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Issues and pull requests of all sorts are welcome!
For bigger projects, please coordinate with Jonny Burger to make sure your changes get merged.
Please note that since I charge for Remotion when companies are using it, this is a commercial project by me (Jonny Burger). By sending pull requests, you agree that I can use your code changes in a commercial context.
Furthermore, also note that you cannot redistribute this project. Please see LICENSE.md for what's allowed and what's not.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
- Remotion uses
as the package manager for development in this repository. Please install the latest version of pnpm globally:
[sudo] npm i -g pnpm
- Clone the Remotion repository
git clone https://github.com/remotion-dev/remotion.git && cd remotion
- Install all dependencies:
pnpm i
- Build the project initially:
pnpm build
- Rebuild whenever a file changes:
pnpm watch
- You can start making changes!
You can start the Testbed using
cd packages/example
npm start
You can render a test video using
cd packages/example
pnpm render
You can run tests using
pnpm test
in either a subpackage to run tests for that package or in the root to run all tests.
You can test changes to @remotion/player using:
cd packages/player-example
pnpm start
For information about testing, please consult TESTING.md.