Releases: pharo-ide/Calypso
Tiny bug fixes and important logic to detect problems with cache
Important logic to prevent broken query cache when users modify query state (or it internal objects) after query is executed.
And MethodClassifier is fixed to be not ignored by method creation tool.
fix comment check for metaclasses
Bug fixes
- Fixed ClassReferences to metaclasses. Now ClassBindings always extracts binding from instance side.
- very suprizing bug: due to active package filter all new browsers requested for concrete class/package are switched to empty view (because filter is updated in background with delay). Now when there is special state to open browser package filter is not used
- Merged Sean pull request with better world menu
Big refactoring on query model and browser and many new features
New major version is done:
- refactored query model
- composed queries
- search string in class comments and method sources
- composed scopes
- inherited classes + subclasses
- async queries
- method groups based on queries
- many new queries
- extracted from method groups
- to represent all browser features with query and scope composition
- composed queries
- better class hierarchies implementation
- pluggable order for variables view
- pluggable order for class visibility view
- merged hierarchies
- merged traits and subclasses/superclasses relation
- class annotations for browser pluggability
- table decorators are annotated by browser context where they are applied
- browser tools are annotated by browser context where they are activated as tabs
- new Commander based on class annotations
- repackaged code
- many classes are renamed
- ClyFullBrowser
- ClyQueryBrowser
- traits are in separate plugin
- critic plugin is simplified and based on general async queries and async method groups
- browser tabs subscribe on system changes by themselves
- fixed sync bug when tabs are not updated
- a lot of other internal changes
Focus based keyboard navigation is added
Very simple support for focus navigation with arrow left/right.
It makes behaviour like in Nautilus
Optimised context menu
Context menu of browser is optimized. Separators are added using inlined menu group ClyQueryMenuGroup.
RealizeClass command is removed from menu.
Method versions command is removed from method browser toolbar (it still exists in method browser as tab manager icon)
Undeclared method group is added
New method group is added which contains al problem methods which use undeclared variables
it is stable major version 0.7
Merge pull request #89 from dionisiydk/dev Focus based navigation is added
ProcessBrowser is improved
Merge pull request #84 from dionisiydk/dev method context editor is improved
Initial version of ProcessBrowser is done
This version adds new ProcessBrowser based on Calypso model
Test setUp editor is fixed
SUnit browser plugin: test setUp editor is fixed to not modify context during accepting changes,
fix logic when method group is affected by class change.
It fixes updating problem when test icon of methods of selected group are not updated