_to_site: "Return to {{siteName}}."
requires_login: "You need to be logged in to access this wizard."
reset: "Reset this wizard."
step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step."
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ zu:
time: "Time"
done: "Set Time"
clear: "Clear"
+ after_time_groups:
+ label: Time Groups
+ description: Groups directed to wizard after start time.
required: "Required"
required_label: "Users cannot skip the wizard."
prompt_completion: "Prompt"
@@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ zu:
key: "Key"
value: "Value"
profile: "profile"
- translation: "Translation"
- translation_placeholder: "key"
type: "Type"
none: "Make a selection"
submission_key: 'submission key'
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ zu:
select_type: "Select a type"
condition: "Condition"
index: "Index"
+ edit_columns: "Edit Columns"
+ expand_text: "Read More"
+ collapse_text: "Show Less"
title: "Custom Wizard"
@@ -156,11 +160,30 @@ zu:
no_file: Please choose a file to import
file_size_error: The file size must be 512kb or less
file_format_error: The file must be a .json file
- server_error: "Error: {{message}}"
importing: Importing wizards...
destroying: Destroying wizards...
import_complete: Import complete
destroy_complete: Destruction complete
+ subscription:
+ documentation: Check out the subscription documentation
+ authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}."
+ not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}."
+ subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours."
+ subscription_active: "Your subscription is active."
+ subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation."
+ unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours."
+ unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect.
+ submissions:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions"
+ viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}"
+ documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation"
+ logs:
+ select: "Select a wizard to see its logs"
+ viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum"
+ documentation: "Check out the logs documentation"
+ notices:
+ info: "Plugin status and subscription notices"
+ documentation: Check out the notices documentation
show: "Show"
hide: "Hide"
@@ -185,11 +208,14 @@ zu:
user_field_options: "user field options"
user: "user"
category: "category"
+ topic: "topic"
tag: "tag"
group: "group"
list: "list"
custom_field: "custom field"
value: "value"
+ users: "users"
+ guests: "users and guests"
text: "Enter text"
property: "Select property"
@@ -199,6 +225,7 @@ zu:
user_field_options: "Select field"
user: "Select user"
category: "Select category"
+ topic: "Select a topic"
tag: "Select tag"
group: "Select group"
list: "Enter item"
@@ -246,6 +273,10 @@ zu:
prefill: "Prefill"
content: "Content"
tag_groups: "Tag Groups"
+ can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag"
+ category:
+ label: "Category"
+ none: "Limit to a category..."
label: "Format"
instructions: "Moment.js format"
@@ -276,17 +307,20 @@ zu:
dropdown: Dropdown
tag: Tag
category: Category
+ topic: Topic
group: Group
user_selector: User Selector
date: Date
time: Time
date_time: Date & Time
+ event: Event (Events Plugin)
and: "and"
or: "or"
then: "then"
set: "set"
equal: '='
+ not_equal: '!='
greater: '>'
less: '<'
greater_or_equal: '>='
@@ -299,6 +333,12 @@ zu:
include: "Include Fields"
title: "Title"
post: "Post"
+ poster:
+ label: "Poster"
+ wizard_user: "Wizard user"
+ guest_email:
+ label: "Guest email"
+ placeholder: "Field for guest email"
topic_attr: "Topic Attribute"
interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}."
@@ -321,6 +361,8 @@ zu:
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
visible: "Visible"
+ add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)"
+ add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)"
label: "Open Composer"
@@ -331,6 +373,10 @@ zu:
label: "Watch Categories"
categories: "Categories"
mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder"
+ watch_tags:
+ label: "Watch Tags"
+ tags: "Tags"
+ watch_x:
label: "Notification Level"
regular: "Normal"
@@ -419,6 +465,10 @@ zu:
nav_label: "Submissions"
title: "{{name}} Submissions"
download: "Download"
+ group_id: "Group ID"
+ category_id: "Category ID"
+ topic_id: "Topic ID"
+ composer_preview: "Composer Preview"
label: "API"
nav_label: 'APIs'
@@ -467,8 +517,14 @@ zu:
success_codes: "Select success codes"
label: "Logs"
+ clear: clear
nav_label: "Logs"
+ title: "{{name}} Logs"
+ date: Date
+ action: Action
+ user: User
+ message: Message
nav_label: Manager
title: Manage Wizards
@@ -478,6 +534,43 @@ zu:
upload: Select wizards.json
destroy: Destroy
destroyed: destroyed
+ subscription:
+ title: Subscriber Features
+ authorize:
+ label: Connect
+ title: Connect your subscription to this site
+ deauthorize:
+ label: Disconnect
+ title: Disconnect your subscription from this site
+ update:
+ title: "Update subscription status"
+ subscribed:
+ label: Subscribed
+ title: You're subscribed and can use these features
+ selector: subscribed
+ not_subscribed:
+ label: Not Subscribed
+ title: Subscribe to use these features
+ selector: not subscribed
+ type:
+ none:
+ label: Subscribe
+ title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum.
+ business:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum.
+ standard:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum.
+ community:
+ label: Support
+ title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum.
+ user:
+ label: Wizards
+ redirect:
+ label: Redirect
+ remove_label: Remove
+ remove_title: Remove wizard redirect
select: "Select a group"
diff --git a/config/locales/server.af.yml b/config/locales/server.af.yml
index 29471043e4..05d282aaf4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.af.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.af.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ af:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ af:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ar.yml b/config/locales/server.ar.yml
index 07192b8aa2..b2d5c6149a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ar.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ar.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ar:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ar:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.az.yml b/config/locales/server.az.yml
index b08ff79e3f..22cc62603f 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.az.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.az.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ az:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ az:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.be.yml b/config/locales/server.be.yml
index 941cc513d7..1af696736a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.be.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.be.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ be:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ be:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.bg.yml b/config/locales/server.bg.yml
index 5b0a5cf7cb..9bdcffb7f4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.bg.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.bg.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ bg:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ bg:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.bn.yml b/config/locales/server.bn.yml
index 82b110054e..276f00aa93 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.bn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.bn.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ bn:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ bn:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.bo.yml b/config/locales/server.bo.yml
index a88761a0a4..dca77450d4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.bo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.bo.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ bo:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ bo:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.bs.yml b/config/locales/server.bs.yml
index 1cc7cea3e4..c1c9415e08 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.bs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.bs.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ bs:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ bs:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ca.yml b/config/locales/server.ca.yml
index a8de0e7e2e..070df19a07 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ca.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ca:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ca:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.cs.yml b/config/locales/server.cs.yml
index 0363305c1e..9ef6ef78ae 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.cs.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ cs:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ cs:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.cy.yml b/config/locales/server.cy.yml
index 6b7de627aa..64bd49d725 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.cy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.cy.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ cy:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ cy:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.da.yml b/config/locales/server.da.yml
index 6124f5f84a..9322bbeea5 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.da.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.da.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ da:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ da:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.de.yml b/config/locales/server.de.yml
index c5468a758d..a54e7bc44a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.de.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ de:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' ist zu kurz für einen benutzerdefinierten Feldnamen (min. Länge ist #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' wird bereits als benutzerdefinierter Feldname benutzt"
save_default: "Fehler beim Speichern des benutzerdefinierten Feldes '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} muss mindestens %{min} Zeichen lang sein"
too_long: "%{label} darf nicht mehr als %{max} Zeichen lang sein"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ de:
after_signup: "Du kannst nur einen \"Nach der Anmeldung\" Assistenten gleichzeitig haben. %{wizard_id} hat \"nach der Anmeldung\" aktiviert."
after_signup_after_time: "Du kannst nicht 'nach Zeit und 'nach Anmeldung' bei dem gleichen Assistenten verwenden."
after_time: "Nach Zeit Einstellung ist ungültig."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid-Syntax-Fehler in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Benutzerdefinierte Assistenten aktivieren."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routen, die von Assistenten-Weiterleitungen ausgeschlossen sind."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "Dateitypen, die dazu führen, dass der Upload eine Vorschau anzeigen wird"
wizard_apis_enabled: "API-Funktionen aktivieren (experimentell)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.el.yml b/config/locales/server.el.yml
index 686be275a8..38d185e4ba 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.el.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.el.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ el:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ el:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.eo.yml b/config/locales/server.eo.yml
index 48d11c044c..263c19258f 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.eo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.eo.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ eo:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ eo:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.es.yml b/config/locales/server.es.yml
index c95e97b71a..ed8919d452 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.es.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ es:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ es:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.et.yml b/config/locales/server.et.yml
index 9d2b46abe0..1afb027e64 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.et.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.et.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ et:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ et:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.eu.yml b/config/locales/server.eu.yml
index 76db5b2e06..7bc3da5cf4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.eu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.eu.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ eu:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ eu:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.fa.yml b/config/locales/server.fa.yml
index 2ffe7c2154..2f1f64c917 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.fa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.fa.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ fa:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ fa:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.fi.yml b/config/locales/server.fi.yml
index c7f944aa8e..ce228bf04e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.fi.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ fi:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ fi:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.fr.yml b/config/locales/server.fr.yml
index 818a258041..a7456e85f6 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.fr.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ fr:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} doit compter au-moins %{min} caractères"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ fr:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes exclues des redirections de l'assistant."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.gl.yml b/config/locales/server.gl.yml
index d719560418..1b9326c0ed 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.gl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.gl.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ gl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ gl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.he.yml b/config/locales/server.he.yml
index 789091fd89..c652e87452 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.he.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ he:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ he:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.hi.yml b/config/locales/server.hi.yml
index 2d85878aac..d10ce34502 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.hi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.hi.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ hi:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ hi:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.hr.yml b/config/locales/server.hr.yml
index f54b13d7c3..0805e63cd2 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.hr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.hr.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ hr:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ hr:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.hu.yml b/config/locales/server.hu.yml
index a4bc44ed90..a40b4e767b 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.hu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.hu.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ hu:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ hu:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.hy.yml b/config/locales/server.hy.yml
index 29d1e8ab0d..f0d1dcada8 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.hy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.hy.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ hy:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ hy:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.id.yml b/config/locales/server.id.yml
index 3d11045f79..0126c640a8 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.id.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.id.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ id:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ id:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.is.yml b/config/locales/server.is.yml
index 350529f88d..844dd4db97 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.is.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.is.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ is:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ is:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.it.yml b/config/locales/server.it.yml
index fc52d46521..c81766273b 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.it.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ it:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ it:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ja.yml b/config/locales/server.ja.yml
index 41e9b2ff5e..a41e928261 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ja.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ja.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ja:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ja:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ka.yml b/config/locales/server.ka.yml
index 23f8425af9..f7167594a8 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ka.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ka.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ka:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ka:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.kk.yml b/config/locales/server.kk.yml
index b4c73c8f0e..13ccd53a1e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.kk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.kk.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ kk:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ kk:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.km.yml b/config/locales/server.km.yml
index ed82f24aa7..1fb06f306a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.km.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.km.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ km:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ km:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.kn.yml b/config/locales/server.kn.yml
index c014696c6c..5440be533d 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.kn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.kn.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ kn:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ kn:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ko.yml b/config/locales/server.ko.yml
index dd0ff3c9f5..9034831cfc 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ko.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ko:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ko:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ku.yml b/config/locales/server.ku.yml
index e4d07fb13f..9c62bc957e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ku.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ku.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ku:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ku:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.lo.yml b/config/locales/server.lo.yml
index d372d10341..46c058730d 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.lo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.lo.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ lo:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ lo:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.lt.yml b/config/locales/server.lt.yml
index d8b1a496be..22224e56c4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.lt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.lt.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ lt:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ lt:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.lv.yml b/config/locales/server.lv.yml
index 101cee370e..0828d0eff5 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.lv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.lv.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ lv:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ lv:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.mk.yml b/config/locales/server.mk.yml
index c199ee9024..444be6c3cc 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.mk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.mk.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ mk:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ mk:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ml.yml b/config/locales/server.ml.yml
index 789764c46d..ffe8372f72 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ml.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ml.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ml:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ml:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.mn.yml b/config/locales/server.mn.yml
index f5d4bd5ed6..755a968f8a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.mn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.mn.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ mn:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ mn:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ms.yml b/config/locales/server.ms.yml
index 88efed6275..7551bb546f 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ms.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ms.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ms:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ms:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ne.yml b/config/locales/server.ne.yml
index cfbfac264b..fee40698ac 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ne.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ne.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ne:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ne:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.nl.yml b/config/locales/server.nl.yml
index d49059c6ad..50399e841b 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.nl.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ nl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ nl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.no.yml b/config/locales/server.no.yml
index 8375cd7c1c..41b4fb2c1f 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.no.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.no.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.om.yml b/config/locales/server.om.yml
index 7986962fc7..9b5c9493ce 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.om.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.om.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ om:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ om:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.pa.yml b/config/locales/server.pa.yml
index 598398c614..4f5346888e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.pa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.pa.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ pa:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ pa:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.pl.yml b/config/locales/server.pl.yml
index ab175f28a9..01110a3c77 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.pl.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ pl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ pl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.pt.yml b/config/locales/server.pt.yml
index 6f7eca4210..4f070a0f69 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.pt.yml
@@ -9,31 +9,32 @@ pt:
required_attribute: "'%{attr}' é um atributo obrigatório"
unsupported_class: "'%{class}' não é uma classe suportada"
- unsupported_serializers: "'%{serializers}' não é suportado serializadores para '%{class}'"
- unsupported_type: "%{type} não é um tipo de campo personalizado suportado"
- name_invalid: "'%{name}' não é um nome de campo personalizado válido"
- name_too_short: "'%{name}' é muito curto para um nome de campo personalizado (comprimento mínimo é #{min_length})"
- name_already_taken: "'%{name}' já está tomado como um nome de campo personalizado"
- save_default: "Falha ao salvar o campo personalizado '%{name}'"
+ unsupported_serializers: "'%{serializers}' não são serializadores suportados por '%{class}'"
+ unsupported_type: "%{type} não é um tipo de campo customizado suportado"
+ name_invalid: "'%{name}' não é um nome de campo customizado válido"
+ name_too_short: "'%{name}' é muito curto para o nome de um campo customizado (o comprimento mínimo é #{min_length})"
+ name_already_taken: "'%{name}' já está em uso como nome de um campo customizado"
+ save_default: "Falha ao salvar o campo customizado '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
- too_short: "%{label} deve ter pelo menos %{min} caracteres"
- too_long: "%{label} deve ter pelo menos %{max} caracteres"
+ too_short: "%{label} deve ter ao menos %{min} caracteres"
+ too_long: "%{label} deve ter no máximo %{max} caracteres"
required: "%{label} é obrigatório."
not_url: "%{label} deve ser uma url válida"
invalid_file: "%{label} deve ser um %{types}"
invalid_date: "Data inválida"
- invalid_time: "Tempo inválido"
- none: "Nós não conseguimos encontrar um assistente nesse endereço."
+ invalid_time: "Horário inválido"
+ none: "Não conseguimos encontrar um assistente neste endereço."
no_skip: "Assistente não pode ser ignorado"
- select_one: "Por favor, selecione pelo menos um assistente válido"
+ select_one: "Por favor, selecione ao menos um assistente válido"
invalid_wizards: "Nenhum assistente válido selecionado"
no_file: "Nenhum arquivo selecionado"
file_large: "Arquivo muito grande"
- invalid_json: "O arquivo não é um arquivo json válido"
+ invalid_json: "O arquivo não é um arquivo JSON válido"
no_template: Nenhum modelo encontrado
@@ -41,12 +42,18 @@ pt:
required: "%{property} é obrigatório"
conflict: "Assistente com id '%{wizard_id}' já existe"
- after_signup: "Você só pode ter um assistente 'após a inscrição' por vez. %{wizard_id} tem 'após a inscrição' habilitado."
- after_signup_after_time: "Você não pode usar 'após tempo' e 'após a inscrição' no mesmo assistente."
- after_time: "Após a configuração do tempo é inválido."
- liquid_syntax_error: "Erro de sintaxe Liquid em %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ after_signup: "Você só pode ter apenas um assiste com 'após cadastro' ativo. %{wizard_id} já possui essa propriedade ativa."
+ after_signup_after_time: "Você não pode usar 'após tempo' e 'após cadastro' em um mesmo assistente."
+ after_time: "A configuração do 'após tempo' é inválida."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
+ liquid_syntax_error: "Erro de sintaxe líquida em %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
- custom_wizard_enabled: "Ativar assistentes personalizados."
+ custom_wizard_enabled: "Habilitar assistentes customizados."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Rotas excluídas dos redirecionamentos do assistente."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "Tipos de arquivo que resultarão no upload exibindo uma visualização da imagem"
- wizard_apis_enabled: "Habilitar recursos API (experimental)."
+ wizard_apis_enabled: "Habilitar recursos da API (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ro.yml b/config/locales/server.ro.yml
index 886f8aa315..82028b6cd2 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ro.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ro:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ro:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ru.yml b/config/locales/server.ru.yml
index 3031100a7f..171ac0fcc6 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ru.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ru:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ru:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sd.yml b/config/locales/server.sd.yml
index 7de2028710..de49f38980 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sd.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sd.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sd:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sd:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sk.yml b/config/locales/server.sk.yml
index ee9bbbf742..7586ecddf6 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sk.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sk:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sk:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sl.yml b/config/locales/server.sl.yml
index 0e557e6f6e..000d52b0de 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sl.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sq.yml b/config/locales/server.sq.yml
index 88842a213f..d5c7259212 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sq.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sq.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sq:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sq:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sr.yml b/config/locales/server.sr.yml
index cde9dac2b8..efdce7c6d7 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sr.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sr-Cyrl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sr-Cyrl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sv.yml b/config/locales/server.sv.yml
index 3baad07fae..8c9cfc1c64 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sv.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sv:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sv:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.sw.yml b/config/locales/server.sw.yml
index 6a868e036f..1b7d66c092 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.sw.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.sw.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ sw:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ sw:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ta.yml b/config/locales/server.ta.yml
index 8893a6f37f..377a708f7e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ta.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ta.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ta:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ta:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.te.yml b/config/locales/server.te.yml
index 0cab40b1ca..917390df36 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.te.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.te.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ te:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ te:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.th.yml b/config/locales/server.th.yml
index e68d15a313..0541b979b1 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.th.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.th.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ th:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ th:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.tl.yml b/config/locales/server.tl.yml
index e49bf9e186..5a943c6b8a 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.tl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.tl.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ tl:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ tl:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.tr.yml b/config/locales/server.tr.yml
index 2ec9f7ee1c..36bfb47192 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.tr.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ tr:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ tr:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.tt.yml b/config/locales/server.tt.yml
index a3c202302f..7fbfc4ac8d 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.tt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.tt.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ tt:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ tt:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.uk.yml b/config/locales/server.uk.yml
index beafde2482..267fc8309b 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.uk.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ uk:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ uk:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.ur.yml b/config/locales/server.ur.yml
index 18d33b0b9d..9098b324b4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.ur.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.ur.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ur:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ ur:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.vi.yml b/config/locales/server.vi.yml
index f0afe53bf2..bcd7f73859 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.vi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.vi.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ vi:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ vi:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.yi.yml b/config/locales/server.yi.yml
index 01eadd0f9d..17956dd45e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.yi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.yi.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ yi:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ yi:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.zh.yml b/config/locales/server.zh.yml
index 73023604e0..49cb9c0ed5 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.zh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.zh.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ zh-CN:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "保存自定义字段“%{name}”失败"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ zh-CN:
after_signup: "您只能有一个“注册即导向”型的向导。Id为 %{wizard_id} 的向导已启用该特性。"
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "启用自定义向导。"
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."
diff --git a/config/locales/server.zu.yml b/config/locales/server.zu.yml
index 0b2501cbbe..c898110cfc 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.zu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.zu.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ zu:
name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})"
name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name"
save_default: "Failed to save custom field '%{name}'"
+ subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription"
too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters"
too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters"
@@ -44,9 +45,15 @@ zu:
after_signup: "You can only have one 'after signup' wizard at a time. %{wizard_id} has 'after signup' enabled."
after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard."
after_time: "After time setting is invalid."
+ after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}"
liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}"
+ subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription"
+ not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard"
+ error_messages:
+ wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation."
custom_wizard_enabled: "Enable custom wizards."
wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects."
wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview"
wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)."
+ wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."