All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- alchemy: modify fee defaults (0a0a65c)
Note: Version bump only for package root
- add event emitter to the provider so that we can listen to connected events in dapps (#65) (35ee990)
Note: Version bump only for package root
- npm 404 error (f34f581)
- add github user details to publish script (2b812d3)
0.1.0-alpha.12 (2023-06-27)
0.1.0-alpha.11 (2023-06-26)
0.1.0-alpha.10 (2023-06-26)
- types changed when updating to latest viem (0aec96d)
0.1.0-alpha.9 (2023-06-26)
Note: Version bump only for package root
0.1.0-alpha.8 (2023-06-23)
0.1.0-alpha.7 (2023-06-20)
Note: Version bump only for package root
0.1.0-alpha.6 (2023-06-19)
0.1.0-alpha.5 (2023-06-16)
Note: Version bump only for package root
0.1.0-alpha.4 (2023-06-14)
- add aa-accounts subpackage (#23) (a7fd5da)
- expose more user op methods on the provider (#25) (2f39460)
0.1.0-alpha.3 (2023-06-13)
- imports are broken because missing .js extension (98f4a54)
0.1.0-alpha.2 (2023-06-12)
- arbitrum min fee per bid needs to be a 1/10th the default on other chains (#17) (453ecec)
- fix broken deploy by ignoring example dapp build (cadd788)
- import in core was still exporting deleted item (4946408)
- inject version was not using double quotes (b7a7700)
- add alchemy sub-package (#22) (e7fc1aa)
- Add polygon mainnet support and fix wallet signature issue (#13) (a67970a)
- add smart contract for nft for onboarding (#10) (e3dc165)
- clean up components for profile and nft fetching (#9) (e53ab62)
- create Example Directory and Example Node.js D(AA)pp (#8) (34b77d9)
- integrate sdk + nft contract for onboarding (#11) (f50b0e7)
- integrate sdk and refactor onboarding (#12) (7dd7c97)
- Support Arb Mainnet for Demo App (#18) (6df907c)
0.1.0-alpha.1 (2023-06-02)
0.1.0-alpha.0 (2023-05-31)
0.0.1-alpha.2 (2023-05-23)
Note: Version bump only for package root
0.0.1-alpha.1 (2023-05-22)
Note: Version bump only for package root