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663 lines (535 loc) · 48.8 KB

File metadata and controls

663 lines (535 loc) · 48.8 KB


Release built: 6.03.2025

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the 500 status code returned from /state/entity/details when querying multiple pre-allocated, non-persisted entities in a single request.


Release built: 5.03.2025

Bug fixes

  • Fixed two bugs in two-way links returned from /state/entity/details (If you are affected and your two-way link is not working, the Radix Console tool can help fix it. You may also consider using the blueprint link feature introduced in that release, though it is not yet supported by the tool and must be set manually).
    • If one end of the link pointed to an entity without a corresponding metadata key, it was incorrectly considered a valid two-way link.
    • Fixed invalidation after removing a metadata entry on one end. Previously, the link was still considered valid even after the metadata entry was removed.

API Changes

  • New filters are supported on the /stream/transactions endpoint:
    • transaction_status_filter - Allows filtering by the transaction commit status (Success, Failure, All). Defaults to All.
    • balance_change_resources_filter - Allows filtering to transactions which included non-fee related balance changes for all provided resources. Defaults to []. We recommend integrators use this instead of the manifest_resources_filter in most instances.
  • Improved the performance of the /extensions/resource-holders/page endpoint.
  • Added a new, detailed events model that provides more in-depth insights and additional context, allowing you to work with events more effectively. It is returned when the detailed_events opt-in is enabled for the /stream/transactions and /stream/transactions endpoints. The existing events property is now deprecated, and we advise switching to the new detailed events model.
  • Added two new endpoints that allow querying for entities that have ever used a requirement (resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules (blueprint authentication templates, owner roles, or role assignments).
    • /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/lookup – allows querying by multiple requirements.
    • /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/page – allows querying and paginating by a single requirement.
  • The manifest_classes of the transaction manifest in the /stream/transactions endpoint have been adjusted slightly. Notably:
    • The General classification has been expanded to permit validator stake/unstake/claim actions and pool contribute and redeem actions.
  • Added a new endpoint /extensions/implicit-requirements/lookup for resolving implicit access rule requirements (
  • Added blueprint link support
    • dApp details
      • auto_link_blueprints property added to two_way_linked_dapp_details.entities.items if entity is package and has any auto link blueprint defined.
    • Linked entity changes
      • Update to two_way_linked_dapp_address previously it returned only direct links, right now it resolves to direct_linked_dapp_address if it exists; otherwise, it falls back to blueprint_linked_dapp_address.
      • New property direct_linked_dapp_address returns verified direct two-way link to the dApp address, if available.
      • New property blueprint_linked_dapp_address returns verified blueprint two-way link to the dApp address, if available.

Database changes

  • New entries added to the ledger_transaction_markers table for each resource whose balance (excluding fee-related changes) was modified in a transaction. Each resource balance change will be represented by an entry with the resource_balance_change discriminator and the resource's entity_id.
  • Removed transaction_type.round_update from the ledger_transaction_markers table. This should reduce database size and slightly improve the performance of the /stream/transactions endpoint.
  • A new index IX_ledger_transaction_markers_resource_balance_change has been added to the ledger_transaction_markers table.
  • A new index IX_ledger_transactions_receipt_status_state_version has been added to the ledger_transactions table.
  • Replaced the IX_resource_holders_entity_id_resource_entity_id_balance index with the IX_resource_holders_resource_entity_id_balance_entity_id index on the resource_holders table.
  • New outer_object_entity_id column in the entities table, which holds the outer object entity id (e.g resource entity id for vaults and consensus manager entity id for validators).
  • New receipt_event_emitter_entity_ids column in the ledger_transaction_events table, which holds the emitter entity ids for transaction events.
  • Added a new entities_by_role_requirement_entry_definition table that stores information about entities that have ever used a requirement (resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules.
  • Added a new implicit_requirements table to store data necessary for resolving implicit access rule requirements.

What’s new?

  • Added a new configuration parameter, GatewayApi__Endpoint__EntitiesByRoleRequirementLookupMaxRequestedRequirementsCount, which sets the limit (default 50) on the number of requirements that can be queried using the /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/lookup endpoint.
  • Added a new configuration parameter, GatewayApi__Endpoint__ImplicitRequirementsLookupMaxRequestedRequirementsCount, which sets the limit (default 100) on the number of implicit requirements that can be queried using the /extensions/implicit-requirements/lookup endpoint.


Release built: 9.12.2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a HTTP 500 response issue when querying the /state/entity/details endpoint with the native_resource_details: true opt-in for:
    • a validator's LSU resource address when the validator was never active.
    • a pool's unit resource when the pool had no contributions.
  • Added support for pre-allocated, non-persisted accounts in the /state/account/page/resource-preferences and /state/account/page/authorized-depositors endpoints.
  • Fixed a typo in the value StoryOnlyForUserTransactionsAndEpochChanges (replacing Story with Store) for the configuration entries DataAggregator__Storage__StoreTransactionReceiptEvents and DataAggregator__Storage__StoreReceiptStateUpdates. It now supports both values:
    • StoreOnlyForUserTransactionsAndEpochChanges
    • StoryOnlyForUserTransactionsAndEpochChanges


Release built: 20.11.2024

What’s new?

  • Added support for the cuttlefish-part2 protocol version.


Release built: 18.11.2024

What’s new?

  • Added support for the cuttlefish protocol version.

API Changes

  • Added a new /transaction/subintent-status endpoint to check the status of a transaction subintent.
  • Added two new optional fields to the /transaction/committed-details endpoint: subintent_details and child_subintent_hashes, which provide information about transaction subintents if present.
  • Added a new /transaction/preview-v2 endpoint to preview transactions. This supports V2 transactions and beyond. If you still need to preview V1 transactions, use the /transaction/preview endpoint instead.

Database changes

  • New ledger_finalized_subintents table that stores information about subintent status.
  • New UserV2 ledger transaction type discriminator in the ledger_transactions table.
  • New ledger_transaction_subintent_data table that stores additional information about the transaction's subintents.


Release built: 4.11.2024

Bug fixes

  • Fix processing multiple changes to single non fungible id data (NonFungibleResourceManagerDataEntrySubstate) in one batch. It might result in
    • Wrong data stored and returned from the /state/non-fungible/data endpoint.
    • Not tracking properly that non fungible id got deleted, which might lead to returning an invalid location of non fungible id. Affected endpoints are
      • /state/non-fungible/location
      • And all endpoints that return non fungible vault content
        • /state/entity/details
        • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/
        • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/
        • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids


Release built: 23.10.2024


Breaking Changes:

  • Manifest addresses are no longer indexed in the /stream/transactions endpoint for failed transactions. Affected filters:
    • manifest_accounts_withdrawn_from_filter
    • manifest_accounts_deposited_into_filter
    • manifest_badges_presented_filter
    • manifest_resources_filter
    • accounts_with_manifest_owner_method_calls
    • accounts_without_manifest_owner_method_calls
  • Changed ordering of entity metadata. Entries are no longer ordered by their last modification state version but rather by their first appearance on the network, descending. Affected endpoints:
    • /state/entity/metadata
    • /state/entity/page/metadata
  • Changed ordering of fungible and non fungible resources. Entries are no longer ordered by their last modification state version but rather by their first appearance on the network, descending. Affected endpoints:
    • /state/entity/details
    • /state/entity/page/fungibles/
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/
  • Changed ordering of vaults when using vault aggregation level. Entries are no longer ordered by their last modification state version but rather by their first appearance on the network, descending. Affected endpoints:
    • /state/entity/details
    • /state/entity/page/fungibles/
    • /state/entity/page/fungible-vaults/
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/
  • Changed ordering of non fungible ids. Entries are no longer ordered by their last modification state version but rather by their first appearance on the network, descending. Affected endpoints:
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids
    • /state/entity/details (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/ (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/ (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)
  • Existing non fungible vaults with no items will no longer return items: null and will return an empty array items: [] instead, as we do in all other collections. Affected endpoints:
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids
    • /state/entity/details (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/ (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)
    • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/ (when using non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in)

What’s new?

  • New configuration options DataAggregator__Storage__StoreTransactionReceiptEvents, and DataAggregator__Storage__StoreReceiptStateUpdates for the data aggregator to configure if a transaction's receipt events and receipt state updates should be stored in the database. It is meant to be used by gateway runners who want to reduce their database size. Keep in mind that when disabled, the corresponding properties will be missing on a response from both the /stream/transactions and the /transaction/committed-details endpoints. You can save significant space by using StoryOnlyForUserTransactionsAndEpochChanges and only excluding round change transactions, which aren't typically read from the /stream/transactions endpoint.
    • Possible values:
      • StoreForAllTransactions (default) - will store data for all transactions.
      • StoryOnlyForUserTransactionsAndEpochChanges - will store data for user transactions and transactions that resulted in epoch change.
        • NOTE: The configuration option is spelt incorrectly. Please use the prefix Story. In a future version, this will be fixed, and both Story and Store will be accepted, for backwards-compatibility.
      • StoreOnlyForUserTransactions - will store data only for user transactions.
      • DoNotStore - will not store any data.

Bug fixes

  • Added missing total_count property to /state/validators/list response.
  • Fix /transaction/account-deposit-pre-validation for uninstantiated pre-allocated accounts. It no longer returns error with code 404 Entity not found.
  • Restored missing round update transactions from the /stream/transactions endpoint.

API Changes

  • Restored previously removed total_count property to /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint.

Database changes

  • Refactored multiple aggregates. Queries follow a similar strategy as key value stores and utilize _entry_definition, _entry_history, and _totals_history tables to return data
    • Metadata
      • Removed entity_metadata_aggregate_history table.
      • New entity_metadata_entry_definition table, which holds information about all the metadata keys ever created for a given entity.
      • Renamed entity_metadata_history to entity_metadata_entry_history, replaced entity_id and key columns with entity_metadata_entry_definition_id. Holds history of given metadata key at a given state version.
      • New entity_metadata_totals_history table, which holds total counts of metadata per entity.
    • Resource globally aggregated
      • Removed entity_resource_aggregate_history table.
      • New entity_resource_entry_definition table, which holds information about all resources which have ever been held by a given global entity.
      • New entity_resource_balance_history table, which holds the sum of globally aggregated resource held by a global entity at a given state version.
      • New entity_resource_totals_history table, which holds total count of different resources under a given global entity at a given state version.
    • Resource vault aggregated
      • Removed entity_resource_aggregated_vaults_history and entity_resource_vault_aggregate_history tables.
      • New entity_resource_vault_entry_definition table, which holds information about vaults of a given resource held under a given global entity.
      • New entity_resource_vault_totals_history table, which holds total count of all vaults of a given resource held under a given global entity at a given state version.
    • Vault content
      • New non_fungible_vault_entry_definition table, which holds information about non fungible held by a given vault.
      • New non_fungible_vault_entry_history table which holds history of given non fungible inside vault.
      • Renamed entity_vault_history to vault_balance_history. Holds information about vault content (amount of fungibles or count of non fungible ids inside vault) at a given state version.
    • Key value store
      • New key_value_store_totals_history table, which holds total count of all keys under a given store at a given state version.
  • Changed receipt_state_updates in the ledger_transactions table to be nullable.
  • Moved all receipt_event_* columns from the ledger_transactions table to a new separate ledger_transaction_events table.
  • Renamed origin_type marker type to transaction_type (stored in the ledger_transaction_markers table), possible values:
    • User
    • RoundChange
    • GenesisFlash
    • GenesisTransaction
    • ProtocolUpdateFlash
    • ProtocolUpdateTransaction
  • New transaction marker type epoch_change (stored in the ledger_transaction_markers table), entry for this marker indicates that this transaction resulted in an epoch change.


Release built: 26.09.2024

What’s new?

This release fixes Data Aggregator stall on state version: 139553672 on the mainnet network.

Database changes

  • Removed unique constraint from IX_account_resource_preference_rule_entry_history_account_enti~ index.


Release built: 17.09.2024

API Changes

  • Added opt_ins property to /transaction/preview request. Currently, there is only one option to use radix_engine_toolkit_receipt, it controls whether the preview response will include a Radix Engine Toolkit serializable receipt or not (defaults to false).


Release built: 29.08.2024

Database changes

  • Added missing index on validator_cumulative_emission_history


Release built: 23.08.2024


Breaking Changes:

  • /stream/transactions no longer indexes affected_global_entities for the transaction tracker and the consensus manager entity types.
  • Changed variant_id of ProgrammaticScryptoSborValueEnum from numeric (type: integer) to string-encoded numeric (type: string) to make it compatible with the rest of the ecosystem.

Bug fixes

  • Properly indexes manifest classes. Some transactions might have been previously misclassified as Transfer and AccountDepositSettingsUpdate, i.e. empty transactions with only lock_fee instruction.

API Changes

  • Added support for the missing message and flags.disable_auth_checks properties in the /transaction/preview endpoint request.
  • Added list of mutable non fungible data fields non_fungible_data_mutable_fields returned from /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • New event_global_emitters_filter filter added to /stream/transactions endpoint. It allows filtering transactions by the global ancestor of an event emitter. For events emitted by a global entity it is going to be that entity, for internal entities it is going to be a global ancestor.
  • Changed variant_id of ProgrammaticScryptoSborValueEnum from numeric (type: integer) to string-encoded numeric (type: string) to make it compatible with the rest of the ecosystem.
  • Optimized /statistics/validators/uptime endpoint processing time.
  • Added support for two-way linked dApps in the /state/entity/details endpoint, returned when the dapp_two_way_links opt-in is enabled.
  • Added support for the Native Resource Details in the /state/entity/details endpoint, returned when the native_resource_details opt-in is enabled.
    • Introduced a new native_resource_details property on the details object when looking up fungible or non-fungible resource entities with the entity details endpoint. This property is present when the resource has a special meaning to native blueprints, and gives extra information about the resource. For example, it identifies pool units with their linked pool, and gives the redemption value for a single unit.
    • Includes unit redemption value for the Validator LSU token and the unit tokens of various Pools.
  • Added new endpoint /extensions/resource-holders/page which returns information about all holders of the queried resource.

Database changes

  • Replaced relationship-related columns (*_entity_id) in the entities table with more generic collection implementation using correlated_entity_* columns.
  • Replaced per-epoch validator emissions (validator_emission_statistics table) with their cumulative statistics (validator_cumulative_emission_history table).
  • Added non_fungible_data_mutable_fields to entities table. Which contains list of all mutable non fungible data fields for non fungible resource entities.
  • New ledger_transaction_markers type with the event_global_emitter discriminator. It represents the global emitter for each event.
  • Added new unverified_standard_metadata_* tables. They hold some of the metadata entries using db-friendly (normalized) model. See
  • Extended list of supported entity correlations in the entities table.
  • Renamed values of the entity_relationship enum type.
  • Added new resource_holders table. It keeps information about all holders of each fungible and non fungible resource.


Release built: 06.08.2024

Database changes

  • Removed the large non_fungible_id_store_history aggregate table. Queries for non fungible ids follow a similar strategy as key value stores and utilize _definition and _history tables to return data. Total supply and total minted/burned can be queried from the resource_entity_supply_history table.
  • Renamed non_fungible_id_data table to non_fungible_id_definition.


Release built: 21.05.2024

API Changes

  • Added well_known_addresses.locker_package address property to the /status/network-configuration endpoint response.
  • Added a new endpoint /state/account-locker/page/vaults which allows to read all resource vaults for a given AccountLocker.
  • Added a new endpoint /state/account-lockers/touched-at which allows to read last touch state version for a given collection of AccountLockers.

Database changes

  • Added a new set of AccountLocker-related tables: account_locker_entry_definition, account_locker_entry_resource_vault_definition and account_locker_entry_touch_history.
  • Added two new columns account_locker_of_account_entity_id and account_locker_of_account_locker_entity_id to the entities table filled for AccountLocker-related Vaults and KeyValueStores.
  • Changed IX_entity_vault_history_vault_entity_id_from_state_version index to match all existing vaults rather non-fungible ones only.


Release built: 14.05.2024

  • Fixed broken Core API SDK


Release built: 09.05.2024


Breaking Changes:

  • Changed ordering of the collection returned by the /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint. Entries are no longer ordered by their last modification state version but rather by their first appearance on the network, descending.
  • Property total_count of the /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint is no longer provided.
  • Renamed state.recovery_role_recovery_attempt property from timed_recovery_allowed_after to allow_timed_recovery_after returned from /state/entity/details when querying for access controller.
  • Fixed broken ledger state lookup (at_ledger_state) when using epoch-only constraint and given epoch did not result in any transactions at round 1.
  • Fixed broken (missing) package blueprint & code, and schema pagination in the /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • Fixed unstable package blueprint and code aggregation where changes could overwrite each other if they applied to the same blueprint/package within the same ingestion batch.
  • Fixed validator public key and active set aggregation where unnecessary copy of the key was stored on each epoch change.
  • Fixed pagination of the /state/validators/list endpoint where incorrect cursor was generated previously.
  • Fixed invalid date-time format for some entity state properties (most notably access controllers and their recovery_role_recovery_attempt.allow_timed_recovery_after.date_time property) that was dependent on OS-level locale setup.
  • Added ng_workers_global_loop_duration_seconds and ng_workers_node_loop_duration_seconds histogram metrics measuring the time it took to process a single iteration of a given worker.
  • Changed MVC controller and action names. It has no effect on the API itself, but alters prometheus controler and action labels.
    • StateKeyValueStoreController.Items renamed to StateKeyValueStoreController.KeysPage,
    • StateNonFungibleController.Ids renamed to StateNonFungibleController.IdsPage,
    • StatisticsController.Uptime renamed to StatisticsController.ValidatorsUptime,
    • StateController renamed to StateEntityController,
    • ValidatorStateController renamed to StateValidatorsComponent.
  • Upgraded to .NET 8:
    • Upgraded runtime and libraries
    • Dockerfiles no longer specify custom app user as it comes built-in with official base images.
    • Removed now-obsolete or no-longer-needed code.
    • Prometheus integration exposes new built-in metric httpclient_request_duration_seconds_bucket for all registered HTTP clients.
  • Reworked internal data aggregation mechanism to ease up maintenance burden.
  • Reworked KVStores storage and changed API surface of this area to improve overall performance.

API Changes

  • Changed the MetadataInstantValue type and its array counterpart MetadataInstantArrayValue to clamp the value property within the RFC-3339 compatible date-time year range 1583 to 9999. Added a unix_timestamp_seconds property to these types to give the exact unclamped numerical timestamp value.
  • Added role_assignments property to the StateEntityDetailsResponsePackageDetails. All global component details returned by the /state/entity/details endpoint contain role assignments now.
  • Added owning_vault_parent_ancestor_address and owning_vault_global_ancestor_address properties to the response of the /state/non-fungible/location endpoint.
  • Added new filter manifest_badges_presented_filter to the /stream/transactions endpoint which allows filtering transactions by badges presented.
  • Added new opt-in component_royalty_config to the /state/entity/details endpoint. When enabled royalty_config will be returned for each component.
  • Use strong type definition for the royalty_config property of package blueprint and general components details. This is a change to OAS definition only and does not impact returned data format.
  • Introduced upper limit to the overall number of the filters used in the /stream/transactions endpoint, defaults to 10.
  • Added new endpoint /state/account/page/resource-preferences which allows to read resource preferences for given account.
  • Added new endpoint /state/account/page/authorized-depositors which allows to read authorized depositors for given account.
  • Added new endpoint /state/package/page/blueprints returning paginable iterator over package blueprints.
  • Added new endpoint /state/package/page/codes returning paginable iterator over package codes.
  • Added new endpoint /state/entity/page/schemas returning paginable iterator over entity schemas.
  • Added new endpoint /transaction/account-deposit-pre-validation which allows to pre-validate if deposits can succeed based on account deposit settings and badges presented, before submitting the transaction.
  • Fixed wrong request validation logic for maximum number of items in /state/non-fungible/data, /state/non-fungible/data and /state/non-fungible/data endpoints.
  • limit_per_page request parameter is no longer validated against *MaxPageSize API configuration parameters. In case requested limit exceeds API configuration maximum value is used. This change is meant to reduce clients need to understand and honor API configuration.

Database changes

  • Added new BadgePresented to LedgerTransactionMarkerOperationType enum and started collecting transaction markers for badges presented in transactions.
  • Column royalty_amount of component_method_royalty_entry_history table contains now the JSON payload representing the royalty amount without wrapping object.
  • Changed schema area:
    • renamed schema_history table to schema_entry_definition,
    • introduced schema_entry_aggregate_history table that contains aggregate history of schema entries under given entity.
  • Changed KVStore area:
    • dropped key_value_store_aggregate_history table altogether as we no longer keep track of aggregated KVStores,
    • introduced key_value_store_entry_definition table that defines each and every KVStore entry,
    • table key_value_store_entry_history references rows from key_value_store_entry_definition rather keys themselves.


Release built: 27.03.2024

API Changes

  • Improved performance /stream/transactions endpoint when using manifest_class_filter filter.

Database changes

  • Replaced IX_ledger_transaction_markers_manifest_class_is_most_specific_~ index with two separate indexes IX_ledger_transaction_markers_manifest_class_is_most_specific (indexes is_most_specific = true only) and IX_ledger_transaction_markers_manifest_class (indexes all manifest classes).


Release built: 06.03.2024

Bug fixes

  • Properly indexes key value store keys in key_value_store_entry_history and key_value_store_aggregate_history tables. Previously it was possible that if the key was updated multiple times in one processed transaction batch some updates might not be indexed properly. This release fixes those issues and makes sure they are properly indexed and each change is properly returned from /state/key-value-store/keys and /state/key-value-store/keys endpoints.


Release built: 27.02.2024

Bug fixes

  • Recreated key value store keys are properly returned from /state/key-value-store/keys and /state/key-value-store/data. Previously Gateway did not return keys that were deleted and then recreated. This release fixes existing data in the database and makes sure new ingested data is properly stored in the database.


Release built: 08.02.2024

  • Dropped internal balance_changes fallback mechanism. As of right now this information is ingested as part of regular transaction ingestion process.
  • Reworked internal mechanism used to fetch network configuration. Is no longer stored in the underlying database and it is shared across all services.
  • Reworked (partially) internal mechanism used to ingest ledger data by Data Aggregator to improve maintainability and simplify future extensions.
  • Fixed state_version-based ledger state at_ledger_state/from_ledger_state constraints which could result in inaccurate lookups previously. Attempt to read from non-existent state version will result in HTTP 400 Bad Request. Previously the nearest state version would be used.

API Changes

  • Return components effective role assignments only for assigned modules.
  • Added new filters for the /stream/transactions endpoint: accounts_with_manifest_owner_method_calls, accounts_without_manifest_owner_method_calls and manifest_class_filter.
  • Extended response models returned by /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints:
    • added manifest_instructions optional property and a corresponding opt-in for returning original manifest of user transactions,
    • added optional manifest_classes property: a collection of zero or more manifest classes ordered from the most specific class to the least specific one.
  • Added permanently_rejects_at_epoch to /transaction/status response for pending transactions.
  • Added new endpoint /state/key-value-store/keys/ that allows iterating over KeyValueStore keys.

Database changes

  • Created new key_value_store_aggregate_history table which will hold pointers to all key_value_store keys.
  • Dropped network_configuration table.
  • Fixed component's method royalty aggregation, added missing component_method_royalty_aggregate_history table.
  • Changed IX_validator_emission_statistics_validator_entity_id_epoch_num~ index to include proposals_made and proposals_missed columns in order to optimize /statistics/validators/update endpoint.


  • Obsoleted incorrectly named access_rules_package in favor of role_assignment_module_package on NetworkConfigurationResponse.well_known_addresses. Obsoleted property will contain effective copy of the new one for backwards compability.


Release built: 29.01.2024

Adds support for protocol updates (in general) and the anemone update in particular.

API Changes

  • Adds support for a new transaction type (flash transactions) that occur during protocol updates.
  • Extends well known addresses returned from /status/network-configuration to include the transaction tracker address.
  • DEPRECATION - Obsoletes the vm_type, code_hash_hex and code_hex properties of StateEntityDetailsResponsePackageDetails in favor of the codes collection. With the upcoming protocol upgrade it will be possible to have multiple codes per package. The obsoleted properties will contain an effective copy of the first element of the new collection for backwards compability.

Database changes

  • Moves vm_type to package_code_history table from package in entity table.
  • Creates new package_blueprint_aggregate_history table which will hold pointers to all package blueprints.
  • Creates new package_code_aggregate_history table which will hold pointers to all package codes.


Release built: 26.01.2024

  • Fixed broken (incompatible) Core API SDK


Release built: 4.01.2024

  • Extended validator's data returned from /state/validators/list: added effective_fee_factor field which returns current fee_factor and optionally pending change.
  • Enable retries on transient database connectivity issues in gateway api.
  • Enable retries on core api calls in gateway api.
  • Optimized transaction balance changes; if available they're read from internal database, otherwise they use existing fallback mechanism


Release built: 19.12.2023

  • Fixed exception thrown on empty validator set in the /state/validator/list endpoint.
  • 524 status code returned instead of 500 if request takes longer than configured timeout.
  • Validate if addresses provided in requests to API belong to network it is running on.
  • Fixed 500 status code returned from /transaction/submit when Transaction got committed before Gateway was able to store pending transaction node submission result. It'll return 200 status code from now on and log exception as information.


Release built: 22.11.2023

  • Fixed invalid foreign key between pending_transactions and pending_transaction_payloads tables.
  • Fixed package detail lookups to return all the blueprints and schemas.
  • Optimized transaction balance changes fetch time (parallelized).


Release built: 06.11.2023

  • Fixed local development environment setup.
  • Fixed missing state property on non-global entity state details.


Release built: 27.10.2023

  • Added more strongly-typed OAS definitions for programmatic_json and types derived from the Core API.
  • Added resource_address to fungible and non-fungible vault entity details in the /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • Fixed epoch [+ round] based ledger state lookups.
  • Fixed vault collection ordering for newly ingested data. A database wipe might be required, see information below.
  • Fixed non-persisted identity/account lookups.

Warning This release contains a fix for a non-critical bug in the data ingestion mechanism where resource vaults were not ordered correctly by last change descending. Already ingested data will remain with the old ordering, i.e. the bugfix will only affect newly ingested data. If this matters to you, you will need to resync your database from scratch.


Release built: 20.10.2023 (scrapped)

  • Fixed invalid HTTP status code on input validation failure.
  • Changed default configuration value of MaxPageSize for endpoints to 100. Validate if max page size is higher than DefaultPageSize.
  • Added new opt-in balance_changes to /transaction/committed-details returning resource balance changes for a given transaction.
  • Added new opt-in receipt_output to /stream/transactions, and /transaction/committed-details endpoints. Temporarily set by default to true, to allow client's migration.
  • Added vault-related details to lookups in /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • Optimized TransactionQuerier.GetTransactions not to fetch unnecessary data from underlying database.
  • Added strongly-typed OAS definition for programmatic_json.
  • Tuned documentation and constraints of various OAS type definitions.


Release built: 10.10.2023

  • Fixed missing RecordTopOfDbLedger observer call in LedgerTransactionsProcessor.
  • Fixed invalid response model for HTTP 400 Bad Request responses on input parameter validation failure.
  • Return 400 with validation error instead of 500 if from_ledger_state state_version is beyond known ledger tip.

1.0.0 - Babylon Launch

Release built: 28.09.2023

What’s new?

  • log warning if sql query takes longer than configured threshold (default to 250ms) for both entity framework and dapper queries.
  • gather execution time metrics for all sql queries (both entity framework and dapper).

1.0.0-rc3 - Babylon Launch (Release Candidate 3)

Release built: Friday 22nd September 2023

Breaking changes

  • Instead of returning only the event data payload from /stream/transactions and /transaction/committed-details, the event data is now a complex object, wrapping the data payload, but also containing the emitter and event name. This allows you to properly determine which entity emitted the event.

What’s new?

  • Fixed epoch in from_state_version forward querying for migrated environments where lowest epoch number isn't 1.
  • Fixed the validator_active_set_history table which contains data about validator active set history. It was wrongly attached to future epoch not current one.
  • Pending transaction handling has been reworked, and /transaction/status returns some additional fields with a lot more information regarding the status of the intent and submitted payloads. Check out the intent_status and payload_status fields. Each status is also associated with a description to help developers understand the meaning of the returned status.

0.5.5 RCNet v3.1 revision 4

Release built: 18.09.2023

  • fix /state/entity/details endpoint when querying for multiple components with same schema.

0.5.4 RCNet v3.1 revision 3

Release built: 15.09.2023

  • Fix event schema lookup in /stream/transactions and /transaction/committed-details.
  • Add non_fungible_id_location_history table to improve NFID lookup performance.
  • Add missing index to entity_vault_history table to improve royalty vault lookup performance.

0.5.3 RCNet v3.1 revision 2

Release built: 13.09.2023

  • Fix incomplete entity type mapping.
  • Fix non-fungible resource aggregation.
  • Add key_json property to StateKeyValueStoreDataRequestKeyItem enabling JSON-based KVStore lookup.
  • support remote schema assignment for generic (key value store, non fungible data) substitution.

0.5.2 RCNet v3.1

Release built: 07.09.2023

What’s New?

  • Add from_state_version to validator_emission_statistics.
  • Returning all possible role assignment keys in main module for all entity types (previously only for fungible and non fungible resources).
  • Fixed broken pagination for NFIDs under /state/entity/details and /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults endpoints.
  • Fixed invalid index_in_epoch and index_in_round for genesis TX.
  • Fixed virtual identity and account details.
  • Fixed how TX total fee paid is calculated.

0.5.1 RCNet v3 revision 2

Release built: 01.09.2023

  • Fix data aggregator processing custom events.

0.5.0 - RCNet v3

Release built: 31.08.2023

RCNet v2 to RCNet v3 Migration Guide

Use Bech32m-encoded transaction hashes in /transaction/committed-details and /transaction/status endpoints.


{"intent_hash_hex": "efbbbfe1d0536d2f6e28cbe8f78f9fe519c4c799a9b0384b8d09e9ecdd66fcbb"}


{"intent_hash": "txid_loc1lapmrzd6mwfamusjlqjaurmemla2xpx6mqygt74px72vtawjawws5rjtd4"}

What’s New?

  • state returned for access controller, pool components and account from /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • access controller access rules returned from /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • Added blueprint_version to StateEntityDetailsResponseComponentDetails response
  • fixed total_supply, total_burned and total_minted for resources (i.e native XRD).
  • new endpoint /state/non-fungible/location returns location of given non fungible id.
  • Return programmatic json with type names for:
    • key-value key and data in /state/key-value/data endpoint
    • non fungible data in /state/non-fungible/data endpoint
    • events in /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints.
    • custom scrypto component state in /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • New endpoint /statistics/validators/uptime returns validator uptime data.
  • New endpoint /state/key-value/data returns entries of requested KeyValueStore.
  • Rework in role_assignments. Returning all possible keys for native modules (AccessRules, Metadata, Royalty) and if no role is assigned pointer to owner role is returned. Same functionality applies to MainModule for FungibleResource and NonFungibleResource.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed access_rules to role_assignments. Included missing module to role assignment key.
  • Deleted non fungible ids are also returned from /state/non-fungible/data with null data, marked as is_burned with state version when they got burned.
  • Transaction hashes are now exposed as Bech32m hashes instead of hex-encoded binary sequences.
  • Dropped previous_cursor altogether from all paginable collections.

Known Issues

  • only assigned role_assignments keys for main module for non resource entities are returned. If key is not assigned it'll not be returned from API.

Full technical changelog by minor release


  • Renamed access_rules to role_assignments. Included missing module to role assignment key.
  • Added package details to /satus/entity/details endpoint.

0.4.0 - RCNet v2

Release built: 26.07.2023

RCNet v1 to RCNet v2 Migration Guide

What’s New?

  • Some properties are now annotated with an is_locked field indicating whether the value is locked or is still able to be updated.

  • Strongly-typed metadata values. Each metadata property is now represented as raw SBOR value and one of sixteen possible typed values, as per the Entity Metadata docs

  • Additional entity details are returned from the /state/entity/details endpoint:

    • Entity Role Assignments "access rules"
      • NOTE: Expect minor field renames at RCnet v3, to better align with the new role abstractions.
    • Total supply alongside overall number of minted and burned tokens for resources.
      • WARNING: Total supply is not currently accurate. This will be fixed at RCnet v3.
    • Package code, blueprints, schemas and royalty vaults
  • New opt-in flags are supported for /state/entity/details endpoint:

    • explicit_metadata - allows to specify a collection of metadata keys you’d like to receive in the response,
    • ancestor_identities - to include parental entity identifiers,
    • component_royalty_vault_valance and package_royalty_vault_balance - to include royalty vaults and their respective balances where applicable,
    • non_fungible_include_nfids - to include a first chunk of NFIDs of a returned NF vaults.
  • New opt-in flags supported for /stream/transactions endpoint:

    • raw_hex to include raw bytes of a TX,
    • receipt_state_changes to include low-level state changes,
    • receipt_fee_sumary to include TX fees,
    • receipt_events to include low-level events,
    • affected_global_entities to include list of entities affected by given TX,
  • Additional transaction details in /stream/transactions endpoint: epoch, round, round_timestamp.

  • New filters in /stream/transactions endpoint to limit search results:

    • manifest_accounts_withdrawn_from_filter - filter for TXs where given accounts have been withdrawn from,
    • manifest_accounts_deposited_into_filter - filter for TXs where given accounts have been deposited into,
    • manifest_resources_filter - filter for TXs where given resources have been used,
    • affected_global_entities_filter - filter for TXs where given entities have had internal updates,
    • events_filter - filter for TXs where the given event occurred (only Vault Deposit/Withdrawal events are currently supported)
  • More validator details in /state/validators/list endpoint: state_vault, pending_xrd_withdraw_vault, locked_owner_stake_unit_vault, pending_owner_stake_unit_unlock_vault

Breaking Changes

  • All addresses (including internal addresses) are now represented with a single Address type.
  • No more as_string and as_string_collection metadata representations - they’ve been replaced with strongly-typed models.
  • Minor property renames to reflect changes in upstream engine and Core APIs

Full technical changelog by minor release


  • Renamed mutable_data property to data in /state/non-fungible/data endpoint.
  • Opt-in properties added to /transaction/committed-details,/state/entity/details user can specify additional properties in response.
  • Added opt-in royalty vault balance to /state/entity/details if queried entity is component or package.
  • Possibility to configure max number of transaction fetched from CoreAPI in single batch by MaxCoreApiTransactionBatchSize. By default it's fetching 1000.
  • New opt-in property non_fungible_include_nfids in /state/entity/details, /state/entity/page/non-fungibles, /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults, when enabled and aggregating per vault first page of non fungible resource ids is going be returned.
  • Multiple address-related aliases (ResourceAddress, ComponentAddress etc.) have been combined into single generic Address.
  • Added explicit_metadata parameter to /state/entity/details, /state/entity/page/fungibles and /state/entity/page/non-fungibles - if given metadata keys exist, they will be returned for top level entity and all returned resources.
  • Added information about epoch, round, round_timestamp to /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints.
  • Flattened transaction and details properties of /transaction/committed-details endpoint.
  • Added all the properties and opt-ins available in /transaction/committed-details endpoint to /stream/transactions endpoint.
  • Dropped TokenAmount type (used to represent transaction fee which was always expressed in XRDs) in favor of BigDecimal scalar value.
  • /status/network-configuration endpoint returns several new well-known addresses.
  • Added image_tag with currently deployed image tag to release information.
  • Added multiple new filter options to /stream/transactions endpoint.
  • Added total_supply, total_minted, total_burned to /state/entity/details when querying for fungible or non fungible resources.
  • Unwrapped non fungible ids in /state/non-fungible/ids, /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids endpoints. They are no longer wrapped in non_fungible_id object.
  • Dropped transaction.referenced_entities from /transaction/committed-details endpoint.
  • Added affected_global_entities to /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints. To include them in response make sure to include affected_global_entities optin.
  • New affected_global_entities_filter filter in /stream/transactions.
  • Use strongly-typed metadata models.
  • Return pending_xrd_withdraw_vault, locked_owner_stake_unit_vault, pending_owner_stake_unit_unlock_vault, stake_vault from /state/validators/list endpoint.
  • Changed access_rule_chain to partially strongly typed access_rules.


  • Fix /state/non-fungible/data to return data for all NFIDs

0.3.0 - RCNet v1

Release built: 31.03.2023

  • /entity/overview and /entity/details endpoints replaced with single /state/entity/details.
  • Fungible and non-fungible resources are now ordered by the most recently updated.
  • /transaction/recent endpoint replaced with /stream/transactions returning user and non-user transactions.
  • limit request parameter has been renamed to limit_per_page.
  • All enum values use PascalCase naming.
  • /gateway/information replaced with two separate endpoints /status/gateway-status and /status/network-configuration
  • Added new configuration section CoreApiIntegration where you can configure integration with core API. For now only SubmitTransactionTimeout setting is supported.
  • /stake/validator/list rework, added current stake value.
  • /entity/resources merged into /state/entity/details endpoint
  • new paginable endpoints /state/entity/page/{x} for metadata, fungibles, fungible-vaults, non-fungibles, non-fungible-vaults and non-fungible-vault/ids. Cursors returned from state/entity/details can be later used to query for next pages in specific endpoints.
  • /transaction/committed-details endpoint operates on intent_hash_hex only now

0.1.1 - Betanet v2

Release built: 14.02.2023

  • Added /state/validators/list endpoint: returns paginable collection of all validators ever observed; validators that are part of so called active-set (i.e. participate in consensus for current/requested epoch) are decorated with some extra information like their public_key and stake.
  • NonFungibleIdTypes u32 and u64 have been replaced with single Number.
  • TransactionStatusRequest no longer supports at_state_version property.
  • EntityDetailsResponse.details property is now optional.
  • /entity/details endpoint supports all entities with global address now.

Fixes for the following issues:

  • #96 - "Paging through the NonFungibleIds of a resource does not work properly" thank you backyard-coder!
  • Incorrect calculation of balances when there are multiple vaults in a component. (Note - NFIds are still incorrectly tracked if spread across multiple vaults - this will be fixed as part of a schema overhaul)
  • Fungible resource metadata is updated properly