A simple rock-paper-scissors game made with python (Text-based) Made for windows.
The user input must be '1 for rock' '2 for paper' or '3 for scissors' otherwise the game won't work.
step 1 : Start the game by pressing 1.
step 2 : You have to save your name just to save your game info.
step 3 : Choose one out of three and if your as well as bot choise is similar then match result shows Tie.
step 4 : You must have to completed 10 matches.
// Every time you loose the match 1 point is added in bots wallet
// Every time you wins the match 1 point will added to your wallet.
// At the end result will be declare.
step 4 : If you wants to see history of game you played press 2.
step 5 : If you wants to create duplicate entry for win or loose press 3.
step 6 : To delete all entries you can do that also by pressing 4.3
********** To play simply run the rockpaperscissors.py file. *************
/-///-//--/-//-/-//- BEST OF LUCK /-///-//--/-//-/-//-