A canonical URI is the URI where are resource can be interacted with, without the scheme and authority (see RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax ;3. Syntax Components), and without the build number. By convention, the canonical URI’s first segment is the name of the service in which the URI resides, followed by the relative URI of the resource in the API of that service.
A resource of type Y
has canonical URI /my-service/v1/y/abc
- service name:
- relative URI of the resource in the API of the service:
for the specific instance ofY
To actually interact with these resources, clients need create a fully qualified URI based on this and other
information. The fully qualified URI of the resource uses https
as scheme, adds the authority (which is different in
different environments), adds the service name, then the build number, and then the relative URI of the resource in the
API of that service. E.g.:
for the specific instance ofY
The authority is always the authority where the client itself is working under (the gateway of a particular environment).