- Fabian Joswig (5):
- ci: execute test action only on push to master and on pull requests.
- ci: test requirements added to ci workflow.
- ci: first version of github actions ci added.
- fix: import from from scipy.ndimage.filters replaced by from scipy.ndimage
- fix: np.info(float).machar.tiny replaced by np.info(float).tiny
- Jonas Eschle (6):
- Drop Python 3.6
- Remove Python 2.7, 3.6 from appveyor CI
- Update .travis.yml
- Update setup.cfg
- Update .travis.yml
- Update to Python310
- Per A Brodtkorb (19):
- Commented out deprecated pep8ignore and pep8maxlinelength in setup.cfg
- Fixed issue #59: numpy deprecation warning on machar.tiny
- Deleted obsolete travis_install.sh
- Replaced deprecated np.MachAr().eps (NumPy 1.22) with np.finfo(float).eps in test_multicomplex.py
- Added requirements.tests.txt
- Updated .github/workflows/test.yml to use requirements.tests.txt
- Removed obsolete .travis.yml and appveyor.yml.
- Github-actions are now used instead.
- Replaced appveyor badge and travis badge with github-actions badge in README.rst, info.py and index.rst
- Removed python 2.7 from classifiers in setup.cfg
- Updated .travis.yml
- Fixed doctest so they don't crash on travis: Replaced "# doctest + SKIP" with "# doctest: +SKIP" in docstrings.
- Updated download badge in README.rst and info.py
- Updated test_img in README.rst
- Updated tests_img path for travis.
- Added "# doctest + SKIP" to doctest string in info.py
- Replaced "version|" with "release|" in docs/index.rst
- Added matplotlib to requirements.txt Removed failing python 3.8 from appveyor.yml
- Per A. Brodtkorb (4):
- Merge pull request #65 from fjosw/feat/github_actions_ci
- Merge pull request #66 from jonas-eschle/patch-1
- Merge pull request #60 from peendebak/performance/percentile
- Merge pull request #63 from fjosw/feat/numpy_deprecation
- Pieter Eendebak (2):
- workaround for known issue with np.nanpercentile
- improve performance by combining percentile calculations
- Per A Brodtkorb (109):
- Replaced python 3.5 with 3.9 in .travis.yml
- Removed python 3.5 from appveyor.yml
- Added bibtex_bibfiles = ... to docs/conf.py
- Fixed doctest failures in
- docs/src/numerical/derivest.rst
- docs/tutorials/getting_started.rst
- numdifftools.core.py
- numdifftools.limits.py
- numdifftools.nd_algopy.py
- numdifftools.nd_scipy.py
- numdifftools.nd_statsmodels.py
- Insulated import of click in a if __name__ =='__main__' clause.
- Added activate to appveyor.yml
- Added https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WynnsEpsilonMethod.html reference for the Epsilon algorithm in extrapolation.py.
- Disabled the restriction that n must be one in LogJacobianRule
- Added complex_even and central_even methods to the JacobianDifferenceFunctions
- Updated documentation of Derivative in core.py
- Updated documentation of Richardson.
- Removed obsolete tests from test_nd_scipy.py
- Fixed a bug in TestJacobian.test_scalar_to_vector in test_nd_scipy.py for method="complex'
- Refactored code from core.py to finite_difference.py
- Added LogJacobianRule, LogHessdiagRule, LogHessianRule to finite_difference.py
- Fixed a bug in Richardson._estimate_error: Complex rule resulted wrongly in complex error values.
- Added netlib.org/quadpack reference.
- Updated Dea to conform with Quadpack
- Replaced reference to Brezinski with refs to Quadpack.
- Reduced cyclomatic complexity in Dea in extrapolation.py
- Removed commented out code in profile_numdifftools.py
- Updated pycodestyle ignore section in setup.cfg
- Removed commented out code in run_benchmark.py Made get_nominal_step continous as function of x
- Made datetime call python 2.7 compatible in run_benchmark.py
- Simplified the Derivative._step_generator function in core.py.
- Made plots generated from run_benchmark.py prettier.
- step_ratio in the step generators by default 2 for n=1 and 1.6 otherwise in step_generators.py
- Fixed failing doctests in core.py and nd_statsmodels.py
- Added doctests to setup.cfg.
- Reordered imports in test_example_functions.py
- Fixed .travis.yml so that he file paths in coverage.xml is discoverable under the sonar.sources folder. The problem is that SonarQube is analysing the checked-out source code (in src/numdifftools) but the actual unit tests and coverage.py is run against the installed code (in build/lib/numdifftools). Thus the absolute files paths to the installed
- Removed commented code from test_numdifftools.py
- Run only coverage xml when python version is 3.7
- Updated .travis.yml Removed commented out code from extrapolation.py and nd_statsmodels.py
- Finalized the moved of XXXDifferencdFunctions from core.py to finite_difference.py
- Added missing docstring for default_scale function in step_generators.py.
- Removed unused import of itertools in _find_default_scale.py.
- Changed default scale from 1.35 to 1.06 for complex/multicomplex methods when n=1
- Added richardson_demo to extrapolation.py Simplified EpsAlg class in extrapolation.py
- Corrected a small error for dea3: Now dea3 and Dea(limexp=3) gives the same result!
- Added python 3.8 to appveyor.yml Added python 3.9 to setup.cfg
- Fixed reference to how-to/index
- Added doctest configuration to docs.conf.py
- Fixes issue #50 by adding function value f(x) to the info.f_value.
- Updated README.rst
- Added @UnusedVariable here and there.
- Silence warnings in Hessian by adding __init__ that set the correct order given the method.
- Updated the Richardson._r_matrix method to generate complex matrix when step_ratio is complex.
- Fixed profile_hessian in profile_numdifftools.py so it works again.
- Added with np.errstate(all='ignore') to test_derivative_on_sinh and test_scalar_to_vector in test_nd_algopy.py to silence warnings.
- Changed citation style to alpha.
- Replaced bibliography.rst with refs1.bib and zreferences.rst
- Removed badges for latex
- Changed sonar addon token
- Fixed a typo in docs/numdifftools.rst
- Added docs/make.bat
- Removed python 2.7 from .travis.yml
- Moved test_requires from setup.cfg to setup.py
- Added Latex to setup.py
- Changed default radius to 0.0059 which appears to cause less failures in Taylor in fornberg.py.
- Updated MANIFEST.in
- Fixes issue #49 : Dimension of Jacobian of vector valued function (length n) with scalar input should be n X 1
- Updated build_package.py
- Attempt to silence divide by zero and invalid warnings.
- Fix issue#52: Gradient tries to apply squeeze to the output tuple containing both the result and the full_output object.
- Made docstring a rawdocstring since it contains slashes.
- Added "# pylint: disable=unused-argument" in appropriate places.
- API change: replaced "python setup.py doctests" with "python setup.py doctest"
- Removed unused imports
- Fixed a bug in test_low_order_derivative_on_example_functions: Same variable (i) was used both in the outer and inner loop.
- Updated badge for pypi and documentation of fornberg.py
- Fixed failing tests.
- Updated docs + added a test
- Added "python -m pip install --upgrade pytest" to appveyor.yml due to a package conflict on python2.7 32 bit
- Added - "python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools" in appveyor.yml to avoid build error.
- Try "python setup.py bdist_wheel" and "pip install numdifftools --find-links=dist" in appveyor.yml
- Put qoutes on "python -m pip install --upgrade pip" in appveyor.yml
- Changed "python setup.py install" to
- python setup.py bdist_wheel"
- pip install numdifftools --find-links=dist
- Added "pip install --upgrade pip" to appveyor.yml
- Updated the detailed package documentation.
- Added missing pytest-pep8 to install
- Updated badge + appveyor.yml
- ongoing work to harmonize the the output from approx_fprime and approx_fprime_cs
- Added Taylor class to nd_algopy.py Fixed a bug in _get_best_taylor_coefficient in fornberg.py
- Updated references Added test_mod_c function to test_multicomplex.py
- Fixed a typo.
- Removed --strict-markers
- Fixed issue #39 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'Bicomplex'
- Fixed a typo in the documentation. Closing issue #51
- Added separate test for nd_scipy.
- added skip on tests if LineProfiler is not installed.
- Removed obsolete centered argument from call to approx_hess1 + pep8
- Move Jacobian._increment method to _JacobianDifferenceFunctions
- step_nom was unused in CStepGenerator.__init__ Added pytest.markers.slow in to setup.cfg
- Made two tests more forgiving in order to avoid failure on travis.
- Renamed nominal_step and base_step to get_nominal_step and get_base_step, respectively.
- Removed obsolete import of example from hypothesis
- Updated testing
- Updated coverage call: coverage run -m py.test src/numdifftools/tests
- Delete obsolete conftest.py
- Robert Parini (1):
- Fix issue #43: numpy future warning
- Andrew Nelson (1):
- MAINT: special.factorial instead of misc.factorial
- Dougal J. Sutherland (1):
- include LICENSE.txt in distributions
- Per A Brodtkorb (140):
- Adjusted runtime for hypothesis tests to avoid failure and fixed pep8 failures.
- Fixed a bug in setup.cfg
- Replaced valarray function with numpy.full in step_generators.py
- Added try except on import of algopy
- Updated the badges used in the README.rst
- Replaced numpy.testing.Tester with pytest.
- Removed dependence on pyscaffold.
- Simplified setup.py and setup.cfg
- Updated .travis.yml configuration.
- Reorganized the documentation.
- Ongoing work to simplify the classes.
- Replaced unittest with pytest.
- Added finite_difference.py
- replaced , with .
- Reverted to coverage=4.3.4
- New attempt
- Fixed conflicting import
- Missing import of EPS
- Added missing FD_RULES = {}
- Removed pinned coverage, removed dependence on pyscaffold
- Updated .travis.yml and .appveyor.yml
- Replaced conda channel omnia with conda-forge
- Removed commented out code. Set pyqt=5 in appveyor.yml
- Updated codeclimate checks
- Dropped support for python 3.3 and 3.4. Added support for python 3.6, 3.7
- Simplified code.
- Pinned IPython==5.0 in order to make the testserver not crash.
- Added line_profiler to appveyor.yml
- Removed line_profiler from requirements.txt
- Fix issue #37: Unable to install on Python 2.7
- Added method='backward' to nd_statsmodels.py
- Skip test_profile_numdifftools_profile_hessian and TestDoProfile
- Added missing import of warnings
- Added tests for the scripts from profile_numdifftools.py, _find_default_scale.py and run_benchmark.py.
- Added reason to unittest.skipIf
- Added line_profiler to requirements.
- misssing import of warnings fixed.
- Renamed test so it comes last, because I suspect this test mess up the coverage stats.
- Reordered the tests.
- Added more tests.
- Cleaned up _find_default_scale.py
- Removed link to depsy
- Reverted: install of cython and pip install setuptools
- Disabled sonar-scanner -X for python 3.5 because it crashes.
- Reverted [options.packages.find] to exclude tests again
- Added cython and reverted to pip install setuptools
- Updated sphinx to 1.6.7
- Try to install setuptools with conda instead.
- Added hypothesis and pytest to requirements.readthedocs.txt
- Set version of setuptools==37.0
- Added algopy, statsmodels and numpy to requirements.readthedocs.txt
- Restricted sphinx in the hope that the docs will be generated.
- Removed exclusion of tests/ directory from test coverage.
- Added dependencies into setup.cfg
- Readded six as dependency
- Refactored and removed commented out code.
- Fixed a bug in the docstring example: Made sure the shape passed on to zeros is an integer.
- Fixed c_abs so it works with algopy on python 3.6.
- Fixed flaky test and made it more robust.
- Fixed bug in .travis.yml
- Refactored the taylor function into the Taylor class in order to simplify the code.
- Fixed issue #35 and added tests
- Attempt to simplify complexity
- Made doctests more robust
- Updated project path
- Changed install of algopy
- Fixed small bugs
- Updated docstrings
- Changed Example and Reference to Examples and References in docstrings to comply with numpydoc-style.
- Renamed CHANGES.rst to CHANGELOG.rst
- Renamed source path
- Hack due to a bug in algopy or changed behaviour.
- Small fix.
- Try to reduce complexity
- Reduced cognitive complexity of min_num_steps
- Simplified code in Jacobian
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pbrod/numdifftools
- Fixed issue #34 Licence clarification.
- Locked coverage=4.3.4 due to a bug in coverage that cause code-climate test-reporter to fail.
- Added script for finding default scale
- updated from sonarcube to sonarcloud
- Made sure shape is an integer.
- Refactored make_step_generator into a step property
- Issue warning message to the user when setting the order to something different than 1 or 2 in Hessian.
- Updated example in Gradient.
- Reverted --timid option to coverage because it took too long time to run.
- Reverted --pep8 option
- pep8 + added --timid in .travis.yml coverage run in order to to increase missed coverage.
- Refactored taylor to reduce complexity
- No support for python 3.3. Added python 3.6
- Fixed a small bug and updated test.
- Removed unneccasarry perenthesis. Reduced the complexity of do_profile
- Made python3 compatible
- Removed assert False
- Made unittests more forgiving.
- updated doctest in nd_scipy.py and profiletools.py install line_profiler on travis
- Made python 3 compatible
- Updated tests
- Added test_profiletools.py and capture_stdout_and_stderr in testing.py
- Optimized numdifftools.core.py for speed: fd_rules are now only computed once.
- Only keeping html docs in the distribution.
- Added doctest and updated .pylintrc and requirements.txt
- Reduced time footprint on tests in the hope that it will pass on Travis CI.
- Prefer static methods over instance methods
- Better memory handling: This fixes issue #27
- Added statsmodels to requirements.txt
- Added nd_statsmodels.py
- Simplified input
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pbrod/numdifftools
- Updated link to the documentation.
- Robert Parini (4):
- Avoid RuntimeWarning in _get_logn
- Allow fd_derivative to take complex valued functions
- solarjoe (1):
- doc: added nd.directionaldiff example
- Per A Brodtkorb (1):
- Updated the author email address in order for twine to be able to upload to pypi.
- Per A Brodtkorb (1):
- Updated setup.py in a attempt to get upload to pypi working again.
- Per A Brodtkorb (38):
- Updated setup
- Added import statements in help header examples.
- Added more rigorous tests using hypothesis.
- Forced to use wxagg backend
- Moved import of matplotlib.pyplot to main in order to avoid import error on travis.
- Added fd_derivative function
- Updated references.
- Attempt to automate sonarcube analysis
- Added testcoverage to sonarqube and codeclimate
- Simplified code
- Added .pylintrc + pep8
- Major change in api: class member variable self.f changed to self.fun
- Fixes issue #25 (Jacobian broken since 0.9.15)
- Andrew Fowlie (1):
- Fix ReadTheDocs link as mentioned in #21
- Per A Brodtkorb (79):
- Added test for MinMaxStepgenerator
- Removed obsolete docs from core.py
- Updated appveyor.yml
- Fixed sign in inverse matrix
- Simplified code
- Added appveyor badge + synchronised info.py with README.rst.
- Removed plot in help header
- Added Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
- Simplified code
- Renamed bicomplex to Bicomplex
- Simplified example_functions.py
- Moved MinStepGenerator, MaxStepGeneretor and MinMaxStepGenerator to step_generators.py
- Unified the step generators
- Moved step_generator tests to test_step_generators.py
- Major simplification of step_generators.py
- Removed duplicated code + pep8
- Moved fornberg_weights to fornberg.py + added taylor and derivative
- Fixed print statement
- Replace xrange with range
- Added examples + made computation more robust.
- Made 'backward' and alias for 'reverse' in nd_algopy.py
- Expanded the tests + added test_docstrings to testing.py
- Replace string interpolation with format()
- Removed obsolete parameter
- Smaller start radius for Fornberg method
- Simplified "n" and "order" properties
- Simplified default_scale
- Removed unecessary parenthesis and code.
- Fixed a bug in Dea + small refactorings.
- Added test for EpsAlg
- Avoid mutable default args and prefer static methods over instance-meth.
- Refactored to reduce cyclomatic complexity
- Changed some instance methods to static methods
- Renamed non-pythonic variable names
- Turned on xvfb (X Virtual Framebuffer) to imitate a display.
- Added extra test for Jacobian
- Replace lambda function with a def
- Removed unused import
- Added test for epsalg
- Fixed test_scalar_to_vector
- Updated test_docstrings
- Cody (2):
- Migrated % string formating
- Migrated % string formating
- Per A Brodtkorb (28):
- Updated README.rst + setup.cfg
- Replaced instance methods with static methods +pep8
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pbrod/numdifftools
- Fixed a bug: replaced missing triple quote
- Added depsy badge
- added .checkignore for quantificode
- Added .codeclimate.yml
- Fixed failing tests
- Changed instance methods to static methods
- Made untyped exception handlers specific
- Replaced local function with a static method
- Simplified tests
- Removed duplicated code Simplified _Derivative._get_function_name
- exclude tests from testclimate
- Renamed test_functions.py to example_functions.py Added test_example_functions.py
- Per A. Brodtkorb (2):
- Merge pull request #17 from pbrod/autofix/wrapped2_to3_fix
- Merge pull request #18 from pbrod/autofix/wrapped2_to3_fix-0
- pbrod (17):
- updated conf.py
- added numpydoc>=0.5, sphinx_rtd_theme>=0.1.7 to setup_requires if sphinx
- updated setup.py
- added requirements.readthedocs.txt
- Updated README.rst with info about how to install it using conda in an anaconda package.
- updated conda install description
- Fixed number of arguments so it does not differs from overridden '_default_base_step' method
- Added codecov to .travis.yml
- Attempt to remove coverage of test-files
- Added directionaldiff function in order to calculate directional derivatives. Fixes issue #16. Also added supporting tests and examples to the documentation.
- Fixed isssue #19 multiple observations mishandled in Jacobian
- Moved rosen function into numdifftools.testing.py
- updated import of rosen function from numdifftools.testing
- Simplified code + pep8 + added TestResidue
- Updated readme.rst and replaced string interpolation with format()
- Cleaned Dea class + pep8
- Updated references for Wynn extrapolation method.
- pbrod (53):
- Updated documentation of setup.py
- Updated README.rst
- updated version
- Added more documentation
- Updated example
- Added .landscape.yml updated .coveragerc, .travis.yml
- Added coverageall to README.rst.
- updated docs/index.rst
- Removed unused code and added tests/test_extrapolation.py
- updated tests
- Added more tests
- Readded c_abs c_atan2
- Removed dependence on wheel, numpydoc>=0.5 and sphinx_rtd_theme>=0.1.7 (only needed for building documentation)
- updated conda path in .travis.yml
- added omnia channel to .travis.yml
- Added conda_recipe files Filtered out warnings in limits.py
- pbrod (21):
- Updated README.rst and CHANGES.rst.
- updated Limits.
- Made it possible to differentiate complex functions and allow zero'th order derivative.
- BUG: added missing derivative order, n to Gradient, Hessian, Jacobian.
- Made test more robust.
- Updated structure in setup according to pyscaffold version 2.4.2.
- Updated setup.cfg and deleted duplicate tests folder.
- removed unused code.
- Added appveyor.yml.
- Added required appveyor install scripts
- Fixed bug in appveyor.yml.
- added wheel to requirements.txt.
- updated appveyor.yml.
- Removed import matplotlib.
- Justin Lecher (1):
- Fix min version for numpy.
- kikocorreoso (1):
- fix some prints on run_benchmark.py to make it work with py3
pbrod (12):
- Updated documentation.
- Updated version in conf.py.
- Updated CHANGES.rst.
- Reimplemented outlier detection and made it more robust.
- Added limits.py with tests.
- Updated main tests folder.
- Moved Richardson and dea3 to extrapolation.py.
- Making a new release in order to upload to pypi.
- pbrod (2):
- Fixed sphinx-build and updated docs.
- Fixed issue #9 Backward differentiation method fails with additional parameters.
- pbrod (7):
- Fixed sphinx-build and updated docs.
- Added more tests to nd_algopy.
- Dropped support for Python 2.6.
- pbrod (7):
- Fixed sphinx-build and updated docs.
- Paul Kienzle (1):
- more useful benchmark plots.
- pbrod (7):
- Fixed bugs and updated docs.
- Major rewrite of the easy to use interface to Algopy.
- Added possibility to calculate n'th order derivative not just for n=1 in nd_algopy.
- Added tests to the easy to use interface to algopy.
- pbrod (3):
- Updated documentation
- Added parenthesis to a call to the print function
- Made the test less strict in order to pass the tests on Travis for python 2.6 and 3.2.
- Christoph Deil (1):
- Fix Sphinx build
- pbrod (47):
- Total remake of numdifftools with slightly different call syntax.
- Can compute derivatives of order up to 10-14 depending on function and method used.
- Updated documentation and tests accordingly.
- Fixed a bug in dea3.
- Added StepsGenerator as an replacement for the adaptive option.
- Added bicomplex class for testing the complex step second derivative.
- Added fornberg_weights_all for computing optimal finite difference rules in a stable way.
- Added higher order complex step derivative methods.
- pbrod (35):
- Got travis-ci working in order to run the tests automatically.
- Fixed bugs in Dea class.
- Fixed better error estimate for the Hessian.
- Fixed tests for python 2.6.
- Adding tests as subpackage.
- Restructerd folders of numdifftools.
- pbrod (5):
- Small cosmetic fixes.
- pep8 + some refactorings.
- Simplified code by refactoring.
- pbrod (20):
- Update and rename README.md to README.rst.
- Simplified call to Derivative: removed step_fix.
- Deleted unused code.
- Simplified and Refactored. Now possible to choose step_num=1.
- Changed default step_nom from max(abs(x0), 0.2) to max(log2(abs(x0)), 0.2).
- pep8ified code and made sure that all tests pass.
- pbrod (9):
- Updated the examples in Gradient class and in info.py.
- Added test for vec2mat and docstrings + cosmetic fixes.
- Refactored code into private methods.
- Fixed issue #7: Derivative(fun)(numpy.ones((10,5)) * 2) failed.
- Made print statements compatible with python 3.
- pbrod (1)
- Fixed a bug for inf and nan values.
- pbrod (1)
- Fixed a bug for inf and nan values.
- pbrod (11)
- Made automatic choice for the stepsize more robust.
- Added easy to use interface to the algopy and scientificpython modules.
- pbrod (4)
- First version of numdifftools published on google.code