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Eric Kow edited this page Apr 25, 2014 · 3 revisions
  1. There are two notions of class "name" - an IRI, and a browser text aka display name (user-visible name :: arbitrary text)

  2. The IRI is intrinsic to the class, whereas the browser text is specified with an rdfs:label property (there is literally a triple in the ontology, eg class_iri --[rdfs:label]--> dog)

  3. The browser text is computed as follows:

    a. if there is an rdfs:label, use that b. if there is more than one, pick one arbitrarily (eg. the first) c if not, take some sort of suffix of the entity name (eg. fragment name, or path basename)

  4. When the user creates a class in WebProtege, they specify the desired browser text, and WebProtege computes an arbitrary IRI for it (eg.

  5. There is no way for a user to change the entity name after the fact; however, they can add and remove rdfs:label properties with wild abandon in the editor.

  6. There is a way for users to specify the desired IRI for a new class. In the upper right hand corner, there is an option for the user to control two aspects of IRI creation: the root IRI (eg., and the basename that comes after it (either computed by eg hashing, or taken from the browser text)

IRI control

  1. So programmatically speaking, the IRI that is created for a class depends on the settings above.