- Update visibility/efficiency calculation in instrument.py to account for decrease in Sun Exclusion Angle from 120 degrees to 117 degrees - used by make_xml_files. Uses new two visibility tables for bright/faint stars.
- Changed instances of BJD_TDB to BJD_TT in the docstrings for dataset.py and multivisit.py. (Difference is < 1 ms)
- Updated import commands in dataset.py and __init__.py for photutils.CircularAperture and photutils.aperture_photometry
- Added SpotCrossingModel,TransitModel1Spot and TransitModel2Spot to models.
- Fix to plotting with glint in dataset (#320)
- Avoid need for aperture and decontaminate keywords in dataset.get_lightcurve() for Kepler/TESS data from pycdata
- Avoid "No metadata" warning when loading Kepler/TESS data from pycdata
- Added omega as a derived parameter for all models that have parameters f_c, f_s, and updated other models to have the same expression for this value.
- Updated pycheops cookbook to version 1.1 from Pia Cortes Zuleta
- Update dataset.animate_frames() (Tom Wilson)
- Cookbook updated (Pia Cortes Zuleta)
- Example notebooks updated.
- Updated make_xml_files to cope with change to data table format returned by astroquery.gaia.
- Added 'L_0' to list of valid plotkeys in multivisit.corner_plot() and tidied-up logic so that invalid keys can return a helpful error message.
- Update make_xml_files and fix bug with N_Ranges being ignored.
- Added (insecure) work-around for SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED problem in StarProperties when downloading SWEET-Cat.
- Add fix for SSLCertVerificationError to README.rst
- PlanetModel renamed to HotPlanetModel
- Multivisit.fit_planet() renamed to Multivisit.fit_hotplanet()
- New PlanetModel that assumes flux from planet is due to reflection
- Multivisit.fit_planet() now assumes flux from planet is due to reflection
- Ensure funcs.eclipse_phase() returns phases in the range [0, 1)
- Change default keyword value a_c=0 to a_c=None so that it gets properly initialised from the input datasets.
- Improved visibility calculation in make_xml_files. Visibility for stars with ecliptic latitude <-60,>+60 is now 0 (CHEOPS-UGE-PSO-MAN-001 section 1.3.2)
- make_xml_files bug fix.
- Correction to tzero parameter definitions in docstrings for module funcs
- Correction to description of mask in funcs.t2z() docstring
- Removed argument "P" in call to funcs.eclipse_phase and updated docstring
- Removed "-c" option from make_xml_files
- Added funcs/contact_points()
- New extra_decorr_vectors option in Dataset and Multivisit fitting routines.
- New Dataset.select_detrend() feature, parameter selection from Bayes factors
- New MultiVisit.fit_planet() method for transit+eclipse fitting.
- Added 'tag' option to Dataset.save() and Multivisit.save()
- Added Dataset.from_pipe_file()
- Added MultiVisit.save() and MultiVisit.load() (#176)
- Added "copy=False" in call to interp1d in Dataset._make_interp().
- Changed zero-point of scaling for xoff, yoff, bg, etc. to median instead of mid-point of the values - should reduce correlation with 'c'.
- Updated description of parameter scaling in Dataset.lmfit_transit().
- In Dataset, set source automatically from file_key if not specified by user.
- Added xlim option to Dataset.plot_lmfit() and Dataset.plot_emcee().
- Added esinw, ecosw, T_tot, etc. to parameters for eccentric orbits in the fitting routines in Dataset and MultiVisit.
- Added notes on unwrap and nroll to fit report in MultiVisit (#285)
- Raise error if initial value is out of range for Dataset or MultiVisit.
- Scaling of contam, smear and bg in MultiVisit, now consistent with Dataset
- Added target location on CCD to verbose output for Dataset.get_lightcurve()
- In Dataset, yoff was measured relative to the wrong value - fixed.
- Improved initialisation of walkers in MultiVisit fit routines - use standard deviation based on previous fits rather than arbitrary values.
- Added overwrite=False keyword option to MultiVisit.save() and Dataset.save()
- Fix problem with automatic selection of x limits in MultiVisit.plot_fit()
- Fix problem on 'c' missing from parameters if fixed for MultiVisit
- Fix bug in calculation of rms for MultiVisit
- Fix display of prior for T_0 in MultiVisit.corner_plot()
- Allow list input to combine.combine()
- Added custom_labels option to MultiVisit.corner_plot()
- Added "aperture" attribute to Dataset to store aperture name.
- Added scaling of detrending functions to Dataset.aperture_scan()
- Added N_data to output of Dataset.aperture_scan()
- Added copy_initial option to Dataset.aperture_scan()
- Added "ramp" in Dataset.aperture_scan() - was documented but not implemented
- Dataset.aperture_scan(return_full=true) now also returns time,flux,flux_err
- Fixed bug in calculation of the Moon - target separation for planet_check()
- Added funcs.delta_t_sec(), light travel time correction for eclipses.
- Replaced np.int and np.float with int and float everywhere. (#292)
- Added Dataset.aperture_scan() to help users find the best aperture choice
- Changed scaling of bg, contam and smear basis functions for decorrelation from (0,1) to (-1,1). This reduces the strong correlations between the constant scaling factor "c" and the decorrelation coefficients dfdbg, dfdsmear and dfdcontam.
- Update examples/Notebooks/KELT-11b for consistency with changes above.
- Change examples/Notebooks/WASP-189 to download data from DACE. Remove example data examples/Notebooks/CH_PR100041_TG00020?_V0102.tgz
- Catch decorrelation against parameters with zero range in dataset.lmfit_transit and dataset.lmfit_eclipse. (#207)
- Remove power2
- Fixed "warnings is not defined" bug in planetproperties.
- Replace python-dace-client dependency with dace-query.
- Suppress UnitsWarning in Dataset when reading from FITS files.
- Add advice to update config file if psf_file generates KeyError
- Add IPython to requirements in setup.py
- Fix bug in dataset.load() for datasets with no defined model
- Fixed bug in Dataset that prevents import of R25 aperture lightcurve.
- Temporarily disabled power2
- Use parameter stderr values to initialize walkers in Dataset.
- Default init_scale value in Dataset fit functions changed from 0.01 to 0.5
- Enable Dataset to load old saved datasets with no __scale__ attribute
- Starproperties - use Logg if Logg_gaia missing from SWEETCat
- Added Dataset.list_apertures()
- Updated Dataset to allow for new DRP14 aperture names
- Added Power2 class for improved handling of power-2 limb darkening
- Bug fix for missing argument "q" in funcs.RVCompanion
- Update reference to Maxted et al. in README.rst
- Added PLATO passband to ld.py
- Use Logg_gaia from SWEET-Cat instead of Logg (#276)
- In utils.pprint fix short format error where sf=1 appears as '(10)'
- Removed redundant _make_models function from multivisit
- Added "scale" option to dataset and multivisit fitting routines.
- Fix bug os.mkdirs() -> os.makedirs() in core.py
- Added show_gp option to multivisit.plot_fit() for eclipse and transit fits
- Removed spurious line lc_fits.append(mod) at line 1029 of the multivisit.py file. (#271).
- Changing the input file formats so that it can accepts files from other sources (PR #250, issue #249)
- Updated make_xml_files example files
- Added show_gp option to multivisit.plot_fit() for results of eblm_fit()
- In core, use os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) to avoid FileNotFoundError when creating cache directory requiring subdirectories.
- Update planetproperties to use new header format for TEPCat
- Fixed typos in output of dataset.get_lightcurve (#256)
- Added teff attribute to Dataset, if T_EFF present in header (#266)
- Fixed problem using backends to restart MultiVisit (#263)
- Catch cases where "c" is not a free parameter for datasets when plotting in MultiVisit (#251)
- Added Dataset.bright_star_check()
- Included relativistic corrections in Models.RVModel() (experimental)
- Added note to inline help for instrument.response that TESS is available
- BUG FIX. In dataset.py, decontaminate=True should apply the correction flux = flux/(1 + contam), not flux = flux*(1 - contam). Fixed.
- Avoid "Warning: converting a masked element to nan." in starproperties.py
- Clarified definition of L in EclipseModel and EBLMModel
- Fixed retrieving psf_file bug in init.py (#255)
- Updated PSF reference file to average of in-flight PSFs measured at 9 CCD locations during IOC.
- Added l_3 option to models.py, dataset.py and multivisit.py.
- Added l_3, f_c and f_s to _make_labels in dataset.py and multivisit.py
- Fixed "SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal." from multivisit.py and core.py
- Update Contamination_33arcsec_aperture.p if older than the reference psf_file in __init__.py
- Fix problem with SWEET-Cat encoding (#252)
- Add decontaminate method to dataset (experimental)
- Fix issue in WASP-189 notebook with missing text files for cds_data_export
- Attempted fix in 0.9.18 to avoid hidden files in dataset() failed - fixed.
- Updated readme, notebooks and cookbook for release of version 1.0.0