transIndel is used to detect indels (insertions and deletions) from DNA-seq or RNA-seq data by parsing chimiric alignments from BWA-MEM.
Samtools/1.0 or newer ( Python 3.6 or newer (
Python packages:
Pysam/0.13.0 or newer (
HTSeq/0.6.1 or newer (
git clone git://
cd transIndel
For DNA-seq:
python -i input_bam_file -o output_bam_file [options]
For RNA-seq
python -i input_bam_file -r reference_genome_fasta -g gtf_file -o output_bam_file [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input BAM file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output BAM file
-r REF, --ref REF reference genome used for analyzing RNA-seq data
-g GTF, --gtf GTF gene annotatino file used for analyzing RNA-seq data
-s SPLICE_BIN, --splice_bin SPLICE_BIN
splice site half bin size (default: 20)
-m MAPQ, --mapq MAPQ minimal MAPQ of read from BAM file for supporting
Indel (default: 15)
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
Maximum deletion length to be detected (default:1000000)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Input files
input_bam_file :input BAM file is produced by BWA-MEM and is sorted and indexed.
reference_genome_fasta (for RNA-seq) :reference genome in FastA format
gtf_file (for RNA-seq) :gene annotation file in GTF format
Output files
your_output_bam_file :BAM file for CIGAR string redefinement.
transIndel generates the following optional fields in output BAMs
OA original representative alignment; format: (pos,CIGAR)
JM splicing junction reads; infered from GTF or splicing motif (used in RNA-seq BAM)
python -i input_bam_from_transIndel_build -o output_vcf_filename_prefix [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input BAM file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output VCF file prefix
-c AO, --ao AO minimal observation count for Indel (default: 4)
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
minimal depth to call Indel (default: 10)
-f VAF, --vaf VAF minimal variant allele frequency (default: 0.1)
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
minimal Indel length (>=1) to report (default: 10)
-m MAPQ, --mapq MAPQ minimal MAPQ of read from BAM file to call Indel
(default: 15)
-t REGION Limit analysis to targets listed in the BED-format
FILE or a samtools region string
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Output files
output_vcf_file :Reported Indels with VCF format