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Superheroes Location Microservice

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This is the Location gRPC microservice. It is a classical gRPC microservice, written in Kotlin, and exposing CRUD operations on Locations. Location information is stored in a MariaDB database. This service is implemented using gRPC with blocking endpoints and Quarkus Hibernate ORM with Panache's repository pattern.

Additionally, this application favors constructor injection of beans over field injection (i.e. @Inject annotation).


Exposed Endpoints

Since this is a gRPC service, the protobuf definition can be found here.

Benchmarking with Hyperfoil

Hyperfoil doesn't yet support gRPC. This issue is currently tracking it.

Running the Application

The application runs on port 8089 (defined by quarkus.http.port in application.yml).

From the quarkus-super-heroes/grpc-locations directory, simply run ./mvnw quarkus:dev to run Quarkus Dev Mode, or running quarkus dev using the Quarkus CLI. The application will be exposed at http://localhost:8089 and the Quarkus Dev UI will be exposed at http://localhost:8089/q/dev.

NOTE: Running the application outside of Quarkus dev mode requires standing up a MariaDB instance and binding it to the app. By default, the application is configured with the following:

Description Environment Variable Java Property Value
Database URL QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL quarkus.datasource.jdbc.url jdbc:mariadb://locations-db:3306/locations_database
Database username QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_USERNAME quarkus.datasource.username locations
Database password QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD quarkus.datasource.password locations

Running Locally via Docker Compose

Pre-built images for this application can be found at

Pick one of the versions of the application from the table below and execute the appropriate docker compose command from the quarkus-super-heroes/grpc-locations directory.


You may see errors as the applications start up. This may happen if an application completes startup before one if its required services (i.e. database, kafka, etc). This is fine. Once everything completes startup things will work fine.

Description Image Tag Docker Compose Run Command
JVM Java 17 java17-latest docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose/java17.yml up --remove-orphans
Native native-latest docker compose -f deploy/docker-compose/native.yml up --remove-orphans

These Docker Compose files are meant for standing up this application and the required database only. If you want to stand up the entire system, follow these instructions.

Once started the application will be exposed at http://localhost:8089.

Deploying to Kubernetes

The application can be deployed to Kubernetes using pre-built images or by deploying directly via the Quarkus Kubernetes Extension. Each of these is discussed below.

Using pre-built images

Pre-built images for this application can be found at

Deployment descriptors for these images are provided in the deploy/k8s directory. There are versions for OpenShift, Minikube, Kubernetes, and Knative.


The Knative variant can be used on any Knative installation that runs on top of Kubernetes or OpenShift. For OpenShift, you need OpenShift Serverless installed from the OpenShift operator catalog. Using Knative has the benefit that services are scaled down to zero replicas when they are not used.

Pick one of the versions of the application from the table below and deploy the appropriate descriptor from the deploy/k8s directory.

Description Image Tag OpenShift Descriptor Minikube Descriptor Kubernetes Descriptor Knative Descriptor
JVM Java 17 java17-latest java17-openshift.yml java17-minikube.yml java17-kubernetes.yml java17-knative.yml
Native native-latest native-openshift.yml native-minikube.yml native-kubernetes.yml native-knative.yml

The application is exposed outside of the cluster on port 80.

These are only the descriptors for this application and the required database only. If you want to deploy the entire system, follow these instructions.

Deploying directly via Kubernetes Extensions

Following the deployment section of the Quarkus Kubernetes Extension Guide (or the deployment section of the Quarkus OpenShift Extension Guide if deploying to OpenShift), you can run one of the following commands to deploy the application and any of its dependencies (see Kubernetes (and variants) resource generation of the automation strategy document) to your preferred Kubernetes distribution.


For non-OpenShift or minikube Kubernetes variants, you will most likely need to push the image to a container registry by adding the -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true flag, as well as setting the quarkus.container-image.registry,, and/or the properties to different values.

Target Platform Java Version Command
Kubernetes 17 ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.profile=kubernetes -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests
OpenShift 17 ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.profile=openshift -Dquarkus.container-image.registry=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000$(oc project -q) -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests
Minikube 17 ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.profile=minikube -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests
Knative 17 ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.profile=knative -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests
Knative (on OpenShift) 17 ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.profile=knative-openshift -Dquarkus.container-image.registry=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000$(oc project -q) -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests

You may need to adjust other configuration options as well (see Quarkus Kubernetes Extension configuration options and Quarkus OpenShift Extension configuration options).


The do_build function in the script uses these extensions to generate the manifests in the deploy/k8s directory.