2/3/2024 • Mya Schroder
First I made a venv and installed django. Then to set up django, I just followed the first couple steps of this tutorial inside a venv.
django-admin startproject quayside
cd quayside
python manage.py startapp app
python manage.py startapp api
As for why I chose the file structure...
First I looked up some good options:
- https://django-project-skeleton.readthedocs.io/en/latest/structure.html
- https://medium.com/django-unleashed/django-project-structure-a-comprehensive-guide-4b2ddbf2b6b8
- https://medium.com/@akshatgadodia/a-comprehensive-guide-to-structuring-django-projects-best-practices-and-example-afb77d8497d5
For this project, we want to start off with a REST API that can be accessed both internally by our webapp as well as externally if needed. So then I asked ChatGPT, how to create a file structure for this, and it suggested:
├── quayside_app/
│ ├── migrations/
│ ├── static/
│ ├── templates/
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── apps.py
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── tests.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── views.py
├── quayside_api/
│ ├── migrations/
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── apps.py
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── serializers.py
│ ├── tests.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── views.py
├── quayside_project/
│ ├── settings.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
├── manage.py
└── requirements.txt
This higher level folders seemed like a good idea, so we went with it.
We chose to continue using Tailwind CSS so to add it to django, I used this tutorial. This lets you only "download" the tailwind classes you use to output.css when you use them so you don't have to load the whole tailwind library when you usee quayside. Note: it needs npm.
However, I wanted most the tailwind static files just in the app folder, so I made these adjustments to the steps:
Added this instead: "DIRS": [BASE_DIR / 'app' / 'templates'],
STEP 5: Added this instead:
COMPRESS_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'app' / 'static'
STATICFILES_FINDERS = ('compressor.finders.CompressorFinder',)
STEP 6: Did this in the app/static/src folder.
STEP 9-10: Did this in the app/templates folder.
Install Tailwind STEP 4:
Ran the following command instead npx tailwindcss -i ./app/static/app/src/input.css -o ./app/static/app/src/output.css --watch
I attempted to put tailwind.config.js in the app/ directory as well, but found out after way to much fighting with the content file path, that it only likes being at the project root file directory. If it's not in the project root, it won't detect the tailwind classes in your html files (even if added relatively or absolutely to the content array) and will therefore not add the class references to output.css.
For tailwind, you have to run npx tailwindcss -i ./app/static/app/src/input.css -o ./app/static/app/src/output.css --watch
every time along with python manage.py runserver
when want to start the server and edit Tailwind CSS (the first command looks for new Tailwind CSS class and adds them to output.css
I was lazy and did not want to run both commands every time so I added a new django command to use to run both. I used chatGPT and this tutorial so that when you run python manage.py rundev
, it runs both.
For automatic CSS reload without refreshing the browser, I installed django-browser-reload and followed the last 4 commands of this article.
In my adventure with tailwind, I learned way more than I wanted about static files. Static folders are where you can put images, css, html, or any other static content.For static folders within apps this is a good reference. A weird find I came across is that when you put static/ folder within an app (not just a project), you'll put a folder within the app with the apps name (ex/ quayside/app/static/app/<staticFiles>
). This is because in production, all the static files from different apps are combined into 1 static folder, and django does not want to confuse the files.
Note for Future Self: when serving django in production, you have to run django-admin collectstatic
to combine static files into one big folder.
Finally, to save installed libraries, I ran pip freeze > requirements.txt