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204 lines (142 loc) · 6.43 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (142 loc) · 6.43 KB

Load Data

Load necessary libraries


Load GTEx dataset

The GTEx data (Version 8) was downloaded from here

exp <- read_tsv(file,skip=2) %>% rename(gene_id=Name)

Collapse expression per tissue

The gtex_v8_tissues.tsv contains the tissues to keep (N>100), as well as info about which organ each tissue belongs to. We want to keep the different Brain tissues and not collapsed at the organ level for the Brain. So we add the different Brain tissues to the organ level column.

tissues <- read_tsv("../../Data/GTEx/v8/gtex_v8_tissues.tsv") %>% 
  rename(Lvl5=SMTSD,Tissue=SMTS) %>% 
  mutate(Tissue2=ifelse(grepl("Brain",Tissue),Lvl5,Tissue)) %>% 
  select(-Tissue) %>% 

## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   SMTS = col_character(),
##   SMTSD = col_character(),
##   SMAFRZE = col_character(),
##   Nsample = col_double(),
##   drop = col_logical()
## )

We tidy the GTEx gene expression data and join with the tissue information file

exp <- gather(exp,key = Lvl5,value=Expr,-gene_id,-Description) %>% as.tibble()

## Warning: `as.tibble()` is deprecated, use `as_tibble()` (but mind the new semantics).
## This warning is displayed once per session.

exp <- inner_join(exp,tissues)

## Joining, by = "Lvl5"

We then drop tissues with less than 100 samples, testis (gene expression outlier), non natural tissues (e.g. EBV-transformed lymphocytes) and then take the average expression for the different tissues that belong to the same organ.

exp_per_tissue <- exp %>% 
  filter(drop==FALSE) %>% 
  group_by(Tissue,gene_id,Description) %>% 

Tidy the data

exp <- exp_per_tissue %>% spread(Tissue,Expr) %>% ungroup()

Scale to 1M TPM

exp_scaled <- apply(exp[-c(1,2)],2,function(x) x*1e6/sum(x))
exp <- cbind(exp[c(1,2)],exp_scaled) %>% as.tibble()

Only keep genes with a unique name

exp <- exp %>% add_count(gene_id) %>% 
  filter(n==1) %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  mutate(gene_id=gsub("\\..+","",gene_id)) %>%
  gather(key = Lvl5,value=Expr,-gene_id,-Description) %>% 

Load gene coordinates

Load gene coordinates and extend upstream and downstream by 100kb.

File downloaded from MAGMA website (

Filtered to remove extended MHC (chr6, 25Mb to 34Mb).

gene_coordinates <- 
           col_names = FALSE,col_types = 'cciicc') %>%
  mutate(start=ifelse(X3-100000<0,0,X3-100000),end=X4+100000) %>%
  select(X2,start,end,1) %>% 
  rename(chr="X2", ENTREZ="X1") %>% 

Filter genes

Get table for ENTREZ and ENSEMBL gene names.

entrez_ensembl <- AnnotationDbi::toTable(

Only keep genes with a unique entrez and ensembl id.

entrez_ensembl_unique_genes_entrez <- entrez_ensembl %>% count(gene_id) %>% filter(n==1)
entrez_ensembl_unique_genes_ens <- entrez_ensembl %>% count(ensembl_id) %>% filter(n==1)
entrez_ensembl <- filter(entrez_ensembl,gene_id%in%entrez_ensembl_unique_genes_entrez$gene_id & ensembl_id %in% entrez_ensembl_unique_genes_ens$ensembl_id)
colnames(entrez_ensembl)[1] <- "ENTREZ"
colnames(entrez_ensembl)[2] <- "Gene"
gene_coordinates <- inner_join(entrez_ensembl,gene_coordinates) %>% as.tibble()

exp_lvl5 <- exp %>% rename(Expr_sum_mean=Expr,Gene=gene_id)

Only keep MAGMA genes

Only keep protein coding genes present in the MAGMA gene file.

exp_lvl5 <- inner_join(exp_lvl5,gene_coordinates)

Write dictonary for cell type names

dic_lvl5 <- exp_lvl5 %>% select(Lvl5) %>% unique() %>% mutate(makenames=make.names(Lvl5))


Remove not expressed genes

not_expressed <- exp_lvl5 %>% group_by(Gene) %>% 
  summarise(total_sum=sum(Expr_sum_mean)) %>% 
  filter(total_sum==0) %>% 
  select(Gene) %>% 

exp_lvl5 <- filter(exp_lvl5,!Gene%in%not_expressed$Gene)

Specificity Calculation

The specifitiy is defined as the proportion of total expression performed by the cell type of interest (x/sum(x)).

exp_lvl5 <- exp_lvl5 %>% group_by(Gene) %>% 
  mutate(specificity=Expr_sum_mean/sum(Expr_sum_mean)) %>% ungroup()

Get number of genes

Get number of genes that represent 10% of the dataset

n_genes <- length(unique(exp_lvl5$ENTREZ))
n_genes_to_keep <- (n_genes * 0.1) %>% round()

Save expression profile for other processing

save(exp_lvl5,file = "expression.ready.Rdata")


Get MAGMA input top10%

magma_top10 <- function(d,Cell_type){
  d_spe <- d %>% group_by_(Cell_type) %>% top_n(.,n_genes_to_keep,specificity) 
  d_spe %>% do(write_group_magma(.,Cell_type))

write_group_magma  = function(df,Cell_type) {
  df <- select(df,Lvl5,ENTREZ)
  df_name <- make.names(unique(df[1]))
  colnames(df)[2] <- df_name  
  dir.create(paste0("MAGMA/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
  select(df,2) %>% t() %>% %>% rownames_to_column("Cat") %>%

Get LDSC input top 10%

write_group  = function(df,Cell_type) {
  df <- select(df,Lvl5,chr,start,end,ENTREZ)
  dir.create(paste0("LDSC/Bed"), showWarnings = FALSE,recursive = TRUE)
  write_tsv(df[-1],paste0("LDSC/Bed/",make.names(unique(df[1])),".bed"),col_names = F)

ldsc_bedfile <- function(d,Cell_type){
  d_spe <- d %>% group_by_(Cell_type) %>% top_n(.,n_genes_to_keep,specificity) 
  d_spe %>% do(write_group(.,Cell_type))

Write MAGMA/LDSC input files

Filter out genes with expression below 1 TPM.

exp_lvl5 %>% filter(Expr_sum_mean>1) %>% magma_top10("Lvl5")

## Warning: group_by_() is deprecated. 
## Please use group_by() instead
## The 'programming' vignette or the tidyeval book can help you
## to program with group_by() :
## This warning is displayed once per session.

exp_lvl5 %>% filter(Expr_sum_mean>1) %>% ldsc_bedfile("Lvl5")