git clone -b main # cloning files from `main` branch
git branch <your branch name> # create <your branch name>
git checkout -b <your branch name> # create and switch <your branch name>
git push -u origin <your branch name> # pull your branch to origin
git branch # check your current branch
git checkout <your branch name> # switch to <your branch name>
git add .
git commit -m "comments"
git push # git push -u origin <your branch name>
git checkout develop # switch to develop branch
git pull # pull files from origin, latest version of develop branch at that time
git checkout <your branch name> # switch to <your branch name>
git merge develop # merge <develop> => <your branch name>
go back to update in Step 4
git checkout develop
git merge <your branch name> # merge <your branch name> => develop
git push
git branch -d <your branch name> # delete in local
git push origin --delete <your branch name> # delete in remote
git tag -a <v2.*> -m "<comments>"
git push origin <v2.*>