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LMS - LAN Management System 1.11-git


LMS Developers

   Copyright © 2001-2013 LMS Developers

   Table of Contents
   1. Intro

        1.1. About LMS
        1.2. Authors
        1.3. Legal Notice
        1.4. Other Information

   2. Installation and configuration

        2.1. Intro
        2.2. Requirements
        2.3. LMS Installation
        2.4. Localization
        2.5. Database Server Installation
        2.6. Basic Configuration
        2.7. Access rights
        2.8. Upgrade
        2.9. Documents

   3. User Interface (LMS-UI)

        3.1. Login
        3.2. Administration
        3.3. Customers
        3.4. Nodes
        3.5. Net Devices
        3.6. IP Networks
        3.7. Finances
        3.8. Documents
        3.9. Hosting
        3.10. Messages
        3.11. Reload
        3.12. Stats
        3.13. Helpdesk
        3.14. Timetable
        3.15. Configuration

   4. Scripts

        4.1. Installation
        4.2. List of available scripts
        4.3. Description and configuration

   5. Configuration file generator (lms-mgc)

        5.1. Installation
        5.2. Configuration
        5.3. Examples of use

   6. LMS Daemon

        6.1. Basics
        6.2. Modules
        6.3. T-Script

   7. For curious

        7.1. Directory tree
        7.2. Database structure
        7.3. Configuration file format
        7.4. Filling DB with random data
        7.5. Access levels
        7.6. Restrictions

   8. Extensions

        8.1. Customer account
        8.2. Customer account 2
        8.3. SQL Panel
        8.4. Squid redirector

   9. Userpanel

        9.1. About
        9.2. Installation
        9.3. Configuration
        9.4. Graphical themes (styles)
        9.5. Modules

   10. FAQ

   List of Tables
   4-1. Executable scripts list
   6-1. List of all lmsd modules
   7-1. LMS directory tree

   List of Examples
   3-1. Accounts. Proftpd configuration.
   3-2. Accounts. Mail server configuration (postfix+sasl+courier).
   4-1. Lms-notify: example of last 10 customer's operations
   4-2. Lms-notify: example of mailing template
   5-1. Lms-mgc: Example instance
   6-1. Parser: Creating /etc/hosts file
   6-2. Parser: Debtors list
   6-3. Parser: Ethernet hosts descriptions for iptraf.
   6-4. Parser: Ethers file for arp
   6-5. Parser: Notify module replacement
   6-6. Parser: Traffic stats.
   7-1. Format of configuration options

Chapter 1. Intro

1.1. About LMS

   LMS (LAN Management System) is a package of applications for managing
   LAN networks. Its main goal is to provide the best service to
   customers, as seen in large ISP companies. LMS is written in PHP, Perl
   and C and can use MySQL or PostgreSQL as its database backends. The
   following functionalities are provided at the time:
     * customer database (names, addresses, phones, comments, etc),
     * computers inventory (IP, MAC),
     * simple financial system suited for network operations,
     * financial balances and invoices,
     * email warnings to users,
     * automatic billing schedule,
     * ability to generate (almost) any kind of config file (ie.
       ipchains/iptables firewall scripts, DHCP daemon configuration,
       zones for bind, /etc/ethers entries, oident, htb and more...),
     * visualization of bandwidth consumption per host,
     * request tracker system (Helpdesk),
     * timetable (Organizer).

   Initial components of this software were invented to aid administration
   of ASK NetX (amateur computer network) and it's still developed and
   tested here.

   LMS won't replace administration skills. If you can't handle
   installation and configuration of your system, you likely won't manage
   to adjust LMS for your system. In short - administration of UNIX
   systems is needed to operate this software.

1.2. Authors

1.2.1. LMS Developers

     * PHP Code:

       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
       Michal 'DziQs' Zapalski
       Radoslaw 'Warden' Antoniuk
       Krzysztof 'hunter' Drewicz
       Marcin 'Lexx' Krol
       Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
       Tomasz 'Chilek' Chilinski
       Konrad 'kondi' Rzentarzewski
       Grzegorz 'Ceho' Chwesewicz
     * C Code:

       Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
       Marcin 'Lexx' Krol
       Tomasz 'Chilek' Chilinski
     * Perl Code:

       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
       Michal 'DziQs' Zapalski
       Maciej 'agaran' Pijanka
       Krzysztof 'hunter' Drewicz
       Tomasz 'Chilek' Chilinski
       Grzegorz 'Ceho' Chwesewicz
     * Design:

       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
     * HTML, JavaScript, CSS:

       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
       Pawel 'Bob_R' Czerski
       Pawel 'sickone' Kisiela
       Tomasz 'Chilek' Chilinski
       Konrad 'kondi' Rzentarzewski
       Grzegorz 'Ceho' Chwesewicz
     * Images:

       Piotr 'Pierzak' Mierzenski
       Grzegorz 'byko' Cichowski
       Kuba 'kflis' Flis
       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
       Jakub 'Jimmac' Steiner
     * Web Page & Documentation:

       Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
       Kuba 'shasta' Jankowski
       Grzegorz 'JaBBaS' Dziegielewski
       Lukasz 'Baseciq' Mozer
       Marcin 'Lexx' Krol
       Konrad 'kondi' Rzentarzewski
     * Beta testing:

       Grzegorz 'byko' Cichowski
       Radoslaw 'Warden' Antoniuk
       Tomasz 'dzwonek' Dzwonkowski
       Sebastian 'Victus' Frasunkiewicz
       Kuba 'kflis' Flis
       Krystian 'UFOczek' Kochanowski
       Grzegorz 'JaBBaS' Dziegielewski
       Andrzej 'chsh' Gradziel

1.2.2. Others

   LMS uses elements of other software: phpMyAdmin, phpsysinfo,
   NewsPortal, overLIB, ezpdf, xajax, Tigra Calendar, Piotr Kleban's
   number-to-words conversion procedures and code examples from PHP

1.3. Legal Notice

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
   Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at you
   option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

   Text of License is here.

1.4. Other Information

1.4.1. Contact

   Preferably via a mailing list, which you can subscribe by sending empty
   e-mail with subject "subscribe lms-en" to address Further emails should be sent to address

1.4.2. Ideas and Bugs Reports

   In order to effectively report bugs or new ideas, it's recommended to
   subscribe mailing list, where you can get quickest response for your
   problems from either LMS users or developers team. There's also Bug
   Tracking System available, when you can report bugs upon registration.
   Reports from BTS are also forwarded to mailing list, so the best
   practice is to subscribe to list, report via BTS and send link to
   mailing list and finally wait as your report will evolve. BTS address

1.4.3. Newest version

   Newest version of LMS can be downloaded from CVS repository utilizing
   WWW interface at here, or with CVS tools (anonymous access, empty
cvs -d login
cvs -d co lms
cvs -d logout

1.4.4. Changelog

   Information about changes and version history of LMS is included in

1.4.5. Commercial Support

   There are questions appearing periodically on lms mailing lists about
   adding some funtions to LMS. Matter of payment for support is very
   difficult. Note, that there is no company behind LMS, so any commercial
   adoption or support should be discussed directly between You and
   involved developer. You are reading english version of documentation,
   it's likely that you are not from Poland, which makes even simple
   things like issuing invoice or money transfer complex. The most
   experienced developer in that matter is Alec. You can see details on
   support on his page:

Chapter 2. Installation and configuration

2.1. Intro

   LMS consist a few modules. LMS-UI is user interface, which is
   responsible for all interactions with user, entirely written in PHP and
   it uses SQL database to store all data, thus PHP script interpreter and
   SQL engine of your choice (MySQL or Postgresql).

   LMS also contains a set of Perl scripts, responsible for various
   operations, ie. periodically applying subscription fees or sending
   reminders to users who are in debt. It also contains LMS-MGC, which may
   be configured to generate virtually any configuration file or script
   and manage your server. Note that some of the scripts might need
   additional Perl modules to function.

   At the end there is also LMS Daemon, written in C, which is being used
   (its plugins in fact) as a drop-in replacement for LMS-MGC - to
   configure and manage (ie. restart) your services. It's main advantage
   is that it responds for all LMS-UI changes in realtime.

2.2. Requirements

2.2.1. Web Server

   Because LMS-UI is written in PHP, it needs Web server to work. Apache
   is preferred (

2.2.2. PHP Interpreter

   Interpreter version should be 5.2.x or higher. PHP can be downloaded
   from At least following PHP modules needs to be installed
   (look for "extension" in php.ini or in output of phpinfo function):
     * pcre, posix,
     * zlib (for compressed backups),
     * gd and/or ming (network map only),
     * mysql or mysqli or pgsql (for db support),
     * iconv, mbstring (LMS uses unicode)
     * PEAR::Mail (which require PEAR::Net_SMTP and PEAR::Net_Sockets) for

2.2.3. Database Server

   MySQL server in version 5.x is supported. Probably LMS won't work
   correctly with older versions.

   PostgreSQL in version 8.4.x or higher is supported.

2.2.4. Smarty Library

   LMS-UI requires Smarty library ( in version 3.0
   or higher. Newer versions of Smarty requires that you have not enabled
   "magic_quotes_runtime" (set to Off) option in PHP configuration.

2.2.5. Perl

   LMS-MGC and the rest of Perl scripts requires also Perl interpreter and
   some modules:
     * Perl and its basic modules (POSIX, GetOpt::Long),
     * Config::IniFiles,
     * DBI,
     * DBD-mysql (if you use MySQL),
     * DBD-Pg (if you use Postgres),

2.2.6. C Compiler

   If you intend to run LMS Daemon you will need working C compiler,
   because daemon will be provided in source code form only.

2.2.7. Web Browser

   LMS has web user interface, so you'll need web browser with javascript
   and cookies enabled. Our exparience says that Mozilla Firefox 1.x will
   be a good choice.

2.3. LMS Installation

   LMS in tarball (.tar.gz) archive can be downloaded from project home
   page (, which should be extracted and placed in chosen
   directory (i.e. /var/www/lms) and made available for Web Server (ie.
   with Alias /lms/ /var/www/lms):
$ cd /var/www
$ wget
$ tar zxf lms-x.x.x.tar.gz

   Smarty library is included in LMS package but if you are using CVS you
   have to install Smarty yourself. After download copy contents of
   Smarty's lib directory into /lib/Smarty or use /devel/
   script which will do this for you.


        Location of all directories can be set in [directories] section in
        lms.ini configuration file.

   Configuration files (sample/lms.ini and sample/lms-mgc.ini) should be
   placed in /etc/lms directory.

   Scripts from bin directory should be moved to /usr/sbin directory, so
   you can execute it directly without giving path.


         Web Server must have read permission on lms.ini file and write
         permission on backup directory. Please consider security implications:
         you might want to protect backup directory with .htaccess and place
         your lms.ini outside Web Server's DocumentRoot (LMS allows you to place
         it in its home directory, but then it's possible to read it with
         http://yourserver/lms.ini, and it contains valuable information such as
         database password!).

           It's absolutely required for LMS to disable register_globals PHP's

   Recommended setting in php.ini (or httpd.conf for LMS virtual host
mbstring.func_overload = 7
register_globals = off
max_execution_time = 60 ; or more
memory_limit = 32M ; or more

2.4. Localization

   Default language of user interface is English, and national characters
   are encoded in UTF-8. For proper display of national characters in
   other languages you must define appropriate locales. E.g. for polish
   language it's achieved by running the following command:
# localedef -v -c -i pl_PL -f UTF-8 /usr/share/locale/pl_PL.UTF-8

   Instructions about database encoding settings in follow-up of this

2.5. Database Server Installation

2.5.1. MySQL Intro

   That very popular database server is available with majority of Linux
   distributions. If, however, you have to install it yourself, start with
   downloading its sources from
     __________________________________________________________________ MySQL Server Installation

   After extracting, go to directory with MySQL and type this sequence of
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
$ make
$ make install
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db
$ chown mysql -R /usr/local/mysql/var
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password new_password
     __________________________________________________________________ Create Database

   You have to create database if you run LMS for the first time. In order
   to create database and load it with schema go to LMS directory and run:
mysql -u[user name with database creation rights] -p
Enter password:[just enter password :)]
mysql> CREATE DATABASE lms CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_polish_ci;
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON lms.* TO lms@localhost;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON lms.* TO lms@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '[your_password]';
mysql> flush privileges;
     __________________________________________________________________ LMS Configuration (lms.ini)

   Because MySQL is default database for LMS, configuration is limited to
   [database] section setup. Thus you need to edit /etc/lms/lms.ini and
   fill in password and user's name:
user     = lms
password = your_password

   After this step you should be able to enter your system without any
   problems. Just write an URL for your LMS installation. If there's no
   user account (first run), you'll be prompted with form to add username
   and some personal data. When you enter correct admin personal details
   LMS will move you to login page, where you can use newly created

   Let's stop here and add some stuff to cron, for peace of mind:
12 4 3,10,17,21,28 * * /usr/bin/mysqldump -u lms --password=your-super-secret-password \
              --add-drop-table --add-locks lms > backups/lms-auto-"$(date +%s)".sql

   That will create mysql database backup automagically each 3, 10, 17, 21
   and 28 day of month at 4:12 at night.

2.5.2. PostgreSQL Intro

   LMS require PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher. If you have not installed
   PostgreSQL server, you can compile it yourself from sources available
     __________________________________________________________________ Installation

   That is a short version of installation procedure, more info can be
   found in Postgres documentation. After you download and extract sources
   go to main directory and run following commands:
$ ./configure --enable-locale
$ gmake
$ su
$ gmake install
$ adduser postgres
$ mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
$ chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
$ su - postgres
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data --locale=pl_PL.UTF-8
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &


           Applies to version <= 9.1.x: It's required to add in postgresql.conf:
           custom_variable_classes = 'lms'
     __________________________________________________________________ Database Creation

   While server is running you can start with adding database and its
   owner, both named 'lms' and loading database schema:
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser -DPRS lms
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb -E UNICODE -O lms lms
     __________________________________________________________________ LMS Configuration (lms.ini)

   For LMS default database server is MySQL so you have to set following
   options in [database] section of /etc/lms/lms.ini file:
type     = postgres
user     = lms
password = password_entered_with_lms_user_creation


        The need for password actually depends on Postgres users authentication
        configuration found in /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (refer to
        Postgresql documentation). By default password is not required and you
        can comment it with semicolon.

   After this step you should be able to enter your system without any
   problems. Just write an URL for your LMS installation. If there's no
   user account (first run), you'll be prompted with form to add username
   and some personal data. When you enter correct admin personal details
   LMS will move you to login page, where you can use newly created

   Let's stop here and add some stuff to cron, for peace of mind:
12 4 3,10,17,21,28 * * /usr/bin/pg_dump -U lms --clean \
                       lms --file=backups/lms-auto-"$(date +%s)".sql

2.6. Basic Configuration

   Main configuration file of LMS is lms.ini, which must be placed in
   directory /etc/lms or in LMS root directory (not recommended, see
   Section 2.3!!!). It contains configuration options for LMS-UI and for
   all scripts with exception of LMS-MGC.


        Remember to remove semicolons (comments sign) from beginning of line
        with parameter that you set.


        As of version 1.6 and later storing config in lms.ini is beeing treaded
        as obsolete. The only required values there are from [database] and
        [directories] sections. Other settings are stored in database and could
        be changed by user interface.

2.6.1. Section [database] - Database Settings

     * type
       Database driver type. Currently are supported 'mysql' or 'mysqli'
       and 'postgres'. Default: mysql
       Example: type = mysql
     * host
       Host where database is running. Usually 'localhost', but you can
       set anything here (IP, domain or path to socket in
       'localhost:/path/to/socket' format). Default: localhost
       Example: host = localhost
     * user
       Database user account name. In many cases (if you follow this
       documentation) that will be 'lms'. If you want to use privileged
       account, you can enter 'root' (MySQL on most of *nixes), 'mysql'
       (on PLD) or 'postgres' (PostgreSQL). Default: mysql
       Example: user = lms
     * password
       Database user password. Default: empty.
       Example: password = password
     * database
       Database name. Default: lms
       Example: database = lms

2.6.2. Section [directories] - Directories Settings

     * sys_dir
       System directory. It is a place where the entire content of LMS UI
       is placed, that means index.php, graphics, templates and the rest.
       By default index.php tries to guess where is it located using
       getcwd(), but it's better to say it where it is:
       Example: sys_dir = /var/www/htdocs/lms/
     * modules_dir
       Directory with LMS "modules". That is content of /modules
       directory. By default it is modules subdirectory of sys_dir.
       Example: modules_dir = /usr/share/lms/modules/
     * lib_dir
       Directory with LMS "libraries". That is content of /lib directory.
       By default it is lib subdirectory of sys_dir.
       Example: lib_dir = /usr/share/lms/lib/
     * backup_dir
       Directory for database backup files - it's a place where LMS can
       write its database snapshots. By default it is backups subdirectory
       of sys_dir.
       Example: backup_dir = /var/backup/lms/


           If directory with backups is accessible from WWW level (within Web
           Server DocumentRoot), anybody can access them without authentication.
     * doc_dir
       Directory for documents archive - it's a place where LMS can write
       uploaded files. By default it is documents subdirectory of sys_dir.
       Example: doc_dir = /usr/share/lms/docs/


               If that directory is accessible from WWW level (within Web Server
               DocumentRoot), anybody can access them without authentication.
     * smarty_compile_dir
       Compilation directory for Smarty. It's a place where Smarty compile
       its templates. By default it is templates_c subdirectory of
       Example: smarty_compile_dir = /var/smarty/compile/lms
     * smarty_templates_dir
       Directory with templates for Smarty. By default it is templates
       subdirectory of sys_dir.
       Example: smarty_templates_dir = /usr/share/lms/templates

2.6.3. Section [finances] - Finances Settings

   This section consist options for financial system and for payment
   forms. You can read more about that in chapter 'Documents'.
     * suspension_percentage (optional)
       Percentage for suspended liabilities. Default: '0'
       Example: suspension_percentage = '50'

2.7. Access rights

2.7.1. Idea

   In LMS you may define up to 256 rules to access the system. Each can
   permit or deny access to defined modules. Each user can have any
   combination of access rules assigned to his account.

   By default following access rules list is defined:
     * full access
     * read only (excluding Helpdesk)
     * nodes connection/disconnection
     * finances management
     * configuration reload
     * customers management
     * nodes management
     * traffic stats
     * messaging (email, sms)
     * Helpdesk (RT) administration
     * Helpdesk (RT) operation
     * hosting management
     * configuration
     * networks and devices management
     * timetable management
     * daemon management and configuration
     * cash operations
     * customers groups management
     * nodes groups management
     * customers to groups assignment
     * nodes to groups assignment
     * voip accounts management
     * Userpanel management
     * users edition and addition forbidden
     * no access

   Most of them grant access to modules and two denies. Modules that user
   has always access are: welcome, copyrights, logout, chpasswd (chpasswd
   can change only own password), access to all others is defined by

        If you don't define any access rule for user, then LMS defines 0 rule
        for him, which mean: full access.

2.7.2. How does it work?

   Algorithm that decides whether user has access to given module or not
   is as following:
   - First of all: checking list of modules that user always has access.
   - Next: checking if module match rules in each levels user has access
   - Finally: Decision if user is permitted to access modules. If module
   match to any level that denies access then access will be forbidden
   even if user has level that permits access to module. For example, if
   someone has full access and no access to "add computer" module, then he
   won't able to access module. If module matches level that permits
   access to module, then LMS will grant access to module, but if module
   does not match at any level then no-access-message also will be

2.7.3. User-defined access rules

   Advanced users can define any additional access rules or redefine
   existing ones. In order to do that you must make PHP script based on
   file lib/accesstable.php. Then set option custom_accesstable in [phpui]
   section to created file name.

   In that way it's possible to define your own rules to allow or deny
   access for any modules. Module is a name of PHP file in modules
   directory, given without extension in access rules. For example, it's
   possible to define rule for invoices display (e.g. for lms-sendinvoices
   script) in the following way:
$access['table'][100]['name']      = 'invoices display';
$access['table'][100]['allow_reg'] = '^invoice$';

2.8. Upgrade

   Since version 1.5.4 LMS was released in polish language only. If you
   are upgrading read polish documentation for upgrade description. In
   newest versions upgrade is very easy. That process has two stages.
   Before you start check LMS requirements (they're changing). Also if
   you're using MySQL check user privileges, they're changed few times in
   the past.

   Now, overwrite old files with new ones and remove contents of
   templates_c directory (or better create new LMS directory tree). Second
   stage is a database structure change - it's self-executing process
   acting upon first login to the UI.


           If you've got CVS version you've to install Smarty library. Just copy
           contents of Smarty's /lib directory to /lib/Smarty. It can be done
           (including Smarty download) automatic with use of
           /devel/ script.

2.9. Documents

   LMS makes possible to generate and to store various documents i.e.
   invoices, receipts and non-financial documents i.e. contracts,
   protocols and others. Documents can be numbered with numbering plans
   (patterns) defined in menu Configuration - Numbering Plans.

2.9.1. Calculation of tax value

   Below is presented method used by LMS to calculate tax value. Values of
   all calculations are rounded to hundredths.

   Unitary price in LMS database is brutto value (including tax).
     * tax value = (tax rate / 100) + 1
       Example: tax rate is 22%
       tax value = (22 / 100) + 1 = 1.22
     * unitary netto price = unitary brutto price / tax value
       Example: unitary brutto price of 1 meter of cable is $2.56, tax
       rate is 22%
       unitary netto price = $2.56 / 1,22 = $2.10
     * total brutto price = unitary brutto price * count
       Example: unitary brutto price of 1 meter of cable is $2.56, number
       of meters is 1366, tax rate is 22%
       total brutto price = $2.56 * 1366 m = $3496.96
     * total netto price = total brutto price / tax value
       Example: unitary brutto price of 1 meter of cable is $2.56, number
       of meters is 1366, tax rate is 22%
       total netto price = ($2.56 * 1366 m = $3496.96) / 1,22 = $2866.36

2.9.2. Invoices

   It's possible to issue invoices in either automatic or manual way.
   Manual invoices creation is possible in 'New Invoice' module from
   'Finances' menu. Automatic issue might be helpful while you have legal
   contracts with your users. In this case invoices are created by
   lms-payments script or lmsd daemon.

   For proper work of printouts you need to define division's invoices
   data (e.g. header, footer, default expositor, place, bank account) and
   configure some options in configuration section [invoices]:
     * print_balance_history
       If true on invoice (html) will be printed history of financial
       operations on customer account. Default: not set.
       Example: print_balance_history = true
     * print_balance_history_limit
       Records number on customer balance list on invoice. Specify last x
       records. Default: 10.
       Example: print_balance_history_limit = 20000

   Generated invoices can be viewed in two ways: by clicking on printer
   icon, in balance sheet page or by clicking 'Invoices List' in
   'Finances' menu. In second case, is also possible to filter invoices
   for printing.

   When printing by default are displayed original and copy pages, it can
   be changed:
     * default_printpage
       Coma-separated list of default invoice printout pages. You can use
       "original", "copy", "duplicate". Default: "original,copy".
       Example: default_printpage = "original"
     __________________________________________________________________ HTML

   Invoices are printed in html format by default using provided template.
   In [invoices] section you can also configure:
     * template_file
       Invoice template, which should be placed in templates directory.
       Default: invoice.html.
       Example: template_file = invoice-mynet.html
     * content_type
       Invoice content-type. If you enter here 'application/octet-stream'
       then browser will ask to save file on disk, instead of displaying
       it. It's useful if you use your own template which generate eg. rtf
       or xls file. Default: 'text/html'
       Example: content_type = application/octet-stream
     * attachment_name
       File name for saving finished invoice printout. WARNING: Setting
       attachment_name with default content_type will (in case of MSIE)
       print invoice + prompt for save on disk + bonus browser crash
       (6.0SP1 on WInXP). Default: empty.
       Example: attachment_name = invoice.xls

   Generated invoice in HTML format consist of originals and copies, which
   are separated by CSS page-break markups, so every modern browser that
   supports CSS should print many-page invoices correctly. This behavior
   was tested on Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, Opera 7.02 and Mozilla


        Almost every internet browser has printing configuration, where
        functions like header and footer or URL printing can be disabled.
     __________________________________________________________________ PDF

   It's possible to create invoices as PDF files. Setting option type in
   [invoices] section to 'pdf' will force invoice being created in PDF
   instead of html. Option template_file has the same meaning, with one
   difference, that it might take predefined values: 'standard' - basic
   invoice (invoice.html equivalent) and 'FT-0100' - invoice adjusted for
   printing on FT-0100 paper including payment form. You can set
   template_file option for php file name, but this feature is meant for
   advanced users as it requires you to create more complicated php file
   than the one used with html invoices Smarty template.
     __________________________________________________________________ Automatic iban account number generation

   LMS allows for automatic IBAN number generation. As of now it supports
   fixed lenght of 26 digits and 2 letters (letters are set fixed to PL --
   POLAND). You need to specify 8 to 20 digits, the rest is taken as
   as-many-leading-zeros-as-needed plus Customer-ID Be aware that for
   example Cyprus and Hungary also use 26 digits. More on: Wikipedia
     __________________________________________________________________ Credit Notes

   Credit notes uses invoices settings from [invoices] section. Default
   invoice template include also credit notes contents, but you have
   possibility to define different template for credit notes (the rest of
   options is common for both invoices and credit notes):
     * cnote_template_file
       Credit note template, which should be placed in templates
       directory. Default: invoice.html.
       Example: cnote_template_file = invoice-mynet.html

2.9.3. Transfer forms

   Transfer forms it's Polish specific feature. Data for payment form
   printouts is get from customer's division info. The title of payment
   can be set using 'pay_title' option in [finances] section.

2.9.4. Cash Receipts
     __________________________________________________________________ HTML

   Receipts are printed in html format by default using provided template.
   We chave one printout template for cash-in and cash-out receipts. In
   [receipts] section you can also configure:
     * template_file
       Cash receipt template, which should be placed in templates
       directory. Default: receipt.html.
       Example: template_file = /mytemplates/receipt.html
     * content_type
       Printout content-type. If you enter here 'application/octet-stream'
       then browser will ask to save file on disk, instead of displaying
       it. It's useful if you use your own template which generate eg. rtf
       or xls file. Default: 'text/html'
       Example: content_type = application/octet-stream
     * attachment_name
       File name for saving receipt printout. WARNING: Setting
       attachment_name with default content_type will (in case of MSIE)
       print document + prompt for save on disk + bonus browser crash
       (6.0SP1 on WinXP). Default: empty.
       Example: attachment_name = receipt.xls
     __________________________________________________________________ PDF

   It's possible to create receipts as PDF files. Setting option type in
   [receipts] section to 'pdf' will force document being created in PDF
   instead of html. Option template_file has the same meaning, with one
   difference, that it might take predefined value: 'standard' - basic
   receipt (receipt.html equivalent). template_file option can be set to
   PHP file name, but this feature is meant for advanced users as it
   requires you to create more complicated PHP script than the one used
   with html receipts Smarty template.

2.9.5. Other documents

   Documents support is not limited to invoices. You might store virtually
   any documents you want in LMS, such as contracts, protocols, annexes
   and others. You can assign any number of documents to each customer in
   'Customer documents' tab in 'Customer information' panel. Each document
   should have defined title, type and additionally you might define it's
   time span (time until when it's valid) and description. Document files
   are being stored outside of database (which should be kept in mind
   while doing backups!) in directory defined with doc_dir in
   [directories] section of config file.

   Documents can be uploaded to system as prepared files, but also
   generated from templates with use of defined wizards. Here system gives
   great configuration possibilities. In directory
   documents/templates/default you can find default document wizard
   (template and engine). You can create unlimited number of own documents
   wizards, which must be placed in documents/templates/ directory.

   Each wizard must have file info.php with specified structure:
$engine = array(
    'name' => 'default',        // wizard (directory) name, lower case letters and numbers
    'engine' => 'default',      // engine directory (engine.php)
    'template' => 'template.html',              // template file (in 'name' directory)
    'title' => trans('Default document'),       // description for LMS-UI
    'content_type' => 'text/html',              // output file type
    'output' => 'default.html',                         // output file name
    'plugin' => 'plugin',                       // plugin file name (in 'name' directory)
    'post-action' => 'post-action',             // action file executed after document addition (in transaction)

   File info.php define wizard and is required. To generate document is
   needed engine (file with name engine.php). You can create own engine or
   use other by setting 'engine' variable to appropriate wizard name. So,
   there is no need to create engine for each new wizard. Is enough to
   make 'template' template and file info.php.

   Member plugin specify name of php file used for printing additional
   fields on document creation form. Plugin can also consist errors
   handlers for those fields. After document creation will be executed PHP
   script which name (without extension) should be specified in
   post-action value.

Chapter 3. User Interface (LMS-UI)

   LMS User Interface is basically administration panel available via Web
   interface that can be used to create and manage customer and computers
   (nodes) data and containing numerous features such as: You're able to
   bind computer data to your customers and assign it to given network.
   You're also able to define users liabilities and manage your network
   finances. You can search in user and computer data quickly, send mass
   mailing to specific user groups, define access to this UI for selected
   users and with fine grained access rights. Additionally you can track
   your bandwidth usability statistics, create backups of your database
   online and configuration and management of your services. Those are
   only selected features of LMS-UI, so read on to find description of all

3.1. Login

   After you enter LMS installation URL in your Web browser, you'll be
   prompted with login screen, where you need to enter correct username
   and password. All passwords in database are stored in encrypted form.

   If it's your first session with LMS, and you don't have any account
   created yet, you'll be redirected to new user account screen. At this
   moment you have only access to this one module, so that you can create
   your initial account.

3.2. Administration

   After successful login to the system you'll have administration menu
   presented on the left side, while content of selected module will be
   displayed on the right side. Initially, you can read some useful
   information about system here. In administration menu, you're able to
   manage other users accounts and create or restore database backups.

   You can select any module to work with on the left panel. There are
   also buttons allowing you to change your password, logout or do a quick
   search for customers/computers/helpdesk. You can search by name or id,
   but also additionally by computer name, surname, fragment of address,
   phone, email, IP or MAC. If there are more than one matching record for
   your search you'll get only first result.

3.2.1. Info

   This is where all basic information about system that is running LMS
   are displayed. It lists the following information: LMS core and
   components versions, copyright notice, uptime and kernel version of
   your server, customers and nodes totals, computer activity totals and
   financial balance. Additionally all LMS links are gathered here.

3.2.2. Users

   'Users' panel is designed for LMS users (ie. network administrators)
   management. You can create or modify any account here, change assigned
   passwords and access rights.

   For more information on access rights, see Section 2.7.

   Initially after selecting 'Users', you'll get list of all users with
   last login time and host information. When you click on the account,
   you're able to see it's details, including defined access rights. You
   can modify data any time by clicking 'Edit' link. To create new user
   use left panel and click 'New user'.

3.2.3. New user

   In order to create new user, you need to provide at least login name
   and non empty password. Name and email fields are optional. Allowed
   hosts is a coma separated list of host or network IP addresses in
   'allow_from' configuration option style. If that list is empty, hosts
   checking is skipped. Below you can mark specific system access rights.
   If you leave all those fields unchecked (default), user will be granted
   with 'full access'.

3.2.4. Backups

   You can manage your database backup copies here. Database copy is plain
   text file with SQL statements needed to reconstruct all tables and it's
   data, which is saved in directory defined with backup_dir variable in
   [directories] section of lms.ini.


        By default your backups will be placed in lms/backups directory, which
        could be accessed with your browser, without any authentication, so
        it's wise to move it above your Web Server DocumentRoot.

   All copies can be viewed, removed or downloaded to your computer at any
   time. By clicking on 'recover' icon your current database will be
   deleted and replaced by the one in backup copy. For your safety, before
   such operation current database backup is performed automatically.

3.3. Customers

   This is your customers control center, where you can store and manage
   their data, their finances and also their computers. You can even cut
   all customer computers off with single mouse click.

        Automatic cutoff of computers which owners are in debt is performed by
        lms-cutoff Perl script.

3.3.1. List

   After you select 'List' you'll see list of your users, that can be
   filtered based on selected criteria (customer status, group or network)
   or sort by any highlighted column. Warning triangle on the right side
   of the record shows if any warnings are active for the customer.
   Computer icon next to triangle informs you about computers status
   (connected of cutoff). Clicking of any of those two symbols toggles
   status for all computers of the given customer.

   Records of customers with negative balance will have 'payback' icon
   (stack of coins), which allows you to account instant payment for the
   customer, which value will reset his debt.

   When you click on selected customer you'll get screen with details for
   the customer, divided in several panels: customer details, computer
   details, liabilities details and customer account details. You can also
   select to edit any of the panels on this screen, define customer
   liabilities, payoff or charge the customer.

3.3.2. New Customer

   This option will let you enter data for new customer record. You can
   enter his last and first name here, or if your customer is also legal
   company, enter company name in "Name" and company representative in
   "Forename" field. You should also fill customers phone (up to 3) and
   address (you can enter additional address for correspondence) and his
   status (connected, waiting in queue, prospect).

        Wrong capitalization (uppercase) of customer's last name is one of most
        frequent bug reports. Uppercase is implemented via SQL functions and
        thus you should seek for solution in your DB engine configuration.

3.3.3. Search

   You're able to search customers (including deleted customers), using
   various criteria. This module is more powerful than appropriate quick
   search box in left panel, as you can specify exact field names to
   search and if many customers are found, the list of records will be
   returned, not only the first one.

3.3.4. Groups

   This is a place where it's possible to divide your customers into
   groups. After you click 'Groups' you'll see list of all defined groups
   with some basic information. Clicking on selected group will give you
   details view, where you are able to edit this group properties, and
   view/add/remove group members.

3.3.5. New Group

   You can define new group here, providing its name is unique, and it
   only contains letters, digits and underscore and minus signs. Groups
   are being used in scripts configuration, and for this reason group
   names cannot contain spaces.

3.3.6. Notices

   In this module, you're able to write administrative notice (message)
   which will appear on customers Web browser screen and assign it
   massively to all or majority of your customers (just pick them using
   selection box on the left). It's also possible here to deselect
   administrative messages massively here.

3.3.7. Reports

   Set of modules to provide printer-friendly version of your records:
     * Customer list with filter and sort abilities,
     * Liability report for any range of customer(s), for specified date,
     * Customer balance for selected period

3.4. Nodes

   This panel is designed to manage your computer records, namely: view
   computer list (with sorting), search, add new or delete existing
   computers from database and editing capabilities.

3.4.1. List

   List of computers will appear after you select 'List' link. You can
   sort it by clicking on any highlighted column name. You have several
   icons on each computer record: light bulb for connecting and cutting
   off selected computer, warning triangle for warning screen toggle,
   eraser for computer removal, pencil for editing details and file icon
   for viewing it. The last module (computer/owner view) might be also
   accessed simply by clicking on selected record.

3.4.2. New Node

   You can add new computer here. First select good name for it (it may
   contain letters, digits, underscore or minus sign), then it's owner. IP
   and MAC addresses may be entered manually, or - by clicking arrow signs
   on the right - you may select them from pool which is read from
   database and ARP daemon. After you finish - click 'Save'. If you need
   to enter more computers it's helpful to activate 'Display this form
   again' checkbox.

        To search computer addresses in your network you can use nbtscan
        program. If it's available in system, you can click 'Scan' to get all
        data about computers that are online.

        You need to create customer and network first, so you can assign new
        computer to it.

3.4.3. Search

   You can search for computers here by any given criteria. You can enter
   whole IP, MAC or computer name, or just its fragment and search will
   guess for you.

3.4.4. Notices

   You can write administration notice (message) here and it will appear
   on customer's Web browser screen. In this module you can select
   majority or all computers and assign them common message. Just choose
   computers using selectbox on the left (computers with message already
   on will be displayed in red). If you only want to assign a message to
   customer, but don't want to turn it on, just write a notice and don't
   select any of 'Enable/Disable' boxes.

3.4.5. Reports

   You can get printer friendly list of your computers here. It's possible
   to use same filter and sorting capabilities as on 'List'.

3.5. Net Devices

   In this panel you're able to keep all your network inventory and define
   connections between your equipment and customer nodes. Each device
   (switch, hub, router, server) might have also IP address(es) assigned.

3.5.1. List

   List of devices might include its names, symbols, physical and logical
   location, description and number of available connection ports. You
   might sort its output by any highlighted column. To see device details
   or define all options and manage connected devices just click on
   selected record. It's also possible to interchange two connections
   between devices on this screen.

3.5.2. New device

   Network device should have unique name, all other parameters
   (manufacturer, model, serial number, ports, location and description)
   are optional.

3.5.3. Search

   You can search for devices here by any given criteria. You can enter
   whole IP, MAC or device name, or just its fragment and search will
   guess for you.

3.5.4. Map

   Selection of 'Map' option draws graphical map of entire network. You
   can define root device, which will appear on top of the map and all
   other devices will be drawn relative to it.

        You need GD or Ming library compiled in PHP to be able to use graphical
   Use 'map_type' option in section [phpui] section to specify type of
   map. Set it to "flash" if you've got Ming library, "gd" for graphic
   images or "openlayers" if you want to use map based on this library. By
   default (option not set) LMS will try to generate flash map, and when
   this fails, t will fallback to GD.

   Device status is shown on the map - computers in black are offline.
   Question mark on device icon means that its status is unknown (device
   has not been scanned yet). To use this functionality you need to setup
   scanning script in crontab. Computer is marked as online if computer
   was online on last successful scan and period since last scan is lesser
   than defined in configuration (Default: 600 seconds). This parameter
   can be set with lastonline_limit in [phpui] section of configuration
   file. Above feature applies both to computers and devices, but in case
   of devices all its ports (IPs) must be up for device to appear online.
   Computers status is also available on nodes list in 'Nodes' panel.

        You can use lms-fping Perl script or lmsd daemon to probe hosts

3.6. IP Networks

   You can define all your networks here. Network is IP address pool with
   parameters such as domain, DNSes, default gateway and DHCP pool. If you
   use LMS to manage numerous networks or you use numerous address pools,
   it's possible to define them here.

3.6.1. List

   Among basic data about network, each record contains information about
   address space conservation - you can see summary of assigned and free
   addresses. You're able to modify network properties after you click on
   selected network or by clicking 'Edit' icon.

   During edit you are able to browse list of nodes connected to this
   network, node name will appear instead of IP number if that number is
   occupied. If you click on free IP address, without any computer
   assigned to it, new computer form will appear. There are also other
   features available for your convenience: Put in order will readdress
   computers so that there's no gap in the list and Reassign the network
   to move all nodes from one network to another.

3.6.2. New Network

   Defines a new network. Network needs to have unique name and address
   pool, defined by its IP address and netmask. All other data is

   Physical interfaces, IP aliases and vlans are recognized in below
     * Physical interface - example: eth0
     * IP alias - example: eth0:1
     * Vlan interface with VID 19 - example: eth0.19
     * First IP alias on vlan interface with VID 19 - example: eth0.19:1

3.7. Finances

   This is actually the whole collection of modules, that gives you
   possibility to efficiently manage finances of your network. You can
   define periodical liabilities here (subscriptions), solid liabilities
   (orders), perform accounting operations, check each account history and
   draw invoices and balance sheets.

3.7.1. Tariffs List

   When you enter 'Tariffs List' panel you'll be able to see list of
   liabilities (Tariffs) that might be assigned to your customers, with
   basic information about it. When you select and click on liability
   you'll move to 'Tariff' module where you're able to edit its parameters
   and exchange customers between available liabilities. In 'Number of
   customers' field you can read number of customers who are assigned to
   it and two numbers in parenthesis: total number of assignments and
   number of active assignments, considered by its activity periods.

3.7.2. New Tariff

   When defining new tariff you need to enter unique name, amount and tax

3.7.3. Payments list

   This is a list of your company payments. Among standard fields you'll
   find 'Account this payment' icon, where you're able to charge your
   account. Periodical charges might be done with 'lms-payments' Perl
   script, or appropriate module of lmsd daemon. Select and click on
   chosen payment to view 'Payment Info' module, where you're able to edit
   its parameters or account given payment to financial database.

3.7.4. New payment

   You have to assign unique name, amount and pay date for each new
   payment you setup.

3.7.5. Balance sheet

   This is history of your financial operations with total incomes,
   expenditures, payments and customers liabilities. Printer icon allows
   you to print invoice for corresponding record.

3.7.6. New Balance

   You can add new financial operation with this module. It's possible to
   account the same operation for multiple customers at the same time.


        It's best to use lms-payments Perl script or lmsd daemon to automate
        periodical operations, such as subscription fees. Those modules are
        also able to write out appropriate invoices.

3.7.7. Invoices List

   List of invoices that has been already written out. You're able to
   print (by selecting 'Print' icon) and check as accounted selected

3.7.8. New Invoice

   Allows you to issue an invoice for selected customer manually.

3.7.9. Debit Notes List

   List of debit notes that has been already written out. You're able to
   print (by selecting 'Print' icon) and check as accounted selected

3.7.10. New Debit Note

   Allows you to issue an debit note for selected customer manually.

3.7.11. Cash Registry

   Cash register can be divided on many registries like cash1, cash2, main
   cash, bank, etc. On regirstries list are placed all information about
   defined registries with actual balance and summary which include only
   registries with not set "Disable summary" option.

   Each registry can have own numbering of cash-in and cash-out documents
   and access rights for users. "Write" privilage is assigned for common
   cashiers and dismiss receipts read and addition. "Advanced" users can
   edit and delete documents and change number or date when create new

   Cash receipts are a proofs of payment in and out cash. Receipts list,
   which you'll find by clicking on selected registry on registries list,
   can be sorted in any order and filtered like the invoices list. You've
   got also print selected receipts.

   From list you can go to receipt edition. Making changes in created
   documents needs special care, because submitting changes will delete
   old receipt and linked operations and insert new ones.

3.7.12. New Cash Receipt

   To create new cash document in first place you must specify registry
   and operation type (pay in/pay out), select customer from list or
   search them using filter. You can select other operation type i.e.
   assets move or operation not associated with customer. Also you can set
   date and number (better to leave values proposed by system). Then click
   'Select' to affirm your choice. After that you can add any number of
   positions with value and description or select them from list of not
   closed invoices/credit notes. 'Save and Print' will finish and save
   receipt and payments in system and display receipt's printout in new

   Printouts look configuration is desribed in chapter Installation and

3.7.13. Import

   If you use homebanking, and you're able to get a list of financial
   operations (ie. from bank www or email that they send you), Import
   module can be used to (semi)automatically load it into LMS accounting
   database and assign to respective customers. You should write (or use,
   if it's already in distribution) a parser script, which loads data to
   the cashimport table. Please, check example script lms-cashimport-ingbs
   to see how this is being done. After you run it, you should get a list
   of pending financial operations, in Import module, where you can
   correct them and accept into LMS accounting database.

   You can also load previously prepared text file using this module. It
   will be read line by line and parsed using setup regular expressions to
   get needed data types (ie. customer id, amount, etc). After file is
   loaded, you will be presented with the same corrections/acceptance
   screen as above.

   To setup regular expressions, which suit to your input files you should
   create PHP script which location you must set in import_config option
   in [phpui] section. Example values and parameters descriptions are
   placed in modules/cashimportcfg.php. Default configuration assumes that
   input data will be in the following format (tab separated):
23.02.2004      Machniak Aleksander     123,45  Internet subscription - 04/2004ID:0013
15.02.2004      Pain Joseph     123,45  Invoice paid - LMS/34/2004

   While import operations are being accepted it's possible to enable
   auto-accounting of invoices. To do this enable option
   'cashimport_checkinvoices' in section [finances]. Invoice (and assigned
   credit notes) is checked when imported payment (taking customer balance
   into account) is greater than invoice liability.

3.7.14. Export

   Financial data export to external systems rely on generation of text
   files with data fetched according to defined filters. For each document
   is created one record in text file. Record's format sets user using

   Export configuration is placed in file, which localization is set in
   export_config option of section [phpui]. Example values with variables
   description you can find in modules/exportcfg.php. The bast way is to
   copy that file and there making needed changes.

   For each position of Sale Registry (each invoice) we have one record in
   result file. When exporting Cash Report one record is for each position
   of cash document.

3.7.15. Reports

   There are several options for balance sheet printouts:
     * Balance sheet for your network including financial operations for
       given period
     * Customer balance sheet for given period.
     * Sale Registry, which consists of invoices for given period.
     * Cash Report, which consists of cash receipts for given period
       and/or given registry and cashier.
     * Invoices for given period or/and selected customer.
     * Transfer forms for selected customer or customers group and given
       balance limit (only for polish forms).
     * Total invoiceless income for given period
     * Liability report for given day, for all or selected user
     * Cash import history for given period.

3.8. Documents

   Non-financial documents can be found direct on customer's page or in
   'Documents' menu. In LMS you can store prepared files in many formats
   or generate new ones with user-defined templates. This feature is most
   interesting because makes possible to create expanded plugins. Plugins
   can provide many actions not limited to just printout generation.

3.8.1. List

   List consist basic infos about all documents i.e. number, title type,
   creation date, obligation dates and customer name. Simple filter let
   you documents searching by type and/or customer.

3.8.2. New document

   Documents can be created with templates made accordingly to rules
   described in section Other documents. Those can be also prepared files,
   which will be uploaded to server. Each document should have defined
   title and type. Additionally you might define it's time span (time
   until when it's valid) and description. Documents can be numbered with
   any numbering plan defined in system.

3.8.3. Documents Generator

   Generator provides possibility to create documents according to
   selected template group of customers. With option 'Print' you can print
   generated documents but only if they are of html type.

        For performance reasons is recommended to use templates optimized for
        generator and to not print many (hundreds) documents (possible browser

3.8.4. Access Rights

   Here you can define users access for specified actions (read, create,
   write, confirm, edit, delete) on documents by their types.

3.9. Hosting

   It's now possible to manage accounts from your services using LMS. This
   functionality is provided for advanced system administrators, because
   it requires in-depth knowledge of services running on server in order
   to configure them to use LMS database.

   You can create five types of accounts now: shell (1), email (2), www
   (4), ftp (8) and sql (16). Decimal values for internal representation
   of those accounts are given in parenthesis. This approach enables to
   provide multi-type accounts, eg. if you define shell+email+ftp account
   it will be given number 11 in database. This means that for recognition
   of account type you should use binary sums in WHERE clauses of your SQL
   queries (few examples are written below).

   You have also possibility to define domains and aliases.

3.9.1. Accounts

   Account list contains basic information about your customer accounts.
   It's possible to sort it by any highlighted column title and to filter
   it for given criteria. You can edit any account clicking 'Edit' icon.
   Administrator (LMS user) is also able to change account passwords.

3.9.2. New Account

   To create new account you have to provide its login, password, choose
   domain, at least one account type and assign customer to it.

   You can define any home directory for account. Option homedir_prefix
   from section [phpui] consists default prefix "/home/".

3.9.3. Aliases

   Every account (email type mainly) might have any number of aliases that
   is needed. Mail server administrator might redirect mail locally from
   all those aliases to physical existing account(s). Basic information
   about alias and accompanying account is provided on the list. It's
   possible to sort this list by any highlighted column name and to filter
   list for given criteria.

3.9.4. New Alias

   Creating alias you have to define login, domain and destination
   account(s). Destination accounts must exists in LMS. If you need alias
   for external account, you should create an account with redirect

3.9.5. Domains

   Currently LMS can directly manage PowerDNS server with mysql/pqsql
   backend. LMS now has full support for most of the features of PowerDNS
   server. It has full support for zone types: master, native and slave.
   You're able to see basic information about domains on the list such as:
   name, type, owner. It's possible to sort this list by any highlighted
   column name and to filter list for given criteria and by first letter
   of domain name. You can edit domain data by clicking 'Edit' icon. Add
   new domain at the bottom and at the top of the list.

3.9.6. New Domain

   Domain data consists of name, description, type (master,slave,native),
   IP address of webserver, IP address of mailserver, IP address of master
   NS (when type slave is selected) and other parameter which have default
   values stored in "zones" section. Domain can be assigned to customer.

3.9.7. Search

   You can search for accounts, aliases and domains here by any given

3.9.8. Examples

   The following section contains fragments of proftpd daemon
   configuration (version 1.2.10) relevant to process of authentication
   with using data available in LMS database. This example contains
   Postgres configuration and optional MySQL configuration in comments,
   followed by pound (hash) sign.

   Example 3-1. Accounts. Proftpd configuration.
  ServerName    "LMS FTP Server"

  #dbname@host:port dbuser dbpass
  SQLConnectInfo lms@localhost:5432 lms mypassword

  SQLAuthTypes Crypt Plaintext
  SQLUserInfo passwd login password uid NULL home NULL
  RequireValidShell off
  SQLAuthenticate users

  # create user home directory if it doesn't exists yet
  SQLHomedirOnDemand on

  # login message
  SQLShowInfo PASS "230" "Last login: %{getlastlogin}"
  SQLLog PASS setlastlogin

  # SQLNamedQuery getlastlogin SELECT "CASE lastlogin WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE FROM_UNIXTIME(lastlogin) END FROM passwd WHERE login='%u'"
  # SQLNamedQuery setlastlogin UPDATE "lastlogin=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE login='%u'" passwd
  SQLNamedQuery getlastlogin SELECT "CASE lastlogin WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE lastlogin::abstime::timestamp::text END FROM passwd WHERE login='%u'"
  SQLNamedQuery setlastlogin UPDATE "lastlogin=EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)) WHERE login='%u'" passwd

  # We limit access to valid (not expired) accounts with ftp type
  # SQLUserWhereClause "type & 8 = 8 AND (expdate = 0 OR expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"
  SQLUserWhereClause "type & 8 = 8 AND (expdate = 0 OR expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))"

   Next example will show us how to configure Postfix 2.1.1 mail server
   with Cyrus-SASL 2.1.19 and Courier-IMAP/POP3 3.0.4, so that they use
   LMS database. LMS accounts will be virtual, which means that they will
   be all maintained by one uid on server with mail stored in Maildir

   You'll need to patch your SASL for encrypted passwords, because LMS
   database contains them only in this form. In comments we have provided
   MySQL specific options. Only fragments relevant to database setup are
   shown below:

   Example 3-2. Accounts. Mail server configuration
# smtpd.conf file (Cyrus-SASL):

pwcheck_method: auxprop
#sql_engine: mysql
sql_engine: pgsql
sql_user: lms
sql_passwd: dbpass
sql_hostnames: localhost
sql_database: lms
#sql_select: SELECT p.password FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
#   AND p.login='%u' AND ='%r' AND p.type & 2 = 2
#       AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
sql_select: SELECT p.password FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
        AND p.login='%u' AND ='%r' AND p.type & 2 = 2
        AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))
password_format: crypt
mech_list: login plain

# authpgsqlrc (or authmysqlrc) (Courier):

# user postfix (owner of mail directory)
# group postfix (owner of mail directory)
#MYSQL_PORT             3306
PGSQL_PORT              5432
#MYSQL_USERNAME         lms
PGSQL_USERNAME          lms
#MYSQL_PASSWORD         dbpass
PGSQL_PASSWORD          dbpass
#MYSQL_DATABASE         lms
PGSQL_DATABASE          lms
#       p.password, '', 104, 104, '/var/spool/mail/virtual', \
#       CONCAT(,'/', p.login, '/'), '', p.login, '' \
#       FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid = \
#       AND p.login = '$(local_part)' AND = '$(domain)' \
#       AND p.type & 2 = 2 AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
        p.password, '', 104, 104, '/var/spool/mail/virtual', \ || '/' || p.login ||'/', '', p.login, '' \
        FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
        AND p.login = '$(local_part)' AND = '$(domain)' \
        AND p.type & 2 = 2 \
        AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))

# (Postfix):

virtual_mailbox_base = /var/spool/mail/virtual
virtual_mailbox_domains = pgsql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_mailbox_maps = pgsql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_alias_maps = pgsql:/etc/postfix/
recipient_bcc_maps = pgsql:/etc/postfix/

# (Postfix):

user = lms
password = dbpass
hosts = localhost
dbname = lms
query = SELECT name FROM domains WHERE name = '%s'

# (Postfix):

user = lms
password = dbpass
hosts = localhost
dbname = lms
#query = SELECT CONCAT(, '/', p.login, '/')
#       FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
#       AND p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
#       AND p.type & 2 = 2
#       AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
# PostgreSQL
query = SELECT || '/' || p.login || '/'
        FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
        AND p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
        AND p.type & 2 = 2
        AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))

# (Postfix):

user = lms
password = dbpass
hosts = localhost
dbname = lms
#query = SELECT p.mail_forward
#       FROM passwd p
#       JOIN domains d ON (p.domainid =
#       WHERE p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
#               AND p.type & 2 = 2 AND p.mail_forward != ''
#               AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
#       UNION
#   SELECT CASE WHEN aa.mail_forward != '' THEN aa.mail_forward ELSE CONCAT(p.login, '@', END
#       FROM aliases a
#       JOIN domains ad ON (a.domainid =
#       JOIN aliasassignments aa ON (aa.aliasid =
#       LEFT JOIN passwd p ON (aa.accountid = AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))
#       LEFT JOIN domains pd ON (p.domainid =
#       WHERE a.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
#               AND (aa.mail_forward != '' OR IS NOT NULL)
# PostgreSQL
query = SELECT p.mail_forward
        FROM passwd p
        JOIN domains d ON (p.domainid =
        WHERE p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
                AND p.type & 2 = 2 AND p.mail_forward != ''
                AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))
        SELECT CASE WHEN aa.mail_forward != '' THEN aa.mail_forward ELSE p.login || '@' || END
        FROM aliases a
        JOIN domains ad ON (a.domainid =
        JOIN aliasassignments aa ON (aa.aliasid =
        LEFT JOIN passwd p ON (aa.accountid =
                AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0))))
        LEFT JOIN domains pd ON (p.domainid =
        WHERE a.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
                AND (aa.mail_forward != '' OR IS NOT NULL)

# (Postfix):

user = lms
password = dbpass
hosts = localhost
dbname = lms
#query = SELECT p.mail_bcc
#        FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
#               AND p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
#               AND p.type & 2 = 2
#               AND p.mail_bcc != ''
#               AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
# PostgreSQL
query = SELECT p.mail_bcc
        FROM passwd p, domains d WHERE p.domainid =
                AND p.login = '%u' AND = '%d'
                AND p.type & 2 = 2
                AND p.mail_bcc != ''
                AND (p.expdate = 0 OR p.expdate > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)))

3.10. Messages

   Messages is a component where you can spam groups of your customers
   with email or sms messages.

3.10.1. List

   On the list you have a history of sent messages. You can sort them
   using filter. Clicking on the message record moves you to information
   page with message content and list of recipients. On the list you have
   delivery status of every (sub)message.

3.10.2. New message

   To send a message you should specify appropriate group of recipients,
   type of message (email/sms). Your attendance can be grouped by status,
   network or customer/node groups, etc.

   In message body you can use variables, which will be replaced by
   customer data:
   %customer - name/lastname and forename
   %balance - balance value (with sign)
   %cid - customer ID
   %pin - customer PIN
   %last_10_in_a_table - last 10 operations on customer account
   %bankaccount - bank account number

3.10.3. Configuration

   Your server has to support PEAR::Mail for this to send email messages.
   If you use mail server on remote host, you will need to set options
   smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password in [mail] section.

   Here we've got the list of configuration options for mailing. These
   options should be placed in [mail] section.
     * debug_email
       E-mail address for debugging - messages sent from module 'Messages'
       will be delivered to this address instead of sending them to real
       Example: debug_email = root@localhost
     * smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password
       Parameters for smtp authorization in mailing. Default:
       Example: smtp_host =
     * smtp_auth_type
       Smtp authorization method in mailing. By default LMS (exactly
       PEAR::Net_SMTP) will use the best supported method. Default: none.
       Example: smtp_auth_type = DIGEST-MD5

   SMS configuration is more complex. Forst of all you have to define a
   service type to use. This could be a SMS gateway or some software
   installed on LMS server (e.g. gnokii, smstools). For SMS configuration
   options [sms] section is intended:
     * service
       service type for sending text messages. Supported values:
       'smstools' and 'smscenter'.
       Example: service = smstools
     * prefix
       Phone country code. Default: 48 (Poland)
       Example: prefix = 49
     * from
       Message sender. Default empty.
       Example: from = ISP Co.
     * username
       Username for sms gateway. Default: empty.
       Example: username = isp
     * password
       Password for sms gateway. Default: empty.
       Example: password = haslo
     * smscenter_type
       Type of account you have at smscenter service. LMS will add sender
       at the end of message, when static type has been set. Correct
       values are: static and dynamic. Default: dynamic.
       Example: smscenter_type = static
     * smstools_outdir
       Directory with outgoing message files for smsd (smstools). HTTP
       server must have a write access to it. Deafault:
       Example: smstools_outdir = /home/smsd/outgoing

3.11. Reload

   Click on 'Reload' and reload request or command should execute. If you
   did configure hosts, you will see list of hosts for selection to reload
   configuration on selected hosts. What services and how they're updated
   is configured in LMS-MGC or lmsd daemon. You'll find needed information
   about configuration in appropriate chapters of this documentation.

3.12. Stats

   This is interface to view bandwidth consumption per host statistics
   enclosed in bar graphs. Statistics contains data about sent and
   received bytes for given interface for each node. Using drop down menu
   you can quickly generate statistics for given time periods: last hour,
   day, 30 days or year.

        You need working lms-traffic Perl script or lmsd daemon running to
        collect statistics.

3.12.1. Filter

   Before you can see graphs you can define parameters to limit period or
   network (if you have many), top number of computers considered and sort
   output as you like (ie. by top download).

3.12.2. Compacting

   Depending on chosen update frequency amount of database data used for
   statistics might grow fast, which will lead to extension of time needed
   to generate statistics. For that reason in 'Compacting' menu you're
   able to shrink your database size without data loss. This module will
   compact data using following logic:
     * Low precision (low): data from previous date and older will be
       approximated to one day. If you save data each 10 minutes 6*24
       records will be compacted to one.
     * Medium precision (medium): data older than month will be
       approximated to one day.
     * High precision (high): data older than month will be approximated
       to one hour.


           Data approximation is irreversible.

   It's possible to do database compacting with cron. Compacting page can
   be viewed (executed) directly by web browser in following way:
links -dump \

3.12.3. Reports

   Here you can print statistics of given customer in selected month.
   Printout consist upload/download summary grouped by month days with
   average transfer speed.

3.13. Helpdesk

   Helpdesk (or Request Tracker) is customer request management system.
   It's possible to keep history of all requests and questions here, both
   reported by customers and users not registered in LMS database. Reports
   can be grouped in queues (categories) and you're able to search them
   for a given criteria. It's possible to define access rights for LMS
   users to each queue.

   You have quick search box in left (menu) panel, which may be used to
   jump to appropriate ticket giving ticket id or reporter name. Searching
   by reporter name will give a list of all tickets available for this

   Each ticket includes history built on messages sent by administrators
   (LMS users) and customers. Administrator may send his message to
   customer specifying recipient name and clicking 'Submit/Send', email
   will be sent with queue address as sender, or - if it's empty - LMS
   user address. All messages, including those sent, are recorder in
   ticket history. Each ticket may be in one of the states: new, opened,
   resolved or dead.

   Please look at lms-rtparser script which has been developed to support
   incoming requests and outgoing comments by your mail server.

3.13.1. Queues List

   Basic information and request statistics are available on queues list.
   Select and click on chosen queue to display all tickets belonging to
   it. You can also go to detailed view (including permissions) about
   queue or remove given queue. Removing queue will also remove all
   belonging tickets from database.

3.13.2. New queue

   Queue (category) contains a name, optional description and optional
   email address, used in correspondence. 'Permissions' table defines LMS
   users access to this queue, which overrides those set in
   'Administration', which means, that the user who has 'full access'
   permissions won't be able to see queue and tickets placed in it until
   he's given access to that queue. Enabling 'write' (tickets and comments
   edit ability) to user automatically gives him 'read' access. 'Notices'
   privilege is used to notify users about new tickets. If
   'newticket_notify' option is enabled all users with this privilege will
   get notifications by email.

3.13.3. Searching

   Tickets are searchable by all given criteria (AND not OR). You can
   provide subject, owner, queue, status and reporter for your search.
   Customers may be selected from drop-down list, unregistered users may
   be searched by name or email address.

3.13.4. New ticket

   For each new ticket you need to provide subject, content, queue and
   reporter. Unregistered users (not in customers database) should be
   recorded using 'Submitter' fields. You can provide email address (in
   both registered/unregistered cases) if ticket will be running via

3.13.5. Reports

   Here you can print requests list and helpdesk statistics:
     * List of requests with queue, status, uptime and customer filters,
     * Requests stats with queue filter

3.14. Timetable

   Timetable is your time scheduler, where each user may setup his own
   calendar. Events or tasks being put here may be also visible for other
   users and consist a list of assigned clients, which make this tool
   usable for service crew management.

   There is an additional lms-reminder script, which may be executed
   periodically to remind users about their pending tasks.

3.14.1. Timetable (Task list)

   Main timetable shows list of days starting from day which is selected
   from calendar popup. A number of days displayed depends on
   timetable_days_forward configuration option and defaults to 7 days.
   From task list you might print a day plan or go to event edit screen.

3.14.2. New event

   You can add new task to the Timetable by selecting short title and
   start date and time (or time span). All other fields are optional. By
   selecting 'private' option you can hide current event from the other
   users, so that it will be visible only for event creator. This feature
   allows you to run your own, private calendar.

3.14.3. Search

   You can search in Timetable by the following criteria: time span (start
   and end date), client affected, client or fragment of text in title,
   event description or its notes. List of results will include events
   that match all entered criteria.

3.15. Configuration

3.15.1. User Interface Basics

   Since LMS 1.5.3 you're able to configure all UI-related options
   directly via LMS-UI, instead of editing lms.ini. Those options are
   stored in database and you first need to import them from your config
   file (even if you haven't edited anything yet, default values will be
   imported). This can be done by clicking on the link presented on empty


        Options setup with LMS-UI have higher priority than those in
        configuration file. With options setup in UI, the configuration will be
        still imported from file but values will be then overwritten by those
        found in DB.


        Daemon read some options other than its configuration from database
        only, so it's preferred to store configuration in database.

   In order to manually add new option click 'Add option' on the bottom of
   the list. To edit option value, click on its record. You'll be given
   with edit form, where you are also able to remove this option. Changing
   option status allows you to turn it on and off instantly. When an
   option is off, default value will be used (if it posses any).
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration Options List

   Here we've got the list of UI configuration options. Those options
   should be placed in [phpui] section. The rest of options is described
   in appropriate chapters.
     * allow_from (optional)
       List of networks or IP addresses, which have access to LMS. If
       empty, every IP address is permitted. You can write here list of
       addresses or address pools and LMS will dismiss every unwanted user
       with HTTP 403 error.
       Example: allow_from =,,
     * lang
       User interface language code (ISO). IF not set, language will be
       based on HTML browser settings. Default: en
       Example: lang = pl
     * timeout
       Timeout for WWW session. User will be log out if he won't perform
       any action in such number of seconds. Default: 600
       Example: timeout = 900


          It's not possible to not to have any timeout. If you set this value to
          zero, you won't be able to use LMS at all!
     * default_module
       Start-up module (filename from /modules without .php). Default:
       Example: default_module = copyrights
     * customerlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of customers
       list. Default: 100
       Example: customerlist_pagelimit = 10
     * nodelist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of nodes list.
       Default: 100
       Example: nodelist_pagelimit = 10
     * balancelist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of customer
       balance. Default: 100.
       Example: balancelist_pagelimit = 50
     * invoicelist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of invoices
       list. Default: 100
       Example: invoicelist_pagelimit = 50
     * ticketlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of ticket
       (requests) list. Default: 100
       Example: ticketlist_pagelimit = 50
     * networkhosts_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of nodes with
       network information. Default: 256
       Example: networkhosts_pagelimit = 1024
     * accountlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of customer
       accounts. Default: 100
       Example: accountlist_pagelimit = 50
     * domainlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of system
       domains. Default: 100
       Example: domainlist_pagelimit = 50
     * aliaslist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of user aliases.
       Default: 100
       Example: aliaslist_pagelimit = 50
     * configlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of UI
       configuration list. Default: 100
       Example: configlist_pagelimit = 50
     * taxratelist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of tax rates
       list. Default: 100
       Example: taxratelist_pagelimit = 50
     * numberplanlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of numbering
       plans list. Default: 100
       Example: numberplanlist_pagelimit = 50
     * divisionlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of divisions
       list. Default: 100
       Example: divisionlist_pagelimit = 50
     * documentlist_pagelimit
       Limit of records that can be displayed on one page of documents
       list. Default: 100
       Example: documentlist_pagelimit = 50
     * reload_type
       Reload type. Allowed values:
       exec - execute some command (usually with sudo, script or something
       else, configurable below)
       sql - doing SQL writes (can be also set to custom query)
       Default: sql.
       Example: reload_type = exec
     * reload_execcmd
       Command to run during reload, if reload_type is set to 'exec'. By
       default /bin/true. This string is send to system() command, so make
       sure that you know what you're doing. :) Besides, semicolons should
       be parsed by bash, but LMS splits that string and execute commands
       separately. In commands you can use '%host' variable, which is
       replaced by defined host name (Configuration -> Hosts).
       Example: reload_execcmd = "sudo /usr/bin/ %host"
     * reload_sqlquery
       SQL query executed while reload, if reload_type = sql. By default,
       query sets reload order for daemon lmsd. You can use '%TIME%'
       template in your query which will be substituted with current UNIX
       timestamp and '%host' for host name. WARNING! Semicolon is handled
       as query separator, which means that you can enter couple of SQL
       queries separated by semicolon sign.
       Example: reload_sqlquery = "INSERT INTO reload VALUES
     * force_ssl
       Enforce SSL for all connections. Setting this option to 1 will turn
       LMS into enforcing SSL connections by applying redirect to
       'https://'.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] at every
       access without SSL. Default: 0 (off).
       Example: force_ssl = 1
     * allow_mac_sharing
       Allows for node addition even if its MAC address is not unique (not
       checking that some computer have that MAC yet). Default: 0 (off)
       Example: allow_mac_sharing = 1
     * smarty_debug
       Enable Smarty debug console. Useful for tracking values passed from
       PHP to Smarty. Default: 0 (off).
       Example: smarty_debug = 1
     * default_zip, default_city, default_address
       Default zip code, city and street used on "new user" form. Useful
       when we have many users on the same street.
       Example: default_zip = 39-300
     * use_current_payday
       Forces to use current day of month as a payment day. Default: 0
       Example: use_current_payday = 1
     * default_monthly_payday
       Forces to use given day of month as a payment day. Default: 0
       Example: default_monthly_payday = 1
     * use_invoices
       Makes option "with invoice" checked by default. Default: false.
       Example: use_invoices = true
     * lastonline_limit
       Specify time (in seconds), after which node will be marked offline.
       It should match frequency of execution for script responsible for
       checking nodes activity (i.e. lms-fping). Default: 600.
       Example: lastonline_limit = 300
     * timetable_days_forward
       Specify number of days (including current day) visible on
       timetable. Default: 7.
       Example: timetable_days_forward = 2
     * arpd_servers
       List of arpd servers for reading MAC addresses from remote
       networks. That list should include IP[:port] items separated with
       spaces. Default: empty.
       Example: arpd_servers =
     * helpdesk_backend_mode
       When enabled, all messages in helpdesk system (except those sent to
       ticket reporter) will be sent to mail server to the appropriate
       queue address. Mail server should run lms-rtparser script, which
       will write messages to database. Default: disabled.
       Example: helpdesk_backend_mode = On
     * helpdesk_sender_name
       Name of message sender or predefined values: 'queue' - ticket's
       queue name, 'user' - name of logged user (sender). Default: empty.
       Example: helpdesk_sender_name = Helpdesk
     * newticket_notify
       If enabled, after new ticket addition system will send notification
       emails to all users with rights to the queue. Default: disabled.
       Example: newticket_notify = On
     * helpdesk_stats
       Adds requests causes stats on ticket view and print pages. Default:
       Example: helpdesk_stats = true
     * helpdesk_customerinfo
       Adds customer basic information on ticket view and in
       notifications. Default: enabled.
       Example: helpdesk_customerinfo = false
     * ticketlist_status
       Default status filter setting on tickets list. For allowed values
       see html source code. Default: not set.
       Example: ticketlist_status = -1
     * ticket_template_file
       Helpdesk ticket printout template file. Default:
       Example: ticket_template_file = ../mytemplates/ticket.html
     * to_words_short_version
       Specify format of verbal amounts representation (on invoices). For
       value "1" verbal expand of 123,15 will be "one two thr 15/100".
       Default: 0.
       Example: to_words_short_version = 1
     * nodepassword_length
       Length of (auto-generated) node password. Max.32. Default: 16.
       Example: nodepassword_length = 8
     * gd_translate_to
       Charset of data that GD library expects (useful if GD need
       ISO-8859-2 instead of UTF-8 to feed imagetext() function. Default:
       Example: gd_translate_to =
     * check_for_updates_period
       How often to check for LMS updates (in seconds). Default: 86400.
       Example: check_for_updates_period = 604800
     * default_taxrate
       Specify value (not label) of tax rate which will be selected on
       drop-down lists by default. Default: 22.
       Example: default_taxrate = 22.0
     * big_networks
       Support for big ISPs e.g. hidding long selection dropdowns.
       Default: false.
       Example: big_networks = true
     * short_pagescroller
       Enables page scroller designed for lists with very big number of
       pages. Default: false.
       Example: short_pagescroller = true
     * ewx_support
       Support for EtherWerX devices. Default: false.
       Example: ewx_support = true
     * default_assignment_period
       Default period value for assignment. Possible values: disposable -
       0 daily - 1 weekly - 2 monthly - 3 quarterly - 4 yearly - 5
       Default: 0
       Example: default_assignment_period = 3

3.15.2. Tax Rates

   Before you have to begin with financial system you will need to define
   tax rates which you will use. On the list are place all rates data.
   It's possible to edit tax rate, but system will not allow to change
   value of rate that was used in the past. Also isn't possible to delete
   that rate.

   Link 'Add tax rate' moves you to the form, where you can define a new
   rate. Tax rate label is displayed on select lists and invoice printout.
   Value of tax rate is a number from 0 to 100 with two decimal places
   precision. Taxing status is used for tax-free rate, that means the rest
   of defined tax rates should have taxing enabled.

   Tax rate which will be selected by default on lists is defined by
   default_taxrate option in section [phpui].

3.15.3. Number plans

   This feature allows you to add unique numbering plan (numbering
   sequence) for each type of documents created in LMS. It's also possible
   to define different sequences within one type of documents. For each
   document type you might define default sequence (important, ie. when
   you're issuing invoices automatically, as perl scripts or daemon will
   use this default scheme when creating new document).

   For each sequence you should also define time span, that is period in
   which sequence numbers will be unique. When time span selected will
   reach its end, sequence will be zeroed. You are able to set period to
   one of: daily, weekly (Monday to Sunday), monthly, quarterly or

   Numbering plans list consist of all its identifying information
   included, followed by example number generated using this plan plus
   number of documents created with this plan. You might select 'Add plan'
   to enter new sequence. Editing is possible by clicking the field that
   you want to change. Deletion of plan is only possible when no documents
   has been created with that yet.

   Sequence template might be any string, which consist some of symbols
   (specifiers) known from PHP strftime function. Detailed information and
   list of all symbols can be find in PHP Manual. The most important and
   the only required symbol in sequence template is '%N', which will be
   substituted with incremented document number. All other symbols will
   expand to document's date of issue. Below you can find most popular
     * %N - integer number, uniquely identifying document
     * %[1-9]N - as above, but with leading zeroes, ie. '%4N' will return
       '0012' for 12
     * %I - additional part of number (works with cash documents only)
     * %Y - year as a 4 digit number
     * %y - year as a 2 digit number
     * %m - month number with leading zero (01 to 12)
     * %b - short month name (according to system locales)


        If you have no numbering plans defined, each document will take default
        number as of '%N/LMS/%Y' with annual time span.

3.15.4. Divisions

   Divisions/Companies are used for customers grouping. You should create
   at least one division. You can define division's short and long names,
   address bank account (or mass-payments account prefix) and other data
   for invoices. Locked division cannot be assigned to customer.

3.15.5. Hosts

   This section defines host names of those machines (routers, servers)
   that read its configuration from LMS database and where scripts or lmsd
   daemon will be setup.

   Each host name should be unique and it's recommended to be machine's
   real name, which could be obtained by running hostname command on each
   of them (assuming they're all u*ix hosts).

3.15.6. Daemon

   When you create hosts list, you will be able to configure daemon lmsd.
   Daemon configuration is described in appropriate chapter.

3.15.7. Import sources

   It's possible to import customer payments from many sources (banks).
   Here you can define its names/description. Then you will able to select
   source from the list to add/import payments or some create payments

Chapter 4. Scripts

4.1. Installation

   Configuration of each Perl script should be enclosed in appropriate
   section of lms.ini file. Scripts should be taken from lms/bin/
   directory and placed in /usr/sbin. After the move, you have to include
   them in your crontab, so that they will be executed automatically,
   which is probably what you want to do.

   For example crontab entry which will execute lms-payments script each
   day one minute after midnight should take a form of:
1 0 * * *       /usr/sbin/lms-payments 1 > /dev/null

   You should read man crontab to learn how to exactly schedule your

   Most LMS scripts have following command line options:
-C file     location and name of alternative configuration, default: /etc/lms/lms.ini
-q          run script without any output
-h          help (usually list of valid command line options)
-v          information about script version

4.2. List of available scripts

   Table 4-1. Executable scripts list
   Name Description
   lms-notify Massive mailing for customer notification about debt, new
   invoice, etc.
   lms-notify-sms SMS Notifications about customers deb, new invoice, etc.
   lms-cutoff Cutoff of customers who are in debt
   lms-etherdesc MAC address - hostname pair file creation for iptraf
   lms-payments Accounting subscription fees (periodical) with invoice
   lms-traffic Bandwidth consumption calculation
   lms-traffic-logiptables Bandwidth probe with iptables
   lms-makearp ARP table (/etc/ethers) creation
   lms-makedhcpconf DHCP server configuration (dhcpd.conf)
   lms-makeiptables Configuration of iptables firewall rules
   lms-makeipchains Configuration of ipchains firewall rules
   lms-makeopenbsdpf Configuration of OpenBSD packet filter rules
   lms-makeoidentconf Configuration of oident
   lms-sendinvoices Distribution of invoices to customers
   lms-makemacs Firewalling with use of source MAC addresses
   lms-makehosts /etc/hosts file creation
   lms-makewarnings Redirect rules for customers in debt
   lms-makemessages Redirect rules for customers in debt with warning
   lms-fping Online nodes scan
   lms-rtparser Helpdesk backend for MUA

4.3. Description and configuration

4.3.1. lms-notify

   lms-notify it's a perfect tool to remind your customers that they are
   actually the ones who cover all your network and WAN links costs. It
   makes you possible to create numerous text templates for various
   occasions and use them for mailing your customers. For SMTP connection
   Mail::Sender module is used.
     __________________________________________________________________ Templates

   You can use following variables in your templates:
     * %date-m - will be substituted with current month in numerical form
       with leading zero, eg. 02
     * %date-y - will be substituted with current year, eg. 2003
     * %date_month_name - will be substituted with current month name, eg.
     * %saldo - will be substituted with current customer balance, eg. 535
     * %abonament - will be substituted with customer's subscription fee,
       eg. 107
     * %b - customer balance with opposite sign, eg. 107
     * %B - customer balance with real sign, eg. -107
     * %pin - PIN code of the customer
     * %cid - customer ID
     * %number - document number (invoices, debit notes and deadline
       notifies only)
     * %value - invoice value (invoices and deadline notifies only)
     * %last_10_in_a_table - list of last 10 operations on customer's
       account, eg.

   Example 4-1. Lms-notify: example of last 10 customer's operations
2003-02-02 | Subscription for month 2003/02                       |  107.00
2003-02-01 | Payment                                              | -107.00
2003-02-01 | Subscription for month 2003/02                       |  107.00
2003-02-01 | Payment                                              | -321.00
2003-01-31 | Subscription for month 2003/01                       |  107.00
2003-01-31 | Subscription for month 2003/01                       |  107.00
2003-01-31 | Subscription for month 2003/01                       |  107.00

   Example 4-2. Lms-notify: example of mailing template
NOTE: This message has been generated automatically.

We kindly remind that you have debt on your internet service provide account
for the amount of $ %B.

If you have already regulated your subscription fees for current month, that
is %date-m %date-y, please just skip this message.

If you think this message was sent to you in error, please contact our
customer service representative.

All information about payments could be also found at:

If you want to regulate your account status, please contact our accountant:

Aldfert Rule
phone: 0-509031337

Garmund Cooper
phone: 0-606666666

PS. Last 10 operations on your account has been attached below for your

Date       | Description                                          | Amount

Big and Professional Internet Provider, BigPro ISP
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Configuration of lms-notify should be set in lms.ini file, [notify]
   section. Following parameters are valid (also in lms-notify-sms):
     * debtors_template
       Lets you setup message template which will be sent to debted
       customers. Default: none.
       Example: debtors_template = /etc/lms/debtors_template.txt
     * debtors_subject
       Lets you set subject of message to debtors. Default: 'Debtors
       Example: debtors_subject = Debt information
     * invoices_template
       The message template which will be sent to customers if new invoice
       is created (in last 24 hours). Default: none.
       Example: invoices_template = /etc/lms/invoices_template.txt
     * invoices_subject
       Subject of 'invoices' message. Default: 'New invoice notification'.
       Example: invoices_subject = Invoice information
     * notes_template
       The message template which will be sent to customers if new debit
       note is created (in last 24 hours). Default: none.
       Example: notes_template = /etc/lms/notes_template.txt
     * notes_subject
       Subject of 'notes' message. Default: 'New debit note notification'.
       Example: notes_subject = Debit note information
     * deadline_template
       Lets you setup message template which will be sent to debted
       customers when (not payed) invoice reaches paytime. Default: none.
       Example: deadline_template = /etc/lms/deadline_template.txt
     * deadline_subject
       Subject of 'deadline' message. Default: 'Invoice deadline
       Example: deadline_subject = Deadline information
     * limit
       Lets you setup limit of customer debt. The message will be sent if
       customer balance is below that value. Default: limit = 0
       Example: limit = -20

   And list of options for mailing only:
     * mailfrom (mandatory)
       Lets you setup email of the sender. Default: none.
       Example: mailfrom =
     * mailfname
       Sender name. Default: none
       Example: mailfname = Administrators
     * smtp_host
       SMTP server to be used when sending emails. Default: localhost
       Example: smtp_host =
     * smtp_auth
       SMTP authorization type. Allowed values: LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5,
       NTLM. Default: none
       Example: smtp_auth = LOGIN
     * smtp_user
       Login for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_user = admin
     * smtp_pass
       Password for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_pass = password
     * debug_email (optional)
       Email address for debugging. All email will be sent to this address
       instead of sending to real customers. Default: not set.
       Example: debug_email =

4.3.2. lms-notify-sms

   lms-notify-sms it's a lms-notify equivalent, but it's intended to send
   reminders via SMS. Actually it supports smstools and gnokii services.
   Use [sms] section for SMS Service configuration.

   Configuration of lms-notify-sms should be set in lms.ini file,
   [notify-sms] section. Here you can use all lms-notify options plus:
     * service
       Allows you to overwrite SMS service option from [sms] section.
       Default: empty
       Example: service = smstools

4.3.3. lms-cutoff

   This script allows to cutoff (actually mark as cutoff in database and
   cutting off should be performed by one of firewall rules creation
   script) customers whose debt is below some defined value.

   Configuration of lms-cutoff should be set in lms.ini file, [cutoff]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * limit (optional)
       Lets you setup limit of customer debt. Customer will be marked as
       disconnected below that value. Default: 0
       Example: limit = -20
     * message (optional)
       If not empty, that message will be written to warning message field
       in customer record after cutting him off. You can use %now variable
       - it will be replaced by current date, and %b and %B like in
       lms-notify script. Default: 'Automatic cutoff caused by exceeding
       of liabilities limit on %now'
       Example: message = ''

4.3.4. lms-payments

   This script is being used to calculate and account subscription and
   solid (fixed) fees. It also accounts your company liabilities and makes
   invoices. You should allow it to run daily if you want it to make it
   work done well.

   This scripts may be configured with two options related to invoices in
   [payments] section of lms.ini file:
     * deadline (optional)
       Payment deadline in days. Default: 14
       Example: deadline = 7
     * paytype (optional)
       Payment type identifier (1-cash, 2-transfer, 3-transfer/cash,
       4-card, 5-compensation, 6-barter, 7-contract). Default: 2
       Example: paytype = 1
     * suspension_description (optional)
       Suspension description for suspended liabilities added at the end
       of comment. Default: ''
       Example: suspension_description = '(suspension)'
     * comment (optional)
       Description on invoice attached to every periodical assigment
       Default: '%tariff subscription for period %period'
       Some keywords are substitiuted:
       %tariff - subscription name
       %period - period (counted from current day to the last in cycle, in
       YYYY/MM/DD format)
       %current_month - period form 1st day of current month to the last
       %current_period - current month in MM/YYYY format
       %next_period - next month in MM/YYYY format
       %prev_period - previous month in MM/YYYY format
       %desc - tariff description
       Example: comment = 'Subscription for %current_month'
     * settlement_comment (optional)
       Description of settlement.
       Default set to comment option contents.
       Example: settlement_comment = 'Settlement for %period'

   Script has also one useful command line parameter: --fakedate (-f).
   With this option you can make that script will execute with system date
   (in format YYYY/MM/DD) other that current, eg. --fakedate=2004/10/10.

4.3.5. lms-traffic

   This script is an interface between your application and LMS database
   and is intended to gather bandwidth usage statistics. You should
   provide number of bytes received and sent by each computer, which will
   be stored in LMS DB next to computer id and current timestamp. It's up
   to you how often this configuration will be refreshed, just remember to
   set your application to refresh its data in similar interval. Best
   sources of data are iptables or ipchains. You can also use external
   program, eg. ipfm.

   Browsing gathered statistics with several filtering capabilities is
   available in LMS-UI in main menu, menu 'Statistics'.
     __________________________________________________________________ Installation

   Before you can run lms-traffic you need to create data file which will
   be read in. Format of the file should be as follows:
<IP_address> <n_of_spaces> <upload_bytes> <n_of_spaces> <download_bytes>
<IP_address> <n_of_spaces> <upload_bytes> <n_of_spaces> <download_bytes>


        Example script utilizing iptables might be found in
        sample/ file.

   Next you should install lms-traffic script and your custom script into
   crontab. Among standard options you can use define location with
   created data file.
-f=/file        location and name of data file, default: /var/log/traffic.log


          Frequency checks should be set not higher than 10 minutes, due that
          each execution will write new database record for each computer. Thus,
          statistics database might grow fast and it might take longer to
          generate desired statistics.

4.3.6. lms-traffic-logiptables

   This script uses iptables to gather received and sent data statistics
   for each computer. Data is being read from firewall rules, which are
   created on-the-fly. Thus, you are not responsible for setting
   appropriate rules or running custom statistics collector (eg.

   Configuration of lms-traffic-logiptables should be set in lms.ini file,
   [traffic-logiptables] section. Following parameters are valid:
     * outfile
       Location of file with iptables rules. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.stat
       Example: outfile = /etc/rc.d/rc.stat
     * iptables_binary
       Location of iptables binary. Default: /usr/sbin/iptables
       Example: iptables_binary = /usr/local/sbin/iptables
     * wan_interfaces
       Interface(s) name(s) that should be considered. Default: not
       Example: wan_interfaces = eth0
     * local_ports
       List of source/destination ports for packet counting. Default: not
       Example: local_ports = 80
     * script_owneruid
       UID of 'outfile' script owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_owneruid = 0
     * script_ownergid
       GID of 'outfile' script owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_ownergid = 0
     * script_permission
       Permissions of 'outfile' script. Default: 700 (rwx------).
       Example: script_permission = 700
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb

4.3.7. lms-makedhcpconf

   This module creates DHCP configuration script - dhcpd.conf.

   Configuration of lms-makedhcpconf should be set in lms.ini file, [dhcp]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * config_file
       Output file location. Default: /etc/dhcpd.conf
       Example: config_file = /tmp/dhcpd.conf
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all customer groups.
       Example: customergroups = group1 group2
     * default_lease_time
       Default lease time. Default: 86400.
       Example: default_lease_time = 43200
     * max_lease_time
       Maximal lease time. Default: 86400.
       Example: max_lease_time = 43200
     * ignore_ddns
       Don't put 'ddns-update-style none;' at the beginning of file.
       Useful for older (2.2) versions of DHCP. Default: Off.
       Example: ignore_ddns = 1
     * log_facility
       Logging options for DHCP daemon. Default is applied if not
       Example: log_facility = 7
     * authoritative
       Add 'authoritative;' entry at the beginning of file. Default: Off.
       Example: authoritative = 1
     * script_owneruid
       UID of 'config_file' config owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_owneruid = 0
     * script_ownergid
       GID of 'config_file' config owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_ownergid = 0
     * script_permission
       Permissions of 'config_file' file. Default: 600 (rwx------).
       Example: script_permission = 700

   You can setup leases time on per-host basis by creating
   [dhcp:network_name] section (in lowercase), eg.
[dhcp:public-custa] # network name, must be lowercase!!!
default_lease_time = 3600
max_lease_time     = 3600

   You can also specify gateway, dns servers, domains name and wins server
   for individual host by creating [dhcp:ip_address] section, eg.
domain  =
gateway =
dns     =
wins    =

4.3.8. lms-makeiptables, lms-makeipchains

   This pair of script is being used to generate files with firewall rules
   inside. You can prepend this file with previously written header (ie.
   containing network-wide rules or NAT rules) and set some fixed
   permissions to it. Those scripts does not run generated files.

   Configuration of those scripts should be set in lms.ini file,
   [iptables] or [ipchains] section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * iptables_binary (ipchains_binary)
       Location of iptables (ipchains) binary. Default: /usr/sbin/iptables
       Example: iptables_binary = /usr/local/sbin/iptables
     * script_file
       Output file with rules. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.masq
       Example: script_file = /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
     * pre_script
       File appended after cleaning existing rules and before adding new.
       Default: undefined.
       Example: pre_script = /etc/rc.d/rc.masq-pre
     * post_script
       File appended after adding rules. Default: undefined.
       Example: post_script = /etc/rc.d/rc.masq-post
     * forward_to
       List of networks for which NAT should be set. Possible values: "" -
       full forward, "any string" - forward off, "net1 net2" - forward
       active for selected networks. Default: full forward.
       Example: forward_to = public-custa public-custb
     * script_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_owneruid = 0
     * script_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: script_ownergid = 0
     * script_permission
       Permissions for the file. Default: 700 (rwx------).
       Example: script_permission = 700
     * snat_address
       SNAT public address. If unset, for hosts with private addresses
       assigned "-j MASQUERADE" rule will be used. If set "-j SNAT --to" (with your IP here) will be used. Only with
       lms-makeiptables. Default: not set.
       Example: snat_address =
     * tcp_redirect_ports (udp_redirect_ports)
       List of port forwardings in source_port:dest_port format. Can be
       used to map ports of your firewalled machines to the ones on your
       router. Only with lms-makeipchains. Default: not set.
       Example: tcp_redirect_ports = 80:3128 25:25

4.3.9. lms-etherdesc

   This script is intended to create file including MAC and IP address
   pairs from LMS DB. MACs are being fetched in 'stripped' format, such
   is, without colon separators. This type of file might be used with
   iptraf tools.

   Configuration of lms-etherdesc should be set in lms.ini file, [ether]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * etherdesc_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: etherdesc_owneruid = 0
     * etherdesc_file
       File location. Default: /var/lib/iptraf/ethernet.desc.
       Example: etherdesc_file = /etc/ethernet.desc
     * etherdesc_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: etherdesc_ownergid = 0
     * etherdesc_permission
       Permissions for the file. Default: 600 (rw-------).
       Example: etherdesc_permission = 600

4.3.10. lms-sendinvoices

   This script make you possible to automatically send invoices by email,
   as email attachments. Invoices are being created in accordance to
   template used in LMS-UI, thus, you need to provide username and
   password to interface for this module to work.

   This module, unlike the others, needs some extra Perl modules to work:
   LWP::UserAgent, MIME::QuotedPrint and Mail::Sender.

   Configuration of lms-sendinvoices should be set in lms.ini file,
   [sendinvoices] section. Following parameters are valid:
     * lms_url
       URL for your LMS installation. Default: http://localhost/lms/
       Example: lms_url =
     * lms_user
       LMS user login name. Default: empty
       Example: lms_user = admin
     * lms_password
       LMS user password. Default: empty
       Example: lms_password = my_secret
     * debug_email
       Email address to test (mail will be redirected here). Default:
       Example: debug_email =
     * sender_name
       Email sender name. Default: undefined.
       Example: sender_name = ASK MyNet
     * sender_email
       Email sender address. Default: undefined.
       Example: sender_email =
     * mail_subject
       Email subject. %invoice variable will be replaced by invoice
       number. Default: 'Invoice No. %invoice'.
       Example: mail_subject = 'New invoice'
     * mail_body
       Email body. %invoice variable will be replaced by invoice number.
       Default: 'Attached file with Invoice No. %invoice'.
       Example: mail_body = ''
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while sending invoices. Default: unset - all customers.
       Example: customergroups = group1 group2
     * smtp_host
       SMTP server to be used when sending emails. Default: localhost
       Example: smtp_host =
     * smtp_auth
       SMTP authorization type. Allowed values: LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5,
       NTLM. Default: none
       Example: smtp_auth = LOGIN
     * smtp_user
       Login for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_user = admin
     * smtp_pass
       Password for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_pass = password

   Script has also one useful command line parameter: --fakedate (-f).
   With this option you can make that script will execute with system date
   (in format YYYY/MM/DD) other that current, eg. --fakedate=2004/10/10.

4.3.11. lms-makemacs

   This script is capable of making netfilter rules to filter traffic
   based on MAC address of the sender. For each computer one rule for
   configured chain is created, which makes test on sender IP and MAC
   addresses. If it returns success, it returns to parent chain with
   RETURN target. On the end of tests two rules are appended, which
   redirects all http and webcache traffic to given host and port. This is
   intended to inform customer about his debt, by running specialized
   server on this host:port which returns administration message to each
   request. At last, the rule which blocks all traffic is added.

   Configuration of lms-makemacs should be set in lms.ini file, [macs]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all groups.
       Example: customergroups = settlement1 settlement2
     * iptables_binary
       Location of iptables binary. Default: /sbin/iptables
       Example: iptables_binary = /usr/local/sbin/iptables
     * config_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_owneruid = 0
     * config_file
       Location of the output file. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.macs
       Example: config_file = /etc/conf.d/rc.macs
     * config_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_ownergid = 0
     * config_permission
       Permissions of the file. Default: 700 (rwx------).
       Example: config_permission = 700
     * chain
       Chain name to use (if non-standard, it will be created). Default:
       Example: chain = CHECKMAC
     * redirect_address
       Address and port, where unmatched traffic for http and webcache
       will be redirected, in address:port format. Default:
       Example: redirect_address =
     * lock_noaccess
       Should RETURN rule be used for disconnected (cutoff) nodes.
       Default: 0 (rules are being generated)
       Example: lock_noaccess = 1

4.3.12. lms-makehosts

   This script generates /etc/hosts file, with IP address to name

   Configuration of lms-makehosts should be set in lms.ini file, [hosts]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all groups.
       Example: customergroups = settlement1 settlement2
     * config_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_owneruid = 0
     * config_file
       Location of the file. Default: /etc/hosts.
       Example: config_file = /etc/hosts
     * config_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_ownergid = 0
     * config_permission
       Permissions of the file. Default: 644 (rw-r--r--).
       Example: config_permission = 600
     * config_header
       First line in /etc/hosts. Default: localhost
       Example: config_header = ourserver ourserver.ournetwork

4.3.13. lms-makewarnings

   This script may be used to create file including netfiler rules
   redirecting http and webcache traffic to configured IP and port, for
   customers in debt. It uses nat table, tests source IPs and makes use of
   DNAT target.

   Configuration of lms-makewarnings should be set in lms.ini file,
   [warnings] section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all groups.
       Example: customergroups = settlement1 settlement2
     * iptables_binary
       Location of iptables binary. Default: /sbin/iptables
       Example: iptables_binary = /usr/local/sbin/iptables
     * config_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_owneruid = 0
     * config_file
       Location of the file. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.warnings.
       Example: config_file = /etc/conf.d/rc.warnings
     * config_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_ownergid = 0
     * config_permission
       Permissions of the file. Default: 700 (rwx------).
       Example: config_permission = 700
     * chain
       Custom chain to which rules will be added. Default: WARNINGS.
       Example: chain = WARN
     * redirect_address
       IP address and port, to which all http and webcache traffic will be
       redirected, for hosts to which warning was enabled in LMS-UI.
       Example: redirect_address =
     * limit
       Rules are being triggered if customer balance is below this limit.
       Default: 0
       Example: limit = -85

4.3.14. lms-makemessages

   This script is being used to create file with netfilter rules to
   redirect all http and webcache traffic for customers, who has
   administration messages enabled (aka warnings) to configured IP address
   and port. It uses nat table, tests source IPs and makes use of DNAT

   Configuration of lms-makemessages should be set in lms.ini file,
   [messages] section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * customergroups
       List of (space separated) customer groups, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all groups.
       Example: customergroups = settlement1 settlement2
     * iptables_binary
       Location of iptables binary. Default: /sbin/iptables
       Example: iptables_binary = /usr/local/sbin/iptables
     * config_owneruid
       UID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_owneruid = 0
     * config_file
       Location of the file. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.messages.
       Example: config_file = /etc/conf.d/rc.messages
     * config_ownergid
       GID of file owner. Default: 0 (root).
       Example: config_ownergid = 0
     * config_permission
       Permissions of the file. Default: 700 (rwx------).
       Example: config_permission = 700
     * chain
       Custom chain to which rules will be added. Default: MESSAGES.
       Example: chain = MESG
     * redirect_address
       IP address and port, to which all http and webcache traffic will be
       redirected, for hosts to which warning was enabled in LMS-UI.
       Example: redirect_address =

4.3.15. lms-fping

   This script probes nodes activity and writes its status to database.
   Fast program fping is being used to scan, with "-ar1" parameters.
   First, list of nodes is prepares, and then fping is executed. For
   returned hosts date and time will be stored into DB, so availability
   can be visualized in interface.

   Configuration of lms-fping should be set in lms.ini file, [fping]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * networks
       List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered while
       creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will include
       all networks.
       Example: networks = public-custa public-custb
     * fping_binary
       Location of fping binary. Default: /usr/sbin/fping
       Example: fping_binary = /usr/local/sbin/fping
     * temp_file
       Location of temporary file, where list of hosts for fping will be
       stored. After script execution, this file is removed. Default:
       Example: temp_file = /tmp/hosts

4.3.16. lms-rtparser

   This script is a backend to Helpdesk system, which should be integrated
   into your mail server configuration. It intercepts emails sent to queue
   (as defined in email address field of queue configuration), parses its
   content and puts ticket into database, confirming this operation in
   email to reporter. In subject of confirmation ticket ID will be placed.
   If email with this ID is received again, it will be placed in existing
   ticket history, otherwise new ticket number will be created. Any files
   in the message will be detached and stored in directory defined with
   mail_dir option.

   Unlike other Perl modules, this one additionally requires: MIME::Parser
   and MIME::Words from MIME-Tools package along with Mail::Sender and

   This script might be installed in several ways. One way is to create
   shell script which reads content of users' mailboxes and calls
   lms-rtparser for each mail (can be done with formail). But more
   elegant, faster and convenient method is to integrate it with your mail
   server. Below you can find example on how to setup Postfix using
# file:
header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

# header_checks file:
/^To:.*address@domain.*/ FILTER filter:dummy

# file:
filter unix - n n - 10 pipe
      -flags=Rq user=nobody argv=/path/to/lms-rtparser

   Above method is valid for Postfix version equal or newer than 2.0.
   Earlier versions doesn't support FILTER in header_checks. You can work
   around this by using procmail:
# file:
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail

# in user directory (for whom mails should be routed via helpdesk);
# .forward file:
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f - || exit 75 #YOUR_USERNAME"

# .procmailrc file:
:0 c
   * ^To.*address@domain
   | /bin/lms-rtparser

:0 A

   Next example shows how to connect parser to Exim, using system filter:
# exim.conf file:

system_filter_pipe_transport = address_pipe

# system_filter.txt file:

if $recipients is ""
     pipe "/path/to/lms-rtparser -q queue id"


        Messages create in lms-ui may be directed to parser, instead of just
        being written to database. If you prefer this behavior turn on
        helpdesk_backend_mode option in [phpui] section of lms.ini file.

   Configuration of lms-rtparser should be set in lms.ini file, [rt]
   section. Following parameters are valid:
     * default_queue
       ID of the queue, to which requests should be sent if not specified
       on command line. If not set queue will be guessed according to
       recipient address. Command line -q will override this option.
       Default: undefined.
       Example: default_queue =
     * mail_from
       Sender address for confirmations. If undefined, queue address will
       be used, to which ticket was assigned. Default: empty.
       Example: mail_from =
     * mail_from_name
       Sender name for confirmations. Default: undefined.
       Example: mail_from_name = 'BOK SuperLAN'
     * autoreply_subject
       Confirmation subject. You can use replacement variables here: %tid
       - ticket id and %subject - request subject. Default: "[RT#%tid]
       Receipt of request '%subject'".
       Example: autoreply_subject = '[RT#%tid] Helpdesk confirmation'
     * autoreply_body
       Confirmation body. You can use replacement variables here; %tid -
       ticket id and %subject - request subject. Default: 'Your request
       was registered in our system.\nTicket identifier RT#%tid has been
       assigned to this request.\nPlease, place string [RT#%tid] in
       subject field of any\nfurther mail relating to this request.\n.'
       Example: autoreply_body = ''
     * smtp_host
       SMTP server to be used when sending emails. Default: localhost
       Example: smtp_host =
     * smtp_auth
       SMTP authorization type. Allowed values: LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5,
       NTLM. Default: none
       Example: smtp_auth = LOGIN
     * smtp_user
       Login for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_user = admin
     * smtp_pass
       Password for SMTP authorization. Default: none
       Example: smtp_pass = password
     * mail_dir
       Directory where attachments should be saved. This directory will be
       accessed for read/write both by rtparser user and your Web Server
       user. If undefined attachments won't be recorded. Default:
       Example: mail_dir = /usr/local/lms/mail
     * tmp_dir
       Temp directory. By default it will be taken from environment or set
       to /tmp.
       Example: tmp_dir = /home/user/tmp
     * auto_open
       This will force reopening closed/dead ticket if request is sent to
       it's ID. Default: Off.
       Example: auto_open = 1
     * newticket_notify
       If enabled script will send notification about new ticket to all
       users with rights for current queue. Default: Off.
       Example: newticket_notify = 1
     * lms_url
       This link, pointing to corresponding ticket page in UI is appended
       to the notification about new ticket. Default:
       Example: lms_url =
     * include_customerinfo
       Adds basic customer information in new ticket notification
       footnote. Default: On.
       Example: include_customerinfo = 0

Chapter 5. Configuration file generator (lms-mgc)

   LMS-MGC is "magical" configuration file generator. With some efforts,
   you can create virtually any configuration file using it (ie. zone
   definition file for BIND)

5.1. Installation

   LMS-MGC has its own configuration file: lms-mgc.ini. You should install
   script by moving it to /usr/sbin directory. LMS-MGC should be used in
   two either ways: scheduled from cron (eg. hourly)
0 * * * *       /usr/sbin/lms-mgc 1 > /dev/null

   or called from LMS 'Reload' menu. Second setup requires sudo to be
   used. Unfortunately this method requires you to add user to sudo, and
   set in configuration section [phpui]

   reload_type = exec

   reload_execcmd = sudo /usr/sbin/lms-mgc

   LMS-MGC has following command line options:
-C, --config-file=/path/lms-mgc.ini alternative configuration file
                                    (default: /etc/lms/lms-mgc.ini);
-i, --instances=name                instance name (number) to launch, without reading
                                    lms-mgc.ini configuration, ie. -i "name1 name2"
-h, --help                          shows help;
-v, --version                       shows version number;
-q, --quiet                         shows only errors during execution;
-d, --debug                         verbose information for each IP;

5.2. Configuration

   Configuration of LMS-MGC is held in lms-mgc.ini file.

5.2.1. Section [database] - database setup

     * type
       Database type. Currently only 'mysql' is 100% supported, however
       there seems to be no significant problems with 'postgres'. Default:
       Example: type = mysql
     * host
       Database host. Usually localhost, but you can set it to anything
       (IP, domain, path to socket in 'localhost:/path/to/socket' format).
       Default: localhost
       Example: host = localhost
     * user
       Database user. In most cases (if you followed this documentation)
       it should be 'lms'. If you want to use privileged account, you
       should enter 'root' (MySQL on *nices), 'mysql' (on PLD) or
       'postgres' (PostgreSQL). Default: root
       Example: user = mysql
     * password
       Database password. Default: empty.
       Example: password = secret_password
     * database
       Database name. Default: lms.
       Example: database = lms

5.2.2. Section [mgc] - list of instances

   Significant parts of configuration are placed in section [mgc] and its
   derivative sections. In [mgc] alone you can use the following
     * instances
       List of instances (separated by spaces).
       Example: instances = dhcp firewall squid


        You can also place instances variable in any derivative instance
        section. See below.

5.2.3. Section [mgc:xxx] - instance configuration

   Each instance has its name and its configuration is created by creating
   derivative section of name [mgc:name], eg. [mgc:mydaemon]

   All of those sections may include following configuration options:
     * instances
       This variable allows you to group a list of other instances (eg.
       instances = ins1 ins2 ins3), and then call your mgc with 'lms-mgc
       -i mydaemon' instead of 'lms-mgc -i "ins1 ins2 ins3"'. If you use
       this variable all other settings in this section will be ignored.
       Example: instances = dns1 dns2 dns3
     * outfile
       Output file, where instance structured dump will be saved (instance
       will quit instantly if this variable is not set).
       Example: outfile = /etc/somefile
     * append
       It allows you to define to not overwrite outfile, but append to its
       end instead.
       Example: append = 1
     * outfile_perm
       Permissions for output file. Default: 600 (-rw-------)
       Example: outfile_perm = 700
     * outfile_owner
       UID of output file owner. Default: 0
       Example: outfile_owner = 0


               You have to provide numerical UID, not username!
     * outfile_group
       GID of output file owner. Default: 0
       Example: outfile_group = 0


               You have to provide numerical GID, not group name!
     * header_file
       Filename, that should be prepended at beginning of output file.
       Default: unset
       Example: header_file = /etc/lms/myservice_header
     * header
       String, which should be put at beginning of output file. Default:
       Example: header = option1 = blah\noption2 = blab-la


         You should use \n as line separator. You may omit line separator at the
         end of last line.
     * customergroups
       >List of (space separated) groups of customers, that should be
       considered while creating configuration file. If unset,
       configuration will include all groups.
       Example: customergroups = group1 group2
     * excluded_customergroups
       >List of (space separated) groups of customers, that should be
       ommited while creating configuration file.
       Example: excluded_customergroups = group3 group4
     * networks
       >List of (space separated) networks, that should be considered
       while creating configuration file. If unset, configuration will
       include all networks.
       Example: networks = cust1-publ cust2-publ cust3-priv
     * excluded_networks
       >List of (space separated) networks, that should be ommited while
       creating configuration file.
       Example: excluded_networks = cust4-publ cust5-publ

   Mgc script now loops for each network and performs the following tasks:
     * network_header
       String, which should be put at beginning of network section.
       Default: empty
       Example: network_header = network %ADDR/%MASK { # Config section
       for %NAME
     * dst_networks
       List of destination network names, for which dst_network_header
       variable (see below) will be used. Default: all
       Example: dst_networks = main coalloc
     * dst_network_header
       Lets you to set destination networks header.
       Example: dst_network_header = \tallow to %DADDR/%DMASK;
     * network_body
       This parameter is parsed after network headers and before IP
       addresses loop.
       Example: network_body = \tnodes {

   Mgc script now loops into below rules for each IP address for given
   range. It takes each IP address and checks if a rule is defined for
   this address, if yes - it executes first rule that matches. Matches are
   being parsed in specific order, as described below:
     * ignore
       Lets you setup list of addresses (in address/prefix or
       address/netmask form, space separated) which should be skipped.
       Example: ignore =
     * node(IP)
       Allows you to add line for given IP address. IP address should be
       provided in parenthesis. Each section may have unlimited number of
       such options.
       Example: node( = ??
     * allnodes
       Adds line for each non-ignored IP address.
       Example: allnodes = ??
     * allexistnodes
       Adds line for each IP address that is 'owner' by a computer in
       Example: allexistnodes = ??
     * netdevnode
       Adds line for each IP address of network device.
       Example: netdevnode = ??
     * grantednode_priv
       Adds line for each IP address with 'connected' status in database
       (parsed only for private address pools).
       Example: grantednode_priv = \t\tnode %NAME (%IP/%MAC) unique %ID;
     * grantednode_publ
       Adds line for each IP address with 'connected' status in database
       (parsed only for public address pools).
       Example: grantednode_publ = \t\tnode %NAME (%IP/%MAC) unique %ID;
     * deniednode_priv
       Adds line for each IP address with 'disconnected' status in
       database (parsed only for private address pools).
       Example: deniednode_priv = node %NAME (%IP/%MAC) unique %ID deny;
     * deniednode_publ
       Adds line for each IP address with 'disconnected' status in
       database (parsed only for public address pools).
       Example: deniednode_publ = node %NAME (%IP/%MAC) unique %ID deny;
     * dhcpnode_priv
       Adds line for each IP address within DHCP dynamic range (parsed
       only for private address pools).
       Example: dhcpnode_priv = node unknown (%IP) reject;
     * dhcpnode_publ
       Adds line for each IP address within DHCP dynamic range (parsed
       only for public address pools).
       Example: dhcpnode_publ = node unknown (%IP) reject;
     * freeip_priv
       Adds line for each IP address that is not occupied by any computer
       in database (parsed only for private address pools).
       Example: freeip_priv = node unknown (%IP) lock_as_unused;
     * freeip_publ
       Adds line for each IP address that is not occupied by any computer
       in database (parsed only for public address pools).
       Example: freeip_publ = node unknown (%IP) lock_as_unused;
     * default_priv
       Default line, which is inserted when none of grantednode or
       deniednode matches for given IP address (parsed only for private
       address pools)
       Example: default_priv = node unknown (%IP) lock_as_intruder;


         Mgc automatically detects if given address belongs to private or public
     * default_publ
       Default line, which is inserted when none of grantednode or
       deniednode matches for given IP address (parsed only for public
       address pools)
       Example: default_publ = node unknown (%IP) lock_as_intruder;

   Mgc now is ready to append final part of the file and execute system
     * network_footer
       Adds line for currently processed network.
       Example: network_footer = ??
     * footer_file
       Filename, that should be appended at the end of output file.
       Default: unset
       Example: footer_file = /etc/lms/myservice_footer
     * footer
       String, which should be put at the end of output file. Default:
       Example: footer = # End.
     * post_exec
       System command that should be executed after saving output file.
       Example: post_exec = killall -HUP mydaemon

5.2.4. Configuration variables

   You can use the following templates in your configuration variables.
   They all will be substituted with appropriate data from LMS database.

   Computer templates:
     * %IP - IP address
     * %PUBIP - second (public) IP address
     * %PIN - PIN of customer who owns node
     * %ID - ID of computer
     * %MAC - MAC address
     * %SMAC - MAC address in lowercase and without colon separators
     * %CMAC - MAC address in CISCO format (FFFF.FFFF.FFFF)
     * %OWNER - owner's ID
     * %CUSTOMER - owner's lastname and name
     * %NAME - computer name, in uppercase
     * %name - computer name, in lowercase
     * %INFO - computer description
     * %PASSWD - node password
     * %PORT - device's port, to which node is connected
     * %UPRATE - guaranteed upload rate
     * %NUPRATE - guaranteed upload rate (for night hours)
     * %DOWNRATE - guaranteed download rate
     * %NDOWNRATE - guaranteed download rate (for night hours)
     * %UPCEIL - maximum upload rate
     * %NUPCEIL - maximum upload rate (for night hours)
     * %DOWNCEIL - maximum download rate
     * %NDOWNCEIL - maximum download rate (for night hours)
     * %CLIMIT - limit of concurrent connections
     * %NCLIMIT - limit of concurrent connections (for night hours)
     * %PLIMIT - maximum number of packets per second
     * %NPLIMIT - maximum number of packets per second (for night hours)
     * %1 %2 %3 %4 - consecutive (left to right) decimal octets of IP
     * %NID - network ID where computer belongs
     * %NNAME - network name, in uppercase
     * %nname - network name, in lowercase
     * %NADDR - network address
     * %NIFACE - network interface
     * %NMASK - network mask
     * %NGATE - network gateway IP address
     * %NDNS - primary DNS server IP address
     * %NDNS2 - secondary DNS server IP address
     * %NDOMAIN - domain name of the network
     * %NWINS - WINS server IP address
     * %NDHCPS - first IP address of dynamic DHCP range
     * %NDHCPE - last IP address of dynamic DHCP range

   Network templates (for sections relevant to networks only):
     * %ID - network ID
     * %NAME - network name, in uppercase
     * %name - network name, in lowercase
     * %ADDR - network IP address
     * %IFACE - network interface
     * %MASK - network IP mask
     * %GATE - network gateway IP address
     * %DNS - primary DNS server IP address
     * %DNS2 - secondary DNS server IP address
     * %DOMAIN - domain name of the network
     * %WINS - WINS server IP address for the network
     * %DHCPS - first IP address of dynamic DHCP range for the network
     * %DHCPE - last IP address of dynamic DHCP range for the network


        Additionally, dst_network_header variable may include above templates
        prepended with D (ie. %DADDR, %dname) to get data relevant to
        destination networks.

   Templates which can be used everywhere:
     * %DATE - date in YYYYMMDD format;
     * %TIME - time in HHMM format;
     * %TIMES - time in HHMMSS format;
     * %UTIME - time in unix timestamp format;

5.3. Examples of use

   Configuration and implementation of lms-mgc might seem quite complex,
   so we provide small example. Below you can find rules to create and
   execute quite simple ipchains firewall.

   Example 5-1. Lms-mgc: Example instance

   You should start with creating new mgc section in lms-mgc.ini, with
   relevant name ('ipchains') and put a simple masquerade rules, per IP,
outfile           = /etc/rc.d/rc.masq
outfile_perm      = 700
header            = #!/bin/sh\n/sbin/ipchains -F\n/sbin/ipchains -X\n/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
grantednode_priv  = /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s %IP -j MASQ
post_exec         = /etc/rc.d/rc.masq

   You can also add your ipchains subsection to main mgc section, so that
   it executes it by default:
instances         = ipchains

   If you run lms-mgc now, without any arguments, you should have simple
   script /etc/rc.d/rc.masq generated and already executed.

Chapter 6. LMS Daemon

6.1. Basics

   This C daemon was developed to aid management of your services. It's
   responsible for starting appropriate modules, each performing specific
   task. Each module makes configuration files based on its template and
   data from LMS database and manages (restarting) selected services on a
   server. Modules can also collect statistics, check hosts activity,
   account payments or notify debtors about their charges.

6.1.1. Requirements

   LMS Daemon requires:
     * LMS user interface installation
     * libmysqlclient shared library (included in full MySQL installation
       or respective "devel" package) or libpq shared library in case of
       PostgreSQL database use.
     * libdl shared library (present in every modern distribution)
     * C compiler (gcc-2.95.x or higher)
     * ggnotify module needs libgadu library and header files
     * parser module needs flex and bison (version 1.875 or newer).

6.1.2. Installation

   You have to setup some configure options prior to compilation, that can
   be listed with --help flag of ./configure script (default values shown
   in brackets):
  --help                help
  --enable-debug0       SQL queries logging (disabled)
  --enable-debug1       events logging (disabled)
  --with-pgsql          enables using of PostgreSQL database (disabled)
  --with-mysql          enables using of MySQL database (enabled)
  --prefix=PREFIX       program and modules install directory (/usr/local)
  --lmsbindir=DIR       sets location of target LMS binaries (PREFIX/lms/bin)
  --lmslibdir=DIR       sets location of target LMS modules (PREFIX/lms/lib)
  --libdir=DIR          location of database libraries (/usr/lib)
  --incdir=DIR          location of database header files (/usr/include)
  --inifile=FILE        configuration file - disables online configuration

   It's required to choose one database which you will use (--with-mysql
   or --with-pgsql) and location of libraries supplied with database
   (--incdir, --libdir). You can use only one database. If you change
   database, you have to recompile your daemon. It's also possible to
   force daemon to use configuration files instead of database. It can't
   use both files and db at the same time, you'll need to choose either
   before compilation.
# ./configure --with-pgsql --libdir=/usr/local/pgsql/lib --incdir=/usr/local/pgsql/include

   After that you can compile and install (put daemon in directory given
   with --prefix option):
# make && make install

   Compiled modules (files with .so extension), found in directory
   modules/module_name will be moved to directory PREFIX/lms/lib. Main
   program goes to PREFIX/lms/bin.

6.1.3. Configuration

   Configuration for daemon and modules configuration can be edited
   through Configuration -> Daemon menu in LMS-UI. Modules configuration
   is described later, in separate chapters concerning each module. Basic
   daemon parameters and data for connection to database should be
   specified as command line options, according to following listing:
--dbhost -h host           host database is available (default: localhost)
--dbname -d db_name        database name (default: lms)
--dbuser -u user           database username (default: lms)
--dbpass -p password       database password (default: empty)
--hostname -H hostname     host name where daemon runs; name returned by hostname command is taken
                           as default but it can be overwritten; that name mustcorrespond to the
                           one specified in hosts configuration in UI
--pidfile -P pid_file      pidfile where daemon write pid (default: none)
--ssl -s                   use SSL connection (default: disabled)
--command -c command       shell command to execute before every database connection (default: empty)
--instance -i "instance[ ...]" list of instances to reload; other instances will be ignored
--reload -q                do reload and exit
--reload-all -r            do reload of all instances (including those with specified crontab) and exit
--foreground -f            run in foreground (don't fork)
--version -v               prints version and copyright info

   Database connection options can be also read from enviroment variables:

        List of instances should contain instance names separated with spaces.
        Spaces in instance name should be replaced by '\s' sequence, i.e. lmsd
        -i "my\sinstance".

   Daemon configuration is divided into hosts (which makes possible to
   configure and reload several different daemons installed on numerous
   hosts/routers) and configuration sections called as instances.

   Instance configuration, besides config modules params, have to contain
   the following primary options:
     * Name
       Instance name, unique for each daemon (host where daemon is
       Example: system
     * Priority
       Priority number, which defines instances reload sequence.
       Example: 10
     * Module
       Module name (with or without .so extension). If path is not
       specified daemon will search module in PREFIX/lms/lib directory,
       where modules are being placed after "make install".
       Example: /usr/lib/
     * Crontab
       Module execution time specified in crontab style. All data must be
       numeric. Following example executes instance each 5 minutes between
       8 and 18 hour every day. If crontab is empty, instance will be
       reloaded only with UI reload. Default: empty.
       Example: */5 8-18 * * *

   Configuration changes does not require restarting daemon.

6.1.4. Starting

   By default program runs in daemon mode. In this mode configuration and
   services reload is performed on demand using 'Reload' menu in LMS-UI.
   Reload order and configuration checks (especially instances list and
   configuration of them) is done each minute. When daemon detects reload
   order, it runs all enabled instances. Instances with crontab specified
   will be executed at scheduled time.

   Other way to run daemon is disposable reload using '-q' command line
   option. This is useful for tests, and in conjunction with '-i' option
   allows to run selected instances regardless of crontab entries for the
   rest of instances.

6.2. Modules

   As we stated before daemon can only run modules and they are doing all
   the job. Most modules are designed to specific application, only
   'hostfile' can be used to create many different configs (and manage
   numerous services), ie. various firewall types. Module configuration
   parameters MUST be placed in appropriate instance section.

6.2.1. Modules list

   Table 6-1. List of all lmsd modules
     Name                           Description
    system                   Shell commands execution
    parser               Universal T-Script scripts parser
     dhcp                  Configuration of DHCP server
    cutoff                Disconnection of indebted users
     dns                    Configuration of DNS server
    ethers                   /etc/ethers file creation
   hostfile        Universal module (eg. making iptables rules)
    notify                  Email notify about payments
   ggnotify Gadu-Gadu (polish internet messenger) notify about payments
   payments                     Payments accounting
    oident                Configuration of oident daemon
      tc                         Making HTB rules
   traffic                Internet link usage statistics
    pinger               Users activity (online) scanning

6.2.2. System Description

   This module does only one thing: it runs given Linux shell command
   or/and SQL query. It can be useful if you want to execute some command
   or run external script while configuration is being reload, eg. one of
   scripts in LMS /bin directory. SQL command is executed first.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   You can define command strings or SQL queries. Commands will be
   executed via shell, separated by semicolons:
     * sql
       SQL command. Default: empty.
       Example: command = 'DELETE FROM stats WHERE dt < %NOW% - 365*86400'
     * command
       Shell command(s). Default: empty.
       Example: command = 'echo -n "hello "; echo "world"'

6.2.3. Payments Description

   Module calculates subscription and solid fees for customers, basing on
   current date. It should be executed once a day. Payments are calculated
   basing on customers liabilities and written to database with
   description filled in 'comment' field. If appropriate, invoices are
   created. Description of solid payment is a combination of liability and
   creditor name. At the end outdated liabilities are being removed from
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   You can use following options for this module:
     * comment
       Description of operation. '%period' will be replaced by start and
       end date of subscription, e.g. '2003/10/10 - 2003/11/09', '%tariff'
       by name of liability, %month by full name of current month and
       %year by current year, %next_mon by next month in YYYY/MM format.
       Default: 'Subscription: '%tariff' for period: %period'.
       Example: comment = 'Subscription %tariff'
     * settlement_comment
       Description of settlement operation. '%period' will be replaced by
       start and end date of settlement period, e.g. '2003/10/20 -
       2003/11/09', and '%tariff' by name of liability. Defaults to
       comment option.
       Example: settlement_comment = 'Settlement of subscription %tariff'.
     * up_payments
       How should period in comment be counted - forward or backward
       relatively to date of write out. Default: yes.
       Example: up_payments = no
     * expiry_days
       Defines number of days from date of liability expiration, after
       which that liability will be removed from database. When you set
       '0' data will be removed immediately after date of the write out.
       Default: 30.
       Example: expiry_days = 365
     * deadline
       Payment deadline in days. Default: 14.
       Example: deadline = 21
     * paytype
       Payment type identifier (1-cash, 2-transfer, 3-transfer/cash,
       4-card, 5-compensation, 6-barter, 7-contract). Default: 2
       Example: paytype = 1
     * numberplan
       ID of invoices numbering plan defined in Configuration -> Numbering
       Plans. Default: 0 (default plan).
       Example: numberplan = 1
     * check_invoices
       Enables checking of invoices as accounted for customers with
       balance equal or greater than zero. Default: false.
       Example: check_invoices = 1
     * networks
       List of network names to restrinct customers for accounting.
       Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * excluded_networks
       List of excluded network names to restrinct customers for
       accounting. Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_networks = "lan3 lan4"
     * customergroups
       List of customers groups to restrict customers for accounting.
       Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"
     * excluded_customergroups
       List of excluded customers groups to restrict customers for
       accounting. Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_customergroups = "group3 group4"

6.2.4. Notify Description

   Module 'notify' is designed to inform customers about their debt using
   electronic mail. Current customer balance is compared to 'limit'
   option, if it's beneath that limit - message will be sent. Message
   content is taken from template, which may include the following
     * %saldo - current customer balance (also %b)
     * %B - absolute value of current customer balance
     * %pin - customer PIN
     * %name - customer forename
     * %lastname - company name or customer lastname
     * %last_10_in_a_table - last 10 operations on customer account
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Configuration options for 'notify' module are presented below:
     * template
       Location of message template file. Default: empty.
       Example: template = modules/notify/sample/mailtemplate
     * file
       Location of temporary file. Default: /tmp/mail
       Example: file = /tmp/mail.txt
     * command
       Shell command for sending an e-mail. '%address' will be replaced by
       customer e-mail address. Default: 'mail -s "Liabilities
       Information" %address < /tmp/mail'.
       Example: command = 'mail -s "You must pay or ..." $address <
     * limit
       Message is sent when customer balance will decrease below value
       defined in this option. Default: 0
       Example: limit = -20
     * debug_mail
       If set, all messages goes to this address, instead of sending them
       to customers. Useful for testing. Default: empty.
       Example: debug_mail =

6.2.5. Ggnotify Description

   Equivalent of 'notify' module developed to send gadu-gadu instant
   messages. Gadu-Gadu is most popular polish internet messenger.

   Module require libgadu shared library and sources of ekg program.
   Appropriate paths for them must be present in modules/ggnotify/Makefile
   before module compilation.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Options similar to 'notify' module might be also used here:
     * template
       Location of message template file. Default: empty.
       Example: template = modules/notify/sample/mailtemplate
     * uin
       Gadu-gadu identifier number of message sender. Default: empty.
       Example: uin = 1234567
     * password
       Password for account specified by 'uin'. Default: empty.
       Example: password = "my_HURD.password"
     * limit
       Message is sent when customer balance will decrease below value
       defined in this option. Default: 0
       Example: limit = -20
     * debug_uin
       If is set, all messages will go to that 'uin'. Default: empty.
       Example: debug_uin = 7654321

6.2.6. Cutoff Description

   Cutoff do change nodes status to 'disconnected' and/or enable warnings
   for customers, which have debts greater than specified limit. Also,
   disables computers due to assignments expiration. This module does not
   doing actual blocking of network access.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   You can use following options for 'cutoff' module:
     * limit
       Disconnection occurs when customer balance decreases below
       specified limit as numeric value or as percentage of sum of
       customer's monthly assignments (with '%' sign). Default: 0.
       Example: limit = -20
     * command
       Specifies system command, that is executed if at least one customer
       should be disconnected or warning should be enabled. Default:
       Example: command = 'lmsd -qi firewall'
     * warning
       Enable warning for disconnected customer and write him WWW browser
       message specified in this option. If empty, warning will be not
       enabled. Date in message is substituted providing '%time' variable.
       You can also use %B for real customer balance and %b for unsigned
       balance value. Default: 'Blocked automatically due to payment
       deadline override at %time".
       Example: warning = ""
     * expired_warning
       Sets the message to customer when disabling his computers access
       due to all assignments expiration. If empty, warning will be not
       set. Date in message is substituted providing '%time' variable.
       Default: 'Blocked automatically due to tariff(s) expiration at
       Example: expired_warning = ""
     * warnings_only
       Here you can to decide, if you want to use this module only for
       warnings or to actually cut people off. Works for customers with
       assignments. Default: false.
       Example: warnings_only = true
     * setnodegroup_only
       Sets nodes group name. Module assigns to that group all computers
       of customer who exceeds value or invoice limit. Customer's status
       isn't changed. Default: none.
       Example: setnodegroup_only = blocked_nodes
     * disable_suspended
       Use this option to disable customers with suspended all current
       assignments. Default: false.
       Example: disable_suspended = true
     * use_nodeassignments
       You should enable this option only if you are using nodes with
       tariffs assignments. In other way tariffs assignments with
       customers are checked. Default: false.
       Example: use_nodeassignments = true
     * use_customerassignments
       You should disable this option only if you don't want to check
       assignments (or node assignments are used). Default: true.
       Example: use_customerassignments = false
     * check_invoices
       This option enables additional checking if customer has unpayed
       invoices with deadline date older than date specified in 'deadline'
       option. Default: false.
       Example: check_invoices = true
     * deadline
       Sets period in days (from invoice deadline date), after which
       unpayed invoice is considered for 'check_invoices' check. By
       default, customer would be blocked just after deadline. Default: 0.
       Example: deadline = 30
     * customergroups
       List of customers groups to restrict customers for accounting.
       Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"
     * excluded_customergroups
       List of excluded customers groups to restrict customers for
       accounting. Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_customergroups = "group3 group4"
     * networks
       List of network names to get into consideration. Default: empty
       (all networks).
       Example: networks = 'lan1 lan2'
     * excluded_networks
       List of network names to exclude. Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_networks = 'lan3 lan4'

6.2.7. DHCP Description

   Module responsible for management of DHCP server, creates configuration
   file and restarts service. It's possible to execute other functions
   (programs) with 'command' option.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Most of configuration parameters match with parts of DHCP configuration
   file, and in typical environment doesn't need any changes:
     * file
       Location of DHCP server configuration file. Default:
       Example: file = /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
     * command
       Shell command executed after config file creation. Default:
       'killall dhcpd; /usr/sbin/dhcpd'.
       Example: command = '/etc/rc.d/rc.dhcpd restart'
     * begin
       File header. Default: empty.
       Example: begin = "authoritative;"
     * end
       File footer. Default: empty.
       Example: end = ""
     * subnet_start
       Subnet header. '%a' - name, '%m' - mask, %b - broadcast address.
       Default: "subnet %a netmask %m {\ndefault-lease-time
       86400;\nmax-lease-time 86400;".
       Example: subnet_start = "subnet %a netmask %m {default-lease-time
     * subnet_end
       Subnet footer. Default: "}".
       Example: subnet_end = '\t}'
     * subnet_gateway
       Subnet gateway. '%i' will be changed to IP address. Default:
       "option routers %i;".
       Example: subnet_gateway = "option routers %i"
     * subnet_dns
       Subnet DNS servers. '%i - dns addresses. Default: "option
       domain-name-servers %i;".
       Example: subnet_dns = "option domain-name-servers"
     * subnet_domain
       Subnet domain name. '%n' - name. Default: 'option domain-name
       Example: subnet_domain = 'option domain-name "test.%n";'
     * subnet_wins
       WINS servers. '%i' - server IP address. Default: "option
       netbios-name-servers %i;".
       Example: subnet_wins = ""
     * subnet_range
       Subnet address range. '%s' - initial address, '%e' - end of range.
       Default: "range %s %e;".
       Example: subnet_range = "range %s %e;"
     * host
       Hosts parameters, where '%n' - host name, '%m' - MAC, '%i' - IP
       address. Default: "\thost %n {\n\t\thardware ethernet %m;
       fixed-address %i; \n\t}".
       Example: host = "host %n {hardware ethernet %m; fixed-address %i;}"
     * networks
       List of network names that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * customergroups
       List of customers groups that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"

6.2.8. Hostfile Description

   Module 'hostfile' is a multipurpose tool. It performs loop on all hosts
   (nodes and network devices addresses) from database fetching their
   connection and warnings status, private and public addresses, network
   that they are connected to and groups of they owners. Because of that
   it is possible to create any set of firewall rules, or /etc/hosts file.
   Data is written to file and after that specified shell command can be
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   The following replacement variables can be used in host rule options:
   %i - IP address,
   %ipub - public IP address,
   %id - node ID,
   %m - MAC address,
   %ms - comma-separated list of node MACs
   %n - host name,
   %p - node (computer) password,
   %port - device's port to which computer is connected,
   %l - host location,
   %devl - location of device to which node is connected,
   %info - node description,
   %domain - domain,
   %net - network name,
   %gw - gateway address of network,
   %if - network's interface,
   %mask - network mask,
   %addr - network's address,
   %prefix - network mask CIDR-style prefix,
   %dns, %dns2 - DNS server addresses,
   %dhcps, %dhcpe - start and end of DHCP range,
   %wins - WINS server address,
   %i16 - IP's last octet in hex,
   %i16pub - public IP's last octet in hex.
   %domainpub - domain name of public network,
   %netpub - public network name,
   %gwpub - gateway address of public network,
   %ifpub - public network's interface,
   %maskpub - public network mask,
   %addrpub - public network's address,
   %prefixpub - public network mask CIDR-style prefix,
   %dnspub, %dns2pub - DNS server addresses in public network,
   %dhcpspub, %dhcpepub - start and end of DHCP range in public network,
   %winspub - WINS server address in public network,
   %customer - node owner's name,
   %cid - node owner's ID,
   This module has following options:
     * file
       Location of generated file. Default: /tmp/hostfile
       Example: file = /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
     * command
       Shell command(s) executed after 'file' creation. Default: empty
       Example: command = '/bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall'
     * begin
       File header. Default: "/usr/sbin/iptables -F FORWARD\n"
       Example: begin = "IPT=/usr/sbin/iptables \n$IPT -F FORWARD\n"
     * end
       File footer. Default: "/usr/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -J REJECT\n"
       Example: end = "$IPT -A FORWARD -J REJECT\n"
     * host_begin
       Host rule header. Default: ""
       Example: host_begin = "#%n\n"
     * host_end
       Host rule footer. Default: ""
       Example: host_end = "\n"
     * grantedhost
       Line with rule(s) for connected node. Default: "/usr/sbin/iptables
       -A FORWARD -s %i -m mac --mac-source %m -j ACCEPT\n"
       Example: grantedhost = "$IPT -A FORWARD -s %i -m mac --mac-source
       %m -j ACCEPT\n"
     * deniedhost
       Line with rule(s) for disconnected node. Default:
       "/usr/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -s %i -m mac --mac-source %m -j
       Example: deniedhost = "$IPT -A FORWARD -s %i -m mac --mac-source %m
       -j REJECT\n"
     * public_grantedhost
       Line with rule(s) for connected node with specified public IP. By
       default rule specified in 'grantedhost' option.
       Example: public_grantedhost = "$IPT -A FORWARD -s %i -m mac
       --mac-source %m -j ACCEPT\n$IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d
       %ipub -j DNAT --to-destination %i\n$IPT -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s %i
       -j SNAT --to-source %ipub\n"
     * public_deniedhost
       Line with rule(s) for disconnected node with specified public IP.
       By default rule specified in 'deniedhost' option.
       Example: public_deniedhost = ""
     * warnedhost
       Line with rule(s) for node with set warnings flag.
       Example: warnedhost = "$IPT -A PREROUTING -s %i --dport 80 -p tcp
       -j REDIRECT --to-port 82\n"
     * public_warnedhost
       Line with rule(s) for node with set warnings flag and specified
       public IP. By default rule specified in 'warnedhost' option.
       Example: public_warnedhost = ""
     * public_replace
       Specify that rules for public addresses would overwrite main rules
       or be added to them. Default: enabled.
       Przyk³ad: public_replace = false
     * warn_replace
       Specify that rules for nodes with warnings would replace main rules
       or be added to them. Default: disabled.
       Przyk³ad: warn_replace = true
     * networks
       List of network names which members should be included in config
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * customergroups
       List of customer groups names which members should be included in
       config (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"
     * nodegroups
       List of node groups names which members should be included in
       config (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: nodegroups = "group1 group2"
     * excluded_networks
       List of network names which members should be excluded from config
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_networks = "lan3 lan4"
     * excluded_customergroups
       List of customer groups names which members should be excluded from
       config (case insensitive). Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_customergroups = "group1 group2"
     * excluded_nodegroups
       List of node groups names which members should be excluded from
       config (case insensitive). Default: empty (none).
       Example: excluded_nodegroups = "group1 group2"
     * skip_dev_ips
       If enabled (yes, true) network devices (devices that does not
       belong to customers) will be ignored (omitted). Default: yes
       Example: skip_dev_ips = no
     * skip_host_ips
       If enabled (yes, true) hosts IPs (customers nodes) will be ignored
       (omitted). Default: no
       Example: skip_host_ips = yes
     * multi_mac
       If enabled (yes, true) each IP-MAC pair will be listed. Default: no
       Example: multi_mac = yes

6.2.9. Traffic Description

   'Traffic' is an equivalent of 'lms-traffic' Perl script,which loads
   internet link stats to database, from file created by user. That file
   must have format: host_IP upload download. More information (including
   how to make such file) can be found in chapter with lms-traffic
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   There is only one available option and it's mandatory:
     * file
       Location of file with firewall stats. Default: /var/log/traffic.log
       Example: file = /tmp/log

6.2.10. Tc (HTB) Description

   Generate script containing iptables and tc rules for traffic control
   ie. band and customer connections limits. Rules for nodes can be freely
   defined and used not only for traffic control. Principle of operation
   of this module is following: First of all all customers data is being
   retrieved. Totals for limitations (uprate, downrate, upceil, downceil,
   connection limit) are being calculated for each customer. Then, loop is
   performed to check networks and groups (if specified). If limit values
   are not zeroes rules are written to file with variables replacement.
   The following variables can be used in rules: %name - host name, %i -
   IP address, %m - MAC, %if - network interface, %uprate, %downrate,
   %upceil, %downceil, %plimit, %climit, %o1, %o2, %o3, %o4 - IP's octets,
   %h1, %h2, %h3, %h4 - IP's octets in hex and %x - integer counter with
   initial value of 100 incremented by one for each node (or customer).

   Default policy for creating HTB class is one class per all nodes
   belonging to each customer. It can be changed with 'one_class_per_host'

   Default configuration assumes that your system supports HTB and
   iptables with modules limit, connlimit, mark and ipp2p. You can patch
   kernel or use sources available at (polish project,
   site in PL).
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   There are basic options like groups of customers, file, command,
   networks and extra options which are define tc and firewall rules
   available to use. Default config is designed for 512/128 kbit limits
   and 100mbit links.
     * file
       Location of file. Default: /etc/rc.d/rc.htb.
       Example: file = /tmp/rc.htb
     * command
       Shell command executed after file creation. Default: "sh
       /etc/rc.d/rc.htb start".
       Example: command = "chmod 700 /tmp/rc.htb; /tmp/rc.htb start"
     * begin
       Script header. Default:
BURST="burst 30k"

stop ()
$IPT -t mangle -D FORWARD -i $WAN -j LIMITS >/dev/null 2>&1
$IPT -t mangle -D FORWARD -o $WAN -j LIMITS >/dev/null 2>&1
$IPT -t mangle -F LIMITS >/dev/null 2>&1
$IPT -t mangle -X LIMITS >/dev/null 2>&1
$IPT -t mangle -F OUTPUT
$IPT -t filter -F FORWARD
$TC qdisc del dev $LAN root 2> /dev/null
$TC qdisc del dev $WAN root 2> /dev/null

start ()
$IPT -t mangle -N LIMITS
$IPT -t mangle -I FORWARD -i $WAN -j LIMITS
$IPT -t mangle -I FORWARD -o $WAN -j LIMITS
# incoming traffic
$IPT -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j MARK --set-mark 1
$TC qdisc add dev $LAN root handle 1:0 htb default 3 r2q 1
$TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:0 classid 1:1 htb rate 99000kbit ceil 99000kbitquantum 1500
$TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:1 classid 1:2 htb rate   500kbit ceil   500kbit
$TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:1 classid 1:3 htb rate 98500kbit ceil 98500kbitprio 9 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $LAN parent 1:3 esfq perturb 10 hash dst
# priorities for ICMP, TOS 0x10 and ports 22 and 53
$TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:2 classid 1:20 htb rate 50kbit ceil 500kbit $BURST prio 1 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $LAN parent 1:20 esfq perturb 10 hash dst
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 2 u32 match ip sport 22 0xffff flowid 1:20
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 2 u32 match ip sport 53 0xffff flowid 1:20
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip tos 0x10 0xff flowid 1:20
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:20
# server -> LAN
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 1 fw flowid 1:3

# outgoing traffic
$TC qdisc add dev $WAN root handle 2:0 htb default 11 r2q 1
$TC class add dev $WAN parent 2:0 classid 2:1 htb rate 120kbit ceil 120kbit
# priorities for ACK, ICMP, TOS 0x10, ports 22 and 53
$TC class add dev $WAN parent 2:1 classid 2:10 htb rate 60kbit ceil 120kbit prio 1 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $WAN parent 2:10 esfq perturb 10 hash dst
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff \
match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0 match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 1 match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid 2:10
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dport 22 0xffff flowid 2:10
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dport 53 0xffff flowid 2:10
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip tos 0x10 0xff flowid 2:10
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 2:10
# server -> Internet
$TC class add dev $WAN parent 2:1 classid 2:11 htb rate 30kbit ceil 120kbit prio 2 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $WAN parent 2:11 esfq perturb 10 hash dst
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 3 handle 1 fw flowid 2:11
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 9 u32 match ip dst 0/0 flowid 2:11
       Example: begin = "#!/bin/bash\n$TC=/usr/local/sbin/tc\n"
     * end
       Script footer. Default:

case "$1" in
     echo "WAN Interface"
     echo "============="
     $TC class show dev $WAN | grep root
     $TC class show dev $WAN | grep -v root | sort | nl
     echo "LAN Interface"
     echo "============="
     $TC class show dev $LAN | grep root
     $TC class show dev $LAN | grep -v root | sort | nl
     echo -e "\nUsage: rc.htb start|stop|status"
       Example: end = ""
     * one_class_per_host
       Specify htb class creation policy. By default all computers of
       customer will be placed in one class. Setting it to 'true' will
       effect in that rules specified in host_htb_up and host_htb_down
       will be generated for all customer's computers (with different
       value of '%x'). Rules host_mark_down, host_mark_up, host_plimit and
       host_climit are generated for each node regardless of this option
       setting. Default: false
       Example: one_class_per_host = 1
     * host_mark_up
       Mark rule for each computer. Default:
# %n
$IPT -t mangle -A LIMITS -s %i -j MARK --set-mark %x
       Example: host_mark_up = ""
     * host_mark_down
       Mark rule for each offline computer. Default:
$IPT -t mangle -A LIMITS -d %i -j MARK --set-mark %x
       Example: host_mark_down = ""
     * host_htb_down
       Rules for each computer executed when uprate and downrate value is
       above zero. Default:
$TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:2 classid 1:%x htb rate %downratekbit ceil %downceilkbit $BURST prio 2 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $LAN parent 1:%x esfq perturb 10 hash dst
$TC filter add dev $LAN parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 5 handle %x fw flowid 1:%x
       Example: host_htb_down = ""
     * host_htb_up
       Rules for each computer executed when uprate and downrate value is
       above zero. Default:
$TC class add dev $WAN parent 2:1 classid 2:%x htb rate %upratekbit ceil %upceilkbit $BURST prio 2 quantum 1500
$TC qdisc add dev $WAN parent 2:%x esfq perturb 10 hash dst
$TC filter add dev $WAN parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 5 handle %x fw flowid 2:%x
       Example: host_htb_up = ""
     * host_climit
       Rule with simultaneous TCP connections limit. Executed when climit
       value is above zero. Default:
$IPT -t filter -I FORWARD -p tcp -s %i -m connlimit --connlimit-above %climit -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j REJECT
       Example: host_climit = "$IPT -t filter -I FORWARD -p tcp -s %i -m
       connlimit --connlimit-above -j REJECT"
     * host_plimit
       Rule with limiting of packets in time unit (here second). Executed
       when plimit value is above zero. Default:
$IPT -t filter -I FORWARD -p tcp -d %i -m limit --limit %plimit/s -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j ACCEPT
$IPT -t filter -I FORWARD -p tcp -s %i -m limit --limit %plimit/s -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j ACCEPT
       Example: host_plimit = ""
     * networks
       List of network names that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * customergroups
       List of customer groups that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"

6.2.11. Dns Description

   Configuration of named zones. This is one of most complicated modules
   to setup. It creates zone files for each network and zone definition
   entries in named.conf on the basis of template files. Example templates
   are placed in /modules/dns/sample directory.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

     * forward-patterns
       Directory with zone templates. Default: forward.
       Example: forward-patterns = /dns/patterns/forward
     * reverse-patterns
       Directory with reverse zone templates. Default: reverse.
       Example: reverse-patterns = /dns/patterns/revers
     * generic-forward
       Default template. It will be used if directory specified by
       'forward-patterns' doesn't contain a file with name corresponding
       to network domain name. Default:
       Example: generic-forward = /dns/patterns/forward
     * generic-reverse
       Default template. It will be used if directory specified by
       'reverse-patterns' doesn't contain a file with name corresponding
       to network IP address. Default: modules/dns/sample/reverse/generic.
       Example: generic-reverse = /dns/patterns/forward
     * forward-zones
       Directory for generated zone files. Default:
       Example: forward-zones = /dns/forward
     * reverse-zones
       Directory for generated reverse zone files. Default:
       Example: reverse-zones = /dns/reverse
     * host-reverse
       Line in reverse zone file for each computer of given network.
       Default: "%n IN A %i\n".
       Example: host-reverse = "\t %n IN A %i\n"
     * host-forward
       Line in zone file for each computer of given network. Default: "%c
       IN PTR %n.%d.\n".
       Example: host-forward = "\t %c IN PTR %n.%d.\n"
     * conf-pattern
       Location of main template for server configuration file. Default:
       Example: conf-pattern = /dns/patterns/named.conf
     * conf-output
       Location of main configuration file. Default: /tmp/named.conf.
       Example: conf-output = /etc/named.conf
     * conf-forward-entry
       Entry for each zone in main configuration file. Default: 'zone "%n"
       {\ntype master;\n file "forward/%n"; \nnotify yes; \n}; \n'.
       Example: conf-forward-entry = 'zone "%n" { \n\ttype master;
       \n\tfile "forward/%n"; \n\tnotify yes; \n}; \n'
     * conf-reverse-entry
       Entry for each reverse zone in main configuration file. Default:
       'zone "" { \ntype master; \nfile "reverse/%c";
       \nnotify yes; \n}; \n'.
       Example: conf-revers-entry = 'zone "" { \n\ttype
       master; \n\tfile "reverse/%c"; \n\tnotify yes; \n}; \n'
     * command
       Shell command executed after files creation. Default: empty.
       Example: command = "killall -HUP named"
     * networks
       List of network names that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * customergroups
       List of customer (user) groups that should be included in
       configuration (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"

6.2.12. Ethers Description

   This module creates configuration for system ARP table. Setting option
   'dummy_macs' will put mac address 00:00:00:00:00:00 for all
   disconnected computers.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Basic options:
     * file
       Location of output file. Default: /etc/ethers.
       Example: file = /tmp/ethers
     * command
       Shell command to execute after config file creation. Default: 'arp
       -f /etc/ethers'.
       Example: command = ""
     * dummy_macs
       If you set to 'yes', disconnected computers will get MAC
       '00:00:00:00:00:00'. Default: "no".
       Example: dummy_macs = yes
     * networks
       List of network names that should be included in configuration
       (case insensitive). Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = "lan1 lan2"
     * customergroups
       List of customer groups names that should be included in
       configuration (case insensitive). Default: empty (all groups).
       Example: customergroups = "group1 group2"

6.2.13. Oident Description

   Module for oidentd configuration. Basically it can be created with
   hostfile module, but here you have ready-made default settings for this
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   And here are the options of oident:
     * begin
       Text inserted on the beginning of file. Default: empty.
       Example: begin = "#Auto-generated\n"
     * end
       Text inserted on the end of file. Default: empty.
       Example: end = ""
     * host
       Line of text for each of computers. Default: "%i\t%n\tUNIX".
       Example: host = "%i %n WINDOWS"
     * file
       Configuration file. Default: /etc/oidentd.conf.
       Example: file = /tmp/identd.conf
     * networks
       List of networks. Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = 'lan1 lan2'
     * command
       Shell command(s) to execute after file creation. Default: empty.
       Example: command = "killall -HUP oidentd"

6.2.14. Pinger Description

   Module pinger is an equivalent of lms-fping Perl script, however it has
   some fundamental differences. It doesn't need external program to check
   hosts availability and work with use of ARP protocol and thus it can
   perform network scanning about 2 times faster. Also there are no
   problems with hosts with ping response disabled or firewalled. After
   scanning, last-seen time is set for all online hosts in database used
   to illustrate hosts activity on nodes list and network map.


        Pinger for work use interface names, so (e.g. if you are using ip
        command) you'll need to label interfaces in your system (ip addr add
        ... label ...). Also remember, don't use a dots or dashes in interface
        names (ip allows that, but such a name is not usable for pinger).
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Pinger has only one config option:
     * networks
       List of network names. Default: empty (all networks).
       Example: networks = 'lan1 lan2'

6.2.15. Parser Introduction

   Parser module is based on a scripting language T-Script which primary
   purpose is to generate text files. It can be useful for processing
   templates with some additional data retrieved from data sources like
   SQL databases or text files. In lmsd's module contents of scripts are
   stored in database, so they can be edited via LMS-UI. In the future
   parser should replace almost all lmsd modules.

   T-Script language is described in section T-Script.

   Before compilation ensure that you have in your system packages bison
   (at least 1.875 version) and flex.
     __________________________________________________________________ Configuration

   Parser has following options:
     * script
       Contents of script. Default: empty.
       Example: script = '{var=1}variable var={var}'
     * file
       Location of output file. Default: empty.
       Example: file = /tmp/parser.out
     * command
       Shell command to execute after script compilation. Default: empty
       Example: command = "sh /tmp/parser.out"

6.3. T-Script

6.3.1. Introduction

   T-Script is a scripting language which primary purpose is to generate
   text files. It can be useful for processing templates with some
   additional data retrieved from data sources like SQL databases or text

   Before compilation ensure that you have in your system packages bison
   (at least 1.875 version) and flex.

6.3.2. Syntax

   T-Script language syntax is based on other popular languages like C or
   JavaScript with little changes made to make writting templates simpler.
   Additional commands should be written inside { } parenthesis. Data
   outside curly brackets will be writed to output file (or ommited if
   file was not specified). All expressions, variables, commands, function
   names are case-sensitive. To separate expressions inside parenthesis
   use semicolon sign.
     __________________________________________________________________ Expressions and operators

     * Literal inside quotes. Supports formating sequences like in C
       language (\t, \n, \\).
       Example: "some literal"
     * Number.
       Example: 1234
     * Value of variable "var".
       Example: var
     * N-th element of array "var".
       Example: var[n]
     * Subvariable "n" of variable "var".
       Example: var.n
     * Value of expression inside parenthesis.
       Example: ( expression )
     * Null keyword. Prescribe not defined value. Useful for checking that
       some value was or wasn't defined.
       Example: variable = null
     * Comparisions. Returns logical result of expressions comparision.
expression1 == expression2;
expression1 != expression2;
expression1 < expression2;
expression1 > expression2;
expression1 <= expression2;
expression1 >= expression2;
     * Binary operators. Sum and product.
       Example: expression1 | expression2
       Example: expression1 & expression2
     * Logical operators.
       Example: expression1 || expression2
       Example: expression1 && expression2
       Example: ! expression
     * Strings concatenation. When both expression values haven't numeric
       type treats expressions as strings and performs string
       Example: expression1 + expression2
     * Arithmetic operators. Evaluates to result of arithmetic operation
       on two expression values.
expression1 + expression2;
expression1 - expression2;
expression1 * expression2;
expression1 / expression2;
expression1 % expression2;
     * Unary increment/decrement operators.
       Example: expression++
       Example: expression--
       Example: ++expression
       Example: --expression
     * Bit shift operators.
       Example: expr1 >> expr2
       Example: expr1 << expr2
     * String comparision with regular expression. Evaluates to 1 if
       expression expr1 value match with regular expression expr2, else 0.
       Example: expr1 =~ expr2
     __________________________________________________________________ Comments

     * C-style comment.
       Example: /* this is a comment - it can be also multiline */
     __________________________________________________________________ Commands

     * Assignment. Assigns expression value to specified variable.
       Example: variable = expression
     * Conditional statement. Executes statement only if expression is
       true. Second form executes statement1 if expression is true or
       statement2 if expression is false.
if ( expression ) statement /if
if ( expression ) statement1 else statement2 /if
       Text between command blocks is treated as a command so the
       following example is correct:
Some text
{if (a==1)}
a equals 1
a doesn't equal 1
       You can put backslash between command block and end of line to eat
       \n symbol and keep normal text flow. For example:
Some text
{if (a==1)}\
a equals 1
a doesn't equal 1
     * Iterative loop. Executes first expr1 as loop initialization
       command. Then executes statement while expr2 is true. At the end of
       each iteration expr2 is evaluated.
       Example: for ( expr1 ; expr2 ; expr3 ) statement /for
     * Construct foreach. This simply gives an easy way to iterate over
       arrays. foreach works only on arrays, and will issue an error when
       you try to use it on a variable with a different data type. It
       loops over the array given by array. On each loop, the value of the
       current element is assigned to value and the internal array pointer
       is advanced by one (so on the next loop, you'll be looking at the
       next element).
       Example: foreach ( value in array ) statement /foreach
     * While loop. Executes statement(s) repeatedly, as long as the
       expression evaluates to true. The value of the expression is
       checked each time at the beginning of the loop, so even if this
       value changes during the execution of the nested statement(s),
       execution will not stop until the end of the iteration.
       Example: while ( expression ) statement /while
     * break. This command ends execution of the current loop structure.
{for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)}\
{if (i == 5)}{break}{/if}\
: {i}
     * continue. continue is used within looping structures to skip the
       rest of the current loop iteration and continue execution at the
       condition evaluation and then the beginning of the next iteration.
{for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)}\
{if (i == 5)}{continue}{/if}\
: {i}
     * exit. This command terminates the current script.
{if ( var > 0 )
     __________________________________________________________________ Functions

   Functions have two calling forms: with brackets ({function(var)}) and
   without brackets ({function {var}}).
     * string(number)
       Converts numeric variable to string value.
       Example: string(var)
     * number(string)
       Converts string variable to numeric value. For arrays returns
       number of items in array.
       Example: number(var)
     * typeof(variable)
       Type checking. Returns type name of variable, e.g. string, number,
       array, null.
       Example: typeof(var)

   In script above functions can be used like that:
{x = 5}x = {x}
{var = "3"}var = {var}
x + var = {x + var}
x + var = {number(var) + x}
x + var = {string(x) + var}
x is type of {typeof(x)}
var is type of {typeof(var)}

6.3.3. Extensions

   Extensions are tscript library supplements. That are functions and
   predefined variables (constants), wich can be used in scripts.
     __________________________________________________________________ Exec

   Shell commands execution is possible with exec(). You can run many
   commands separated by semicolons in one function call.
     * exec(commands)
       Shell commands execution.
       Example: exec("rm -f /")
     __________________________________________________________________ String

   String consists basic functions for strings operations.
     * trim(string)
       Deleting of whitespace signs from the beginning and the end of
       Example: trim(" aaa ")
     * len(string)
       String length (strlen() in C).
       Przyk³ad: length = len(string)
     * replace(pattern, replacement, string)
       This function scans string for matches to pattern, then replaces
       the matched text with replacement. Pattern can be a regular
       Example: replace(":", "-", mac)
       Example: replace("[a-z]", "-", "Text")
     * explode(separator, string)
       Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string
       formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by separator. Separator
       can be a string or POSIX's regural expression.
       Example: explode(":", "aaa:bbb:ccc")
       Example: explode("[ ]+", "aaa bbb ccc")
     __________________________________________________________________ Sysinfo

   Extension with name Sysinfo consist functions for retriving data from
     * date([format_string])
       Current date and time formated according to the format
       specification. Default format is '%Y/%m/%d'. Conversion specifiers
       are introduced by a '%' character You can read about all of them in
       `man strftime`.
       Returned object consist predefined subvariables year, month, day,
       hour, minute, second.
{date("%s") /* returns current unix timestamp */}
{t = date()}
{t.month /* returns current month number */}
     * systype
       System type constant. Returns "unix" or "win32" according to system
       where program's working.
{if (systype == "unix")}\
{exec echo executing command}\
no shell
     __________________________________________________________________ File

   This extension is destined for basic file operations.
     * file(filename)
       Script output redirection. Redirects script output to file. Data
       will be appended to specified file.
       Example: {file file_name} commands {/file}
     * fileexists(filename)
       If file exists returns 1, else 0.
{if fileexists(file)}{deletefile(file)}{/if}
     * deletefile(filename)
       File deletion.
       Example: deletefile("/tmp/file.txt")
     * readfile(filename)
       Creates array where every element is separated line of file.
       Example: readfile("/tmp/file.txt")
     * getfile(filename)
       Returns file contents.
       Example: getfile("/tmp/file.txt")
     * listdir(directory)
       Returns list of files (and subdirectories) in array. Every element
       contains subvariable 'size' with file size in bytes.
       Example: listdir("/home/alec")

   Listing below presents example script with use of all file functions.
{list = listdir("/home/alec/lms/doc")}
{for (x = 0; x < number(list); x++) }\
{file "/home/alec/file.txt"}
Line 1
Line 2
{f = readfile /home/alec/file.txt}\
{for (i = 0; i < number(f); i++) }\
line {i}: {f[i]}\
{f = getfile /home/alec/file.txt}\
{deletefile /home/alec/file.txt}\
     __________________________________________________________________ Syslog

   Extension with name Syslog consist function for sending messages to
   system logger. Also includes logs priority (level) definitions.
     * syslog(string [, level])
       Sends message specified by string. Second, optional argument
       specify logs priority. Default priority is LOG_INFO (see man 3
syslog("message", LOG_ERR);
     __________________________________________________________________ Net

   In this extension are included two functions (with lowercase names)
   destined to IP addresses and subnet masks operations.
     * mask2prefix(mask_string)
       Returns number of bits in subnet mask.
       Example: mask2prefix("")
     * ip2long(address_string)
       Changes octal IP address to long number.
       Example: ip2long("")
     * long2ip(number)
       Changes long number to IP address octal format (
       Example: long2ip(variable)
     * broadcast(address_string, mask_string)
       Calculates broadcast address from specified IP address and mask
       (any mask format).
       Example: broadcast("", "")
     __________________________________________________________________ SQL

   SQL extension implements functions for database operations. Allows to
   run SQL commands.
{SELECT * FROM table}
{UPDATE table SET column=1}
{CREATE TABLE foo (bar integer) }
     * rows(sql_query)
       Returns SQL result rows count. Use it for non-select commands.
       Example: rows("SELECT * FROM table")
     * escape(string)
       Escapes a string for use within an SQL commands.
       Example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE name={escape(variable)}
     __________________________________________________________________ Constants

   Extension closely connected with LMS. Makes possible to create scripts
   without of LMS's database structure knowledge. Contains predefined
   constants, which consists data from database. Query defined in program
   is executed when constant is used first time. Constants names are
   uppercase. Each constant is an array with rows indexed starting from
   zero, and each row consist subvariables accessible by name (lowercase).
     * CUSTOMERS - customers list:

       id - customer ID
       lastname - customer lastname
       name - customer name
       status - status
       address - address
       zip - postal code
       city - city
       email - email address
       ten - tax exempt number
       ssn - security serial number
       regon - business registration number
       icn - identity card number
       rbe - register of business entities number
       info - additional information
       message - warning contents
       warning - warning status (status of all customer's nodes summary)
       access - accessibility status (status of all customer's nodes summary)
       balance - customer's balance
     * NODES - nodes list (and network devices addresses):

       id - node ID
       owner - customer name and lastname
       ownerid - customer ID ('0' for devices)
       name - node (device's address) name
       access - status: connected/disconnected (1/0)
       warning - warnings status: enabled/disabled (1/0)
       netdev - device ID, to which is connected
       lastonline - last activity timestamp
       info - additional information
       message - warning message contents
       mac - MAC address
       passwd - password
       ip - IP address
       ip_pub - public IP address
       linktype - connection type (0-cable, 1-air)
       port - device's port to which node is connected
       chkmac - MAC checking (0-disabled, 1-enable)
       halfduplex - duplex mode (0-full, 1-half)
     * NETWORKS - networks list:

       id - network ID
       name - network name
       address - IP address
       mask - subnet mask (
       prefix - number of bits in mask
       size - network size (number of addresses)
       interface - interface name
       gateway - gateway address
       dns - primary DNS server
       dns2 - secondary DNS server
       wins - WINS server
       domain - domain name
       dhcpstart - start of DHCP range
       dhcpend - end of DHCP range

6.3.4. Example Scripts

   Let's begin from simple script creating file /etc/hosts with list of
   computers (and devices) IPs and names list.

   Example 6-1. Parser: Creating /etc/hosts file
{result = SELECT name, inet_ntoa(ipaddr) AS ip FROM nodes}\       localhost
{for (r=0; r<number(result); r++)}\

   How to create debtors list? It's easy with use of predefined constants.

   Example 6-2. Parser: Debtors list
for (r=0; r<number(CUSTOMERS); r++)
    if (CUSTOMERS[r].balance < 0)
{CUSTOMERS[r].lastname} {CUSTOMERS[r].name}{"\t"}{CUSTOMERS[r].balance}

   List of ethernet hosts desriptions for iptraf. Here the format of
   hardware address is specific. It must be writed without separators.

   Example 6-3. Parser: Ethernet hosts descriptions for iptraf.
{list = SELECT LOWER(mac) AS mac, UPPER(name) AS name, inet_ntoa(ipaddr) AS ip from nodes}\
{for(i=0; i<number(list); i++)}\
{replace(":","",list[i].mac)}:{list[i].name} {list[i].ip}

   In next example we're create file with hosts ethernet hardware
   addresses to IP addresses mappings, used by arp program. Hosts with no
   access gets dummy MACs.

   Example 6-4. Parser: Ethers file for arp
{       if(fileexists("/etc/ethers"))}\
{               deletefile("/etc/ethers")}\
{       /if}\
{       for (i=0; i<number(NODES); i++)}\
{               if (number(NODES[i].access))}\
{                       nodes[i].mac}{"\t"}{NODES[i].ip}
{               else}\
{                      }00:00:00:00:00:00{"\t"}{NODES[i].ip}
{               /if}\
{      /for}\

   Next example is longer. Here we are using especially 'exec'. Script
   sends e-mails to customers with balance less than specified limit.

   Example 6-5. Parser: Notify module replacement
{limit = 0}
{dt = date()}
{customers = SELECT AS id, email, pin, name, lastname,
        SUM((type * -2 +7) * cash.value) AS balance
        FROM customers
        LEFT JOIN cash ON = cash.customerid AND (cash.type = 3 OR cash.type = 4)
        WHERE deleted = 0 AND email!=''
        GROUP BY, name, lastname, email, pin
        HAVING SUM((type * -2 +7) * cash.value) < {limit}}

{for(i=0; i<number(customers); i++)}

    {exec echo "NOTE: This message has been generated automatically.

We kindly remind that you have debt on your internet service provide account
for the amount of $ {customers[i].balance}.

If you have already regulated your subscription fees for current month, that
is {dt.month} {dt.year}, please just skip this message.

If you think this message was sent to you in error, please contact our
customer service representative.

All information about payments could be also found at:

If you want to regulate your account status, please contact our accountant:

Aldfert Rule
phone: 0-509031337

PS. Last 10 operations on your account has been attached below for your
     Date     |    Value     |           Comment
--------------+--------------+-----------------------------" > /tmp/mail}

    {last10 = SELECT comment, time, CASE WHEN type=4 THEN value*-1 ELSE value END AS value
            FROM cash WHERE customerid = {customers[i].id}
            ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10}

    {for(j=0; j<number(last10); j++)}

        {exec echo "{last10[j].time}|{"\t"}{last10[j].value}|{"\t"}{last10[j].comment}" >> /tmp/mail}


    {exec mail -s "Liabilities information" -r lms@domain.tld {customers[i].email} < /tmp/mail}


   Next more complicated example is the traffic module replacement. Reads
   text file with stats from firewall counters and writes data to LMS's
   stats database.

   Example 6-6. Parser: Traffic stats.
log = "/var/log/traffic.log";
nodes = SELECT id, INET_NTOA(ipaddr) AS ip, INET_NTOA(ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub FROM nodes;
if(! fileexists(log))
lines = readfile(log);
n = number(nodes);
for (i=0; i<number(lines); i++)
    line = explode("[[:blank:]]+", lines[i]); /* file format: IP upload download */
    if ( number(line) == 3  && (line[1] > 0 || line[2] > 0) )
        for (x=0; x<n; x++)
            if (nodes[x].ip == line[0] || nodes[x].ip_pub == line[0] )
                id = nodes[x].id;
        if (x < n)
            INSERT INTO stats (nodeid, dt, download, upload) VALUES ({id}, %NOW%, {line[2]}, {line[

Chapter 7. For curious

7.1. Directory tree

   Table 7-1. LMS directory tree
      Name                   Description
     backups        Backup copies of LMS database
       bin          Executable lms-* Perl scripts
     contrib           LMS user's contributions
     daemon              A.L.E.C's LMS Daemon
      devel    Developers' scripts to build LMS package
       doc                LMS Documentation
    documents             Documents archive
       img              User Interface Images
       lib         Set of LMS and Smarty libraries
     modules            User Interface Modules
     sample     Sample scripts, configs and additions
    templates            User Interface Theme
   templates_c    Smarty Theme compilation directory

7.2. Database structure

   Simple database layout is provided below. For more details (data types,
   fields restrictions and default values) please refer to lms.mysql,
   lms.pgsql in doc/ directory.

7.2.1. LMS users ('users')

   id - serial number
   login - login
   name - first and last name
   email - user's email address
   phone - user's phone number
   position - user's position name
   rights - binary access rights
   hosts - list of hosts allowed to login
   passwd - password to login
   ntype - supported notofication types
   lastlogindate - date of last login
   lastloginip - IP of last login
   failedlogindate - date of last failed login attempt
   failedloginip - IP of last failed login attempt
   deleted - if is deleted boolean (0/1)
   access - whether the account is active (0/1)
   accessfrom - date from which the account is active
   accessto - date to which the account is active

7.2.2. Customers ('customers')

   id - serial number
   lastname - last/company name
   name - first name
   divisionid - identifier of company/division
   status - customer status (3-connected, 2-awaiting, 1-prospect)
   type - legal personality (0-private person, 1-legal entity)
   email - email address
   pin - pin number (for authentication)
   address - street address (street, apartment, flat, etc)
   zip - zip code
   city - location (city)
   countryid - country identifier
   post_name - correspondence address - name
   post_address - correspondence address - street, apartment, flat, etc
   post_zip - correspondence address - zip code
   post_city - correspondence address - location (city)
   post_countryid - correspondence address - country identifier
   ten - tax exempt number
   ssn - social security number
   regon - business registration number
   rbe - register of business entities
   icn - identity card number
   info - additional information
   notes - notes
   creationdate - record creation date
   moddate - record modification date
   creatorid - serial of LMS user who created this record
   modid - serial of LMS user last modification this record
   deleted - if is deleted from database boolean (0/1)
   message - message to be displayed if warnings enabled
   cutoffstop - date to which customers cutting off is disabled
   paytime - invoices deadline in days
   paytype - invoices payment type identifier (see documents table)
   einvoice - enables e-invoices
   invoicenotice - enables invoices delivery via e-mail
   mailingnotice - enables messages delivery via e-mail or sms

7.2.3. Customer groups ('customergroups')

   id - serial number
   name - group name
   description - group description

7.2.4. Customer groups - assignments ('customerassignments')

   id - serial number
   customergroupid - group serial number
   customerid - customer serial number

7.2.5. Customer groups - users access ('excludedgroups')

   id - serial number
   userid - user serial number
   customergroupid - group serial number

7.2.6. Networks ('networks')

   id - serial number
   name - network name
   address - IP address
   mask - network mask
   interface - network interface (eg. eth1)
   gateway - gateway IP address
   dns - IP address of dns server
   dns2 - IP address of secondary dns server
   domain - domain of the network
   wins - WINS server address
   dhcpstart - first address of dynamic DHCP range
   dhcpend - last address of dynamic DHCP range
   disabled - disabled/enabled flag (1/0)
   notes - additional notes

7.2.7. Network devices ('netdevices')

   id - serial number
   name - name
   location - physical location text
   location_city - city identifier
   location_street - street identifier
   location_house - house number
   location_flat - flat number
   description - device summary
   producer - manufacturer's name
   model - model number
   serialnumber - products serial number (not DB identifier)
   ports - number of connections available
   purchasetime - purchase date
   guaranteeperiod - period in months (NULL - lifetime)
   shortname - shortname (radius)
   nastype - NAS type identifier (radius)
   clients - max. number of clients (radius)
   secret - password (radius)
   community - SNMP community
   channelid - STM channel identifier (ewx_channels table)
   longitude - geog. longitude
   latitude - geog latitude

7.2.8. Network connections ('netlinks')

   id - serial number
   src - connection's beginning
   dst - connection's end
   type - type of connection (0-cable, 1-wireless)
   srcport - begin's port number
   dstport - end's port number

7.2.9. Computers and IP addresses ('nodes')

   id - serial number
   name - device name
   ipaddr - IP address
   passwd - computer password for radius/pppoe login
   ownerid - serial number of the owner ('0' if network device)
   creationdate - creation timestamp
   moddate - last modification timestamp
   creatorid - creator's serial number
   modid - modifier's serial number
   netdev - serial number of connected network device
   linktype - type of connection (0-cable, 1-wireless)
   port - port number in device
   access - connected/disconnected (cutoff) (1/0)
   warning - should be warned with administration message? (1/0)
   chkmac - enable/disable MAC checking? (1/0)
   halfduplex - half/full duplex mode (0/1)
   lastonline - last network activity timestamp
   info - additional information
   location_address - address string
   location_city - city identifier
   location_street - street identifier
   location_house - house number
   location_flat - flat number
   nas - NAS flag (1/0)
   longitude - geog. longitude
   latitude - geog latitude

7.2.10. MAC addresses ('macs')

   id - serial number
   mac - MAC address
   nodeid - IP address identifier (nodes table)

7.2.11. Node groups ('nodegroups')

   id - serial number
   name - group name
   prio - group order
   description - group description

7.2.12. Node groups - assignments ('nodegroupassignments')

   id - serial number
   nodegroupid - group serial number
   nodeid - node serial number

7.2.13. NAS Device Types ('nastypes')

   id - serial number
   name - type name

7.2.14. Financial operations ('cash')

   id - serial number
   time - timestamp of operation
   type - type of operation (1-payment, 0-liability)
   userid - LMS user id
   value - amount in dollars
   taxid - tax rate identifier
   customerid - customer's serial number ('0' - does not apply)
   docid - serial number for document (e.g. invoice) related to this
   itemid - document item identifier
   importid - import identifier
   sourceid - import source identifier
   comment - description of operation

7.2.15. Import of financial operations ('cashimport')

   id - serial number
   date - timestamp of operation
   customer - customer data
   value - amount
   taxid - tax rate identifier
   customerid - customer's serial number
   description - operation description
   hash - unique operation identifier
   sourceid - import source identifier
   sourcefileid - import file identifier
   closed - yes (1), if operation was moved to cash table

7.2.16. Cash import sources ('cashsources')

   id - serial number
   name - name
   description - additional information

7.2.17. Cash import packages ('sourcefiles')

   id - serial number
   name - filename
   idate - date/time of import
   userid - user identifier

7.2.18. Subscription fees ('tariffs')

   id - serial number
   name - subscription name
   type - subscription type (see lib/definitions.php)
   value - amount
   taxid - tax rate identifier
   period - payment period (for specified tariff value)
   prodid - product/service classification number
   uprate - upload warranty
   upceil - upload boundary
   downrate - download warranty
   downceil - download boundary
   climit - limit of concurrent connections
   plimit - limit of packets per second
   uprate_n - upload warranty at night
   upceil_n - upload boundary at night
   downrate_n - download warranty at night
   downceil_n - download boundary at night
   climit_n - limit of concurrent connections at night
   plimit_n - limit of packets per second at night
   dlimit - limit of data per time unit
   domain_limit - limit of domains
   alias_limit - limit of aliases
   sh_limit - limit of shell accounts
   mail_limit - limit of mail accounts
   www_limit - limit of www accounts
   ftp_limit - limit of ftp_accounts
   sql_limit - limit of sql accounts
   quota_sh_limit - quota limit of shell account
   quota_mail_limit - quota limit of mail account
   quota_wwww_limit - quota limit of www account
   quota_ftp_limit - quota limit of ftp account
   quota_sql_limit - quota limit of sql account
   description - description for subscription
   disabled - disabled/enabled flag (1/0)

7.2.19. Promotions ('promotions')

   id - serial number
   name - promotion name
   description - additional information
   disabled - status

7.2.20. Promotion Schemas ('promotionschemas')

   id - serial number
   name - schema name
   description - additional information
   promotionid - promotion identifier
   data - schema periods definition
   disabled - status
   continuation - contract continuation option
   ctariffid - additional continuation tariff identifier

7.2.21. Schema-To-Tariff assignments ('promotionassignments')

   id - serial number
   promotionschemaid - schema identifier
   tariffid - subscription identifier
   data - schema values definition

7.2.22. Custom liabilities ('liabilities')

   id - serial number
   name - liability name/description
   value - amount
   taxid - tax rate identifier
   prodid - product/service classification number

7.2.23. Solid payments ('payments')

   id - serial number
   name - name
   value - amount
   creditor - creditor name
   period - interval of operation: daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annually
   at - pay day
   description - description for payment

7.2.24. Financial assignments ('assignments')

   id - serial number
   tariffid - subscription serial number
   liabilityid - liability serial number
   customerid - customer serial number
   period - interval of operation: daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annually
   at - pay day
   datefrom - start date for assignment
   dateto - end date for assignment
   invoice - invoice writeout? (1 - yes, 0 - no)
   pdiscount - discount percentage
   vdiscount - discount value
   suspended - is this payment suspended? (1 - yes, 0 - no)
   settlement - do deficient period settlement? (1 - yes, 0 - no)
   paytype - invoice payment type identifier
   numberplanid - numbering plan identifier

7.2.25. Nodes-tariffs assignments ('nodeassignments')

   id - serial number
   assignmentid - financial assignment serial number
   nodeid - node serial number

7.2.26. Tax rates ('taxes')

   id - serial number
   value - tax value
   taxed - "is taxed" flag
   label - rate label
   validfrom - binding period start
   validto - binding period end

7.2.27. Documents numbering plans ('numberplans')

   id - serial number
   template - number template (pattern)
   period - numbering time span: day/week/month/quarter/year
   doctype - document type
   isdefault - '1' if this plan is default for respondent doctype, else

7.2.28. Numbering plans to divisions assignments ('numberplanassignments')

   id - serial number
   planid - numbering plan identifier
   divisionid - division identifier

7.2.29. Cash registries ('cashregs')

   id - serial number
   name - registry name
   description - additional description
   in_numberplanid - numbering plan identifier for cash-in receipts
   out_numberplanid - numbering plan identifier for cash-out receipts
   disabled - summary disabling (0/1)

7.2.30. Cash registries - access rights ('cashrights')

   id - serial number
   regid - registry serial number
   userid - user serial number
   rights - (1-read, 2-write, 3-advanced)

7.2.31. Cash registries - cash history ('cashreglog')

   id - serial number
   regid - registry serial number
   userid - user serial number
   time - entry timestamp
   value - real cash state value
   snapshot - cash state value
   description - additional information

7.2.32. Documents: invoices, receipts, contracts, etc. ('documents')

   id - serial number
   number - document number (%N)
   extnumber - additional (extended) number part (%I)
   numberplanid - numbering plan identifier
   type - document type (1 - invoice, 2 - cash receipt)
   cdate - date of write out
   sdate - sale date (for invoices)
   paytime - deadline in days
   paytype - payment type (1-cash, 2-transfer, 3-transfer/cash, 4-card,
   5-compensation, 6-barter, 7-contract)
   customerid - customer (buyer) serial number
   userid - user serial number
   divisionid - identifier of company/division
   name - name of customer
   address - address of customer
   ssn - SSN of customer
   ten - Tax Exempt Number of customer
   zip - zip code of customer
   city - location of customer
   countryid - country identifier
   closed - is document (invoice) closed (accounted)? (0/1)
   reference - document ID reference
   reason - e.g. invoice note reason

7.2.33. Non-financial documents contents ('documentcontents')

   docid - document serial number
   title - document title
   fromdate - start of binding period
   todate - end of binding period
   filename - document file name
   contenttype - file type
   md5sum - file md5 sum
   description - additional information

7.2.34. Invoices ('invoicecontents')

   docid - invoice serial number
   itemid - invoice item identifier
   value - amount
   pdiscount - discount percentage
   vdiscount - discount value
   taxid - tax rate identifier
   prodid - product/service classification number
   content - used unit (usually 'pc.')
   count - unit count
   description - description for invoice
   tariffid - subscription serial number

7.2.35. Debit notes ('debitnotecontents')

   docid - debit note serial number
   itemid - debit note item identifier
   value - amount
   description - description for the note item

7.2.36. Cash Receipts ('receiptcontents')

   docid - receipt serial number
   itemid - receipt item identifier
   regid - registry serial number
   value - amount
   description - description for receipt item

7.2.37. Documents - access rights ('docrights')

   userid - user identifier
   doctype - document type id (see lib/definitions.php)
   rights - (1-read, 2-create, 3-confirm, 4-edit, 5-delete)

7.2.38. Internet Messengers ('imessengers')

   id - serial number
   customerid - customer serial number
   uid - messenger user name/identifier
   type - messenger type (0-gadu-gadu, 1-yahoo, 2-skype)

7.2.39. Customers contacts ('customer contacts')

   id - serial number
   customerid - customer serial number
   phone - phone number
   name - contact name/description
   type - contact type (sum of: 1-mobile, 2-fax)

7.2.40. Domains ('domains')

   id - serial number
   name - domain name
   description - comments
   type - DNS type ('MASTER', 'SLAVE', 'NATIVE')
   master - master DNS server
   account - email address of DNS administrator
   last_check - timestamp
   notified_serial - timestamp

7.2.41. DNS Records ('records')

   id - serial number
   domain_id - domain serial number
   name - name
   type - record type (MX, SOA, A, AAAA, etc.)
   content - data
   ttl - TTL
   prio - priority
   change_date - last change timestamp

7.2.42. Accounts ('passwd')

   id - serial number
   ownerid - customer serial number (0 - "system" account)
   login - login name
   password - password encrypted with crypt()
   realname - additional name
   lastlogin - last login date
   uid - account system UID (usually ownerid+200)
   home - account home directory
   type - account type (binary sum: 1-shell, 2-email, 4-www, 8-ftp)
   expdate - account expire date
   domainid - domain serial number
   createtime - account creation date
   quota_sh - shell space limits
   quota_mail - email space limits
   quota_www - www space limits
   quota_ftp - ftp space limits
   quota_sql - sql database space limits
   mail_forward - account for mail forwarding
   mail_bcc - account for blind carbon copy mail
   description - additional information

7.2.43. Aliases ('aliases')

   id - serial number
   login - account name (without domain)
   domainid - account serial number

7.2.44. Alias-to-account assignments ('aliasassignments')

   id - serial number
   aliasid - alias serial number
   accountid - account serial number
   mail_forward - forward address

7.2.45. VoIP Accounts ('voipaccounts')

   id - serial number
   ownerid - customer identifier
   login - login
   passwd - password
   phone - phone number
   access - enabled/disabled (1/0)
   creationdate - date of account creation
   moddate - date of last account modification
   creatorid - creator (user) identifier
   modid - last change (user) identifier

7.2.46. Bandwidth consumption statistics ('stats')

   nodeid - node serial number
   dt - timestamp
   upload - number of bytes sent
   download - number of bytes received

7.2.47. Helpdesk - Request Tracking ('rtqueues')

   id - serial number
   name - queue name
   email - email account for the queue
   description - main description for the queue

7.2.48. Helpdesk - Request Tracking - continued... ('rttickets')

   id - serial number
   queueid - queue serial number
   requestor - reporter name and email
   customerid - customer serial number (if reported by customer)
   subject - ticket name)
   state - status (0-new, 1-open, 2-resolved, 3-dead)
   cause - request cause (0-unknown, 1-customer, 2-company)
   owner - user serial number (ticket's owner)
   creatorid - user serial number (ticket's creator)
   createtime - timestamp of report

7.2.49. Helpdesk - Request Tracking - continued... ('rtmessages')

   id - serial number
   ticketid - ticket serial number
   userid - LMS user serial number (if ticket sender)
   customerid - customer serial number (if ticket sender)
   mailfrom - sender email
   subject - message subject
   messageid - Message-ID message header
   inreplyto - thread serial number (if threaded)
   replyto - Reply-To message header
   headers - all message headers
   body - content of message body
   createtime - date of creation/send/delivery

7.2.50. Helpdesk - Request Tracking - continued... ('rtattachments')

   messageid - message serial number
   filename - name of file attachment
   contenttype - type of file

7.2.51. Helpdesk - Request Tracking - continued... ('rtnotes')

   id - serial number
   ticketid - ticket serial number
   userid - LMS user serial number
   body - content of note
   createtime - date of creation

7.2.52. Helpdesk - Request Tracking - continued... ('rtrights')

   id - serial number
   queueid - queue serial number
   userid - LMS user serial number
   rights - permissions (1-read, 2-write)

7.2.53. LMS-UI Online Configuration ('uiconfig')

   id - serial number
   section - config section name
   var - config variable name
   value - config variable value
   description - option description or comment
   disabled - is option disabled? (0-active, 1-disabled/default)

7.2.54. Timetable - events ('events')

   id - identifier
   title - title
   description - info
   note - note
   date - event date
   begintime - beginning of event
   endtime - end of event
   userid - event creator ID
   customerid - customer ID
   private - status (private/public)
   closed - is event closed? (1-yes/0-no)
   moduserid - id of last user that modified the event
   moddate - date of last event modification

7.2.55. Timetable - assignments ('eventassignments')

   eventid - event identifier
   userid - user identifier

7.2.56. Sessions ('sessions')

   id - session identifier
   ctime - create time
   mtime - last modification time
   atime - last access time
   vdata - verification data
   content - data

7.2.57. Hosts ('hosts')

   id - identifier
   name - host name
   description - additional information
   lastreload - last reload date
   reload - reload order

7.2.58. Daemon configuration - instances ('daemoninstances')

   id - identifier
   name - instance name
   hostid - host identifier
   module - module file path and name
   crontab - time of reload
   priority - reload priority
   description - additional information
   disabled - status (enabled/disabled)

7.2.59. Daemon configuration - options ('daemonconfig')

   id - identifier
   instanceid - instance identifier
   var - option name
   value - option value
   description - additional information
   disabled - status (enabled/disabled)

7.2.60. States ('states')

   id - identifier
   name - state name
   description - additional information

7.2.61. Zip codes ('zipcodes')

   id - identifier
   zip - zip code
   stateid - state identifier

7.2.62. Countries ('countries')

   id - identifier
   name - country name

7.2.63. Companies/Divisions ('divisions')

   id - identifier
   shortname - division short name
   name - division long name
   address - address
   zip - zip code
   city - city
   countryid - country identifier
   ten - tax exempt number
   regon - business registration number
   account - bank account or mass payments account prefix
   description - additional information
   status - lock status (1/0)
   inv_header - invoice header
   inv_footer - invoice footer
   inv_author - invoice default author
   inv_cplace - invoice creation place
   inv_paytime - invoice deadline
   inv_paytype - invoice payment type (see documents table)

7.2.64. Messages - list ('messages')

   id - serial number
   subject - message subject
   body - message contents
   cdate - creation date
   type - type (1-email, 2-sms)
   userid - sender (user) identifier
   sender - e-mail 'From' header

7.2.65. Messages - items ('messageitems')

   id - serial number
   messageid - message identifier
   customerid - customer identifier
   destination - destination (phone num./e-mail)
   lastdate - last meaning date
   status - sending status (see lib/definitions.php)
   error - error message

7.2.66. Database information ('dbinfo')

   keytype - type
   keyvalue - value

7.3. Configuration file format

   Configuration file default location is /etc/lms/lms.ini. It's intended
   to be central configuration for LMS-UI, LMS-MGC and other scripts
   (exluding lmsd daemon). However variable format for Perl scripts is
   more restricted than for PHP.


   Configuration file parsers skip all lines that begin with '#' or ';'
   sign. You can also append comments to the end of the lines containing
   valid variables and sections , followed by that signs.

7.3.2. Sections, variables, values

   Configuration options are grouped in sections. Name of the section,
   which is build with alphanumerical signs must be enclosed in square
   brackets. Their name should be unique in the span of configuration

   Sections and parameters should be placed one per line. Parameter
   consists of key (variable name) and value (variable content). Key is
   name of configuration parameter, built from alphanumerical signs. Value
   should be placed in the same line, after equality sign. If it contains
   any special characters it should be placed into quotes or apostrophes.

   Example 7-1. Format of configuration options
key =  value
variable1 = "some text"
para_meter = 'i am "para_meter" variable in apostrophes'

[section_1]                    # you can comment here
key = "text with specials: \t and ;"     ; you can comment here either
; and this is comment all line long
key = "A.L.E.C's LMS Daemon is the best"
# option = disabled

7.3.3. Perl scripts variables

   Configuration for use by Perl scripts is someway restricted, due to
   restrictions of Config::IniFiles module which parses configuration
   file. Comments must be placed in new lines only. Values shouldn't be
   enclosed into apostrophes or quotes and are being read from equality
   sign since the end of line.

7.4. Filling DB with random data

   If you want to test your LMS installation instantly you can fill it
   with some random data using 'genfake' module.

   To generate data you should, once logged in, open in your Web browser
   URL and write how many user records
   should be created in the text box. After you hit enter, the whole
   content of database will be erased and populated with some random data.
   You might get some database errors while generating data, as this
   algorithm is not truly random.

        For proper creation of dependences you should only run this module on
        empty database.

           All data will be erased from database, except LMS users
           (Administrators) records.

7.5. Access levels

   This description intended audience are LMS developers. :)

   Originally access levels were supposed to be defined by various
   letters. It was assumption made at LMS-0.4, but it never actually took
   place. Due to it's presence in 1.0, I've racked my brain bout using
   64-character string. So, in 64-character long field, there is just
   256-bit hexadecimal number. Each character might describe maximum of 4
   bits (4*64 = 256, which is a number of valid combinations). Turning
   some level on effects in turning some bit on. Then, if "full access"
   has index 0 in lib/accesstable.php, 0 bit will be set to 1, so the
   number will be 1. Levels may have numbers (indices) from 0 to 255. This
   is not final boundary, because using more letters and chars you can
   expand to 6 bytes per char easily, which gives you 384 combinations.

7.6. Restrictions

   Each system has its restrictions. Some of ours are inherited from SQL
   engine being used. Some from assumptions (nearly) knowingly made by
   developers. Those are current restrictions:

7.6.1. LMS project related

   Amount of money (in 'cash' table) was stored (as of lms-1.1) as 32
   integer value, so if you had 5000 users you might had problems in 8
   years or so. Nowadays (since lms-1.1.7 Hathor) we use more appropriate
   type [ decimal (9.2), with 2 significant places after dot and 9 numers
   for whole sum] and the maximum is 9'999'999.99 (sum of all in/out cash
   operations). Procedures converting numbers to words are able to process
   numbers as big as 10^18.

7.6.2. SQL engine related

     * MySQL
          + Database size:
            Following MySQL documentation ("How Big Can MySQL Tables Be?"
            in chapter "Table size"), MySQL 3.22 is restricted 4GB per
            table. Since 3.23 restriction is 8 million terabytes (2^63
            bytes). It's worth to mention, however, that some systems have
            filesystem level, usually at 2 or 4 GB.
          + Number of records:
            True information can be obtained, by issuing (in mysql shell):
mysql> show table status;

...| Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length |
...|             44 |       24136 |      4294967295 |        19456 |
            See that free space is about 175 000 time more than currently
            used, so until you plan to have 100000 users, you're pretty
            safe in this matter :-)
     * PostgreSQL
          + Database size:
            PostgreSQL stores data in 8kB blocks. Number of blocks in
            bound to 32-bit number with sign, which gives maximum table
            size of 16 terabytes. Filesystem restrictions are avoided by
            keeping data in slices, 1GB each.
          + Number of records:
            PostgreSQL does not have row number limit for tables.

Chapter 8. Extensions

   This chapter describes additional modules and implementations which
   extend LMS functionality. Some of them need to be adjusted for user's
   own need, some of them integrate with LMS-UI interface. All extensions
   are located in contrib subdirectory.

8.1. Customer account

8.1.1. Intro

   In contrib/customer directory you can find example solution, which
   displays financial balance and contact information for a given user,
   which makes possible for your customers to view this data themselves.

   Script checks IP address for request and displays data which is
   relevant to computer's owner.

   For proxy users, people not checking from home or to those who don't
   intend that they children/spouse/workers are able to see their
   financial data there's "Customer account 2" module.

8.1.2. Installation

   You should copy those files to any path and make it accessible to your
   Web Server, or set appropriate alias (eg. Alias /myAccount/
   /var/www/lms/contrib/customer) and put correct path to lms.ini in

8.2. Customer account 2

8.2.1. Intro

   In contrib/customer_otherip directory you can find equivalent of
   "Customer account" module, which does not authorize user basing on his
   IP address, but requires login. Authentication can be performed basing
   on user's PIN number and phone - or alternatively ID or contact number
   - as username, see balanceview.php and files).

   Script shows user his balance and contact information, and, with help
   of contrib/formularz_przelewu_wplaty gives user a possibility to print
   money order for his debts.

   It also allows aquiring and printing invoices by customers

8.2.2. Installation

   All installation is limited to setup of sys_dir option in [directories]
   section of lms.ini file and linking img/ with UI icons.

8.3. SQL Panel

8.3.1. Intro

   In contrib/sqlpanel directory you can find module which enables you
   direct access to LMS database, based on direct queries. Results are
   being shown as table, along with execution time. It's also possible to
   print query results.

   Number of instantly displayed records is 50 by default. You can change
   this limit in sqlpanel_pagelimit variable in section [phpui] of

8.3.2. Installation

   Installation is limited to copying needed files into LMS tree: sql.php
   should be placed into modules directory, and sql.html, sqlprint.html
   into templates. After those steps are done, you're able to access this
   module via

8.4. Squid redirector

8.4.1. Intro

   This tiny set of tools allows you to display users their warning
   messages (and cut access to entire Web off, it needed) in very elegant
   way, namely using squid Proxy Server. Obviously to make this work, all
   users should be forced to use proxy (or transparent proxy should be

   Key component is redirector. It's responsible for user redirection to
   programmed message, when warn flag is set in database for his
   computers. URL to programmed message is not subject of redirection,
   which enables user's browser to download images. If computer has warn
   flag set, it's redirected to message, where he has a choice to mark
   this message as read. After that user is taken back to original
   (requested) URL. If given computer is disconnected (cutoff) it always
   redirects him to the message, without any possibility to "quit" to Web.
   For more information, please see README file.

8.4.2. Installation

   Let's start from configuring squid (squid.conf):
# version 2.5
redirector_bypass on
redirect_program /path/to/lms-squid
# version 2.6
url_rewrite_program /path/to/lms-squid

   That informs squid that it should use our redirector for each URL. Next
   step is to configure our redirector. Open lms-squid file in your
   favorite editor and change this line:
my $configfile = '/etc/lms/lms.ini'; reflect location of your lms.ini file. The rest of configuration
   is being set in actual lms.ini file, where we should add [redirector]
   section and define URL of our programmed message:
redirect        =

   At last, we copy files index.php, message.html to the directory that
   should serve a message to users and linking to lms images directory

Chapter 9. Userpanel

9.1. About

   Userpanel is automated virtual customer service, based on LMS and using
   its core features. It enables customers (or it's intended to) to do
   review their payments, change their personal details or computer
   properties, modify subscriptions, submit problems, track their requests
   on Helpdesk and print invoices. It means, it makes a closer contact
   with their ISP.

9.2. Installation

9.2.1. Installation

   You should define sys_dir directory in lms.ini file pointing to your
   LMS installation dir, as Userpanel will need LMS libraries located
   under this directory to run. Additionally you should enter your
   Userpanel location in userpanel_dir variable.

9.2.2. Configuration

   Userpanel, besides options available to setup in LMS-UI, uses also
   those enclosed in [userpanel] section (also available in lms.ini file).

9.2.3. Modules

   Userpanel modules are located in modules subdirectory. You can turn it
   on or off simply by copying module into, or deleting it from this
   directory, respectively.

9.3. Configuration

   Userpanel configuration is made simple thanks to special configuration
   panel available in Userpanel -> Configuration menu in LMS-UI. LMS
   detects Userpanel presence and unhides this menu if userpanel_dir
   variable has been set in [directories] section of lms.ini file.

   Main window contains global configuration options and list of present
   (enabled) modules. Choosing any of this will direct you to
   configuration options screen specific to respective module.

9.4. Graphical themes (styles)

   Userpanel interface is designed to allow its easy adoption to your own
   needs and to blend into your existing web pages layout. There is no
   need to modify templates code to achieve this goal.

   All important files, that is css styles definition and images are
   located in style directory, each style in separate directory,
   corresponding to its name. If any of the files is missing, the one from
   the default style will be used instead. Styles directory, besides css,
   images and Javascript, contains two simple Smarty templates, one
   containing global page layout with main menu and content of chosen
   module below (body.html) and one with table layout, used by modules to
   draw anything inside the box (box.html).

   Each of Userpanel modules can be styled too, as it contains
   corresponding style directory within its directory structure. If any of
   the file is missing in specific style, the one from main style
   directory will be used instead.

9.5. Modules

   Userpanel is built with modularity principle, which means that each
   module, which represents one menu entry is contained in separate
   subdirectory of modules directory.

9.5.1. Construction of module

   This graph represents directory structure of typical module:
    |     |---en
    |          |---strings.php
    |     |---default
    |          |---image.gif
    |     |---template1.html
    |     |---template2.html
    |     |---mysql.2005081901.php
    |     |---postgres.2005081901.php

   This requires a few words of explanation:
     * locale directory contains appropriate locale, obviously. However
       strings.php file contains only translation strings used in
       containing module,
     * style is obviously image and css style dir, with subdirectories for
       each style (graphical theme) installed in Userpanel,
     * templates contains Smarty templates for given module,
     * upgradedb contains auto-upgrade files for tables being used by
       module. Table names, for those used exclusively by one module,
       should contain up_modulename_ prefix,
     * configuration.php and functions.php are two files required for each
       module. They are described in detail later in this document.

9.5.2. Mandatory files
     __________________________________________________________________ configuration.php

   This file contains configuration of given module and is always included
   during Userpanel initialization. Usually it's built as follows:
$USERPANEL->AddModule(trans('Help'),      // Name in menu
                    'help',             // Module name (must be identical as module dir)
                    trans('Runs problems solving creator'), // Tip (on menu hover)
                    5,                  // Priority (lower first)
                    trans('This module shows solving problems creator'), // Description
                    2005081901,         // DB version (similar to LMS, see
                                        // lms/lib/upgradedb.php)
                    array(              // Array of submenus im LMS-UI Userpanel menu
                        array(          // (see lib/
                            'name' => trans('Submenu'),
                            'link' => '?m=userpanel&module=help',
                            'tip' => trans('Tooltip'),
     __________________________________________________________________ functions.php

   This file contains given module functions. There is special function,
   named module_main() executed first when module is called. If any
   function is intended to be accessible from Userpanel UI, it should be
   prefixed with module_, ie. module_function1(), which will be available
   from the following URL: http://userpanel/?m=module&f=function1.
   Function named module_setup() is being called from configuration panel
   of LMS-UI.

Chapter 10. FAQ

   10.1. My network device map does not show up. What to do?
   10.2. How to add two computers with the same IP?
   10.3. How to add two computers with the same MAC?
   10.4. I see following error: Can't locate Config/ in @INC
          ...What should I do?

   10.5. I make few corrections. Do you accept any patches?
   10.6. What is current version of LMS, which one i should use?
   10.7. How to unsubscribe from the mailing list?
   10.8. Insecure $ENV{BASH_ENV} while running -T switch...

   10.1. My network device map does not show up. What to do?

   First you should check your Web Server logs. Usually it's helpful to
   increase amount of memory PHP may use in memory_limit option of php.ini

   10.2. How to add two computers with the same IP?

   There is no such possibility. Additionally, authors have no plans for
   such a functionality in near future. However you might try to use
   unofficial patch multiip which could be found in contrib directory.

   10.3. How to add two computers with the same MAC?

   Check documentation. You probably look for allow_mac_sharing = 1.

   10.4. I see following error: Can't locate Config/ in @INC
   ...What should I do?

   It's likely that you don't have required Perl modules installed. In
   this case it's Config::IniFiles that is missing. The easiest way to
   install Perl modules is to use CPAN extension, eg. perl -MCPAN -e
   'install Config::IniFiles'.

   10.5. I make few corrections. Do you accept any patches?

   You should post it to our mailing list. Attach your patches (preferably
   to current cvs version, use unified diff format) along with short
   description on what your code does. Eg.
$ cd lms
$ cvs -z7 diff -uN > /tmp/my_patch.patch

   If you're interested into joining LMS developers team, please apply on
   the mailing list. You should however first make a good impression and
   stay on the list for a while, that may prove your skills, before asking
   us for cvs account.

   10.6. What is current version of LMS, which one i should use?

   LMS adopts versioning from Linux kernel. Thus, in LMS-x.y.z we have: x
   - major version number, y - stable if number is even, unstable if odd,
   z - minor version number. Therefore, if stable version appears, eg.
   1.4.0 you shouldn't expect any new functionality in this branch, 1.5.x
   is created instead, where new features are being put, and which might
   not function well, or might be unstable.

   Archive of all LMS versions can be found here:

   You should be aware that -RC version (release canditate) are not as
   stable as one could expect. i.e. vestion 1.4.3 should be prefered over
   1.6-rc3. "-RC" are not to be used in production areas.

   10.7. How to unsubscribe from the mailing list?

   Information about it is enclosed in all messages headers. You should
   send "unsubscribe" entitled message to

   10.8. Insecure $ENV{BASH_ENV} while running -T switch...

   Quoted error appears while you run Perl scripts that needs to use
   external programs on some systems. Problem description and possible
   solutions are described in Perl manual (man perlsec) in "Cleaning Up
   Your Path" chapter. Simplest solution is to remove -T switch, which is
   responsible for the error, from the first line of the script.