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494 lines (319 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

494 lines (319 loc) · 11.6 KB






// "io.estatico" %% "newtype" % "0.4.4", // "eu.timepit" %% "refined" % "0.9.20"


Java <-> Scala conversion

Conversions Between Java and Scala Collections <= 2.12 Conversions Between Java and Scala Collections == 2.13

// 2.12
import collection.JavaConverters._

// 2.13
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3).asJava.asScala

Tailrec Writer

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def countAndLog(n: Int): Writer[Vector[String], Int] = {
  def f(in: Writer[List[String], Int]): Writer[List[String], Int] =
    if (in.value <= 0) in.mapWritten("starting!" :: _)
    else f(in.mapBoth((l, v) => (s"$v" :: l, v - 1)))

  f(Writer(Nil, n)).mapWritten(


Executor Service

implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(


recover -> T recoverWith -> F[T]

Type Classes

statically-checked at compile time!

Type Enrichment

implicit class Foo(val t: T) extends AnyVal {
  def anEnrichingMethod(): U = ???
implicit def f(t: T): U = ???

implicit class FooOps[T](value: T) { def f(implicit actioner: Bar[T]): Baz = actioner.f(value) }

Self Type

disambiguates what this means when functions are defined in a class. You can always refer to self (or whatever you call it, it's arbitrary) when talking about the enclosing class

trait Foo {
  self =>

Extractor Objects

In many cases, this is better than using a raw case class. Extractor Objects docs


scala parallel test execution

testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("-P")


list map { case Some(x) => x case None => default }

Scala Array Extractor

a.foreach(e => { e match { case a: Array[Int] if a.last == 5 => case _ => } }) You can do something a little better for matching on the first elements: a.foreach(e => { e match { case Array(1, *) => case _ => } }) Unfortunately the @* thing has to be the last item in the list of array arguments. But you can make the matching before that as complex as you want. scala> val Array(1, x @_*) = Array(1,2,3,4,5) x: Seq[Int] = Vector(2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val Array(1, b, 3, x @_*) = Array(1,2,3,4,5) b: Int = 2 x: Seq[Int] = Vector(4, 5)

Integration Tests within a Docker container

import scala.sys.process._
addCommandAlias("it", "runIntegrationTestsInDocker")
lazy val runIntegrationTestsInDocker = taskKey[Unit]("Runs Integration Tests within Docker container")
runIntegrationTestsInDocker := {
     |docker run -i
     | --mount type=bind,src=${sys.props("user.dir")},dst=/w
     | --mount type=bind,src=${sys.env("HOME")}/.ivy2,dst=/root/.ivy2
     | --mount type=bind,src=${sys.env("HOME")}/Library/Caches/Coursier,dst=/root/.cache/coursier
     | -w /w
     | -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${sys.env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")}
     | s22s/rasterframes-circleci
     | sbt
     | it:test



docker run --rm -p 22909:22909 s22s/eod-catalog-svc:latest

dependencyCheckSkipProvidedScope := true,
dependencyCheckFailBuildOnCVSS := 0,
dependencyCheckSuppressionFiles := Seq(new File("dependency-check-suppressions.xml"))

class FooSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with Inspectors with OptionValues

it should "do something" in {

it should "do something" ignore {

// Current test -- taggedAs Current package foo

import org.scalatest.Tag

object Current extends Tag("foo.Current")

type Vare[A] = ValidatedNec[ItemValidation, A] // Vare == Validation Result

def time[R](tag: String)(block: => R)(implicit logger: Logger): R = { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() val result = block val end = System.currentTimeMillis()"Elapsed time of $tag - ${(end - start) * 1e-3}%.4fs") result }


<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <!-- encoders are assigned the type
         ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
        <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>

<root level="debug">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

<logger name="com.sksamuel.elastic4s" level="error" additivity="false">
    <appender-ref ref="consoleAppender"/>
<logger name="" level="OFF"/>

/** Anything that structurally has a close method. */ type CloseLike = { def close(): Unit }

/** Applies the given thunk to the closable resource. */ def using[T <: CloseLike, R](t: T)(thunk: T => R): R = { try { thunk(t) } finally { t.close() } }

val NoStore: Cache-Control = Cache-Control(no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate) val NoCache: Cache-Control = Cache-Control(no-cache) val MaxAgeTenMin: Cache-Control = Cache-Control(max-age(600), must-revalidate)

import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode


  • We want to be able to fail a future with ErrorResult
  • but since it doesn't extend Throwable we need to wrap it into one. */ case class Error( code: StatusCode, title: Option[String] = None, detail: Option[String] = None ) extends Throwable(title.orNull)

private[errors] class ErrorFactory(code: StatusCode) {

def apply(): Error =

def apply(title: String): Error =
  Error(code, Some(title))

def apply(title: String, detail: String): Error =
  Error(code, Some(title), Some(detail))


object NotFound extends ErrorFactory(StatusCodes.NotFound)

object Forbidden extends ErrorFactory(StatusCodes.Forbidden)

object BadRequest extends ErrorFactory(StatusCodes.BadRequest)

object Unexpected extends ErrorFactory(StatusCodes.InternalServerError)

object PreconditionFailed extends ErrorFactory(StatusCodes.PreconditionFailed)



gdal_translate x.tif x_cog.tif -of COG -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 1024

Bash params

#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail set -x

suffix=${1-TIF} srcName=$2 prefix=${2%.$suffix} originalName=${prefix}-original.tif cogName=${prefix}-cog.tif


addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.10") addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.4.2") addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.10.0-RC1") addSbtPlugin("net.vonbuchholtz" % "sbt-dependency-check" % "3.0.0") addSbtPlugin("de.heikoseeberger" % "sbt-header" % "5.6.0") addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-license-report" % "1.2.0") addSbtPlugin("com.github.cb372" % "sbt-explicit-dependencies" % "0.2.15") addSbtPlugin("io.spray" % "sbt-revolver" % "0.9.1") addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-git" % "1.0.0") addSbtPlugin("com.timushev.sbt" % "sbt-updates" % "0.5.1") addSbtPlugin("com.github.gseitz" % "sbt-release" % "1.0.13")

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.5.2") addSbtPlugin("com.mintbeans" % "sbt-ecr" % "0.15.0")

addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-javaagent" % "0.1.5") addSbtPlugin("org.openapitools" % "sbt-openapi-generator" % "5.0.0") addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.10.0")

implicit ordering

Implicit scope

  • normal scope = local scope
  • imported scope
  • companions of all types involved in the method signature, incl. A and supertypes

Scala Option vs. Haskell Maybe

scala> Option.empty[Int] == Option.empty[String] val res2: Boolean = true

Prelude> let x = Nothing :: Maybe Int Prelude> let y = Nothing :: Maybe String Prelude> x Nothing Prelude> y Nothing Prelude> x == y

:8:6: error: • Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Int’ Expected type: Maybe Int Actual type: Maybe String • In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘y’ In the expression: x == y In an equation for ‘it’: it = x == y


FlatSpec or FlatSpecLike


ArgumentMatchersSugar IdiomaticMockito withClue for exceptions

it should "" in { } ignore should "" in {} "X" should "Y" in {} "X" should "Y" ignore {}

taggedAs -n io.astraea.Current

PropSpec for properties Fixtures


How to handle inconsistent results?

testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-P5")



should == must

list.size shouldBe 3

result should equal (3) // can customize equality result should === (3) // can customize equality and enforce type constraints result should be (3) // cannot customize equality, so fastest to compile result shouldEqual 3 // can customize equality, no parentheses required result shouldBe 3 // cannot customize equality, so fastest to compile, no parentheses required

result should have size 10

should be theSameInstanceAs

val string = """I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down and the flames went higher""" string should startWith("I fell") string should endWith("higher") string should not endWith "My favorite friend, the end" string should include("down, down, down") string should not include ("Great balls of fire")

string should startWith regex ("I.fel+") string should endWith regex ("h.{4}r") string should not endWith regex("\d{5}") string should include regex ("flames?")

string should fullyMatch regex ("""I(.|\n|\S)*higher""")

"abbccxxx" should startWith regex ("a(b*)(c*)" withGroups ("bb", "cc"))

xs should contain theSameElementsAs Seq()

one should be < 7 one should be > 0 one should be <= 7 one should be >= 0

x shouldBe 'booleanF

num shouldBe odd num should not be even

ref1 should be theSameInstanceAs ref2

sevenDotOh shouldBe 6.9 +- 0.2

traversable shouldBe empty javaMap should not be empty

traversable should contain ("five")

should contain oneOf should contain noneOf should contain atLeastOneOf (2, 3, 4) should contain atMostOneOf (5, 6, 7) contain allOf (2, 3, 5) contain only

(Vector(" A", "B ") should contain atLeastOneOf ("a ", "b", "c")) (after being lowerCased and trimmed)

should contain inOrderOnly

should contain inOrder

should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs -- same iteration order

FlatSpec "An empty Set" should "have size 0" in { it should "produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked" in {