Due: 2021-05-06
Points available: 15
For this assignment, you will construct a phishing site that collects login information.
Relevant resources:
- Complete Guide to Creating and Hosting a Phishing Page for Beginners -- note that this site's example code is in PHP, but you will do this in node.js.
Using one of your 100 web sites that offers logging in from the previous assignments, modify the HTML and serve it from your own node server on your machine to create a convincing phishing site. You'll have to make sure all the images, Javascript, CSS, etc. are all loaded from your local resources. When the login button is pushed, send the login information to your local node server and record it in a log file. Document and demonstrate the operation of your phishing site with text, screen shots, and a Youtube video.
Using Zphisher (blog post, GitHub, create and demonstrate (screen shots, Youtube video) three phishing sites.
All of the code, files, images, etc. necessary to complete this
assignment will be in directory 7
. The README.md for this
assignment will have links to the code, a short discussion of any
issues you encountered making the site "display" correctly from
your server, screen shots of the site rendered in your browser, and
the log file of harvested user names and passwords, and a Youtube
video of your site in operation.