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Z3 Rise4Fun

Z3 tutorials from the rise4fun website.

Known problems:

  • Non smtlib commands don't work such as optimization or fixedpoint commands. Probably because of the function we're using to call z3 being a stock smtlib function.
  • On main thread, so a tough Z3 query can make the tab unusable. I think there is a emscripten flag for this PROXY_TO_PTHREAD
  • Doesn't seem to load on my iPhone. Why?
  • I can't find copies of some of the smtlib commands that do not appear to be on the site


  • I made some edits to the build script in particular to include pthreads to make z3 work.
  • was very helpful for fixing SharedBufferArray problems
  • I copy and pasted the source of the archive versions of rise4fun. I made some janky helper scripts in helper.js to traverse these pages and replace the old interactive pieces driven by <a> tags to ones that use <textarea> and <buttons>. I made some other small updates. Rise4fun was using a very old version of z3?
  • Github discussion of rise4fun being down: Z3Prover/z3#5473
  • iOS safari errors: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Atomicsglobal code @ z3.js:646 Apparently safari does not support Atomics which is what emscripten compiled to. I don't see how I'll fix this helper.js:16 ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.(anonymous function) @ helper.js:16 Single threaded z3 build seems to fix this


emcc api/api.c z3/build/libz3.a -fexceptions -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_init_context", "_destroy_context", "_eval_smt2"]' -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 -s EXCEPTION_DEBUG=1 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=1GB -I z3/src/api/ --post-js api/api.js -o out/z3.js
  • With the new single threaded build I turned pthreads off so all the coiworker nonsense can probably go too.
  • Perhaps also my guarding of calling z3 before it is done loading?



This repository contains scripts that makes interaction with the Z3 solver from a browser using WASM easier.

  • contains commands to fetch and compile Z3 using emscripten.
  • api/ contains a C API which exposes the Z3 API to Javascript, and the api.js file contains some glue code that enables easier interaction with the C API.
  • example/ contains an example of how to use the api.c module using a dynamically linked native version of the Z3 library, this cannot be used from the browser.
  • index.html contains an example on how to load and use the Z3 Javascript glue code.

Both the location of the Z3 repository and the Z3 version can be controlled using environment variables. Z3_BASE_DIR controls the location of the cloned Z3 repository, while Z3_VERSION alters the version that is fetched from Github.

Related repositories

Clément Pit-Claudel has performed similar steps as I have taken here. However, its scripts are meant to be used on Ubuntu or Debian derivates, and do not work nicely on other distributions of Linux. Furthermore, its Z3 version is outdated, and numerous users have reported either compilation issues or issues while using the library.

There are many Z3 in browser projects.

echo "(define-const a Bool)" | node z3 -in I haven't digured out how to make node access the filesystem I need to put the good flags back in the make process