Plugin name | Description |
Build timeout plugin | Allows you to set a time, if the job runs longer it will get automatically cancelled. |
Build With Parameters | For having a build with parameters |
Build name setter | Allows you to adjust the build's name during a build |
Build User Vars | Allows you to retrieve the information Jenkins has about which user kicked-off the build |
(1)Cloudbees Pipeline | Allows the usage of enterprise level Pipeline components such as checkpoint |
Conditional Buildstep | Allows you to filter buildstep executions depending on the context of the job execution |
Copy Artifact | For being able to copy artifacts between jobs, useful when external jobs have some result that the Workflow needs |
Credentials Binding | For allowing credentials to be bound in Jenkins Workflow scripts (see example 4) |
Credentials | For managing credentials for other servers or uses in a safe way |
Description setter | Allows you to set the build's description during a build |
Folders | Required for Folder Plus / Multi-Branch |
Folders Plus | Allows you to set environment variables for the Multi-Branch jobs |
GIT | For checking out GIT repositories |
Hidden parameters | As the workflow jobs require a lot of pre-set parameters, this plugin will hide them from the build execution page |
Mask Passwords | For masking passwords in log files |
NodeLabel Parameter | For allowing you to restrict the node a job builds in via a parameter. Either by node label or node name |
Parameterized Trigger | For triggering parameterized builds with parameters |
(2)Pipeline | For being able to execute Jenkins Pipeline jobs |
Pipeline Multi-Branch | For being able to execute Jenkins Pipeline jobs via Multi-Branch (seperate install from Jenkins Pipeline, although the same URL) |
Show Build Parameters | Show the parameters used for a build on the main build page |
SonarQube | For executing sonarqube analysis (also requires a SonarQube Runner agent on buildslaves) |
Sonatype CLM | For showing Nexus CLM (also known as IQ) results in Jenkins overview |
Stash Notifier | Allows you to easily notify stash for build status updates |
Stash Pullrequest | Allows you to have the job check for pull requests in Stash/BitBucket (for PR's they do not send notifications to Jenkins) |
Timestamper | For adding timestamps to your log |
** (1)(2): these plugins are actually a group of plugins, the entire group of each is required **