diff --git a/docs/chain/01-build/09-WebSockets.mdx b/docs/chain/01-build/09-WebSockets.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..830a3f3a01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chain/01-build/09-WebSockets.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+id: docs-websocket
+title: WebSocket
+hide_title: true
+slug: ./websocket
+displayed_sidebar: pushChainSidebar
+sidebar_position: 9
+image: "/assets/docs/previews/docs_notifications_develop_fetch_chats--create_channel.png"
+# WebSocket
+The Push Chain network supports WebSocket connections for real-time transactions. This section provides an overview of the WebSocket protocol and how to use it to interact with the Push Chain network.
+ {`WebSocket | Push Chain | Push Documentation`}
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import Details from '@theme/Details';
+import {
+ ModalContainer,
+ ModalSmall,
+ ModalWrapper,
+ AFocus,
+} from '@site/src/css/SharedStyling';
+## Initialize
+To use the WebSocket client, you first need to initialize the Push Chain SDK if you haven't already.
+> You can instantiate the Push Chain SDK with write mode if you want to send transactions. In the example below we will instantiate the Push Chain SDK with `read-only` mode.
+const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize();
+const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize();
+const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize();
+## Connecting to the WebSocket Server
+To start a websocket connection, first you will need to connect to the Push Chain network.
+await pushChain.ws.connect();
+await pushChain.ws.connect();
+await pushChain.ws.connect();
+## Subscribing to Transaction Updates
+This function subscribes to block updates with optional filters. It takes a callback function to handle incoming block updates and returns a promise that resolves with a subscription ID.
+const subscriptionId = await pushChain.ws.subscribe((block) => {
+ console.log(block);
+const subscriptionId = await pushChain.ws.subscribe((block) => {
+ console.log(block);
+const subscriptionId = await pushChain.ws.subscribe((block) => {
+ console.log(block);
+### Subscribe parameters
+| Param | Type | Remarks |
+| `callback` | `function` | A callback function to handle incoming block updates. |
+| `filters` | `{type: 'CATEGORY' or 'FROM' or 'RECIPIENTS' or 'WILDCARD', value: string[]}[]` | An array of filters for the subscription. |
+{ subscriptionId: 'sub_1740084008318_6mnhj8u' }
+ blockHash: 'd56137b6b2969a19da53130d11e3bc0b26dfebdebb4a5fb4a9e11a871afdc806',
+ transactions: [
+ {
+ hash: 'af6a0a3d0c33164b271ad5801e2ae52256c41ed6027b8cda168008c987e2c9f6',
+ category: 'CUSTOM:CORE_SDK',
+ from: 'eip155:11155111:0xea3ee66EaF0e504603708a1E36603F1CA3916005',
+ recipients: [
+ 'eip155:11155111:0x59f07d4130513c767e10C7fE3F1A7A45388A133f',
+ 'eip155:11155111:0x644972F4309B840ed3a7aC6044F71A0721b93cc9',
+ 'eip155:11155111:0xB87B4bBfD86cEB41363e87D4517fb9055AD570e4'
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Block Data Structure:
+| Param | Type | Remarks |
+| ---------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `blockHash` | `string` | The hash of the block. |
+| `transactions` | `Transaction[]` | An array containing transaction objects present within the block. |
+Transaction Data Structure:
+| Param | Type | Remarks |
+| ---------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `hash` | `string` | The hash of the transaction. |
+| `category` | `string` | The category of the transaction. |
+| `from` | `string` | The sender of the transaction. |
+| `recipients` | `string[]` | An array of recipients of the transaction. |
+## Unsubscribing from Transaction Updates
+This function unsubscribes from transaction updates using the provided subscription ID. It returns a promise that resolves when the unsubscription is acknowledged.
+await pushChain.ws.unsubscribe(subscriptionId);
+await pushChain.ws.unsubscribe(subscriptionId);
+await pushChain.ws.unsubscribe(subscriptionId);
+## Disconnecting from the WebSocket Server
+This function disconnects from the WebSocket server. It returns a promise that resolves when the disconnection is acknowledged.
+## Checking Connection Status
+This function checks the connection status of the WebSocket server. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the connection is active.
+const isConnected = pushChain.ws.isConnected();
+const isConnected = pushChain.ws.isConnected();
+const isConnected = pushChain.ws.isConnected();
+## Example: Retrieving Transactions filtered by category
+This example demonstrates how to retrieve transactions filtered by category using the WebSocket client, then fetch the full transaction details using the transaction hash.
+const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize();
+// Connect to the WebSocket server
+await pushChain.ws.connect();
+console.log('WebSocket connected.');
+// Define a custom filter to only subscribe to blocks that include transactions with the category 'CUSTOM:SAMPLE_TX'
+const customFilters: SubscriptionFilter[] = [
+ { type: 'CATEGORY', value: ['CUSTOM:SAMPLE_TX'] },
+// Subscribe to block updates using the custom filter
+await pushChain.ws.subscribe(async (block) => {
+ console.log('New block received:', block.blockHash);
+ // Iterate over each transaction in the block
+ for (const tx of block.transactions) {
+ // Check if the transaction category matches our filter
+ if (tx.category === 'CUSTOM:SAMPLE_TX') {
+ console.log(
+ `Found transaction with hash ${tx.hash} and category ${tx.category}`
+ );
+ try {
+ // Fetch the full transaction details using the transaction hash
+ const txDetails = await pushChain.tx.get(tx.hash);
+ // Assume the fetched result contains a list of blocks and each block contains an array of transactions
+ if (txDetails.blocks && txDetails.blocks.length > 0) {
+ const fetchedTx = txDetails.blocks[0].transactions[0];
+ // Log the transaction data from the fetched transaction details
+ console.log('Transaction Data:', fetchedTx.data);
+ } else {
+ console.log(`No details found for transaction hash ${tx.hash}`);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error fetching transaction details:', error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+}, customFilters);
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