VISOR (opens new window)is an efficient and versatile command-line application capable to simulate structural variants and small/single-nucleotide variants in a haplotype-resolved manner.
bseq.c:1:10: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
mamba create -y -n visorenv python=3.8
mamba activate visorenv
mamba install -c bioconda samtools=1.11 minimap2 htslib=1.11 bedtools
pip install --upgrade cython
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
VISOR --help
# You need to switch to python 3.9 and let the script install the right version of minimap2 and samtools for you
2.1 Generate simulated genome with Hack mode (random SVs) in only one haplotype (so all SVs will be 1/0 or 0/1)
The input SVs should be in BED FORMAT
chr1 10000000 11000000 deletion None 5 chr1 20000000 21000000 inversion None 0 chr1 30000000 31000000 tandem duplication 2 10 chr1 40000000 41000000 inverted tandem duplication 2 10 chr1 50999999 51000000 insertion TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 2 chr1 80000000 81000000 translocation cut-paste h1:chr1:180000000:forward 5 # Means ABC to BAC or ACB in a single chrom chr1 90000000 91000000 translocation copy-paste h1:chr1:190000000:reverse 0 # Means interspersed duplication chr1 100000000 101000000 reciprocal translocation h2:chr2:200000000:forward:forward 3
VISOR can convert real-world VCF into BED, or you can randomly generate by your self.
I want to simulate SVs considering both haplotypes.
module load R/4.3.0
Add a line in randomregion.r, it will install in your local library, to solve the sudo problem
# Install the packages
# You have to comment the line in .bashrc to change from fish to bash shell to use the module function.
Rscript randomregion.r -h1
#this script requires a R version >= 3.5.0. It will try to install the needed packages if not already in your package list
cut -f1,2 ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.fai > chrom.dim.tsv # From index
# Need bedtools to be installed and in path
Rscript randomregion.r -d /projects/b1171/qgn1237/6_SV_VCF_merger/VISOR_simulation/chrom.dim.tsv -n 18000 -l 10000 -v 'deletion,insertion,tandem duplication,inverted tandem duplication,translocation copy-paste,translocation cut-paste,reciprocal translocation,inversion' -r '35:35:5:5:5:5:5:5' | sortBed > HACk.random.bed
# Generate 18000 non-overlapping random variants, with mean length 200 Kb, with a fixed ratio.
# Sometimes you need to convert VCF to BED file, the tips is
vcf to BED, insertion point-1, start-1, end point unchanged
For example
chr1 16725233 pbsv.BND.chr1:16725233-chr1:234776445 C [chr1:234776445[C . PASS SVTYPE=BND;CIPOS=-4,14;MATEID=pbsv.BND.chr1:234776445-chr1:16725233;MATEDIST=218051212 GT:AD:DP 0/1:2,4:6
chr1 234776444 248956422 translocation cut-paste h1:chr1:16725232:reverse 5
chr1 234776445 pbsv.BND.chr1:234776445-chr1:16725233 G [chr1:16725233[G . PASS SVTYPE=BND;CIPOS=-4,8;MATEID=pbsv.BND.chr1:16725233-chr1:234776445;MATEDIST=218051212 GT:AD:DP 1/1:1,4:5
chr1 16725232 234776445 inversion None 5
However, VISOR is not 0-based, the BED file is not a true BED file! VISOR BED is VCF style! So to convert VCF to VISOR BED-like file, the tips is insertion point unchanged, start unchanged, end point unchanged, nothing needs to be changed! This is really convenient, but you have to aware that VISOR BED is a fake BED.
2.2 Generate simulated genome with Hack mode (random SVs) in two haplotype (so all SVs will be 1/0 or 0/1 or 1/1)
The weird part that is #reciprocal translocations are placed by default on a haplotype different then the one specified with the -i parameter (default to 1 -that is, h1 in the final BED). Other translocations types are placed on the same haplotype.
So if you want to simulate SVs on both haplotypes, you need to do run randomregion.r two times:
Rscript randomregion.r -d /projects/b1171/qgn1237/6_SV_VCF_merger/VISOR_simulation/chrom.dim.tsv -i 1 -n 18000 -l 10000 -v 'deletion,insertion,tandem duplication,inverted tandem duplication,translocation copy-paste,translocation cut-paste,reciprocal translocation,inversion' -r '35:35:5:5:5:5:5:5' | sortBed > HACk.random.h1.bed
Rscript randomregion.r -d /projects/b1171/qgn1237/6_SV_VCF_merger/VISOR_simulation/chrom.dim.tsv -i 2 -n 18000 -l 10000 -v 'deletion,insertion,tandem duplication,inverted tandem duplication,translocation copy-paste,translocation cut-paste,reciprocal translocation,inversion' -r '35:35:5:5:5:5:5:5' | sortBed > HACk.random.h2.bed
# However, in the h1 file, all the Svs will be on h1, only reciprocal translocations is on h2
# But in h2 file, all the SVs will be on h2, only reciprocal translocations is on hc3806b6_0
# h3 is a mistake ,there is no h3
# GL000250.2 1927905 1937904 reciprocal translocation h3:chr8:112551381:reverse:forward 9
# We need to correct the h3 manually to h1
sed 's/h3/h1/g' HACk.random.h2.bed > HACk.random.h2.corrected.bed
# Then I want to add some decoy SVs only to haplotype 1
cat special_decoy.bed >> HACk.random.h1.bed
# Add some decoy
sortBed -g ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.fai -i HACk.random.h1.bed > HACk.random.h1.sorted.bed
# You need to switch to python 3.9, the environment you properly install VISOR
VISOR HAck -b HACk.random.h1.sorted.bed HACk.random.h2.corrected.bed -g ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -o simulated_genome
# I got some error:
bedtools: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by bedtools)
bedtools: /lib64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by bedtools)
bedtools: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by bedtools)
bedtools: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by bedtools)
bedtools: /lib64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by bedtools)
# The gcc is not compatible with bedtools installed in main environment path
# Install in current environment by mamba again
mamaba install -c bioconda bedtools
# Run again, I got another error
[17/05/2023 11:02:08][Error] Line 943: column 2 (chromosome start) contains an invalid coordinate (lower than chromosome start or greater than chromosome end)
# You should check the decoy coordinate typo, and aware that the VISOR BED is not a true BED format
# Finally work.
Now I have a folder:
h1.fa h1.fa.fai h2.fa h2.fa.fai
Next you need to create a BED file containing the max length of each chromo between h1, h2, and ref genome.
If you want to simulate sequencing data generated from the entire reference genome (not just a particular chromosome), you need to first create a BED file describing the region you want to simulate. Since structural variants, such as insertions and deletions, may cause changes in the length of the chromosome, we need to consider all possible lengths. The maximum value is taken to ensure that the sequencing data we simulate will cover all possible regions and that a region of variation will not be missed due to improper length selection.
# To convert a VCF to Visor BED file
python -i nstd106.GRCh38.variant_true_call.vcf -o visor_bed --homozygous_ratio 0.3
# Then compare the output results with original VCF file
# you will get visor_bed_haplotype1.bed and visor_bed_haplotype2.bed
# If the chromosome format of input VCF is different from Genome fasta, you will have problem
# Then you need to change them manually
cut -f1 visor_bed_haplotype1.bed | sort | uniq > bed_chroms_all.txt
cut -f1 visor_bed_haplotype2.bed | sort | uniq >> bed_chroms_all.txt
grep "translocation" visor_bed_haplotype1.bed | cut -f5 | sed 's/h[12]:chr//; s/:.*//' >> bed_chroms_all.txt
grep "translocation" visor_bed_haplotype2.bed | cut -f5 | sed 's/h[12]:chr//; s/:.*//' >> bed_chroms_all.txt
sort genome_chroms.txt > genome_chroms_sorted.txt
sort bed_chroms_all.txt > bed_chroms_sorted.txt
comm -23 bed_chroms_sorted.txt genome_chroms_sorted.txt > diff_chroms.txt
# Delete those bad names
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=1;next} {found=0; for(chr in a) if(index($0,chr)>0){found=1;break}; if(!found)print}' diff_chroms.txt visor_bed_haplotype2.bed > visor_bed_haplotype2.clean.bed
# To make this BED file, run: simulated_genome/h1.fa.fai simulated_genome/h2.fa.fai ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.fai
# You will get maxdims.tsv, this tells which part of genome the virtual sequencing generated.
# create a BED to simulate reads from whole genome, without coverage fluctuations (that is, capture bias value in 4th column is 100.0) and without normal contamination (that is, purity value in 5th column is 100.0)
awk 'OFS=FS="\t"''{print $1, "1", $2, "100.0", "100.0"}' maxdims.tsv > shorts.laser.simple.bed
# Let's simulated fastq reads, so you can control the mapping steps
# You have to make sure that minimap2, samtools is installed in this environment
Then you may get error of
import pysam
File "/home/qgn1237/2_software/mambaforge/envs/mamba_py_39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pysam/", line 4, in <module>
from pysam.libchtslib import *
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
mamba install -c bioconda samtools openssl=3.0
mamba config --set channel_priority flexible
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --account=b1171
#SBATCH --partition=b1171
# set the number of nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
##SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --mem=100G
# set max wallclock time
#SBATCH --time=334:00:00
# mail alert at start, end and abortion of execution
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# run the application
/home/qgn1237/2_software/mambaforge/bin/mamba init
source ~/.bashrc
mamba activate visorenv
VISOR LASeR -g ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -s ../../SV_bed_for_all/simulated_genome -b ../../SV_bed_for_all/100VAF.laser.simple.bed -o pacbio_fastq --threads 24 --coverage 5 --fastq --read_type pacbio
# The result is: r.fq
This tutorial guides you through using VISOR to simulate Structural Variants (SVs) with a specific Variant Allele Frequency (VAF) in a human diploid genome.
Create Variant BED File for a Single Haplotype: Generate a BED file with SVs for one haplotype using the
script. Ensure the SVs are the same for both haplotypes to simulate a 1/1 genotype.Rscript randomregion.r -d /projects/b1171/qgn1237/6_SV_VCF_merger/VISOR_simulation/chrom.dim.tsv -n 18000 -l 10000 -v 'deletion,insertion,tandem duplication,reciprocal translocation,inversion' -r '40:40:10:5:5' | sortBed > HACk.random.h1.bed cp HACk.random.h1.bed HACk.random.h2.bed
Generate FASTA Haplotypes: Run VISOR HAck to create two FASTA haplotypes with all 1/1 genotype SVs:
VISOR HAck -b ../../SV_bed_for_all/HACk.random.h1.bed ../../SV_bed_for_all/HACk.random.h2.bed -g ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa -o simulated_genome
Prepare BED for Sequencing Simulation: Create a BED file for SHORtS/LASeR with the desired purity (e.g., 80% for 80% VAF): simulated_genome/h1.fa.fai simulated_genome/h2.fa.fai ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.fai awk 'OFS=FS="\t"''{print $1, "1", $2, "100.0", "100.0"}' maxdims.tsv > 100VAF.laser.simple.bed
Run VISOR LASeR for Sequencing Simulation: Simulate sequencing reads using LASeR:
VISOR LASeR -g genome.fa -s simulated_genome -b 100VAF.laser.simple.bed -o ont_fastq --threads 12 --coverage 10 --fastq --read_type nanopore
By following these steps, you can simulate SVs with a specific VAF in a human diploid genome using VISOR, providing a valuable tool for genetic research and analysis.
If your VISOR LASeR simulation was interrupted, you can manually resume it by identifying unfinished regions and continuing the simulation for those specific regions. Below are the steps and commands to help you achieve this.
Extract information from your original BED file (100VAF.laser.simple.bed
) and calculate the length of each region:
awk '{len=$3-$2; print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"len}' 100VAF.laser.simple.bed > regions_with_length.txt
This will create regions_with_length.txt
with the following columns:
- Chromosome (
) - Start position (
) - End position (
) - Capture bias (
) - Purity (
) - Region length (
For each region, calculate the total number of bases aligned in your existing BAM file (
> coverage_per_region.txt # Create or clear the file
awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6}' regions_with_length.txt | while read chr start end cap_bias purity length; do
echo "Processing $chr:$start-$end"
total_bases=$(samtools view "$chr:$start-$end" | awk '{sum += length($10)} END {print sum}')
total_bases=${total_bases:-0} # Default to 0 if variable is empty
echo -e "$chr\t$start\t$end\t$cap_bias\t$purity\t$length\t$total_bases" >> coverage_per_region.txt
This will generate coverage_per_region.txt
- Columns from
- Total bases aligned (
Compute the average coverage for each region:
awk '{coverage=$7/$6; print $0"\t"coverage}' coverage_per_region.txt > coverage_with_coverage.txt
Now, coverage_with_coverage.txt
- All previous columns
- Calculated coverage (
Identify regions where the coverage is less than the desired threshold (e.g., 30x):
awk -v dc=$desired_coverage '{if ($8 < dc*0.95) print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5}' coverage_with_coverage.txt > remaining_regions.bed
The remaining_regions.bed
file will contain regions needing further simulation, formatted correctly for VISOR LASeR.
Run VISOR LASeR using the new BED file and specify a new output directory:
-g ~/qgn1237/1_my_database/GRCh38_p13/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa \
-s ../../Simulation_data/downloaded_SV_data_and_simulated_genome/visor_simulated_genome/ \
-b remaining_regions.bed \
-o pacbio_fastq_remaining \
--threads 24 \
--coverage 30 \
--fastq \
--read_type pacbio
Combine the original and newly generated FASTQ files:
cat pacbio_fastq/*.fq pacbio_fastq_remaining/*.fq > combined_reads.fq
If your FASTQ files are compressed (.fq.gz
), use:
zcat pacbio_fastq/*.fq.gz pacbio_fastq_remaining/*.fq.gz | gzip > combined_reads.fq.gz
Ensure both BAM files are sorted and indexed before merging:
samtools merge -@ 24 pacbio_fastq_remaining/
samtools index
Repeat the coverage calculation steps on the merged BAM file:
> combined_coverage_per_region.txt # Create or clear the file
awk '{len=$3-$2; print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"len}' 100VAF.laser.simple.bed > combined_regions_with_length.txt
awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6}' combined_regions_with_length.txt | while read chr start end cap_bias purity length; do
echo "Processing $chr:$start-$end"
total_bases=$(samtools view "$chr:$start-$end" | awk '{sum += length($10)} END {print sum}')
echo -e "$chr\t$start\t$end\t$cap_bias\t$purity\t$length\t$total_bases" >> combined_coverage_per_region.txt
awk '{coverage=$7/$6; print $0"\t"coverage}' combined_coverage_per_region.txt > combined_coverage_with_coverage.txt
Check for regions still below the desired coverage:
awk -v dc=$desired_coverage '{if ($8 < dc*0.95) print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"coverage}' combined_coverage_with_coverage.txt
If no regions are listed, all regions have achieved the desired coverage.