A process to take a code, package it up and deploy it to a system that can be serverless, a VM, or a container.
CI/CD has 3 steps:
- CI – Continuous Integration
- CD – Continuous Delivery
- CD – Continuous Deployment
A process in which the code is merged from multiple contributors and added to a single repository.
Key Processes of Continuous Integration:
- Package up the code
- Test the code (run unit tests, integration tests, etc)
- Run security checks against the code
In Continuous Delivery, to deploy the code after the CI process you have to manually trigger it via some button to deploy on the system.
In Continuous Deployment, the deployment is automatic.
Key Pieces of Continuous Deployment:
- Ensure you're authenticated to the system or wherever you're deploying
- Ensure that the code that's being deployed is working as expected once it's deployed