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Releases: pterodactyl/panel


31 Dec 02:40
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  • Fixes newest backup being deleted when creating a new one using the schedule tasks, rather than the oldest backup.
  • Fixes multiple encoding issues when handling file names in the manager.
  • Fixes database password not properly being copied to the clipboard when clicked.
  • Fixes failed transfers unintentionally locking a server into a failed state and not properly releasing allocations that were reserved.
  • Fixes error box on server pages having an oval refresh button rather than a perfect circle.
  • Fixes a bunch of errors and usage issues relating to backups especially when uploading to S3-based systems.
  • Fixes HMR breaking navigation in development modes on the frontend.


  • Updated Paper egg to default to Java 11 as the base docker image.
  • Removes the file mode display from the File Manager row listing.
  • Updated input UI elements to have thicker borders and more consistent highlighting when active.
  • Changed searchbar toggle from "k" to Cmd/Ctrl + "/" to avoid accidental toggles and be more consistent with other sites.
  • Upgrades TailwindCSS to v2.


  • Adds support for eggs to define multiple Docker images that can be selected by users (e.g. Java 8 & 11 images for a single egg).
  • Adds support for configuring the default interval for failed backups to be pruned from the system to avoid long running backups being incorrectly cleared.
  • Adds server transfer output logging to the server console allowing admins to see how a transfer is progressing directly in the UI.
  • Adds client API endpoint to download a file from a remote souce. This functionality is not currently expressed in the UI.

SHA256 Checksum

d42b1280191cd5f38d7c80002cc870e501ef811c435eb30bc56789eae373c983  panel.tar.gz


06 Dec 23:54
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  • Server bulk power actions command will no longer attempt to run commands against installing or suspended servers.
  • Fixes the application API throwing an error when attempting to return variables for a server.
  • Fixes an error when attempting to install Panel dependencies without specifying an .env file due to an unset default timezone.
  • Fixes a null value flip in the database migrations.
  • Fixes password change endpoint for users allowing a blank value to be provided (even if nothing actually happened).
  • Fixes database IP addresses not allowing a 0 in the first octet field.
  • Fixes node information being impossible to update if there was a network error during the process. Any errors encountered communicating with Wings are now reported but will not block the actual saving of the changes.
  • [Security] When 2FA is required on an account the client API endpoints will now properly return an error and the UI will redirect the user to setup 2FA.
  • [Security] When changing the owner of a server the old owner's JWT is now properly invalidated on Wings.
  • Fixes a server error when requesting database information for a server as a subuser and the account is not granted view_password permissions.


  • Adds support for basic backup rotation on a server when creating scheduled backup tasks.
  • Makes URLs present in the console clickable.
  • Adds chmod support to the file manager so that users can manually make modifications to file permissions as they need.


  • UI will no longer show a delete button to users when they're editing themselves.
  • Updated logic for bulk power actions to no longer run actions against suspended or installing servers.

SHA256 Checksum

a045752bade2da2487665951a8cb5fce229821f7f3afc2b630b681355df62215  panel.tar.gz

v1.1.1 Byedon 🇺🇸

09 Nov 01:18
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  • Fixes allocation permissions checking on the frontend checking the wrong permission therefore leading to the item never showing up.
  • Fixes allocations not updating correctly when added or deleted and switching between pages.

SHA256 Checksum

65d775fd815722460c87031967754b03dcde40295fab3b774e09f1051e8df077  panel.tar.gz

v1.1.0 Byedon 🇺🇸

08 Nov 23:35
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This release requires Wings@1.1.0 in order to work properly due to breaking internal API changes.


  • Fixes subuser creation/edit modal not submitting correctly when attemping to make modifications.
  • Fixes a few remaining issues with multiple egg install scripts.
  • Removes the ability for a schedule to have a null name and replaces any existing null names with a randomly generated name.
  • Fixes schedules aborting the entire run process if a single schedule encountered an exception. This resolves batches of schedules never running correctly if they occur after a broken schedule.
  • Fixes schedules not properly resetting themselves if an exception was encountered during the run.
  • Fixes numerous N+1 query run-aways when loading multiple servers via the API.
  • Fixes numerous issues with displaying directory and file names in the file manager if they included special characters that could not be decoded properly.
  • Fixes CPU pinning not being properly passed along to Wings when updated (this also fixes memory/CPU/disk not passing along correctly as well).
  • Fixes spinner not displaying properly when displayed over a modal.


  • Adds ability for users to generate their own additional server allocations via the frontend if enabled.
  • Adds the ability for a user to remove un-needed allocations from their server (as long as it is not the primary allocation).
  • Adds support for tracking the last 32 sent console commands for a server. Access the history by using the arrow keys when the command field is active.
  • Adds S3 specific environment variables allowing for backups to use any S3 compatiable system, not just AWS.
  • Adds support for copying a server allocation address to the clipboard when clicked.
  • Adds information about the next schedule run time when viewing an individual schedule.
  • Adds link to view a server in the admin control panel to the frontend server view when logged in as a root admin.
  • Adds support for egg-specific frontend/backend functionality. This is a beta feature meant for internal features at this time.
  • Adds back the EULA warning popup when starting a Minecraft server without an accepted EULA.
  • Adds missing descriptions for some user permissions on the frontend UI.


  • Adds Save/Invite button to top of subuser edit/creation modal to reduce the need for scrolling.
  • Updated language for server transfers and mounts to be less confusing.
  • Wings API endpoint for fetching all servers on a node is now properly paginated to reduce system load when returning hundreds or thousands of servers at once.
  • Removes unnecessary Wings API calls when adding/editing/deleting mounts.
  • Primary allocation for a server is now always returned, even if the subuser does not have permission to view all of the server allocations.
  • Google Analytics frontend code is now only loaded when a valid key is provided.

SHA256 Checksum

62ccfe8d12fa3e390cc0825137d83e3ff3982131cf80605e4891ce98e57c02f9  panel.tar.gz


26 Oct 01:24
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  • Fixes bug causing subusers to not be creatable or editable via the frontend for servers.
  • Fixes system timezone not being passed along properly to the MySQL connection causing scheduled tasks to run every minute when the MySQL instance and Panel timezone did not line up.
  • Fixes listing servers owned by a user in the admin area to actually list their servers.


  • Adds SameSite lax attribute for cookies generated by the Panel.
  • Adds better filtering for searching servers in the admin area to better key off name, uuid, or owner username/email.

SHA256 Checksum

259a066d6f4248755f7b0f239df45b70ba69f9364ad543917b238078bc356dab  panel.tar.gz


23 Oct 04:37
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  • Adds support for searching inside the file editor.
  • Adds support for manually executing a schedule regardless of if it is currently queued or not.
  • Adds an indicator to the schedule UI to show when a schedule is currently processing.
  • Adds support for setting the backup_limit of a server via the API.
  • [Security] Adds login throttling to the 2FA verification endpoint.


  • Fixes subuser page title missing server name.
  • Fixes schedule task sequence_id not properly being reset when a schedule's task is deleted.
  • Fixes misc. UI bugs throughout the frontend when long text overflows its bounds.
  • Fixes user deletion command to properly handle email & ID searching.
  • Fixes color issues in the terminal causing certain text & background combinations to be illegible.
  • Fixes reCAPTCHA not properly resetting on login failure.
  • Fixes error messages not properly resetting between login screens.
  • Fixes a UI crash when attempting to create or view a directory or file that contained the % somewhere in the name.


  • Updated the search modal to close itself when the ESC key is pressed.
  • Updates the schedule view and editing UI to better display information to users.
  • Changed logic powering server searching on the frontend to return more accurate results and return all servers when executing the query as an admin.
  • Admin CP link no longer opens in a new tab.
  • Mounts will no longer allow a user to mount certain directory combinations. This blocks mounting one server's files into another server, and blocks using the server data directory as a mount destination.
  • Cleaned up assorted server build modification code.
  • Updates default eggs to have improved install scripts and more consistent container usage.

SHA256 Checksum

558dbced916270f7b9d9bf8d550c706aef0f55edfd1845bd0f09d2c25fe6a7b3  panel.tar.gz


13 Oct 04:11
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  • Fixes 500 error when mounting a mount to a server, and other related errors when handling mounts.
  • Ensures that server_transfers table is deleted if it already exists to avoid unnecessary error.
  • Fixes servers getting marked as "not installed" when modifying their startup arguments.
  • Fixes filemanager breadcrumbs being set incorrectly when navigating between files and folders.


  • Change the requests per minute from 240 to 720 for the client API to avoid unecessarily displaying
    "Too Many Requests" errors.
  • Added error output to certain commands that will output and terminate the command execution if the database
    migrations have not been run correctly for the instance.

SHA256 Checksum

7523e5b694111a50b4ee216aa022e661e2a526862590dc338284e76bb369b7d2  panel.tar.gz

🎉 v1.0.0

11 Oct 23:33
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Pterodactyl 1.0 represents the culmination of over two years of work, almost 2,000 commits, endless bug and feature requests, and a dream that has been in the making since 2013. 🎉

Due to the sheer size and timeline of this release I've massively truncated the listing below. There are numerous smaller
bug fixes and changes that would simply be too difficult to keep track of here. Please feel free to browse through the releases
tab for this repository to see more specific changes that have been made.


  • Adds a new client-facing API allowing a user to control all aspects of their individual servers, or servers
    which they have been granted access to as a subuser.
  • Adds the ability for backups to be created for a server both manually and via a scheduled task.
  • Adds the ability for users to modify their server allocations on the fly and include notes for each allocation.
  • Adds the ability for users to generate recovery tokens for 2FA protected logins which can be used in place of
    a code should their device be inaccessible.
  • Adds support for transfering servers between Nodes via the Panel.
  • Adds the ability to assign specific CPU cores to a server (CPU Pinning) process.
  • Server owners can now reinstall their assigned server egg automatically with a button on the frontend.


  • The entire user frontend has been replaced with a responsive, React backed design implemented using Tailwind CSS.
  • Replaces a large amount of complex daemon authentication logic by funneling most API calls through the Panel, and using
    JSON Web Tokens where necessary to handle one-time direct authentication with Wings.
  • Frontend server listing now includes a toggle to show or hide servers which an administrator has access to, rather
    than always showing all servers on the system when logged into an admin account.
  • We've replaced Ace Editor on the frontend with a better solution to allow lighter builds and more end-user functionality.
  • Server permissions have been overhauled to be both easier to understand in the codebase, and allows plugins to better
    hook into the permission system.


  • Removes large swaths of code complexity and confusing interface designs that caused a lot of pain to new developers
    trying to jump into the codebase. We've simplified this to stick to more established Laravel design standards to make
    it easy to parse through the project and make contributions.

SHA256 Checksum

698705500cb86b970a141cae83f212cda1156bce062f11e4da6b3a6e2a50c00b  panel.tar.gz

v1.0.0 Release Candidate 7

04 Oct 04:14
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  • Fixes empty array value inside node configuration file which was causing wings to panic when used.
  • Fixes multiple text overflows on the frontend at all screen sizes.
  • Fixes multiple issues with the mobile design and specific breakpoint changes that would cause text to wrap incorrectly.
  • Server console now correctly re-sizes its interior when the screen is resized.
  • The number of servers that a user belongs to is now properly displayed in the admin area when listing users.
  • Fixes handling of directory names with multiple slashes on the frontend.
  • When checking all boxes under a subuser category the checkbox in the header is now properly checked and unchecked for that category.
  • Fixes excessive re-rendering issues on numerous server pages.
  • Schedule names are now properly validated and no longer overflow their database column as a result.
  • Fixes bad encoding when copying files which would cause an error to occur.
  • Fixes server resource usage displaying in red even if a server was given unlimited resource limits.
  • Fixes fatal errors when attempting to manage server mounts.
  • Schedule is_processing state is now reset when a schedule is toggled between active and inactive to better clear potentially corrupted states.


  • Autogenerated usernames are now limited to 64 characters.
  • JWT expiration in the console is now handled better to cover more cases and avoid needing to refresh the page in many instances.
  • HTTP exception messages are now properly parsed and passed back along to the user to view.

SHA256 Checksum

46e839d20e9aaff7c3e86c9a5eba842ac8e199f1f87c2307d32a77b1cabd0995  panel.tar.gz

v0.7.19 (Derelict Dermodactylus)

03 Oct 17:09
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  • [Security] Fixes improperly escaped output in user dropdown listing when adding or editing a server that could allow remote XSS. GHSA-5822-pw57-vv37

SHA256 Checksum

a792866375f6c9414bb6968504ed202e82affa148c498a2e0c60a5ad57064c04  panel.tar.gz