This page lists all the technologies used in building OpenG2P. Free and open-source softwares with clear long-term support availability have been chosen. Certain choices can be replaced with other free or commercial options for deployment.
Domain | Tools/Technologies | Version | Licence Type |
Operating System | Ubuntu Server | 20.04 | Free |
Business Apps | Odoo | 15.0 | LGPL |
ID System | MOSIP | 1.2 | MPL 2.0 |
Development - Language Runtime | Python | 3.5+ | PSF License |
Database | Postgres | Postgres License BSD 2-clause "Simplified License" | |
ID Verification | MOSIP Token Seeder | MPL 2.0 | |
ID Verification | eSignet | MPL 2.0 | |
Analytics Engine | Elasticsearch | Elastic License 2.0 | |
Data streaming | Debezium | Apache 2.0 | |
Offline data collection | ODK | Apache 2.0 | |
Visualization | Kibana | Elastic License 2.0 | |
S3 Storage | MinIO | AGPL 3.0 | |
Development - API Documentation | Swagger | Apache License 2.0 | |
Task Management | Jira | Commercial (OpenG2P has a free license) | |
Source Code Management | GitHub | Commercial (OpenG2P uses Free plan) | |
Deployment | Docker | Apache 2.0 | |
DevOps tools | Ansible | GNU GPL v3.0 | |
DevOps tools | Github actions | Free | |
DevOps tools | Prometheus | Apache License 2.0 | |
DevOps tools | Grafana | Apache License 2.0 | |
Messaging | Apache Kafka | Apache License 2.0 | |
Web Server/HTTP proxy server | Nginx |