{% hint style="danger" %} We are aware that these links do not work anymore and we are currently working on a more future proof solution for fixing these year to year. Currently, Worlds 2024 links still work. Stay tuned!
If you have any proposed solutions for this other than replacing the links when they break, please do! {% endhint %}
Opening Ceremonies
VURC, V5RC MS, and JROTC Opening Ceremonies
Research Division
Practice & Qualification Matches
Qualification Matches (Day 1)
Qualification Matches (Day 2)
Opportunity Division
Practice & Qualification Matches
Qualification Matches (Day 1)
Qualification Matches (Day 2)
Closing Ceremonies & Finals
VURC, V5RC MS, and JROTC Closing Ceremonies and Finals
Opening Ceremonies
VEX U, VRC Middle School, and JROTC Opening Ceremonies
Innovate Division
Practice & Qualification Matches
Qualification, Playoffs, & Awards
Spirit Division
Practice & Qualification Matches
Qualification, Playoffs, & Awards
Closing Ceremonies & Finals
VEX U, VRC Middle School, and JROTC Closing Ceremonies and Finals
Opening Ceremonies
VEX U, VRC Middle School, and JROTC Opening Ceremonies
Math Division
Practice & Qualification Matches
Matches, Playoffs & Awards
Closing Ceremonies & Finals
VEX U, VRC Middle School, and JROTC Closing Ceremonies and Finals