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OCA Flow


Not well supported as of now: Subversion:

Flow types

  • Push
    • triggered by notification from BitBucket
    • should be a build per commit
    • should include packaging & unit tests
  • Nightly
    • triggered by multi-branch's timer
    • should build every night
    • should include static analysis, such as SonarQube, maybe also Fortify/Nexus IQ
  • Release
    • triggered by person
    • does what a nightly does, but goes further
    • automatic deploy to first staging environment (UT)
    • executes integration and functional tests of this environment
    • continues staging for as far as possible

Expected way of working

  • standardized naming for components, job names, artifacts, etc...
  • automated build that can run on Jenkins without installation or configuration that isn't automated in the build
    • exceptions there, if you need a specfic tool, contact Software Logistics
  • automated tests that can run on Jenkins without installation or configuration that isn't automated in the build


Flow in Jenkins

Here follows the OCA pipeline general flow OCA Flow

Pipeline flows for the develop branch OCA Develop Flow

Pipeline flows for branches other than develop/release OCA Branch Flow

Flow definition file OCA Flow Definition

Flow steps explained

The flow starts when the pipeline job gets started by a trigger. Firstly Jenkins will checkout the Jenkinsfile on the Master node and execute this script.

  1. Triggers The pipeline can be triggered in several different ways
    1. BitBucket: Via the [Jenkins Webhook for BitBucket}(
    2. External Job: A different Jenkins job calling a pipeline job directly
    3. Manual: A user starting the job
  2. Checkout flow files checkout the solo-pipeline project that contains the "flow" (fed-oca-flow.groovy, Steps.groovy etc) files
  3. Load flow files loads the fed-oca-flow.groovy file and starts the flow execution
  4. Acquire node first thing the flow needs to do is acquire a node (buildslave) to build on
  5. sourceBranch set?: if the property sourceBranch is not 'empty', it means we got a trigger based on a Pullrequest in BitBucket
  6. Merge checkout because we have a Pullrequest (PR) we want to have a checkout where we merge the sourceBranch with the targetBranch to confirm the PR works
  7. pushCommit set? if the property pushCommit is set, we know we have a build that was triggered by a commit (push) to BitBucket with a CommitId
  8. CommitId checkout: if we have an explicit commitId, we want to checkout this exact commit
  9. Branch checkout if we do not have any specific information (if manually executed for example) we will simply checkout the branch
  10. Build do the npm build (npm install)
  11. Sonar? execute sonar stage IF: flowType == nightly OR flowType == release OR branchName == develop
  12. Sonar execute a sonar analysis via the SonarQube runner tool
  13. Publish? execute publish stage IF: branchName == develop OR (branchName contains 'feature/' AND flowType == release)
  14. API Doc Generation uses Gulp to generate the API Documentation
  15. Snapshot? we make a snapshot version IF: branchName does not contain 'release/', if it does we do step 16
  16. Create Snapshot version a snapshot version has a alternative versioning scheme: ---
    1. version: the version from the package.json
    2. branchName: if it is develop branch, we leave it out, else we use a normalized branchname (replaces xxxxx/ to x_, e.g. feature/xx becomes f_xx)
    3. timestamp: format is yyyyMMddHHmm, e.g. 201607181000 (July 10th 2016 at 10:00)
    4. commit short hash: a git commit has a commit hash, which is quite long, so we use the git short hash
  17. Update & Commit version update the npm version (in the package.json) via npm version command
    1. this is done in a separate job so we can use the Git Plugin's Publisher step to push the update package.json back to the repository's origin remote
    2. unfortunately, this step is not yet pipeline compatible, see here so we used a external job to perform this
  18. Publish OCA to Nexus uses npm publish to register and upload the artifact to Nexus
  19. Upload OCA-CPP to Nexus downloads the npm artifact from Nexus, extracts the oca-cpp zip and uploads this zip to Nexus (so it can be used by UDeploy)
  20. Deploy? we deploy the application IF: flowType == release AND branchName == develop
    1. please note: regarding UDeploy steps, we recognize the following items
    2. Snapshot: the concept of Snapshot in UDeploy, e.g. UT-879-HEAD
    3. Component: the concept of Component in UDeploy, e.g. WAS_HAY.oca-cpp (WAS_HAY is the application the component is part of)
    4. VM: the concept of environment in UDeploy, in our case those are all VM's (e.g. WAS_DEV_HAY_vm00000879)
    5. Component Version: any version of the component is its own entity in UDeploy, so oca-cpp 1.20.1 is a seperate object from oca-cpp 1.20.2
    6. Process: UDeploy has processes available for OCA related VM's, these processes execute scripts to perform tasks for us on the VM on in UDeploy itself
  21. Undeploy via UDeploy, we undeploy the Snapshot from the VM
  22. Snapshot has version? if the Snapshot already contains the OOCA Component (WAS_HAY.oca-cpp) version that we intend to add to the Snapshot
  23. Remove existing version remove the current Component Version of the OCA component from the Snapshot
  24. Component version exists? check if the Component Version is already known in UDeploy
  25. Register version if the Component Version is not yet known in UDeploy, we register it (via the update.artifact.version process)
  26. Add version to snapshot we attach the Component Version to the Snapshot
  27. Deploy we execute the UDeploy process deploy with the selected Snapshot on the target VM
  28. Notify BitBucket we do a http post to BitBucket on the commitId to set the current build status on this commit
  29. Develop? check if this is the develop branch
  30. Email Develop writers send a email to the people who are writers on the OCA's develop branch
  31. Finish

Flow chart Pipeline script

OCA Pipeline Flowchart

Branching strategy

Makes no difference. Both trunk based and feature based branching strategies are supported. If you do not use branches, you can do with just a Pipeline job. Otherwise, use the Multi-Branch job to make use of the automatic branch discovery * that creates a new job for you automatically

Way of working

Way of Working