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156 lines (114 loc) · 5.58 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (114 loc) · 5.58 KB

CeruleanJS Technical Information

                            /\_ \
  ___     __   _ __   __  __\//\ \      __     __      ___
 /'___\ /'__`\/\`'__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ \   /'__`\ /'__`\  /' _ `\
/\ \__//\  __/\ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_/\  __//\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \
\ \____\ \____\\ \_\  \ \____/ /\____\ \____\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\
 \/____/\/____/ \/_/   \/___/  \/____/\/____/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/

Board represention

15x12 board is used for. Piece lists for each side handle board state. The board representation is visualized below:

CeruleanJS Board

An interactive form of this visualization is available in board.ods. Every legal position on the board is a piece value or EMPTY in JavaScript. Positions outside the legal board (8x8) are defined as OUT_OF_BOUNDS. This is the sentinal value that tells us when a square is within the bounds of the board, as in the Mailbox board representation.


Board indices, rank and file can be converted to one another using the following functions:

index = rank * 15 + file + 17
rank = floor(index / 15 - 1)
file - (index - 3) % 15 + 1

Piece representation

Pieces are represented as follows:

Pawn   0
Knight 2
Bishop 4
Rook   6
Queen  8
King   10
Empty  12

The turn of the piece is represented as the least significant bit, 1 for white, 0 for black.

Move representation

Moves are represented as a 32-bit integer with the following fields:

000000000 000 000 000 0000000 0000000
^ MSB                           LSB ^

This breaksdown to the following distribution:

  • 7 bits for FROM index
  • 7 bits for TO index
  • 3 bits for PROmotion piece (Q/R/B/N)
  • 3 bits for CAPtured piece (any or empty)
  • 3 bits for BITs (metadata)
  • 6 bits for ORDERing

This dense move structure requires less data to be saved on the board's internal history array.

For captured and promotion pieces, the number represents the base-2 logarithm of the piece type.

BITS is metadata set by the move generate about what type of move this is. The BITS property is defined as follows:

1  capture             (001)
2  castling            (010)
3  en passant          (011)
4  pawn move           (100)
5  double pawn move    (101)
6  promote             (110)
7  promote and capture (111)

Zobrist hashing

Version 0.0.1 (Azure)

JavaScript lacks a 64-bit integer type. It does contain a 64 bit floating point number, of which 53 bits can be used to precisely save an integer. Bitwise operations in JavaScript only work on 32-bit integers, meaning no XOR for 53 bits. However using a combination of additions and subtracts, we can implement zobrist hashing without an exclusive or.

A 53-bit additive zobrist key is generated for each board position through the sum of all pieces pieces on squares with colours, en passant position, castling rights and side to move. Each additive value is up to 48 bits. There are a maximum of 38 values in the zobrist sum:

  • 32 pieces by square by color
  • 4 castling rights (KQkq)
  • 1 en passant position
  • 1 side to move

This should be enough to uniquely describe the board position, with a collision frequency of one in 2^24 (16,777,216) boards. With the chosen random seed, the max zobrist sum possible in this scheme is 7,827,150,971,215,194 (less than the max JS safe integer size of 9,007,199,254,740,991). This number does not account for maximum legal position, only a sum of the 38 largest integers generated.

This architecture was inspired by this paragraph on zobrist keys in the Chess Programming Wiki.

Version 0.1.0 (Blizzard)

CeruleanJS uses 2 32-bit integers (hiHash and loHash). The reasons for switching from 1 64-bit floating point number are:

  • Integer XOR operations prove to be faster than floating point addition/subtraction
  • Improved resilience against collisions (One collision every ~2^32 vs. ~2^24 for float)

In addition, CeruleanJS uses the Polyglot opening book format, which standardizes the Zobrist keys and how they're generated.

Move ordering

Move ordering is done using Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE), inspired by Mediocre's guide on the subject MVV/LVA. The primary alpha-beta search uses iterative-deepening to put the best move from the previous iteration first.

Opening book

Version 0.0.1 (Azure)

CeruleanJS uses the Amundsen opening book format and is distributed with a small opening book. An opening book transposition table is used to select moves. Moves are chosen randomly if there are multiple moves for a certain board position. This allows CeruleanJS's gameplay to be non-deterministic.

CeruleanJS looks in ./book.bok and ./suites/bok/small.bok (in that order) for the opening book. Reading a large opening book may be prohibitively slow at startup.

Version 0.1.0 (Blizzard)

CeruleanJS can use any standard Polyglot opening book. It's only dependency is the npm package ceruleanjs_opening_books. It currently doesn't support the weight parameter in Polyglot opening books and simply selects equivalent moves at a transposition manually.

It looks for books in ./book.bin and ./node_modules/ceruleanjs_opening_books/gm2001.bin.