- Follow the instructions for setting up Liferay and openBIS as well as the QBiC-specific data model found on our portal (http://qbic.life/portal/web/qbic/software)
- Clone qWizard from the git repository: 'git clone https://github.com/qbicsoftware/projectwizard projectwizard'
- Adjust the properties defined in the file 'portlet.properties' (this is what links the portlet to the qbic-ext.properties file)
- For deployment a web application archive (.war) file has to be created. Navigate to the 'WebContent' folder of the qWizard project and type 'jar cvf projectwizard.war'
- Copy the generated projectwizard.war to the deploy folder of your Liferay installation 'cp projectwizard /home/to/liferay/deploy/'
- Add qWizard as a new application in your Liferay instance through the web interface