This profile provides a tool to communicate details about the identity of an authenticated user between different organizations. For these cross-enterprise transactions, it is important that the recipient can make access decisions based on the details provided. The XUA profile includes several actors. The central actors are the x-service user and the x-service provider. Moreover there are the user authentication provider and the X-Assertion Provider.
In Husky the XUA profile is implemented in the husky-xua-gen-impl
module, more precisely in class SimpleXuaClient.
The transaction to provide a user assertion is called ITI-40 in the security header of other transactions (e.g., RetrieveDocumentSet [ITI-43] to read documents from the EPR). The X-User Assertion shall be requested from the community using the Get X-User Assertion.
The Get X-User Assertion transaction is not profiled in the IHE Technical Framework and therefore depends on the national extensions (e.g., Swiss EPR).
An example for retrieving an X-User Assertion for authorization in the Swiss EPR can be found in integration tests of husky xua-gen-impl module. The class is called XuaClientTest. To request an X-User Assertion you have to create an instance of SimpleXuaClient and XUserAssertionRequest to convey the claims.
XuaClientConfig xuaClientConfig = new XuaClientConfigBuilderImpl().clientKeyStore(clientKeyStore)
XuaClient client = ClientFactory.getXuaClient(xuaClientConfig);
var role = new RoleBuilder().code("HCP").codeSystem("2.16.756.")
var purposeOfUse = new PurposeOfUseBuilder().code("NORM").codeSystem("2.16.756.")
.displayName("Normal Access").buildObject();
String resourceId = "761337610411265304^^^SPID&2.16.756.";
var assertionRequest = new XUserAssertionRequestBuilderImpl().requestType(RequestType.WST_ISSUE)
.appliesTo(new AppliesToBuilderImpl().address("https://localhost:17001/services/iti18").create())
List<XUserAssertionResponse> response = client.send(assertion, assertionRequest);
An example of how to add the X-User Assertion to the ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b [ITI-41] to store documents in the Swiss EPR is given in the test CHProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetTest in the husky-communication-gen module.